Your Local Industrial Painters In Melton From Aus Construction

Melton Industrial Painters

Melton Industrial Painters

    Industrial painters in Melton follow certain steps to ensure that they deliver a great finish. This does not mean that there is a single process—each project is a different situation, and the expert must make an assessment before starting the job.

    We will share with you today the steps that industrial painters commonly take. In the end, you will understand why the painters have to perform these specific steps.

    Surface Cleaning

    The first step to a successful project is to perform cleaning. The length and processes involved here depend on the condition of your material. Metals that have already developed rust over time need more care.

    We have to clean the entire surface to make sure it is free from dirt, grime, oil, soot, and debris. A clean surface is a key to paint adhesion. Bad paint jobs commonly happen because of bad surface preparation. Depending on the substrate, we have experts who will analyse it and plan the best way to prepare it for paint.

    Surface Priming

    The next step that industrial painters in Melton follow is to apply a primer. But before we apply this, we need to cover the surrounding areas to ensure they do not get painted. This process is called masking.

    Once done, we can start applying the primer. The primer also paints, but with a different chemical composition. The primer sticks to the surface, and the primer is what the next layer of paint sticks on to.

    There are different primers for different materials. For example, the primer for metal is different for concrete. Metal primers have substances that adhere better to metal.

    High-volume painting

    Typically, we use spray paint to get the job done. There are many types of spray paint, as discussed in one of our blogs.

    Depending on the situation, we may also use rollers and brushes. We may also need to set-up a scaffolding and blasting equipment. If we use the spray paint methodology, expect some noise. This is because we use air compressors to perform this job.

    We need to be quick about painting. It is a good practice to put the final coat the moment the primer is ready to take it in. Patience is also the key. If you apply the final coats before the primer or other layers are dry, the paint will peel off.

    These methods that we mentioned here are for general industrial painting projects like walls. We have different processes for metals and concrete. We also take into consideration the temperature before we start painting.

    There are many types of industrial paints. Not all of them function in the same way. Some can work better under the sun, and some are great for underwater use. Our engineers need to know how you intend to use the product or material, and it is from this information that they will create a plan.

    Summary: Industrial Painters in Melton 

    As mentioned earlier, each project needs a different approach. For example, some walls have gaps, and so the painters have to apply putty. If you have a question, do not hesitate to call us.

    In case what you need is a price quote, we can discuss this over the phone, or you can use our contact form. If you use the latter, please ensure that you give as many details about your project as you can. Our engineers will assess these details and send you a price quote.

    Better yet, we have to meet. We will visit your project site. We call this ocular inspection. If our engineers could have the time to speak with you, we will better understand what you need.