Our Reliable Gold Coast Waterproofing Contractor

Gold Coast Waterproofing Contractor

Gold Coast Waterproofing Contractor

    Waterproofing is one of the most useful processes in construction. This is an effective preventive measure against damages caused by water and other related factors. And this is also why you need a Gold Coast waterproofing contractor.

    The said process, however, isn’t something that you should do alone or as a DIY. It requires a variety of different materials, equipment, as well as skills, in order to achieve an effective outcome. This means that it’s more recommended to work with contractors than resorting to DIY solutions.

    Australian Construction is a team that offers this service. Today, we’re going to discuss what waterproofing is about, how it’s done, and why you should choose us as your provider.

    What does waterproofing mean?

    Waterproofing is a process that refers to the application of a protective layer designed specifically to prevent water from invading the bespoke surfaces. This also allows infrastructures to not bear any water-caused damages

    This is not to be confused with being water-resistant, though. Water-resistant buildings tend to block off the effects of water, but they cannot handle overflowing amounts. The abilities of this are somehow limited compared to total waterproofed surfaces.

    The said process is not a one-size-fits-all. It has different types, all having their own benefits, requirements, and sub-processes. 

    Below are some of them:

    1. Cementitious Waterproofing

    This waterproofing method is probably the most used among others. This uses a cement-based mixture which involves resources that are easy to find. This also requires less time because of how efficient it is to apply.

    2. Liquid Waterproofing Membrane

    A liquid waterproofing membrane, on the other hand, makes use of the polymer. Here, both a primer and a top coating will be needed to complete the process. This is ideal for those who prefer flexible waterproof layers.

    3. Bituminous Waterproofing

    The third on our list is bituminous waterproofing. This can come in two forms: first, bituminous coating, and second, bituminous membrane. The former is ideal for indoor concrete surfaces or those with little to no sunlight exposure. The latter, on the other hand, is best for low-sloped roofs.

    4. Polyurethane Waterproofing

    Lastly, polyurethane waterproofing is the one that can give the most benefits. This is also the most expensive. Using this will enable surfaces to be exposed to a lot of external threats like weather and temperature changes.

    The time as to when waterproofing started is unknown because it has been around for a long time. This has long been used for different types of constructions no matter the size for the purpose of establishing protection among its surfaces.

    What are the processes needed for waterproofing?

    The processes that will be done throughout the waterproofing process will depend on the chosen method. Even so, there are four general steps that one needs to go through no matter the method. Refer to the following for more information:

    1. Planning stage

    The initial step that the contractors and clients need to take is to create a plan. This will serve as the full guide as to how the process will be carried out. 

    This involves gathering all the needed data that may affect the waterproofing process. These data may include those about the building, specifically its current condition, history, structure, dimensions, its surrounding environment, and the threats that it is most prone to.

    2. Preparation of Materials, Equipment, and Machinery

    The materials, equipment, machinery, and basically everything that will be needed in the waterproofing process also needs to be prepared beforehand. This will save more time and will make the process more seamless. Along with this, the possibility of running short on resources midway can also be avoided.

    3. Preparation of Infrastructure

    You can’t directly apply your waterproofing mixture to the surfaces of your infrastructure as is. You have to make preparatory activities to make sure that your construction is ready for all the processes to come.

    More often not, this will only require intensive cleaning. Some, however, may need extra measures such as repairs for cracks and gaps.

    4. Application of Waterproofing Layers

    Once the building is well prepared for the waterproofing process, it is now time for the actual application of the waterproofing mixture. This will require the most time and effort as this involves a number of sub-activities, depending on the method used.

    5. Maintenance

    After the application, the contractors will need to check the output for evaluation. If no spots are missed, nor are there any flaws, it will be left to dry. After a week or two, curing will be done. By curing, it means that additional layers will be applied. Tests will also be done to better guarantee the quality of the surfaces post-process.

    Keep in mind that in some cases, the needed processes may have more or less. Nevertheless, it is important that no steps will be skipped to assure the success of waterproofing.

    Why should you avail waterproofing?

    It is already given that the main benefit of waterproofing is to avoid water-caused damages, but it offers more than that. 

    Below are some more advantages that you can have by availing this:

    1. Prevents Rust and Decay

    Waterproofing surfaces reduces the possibility of rust and decay, both major problems in construction. This provides protection for wooden and metal surfaces. Along with these, the process can also be the answer to reducing mould from forming within your building.

    2. Increases Building Value

    Your building is a very costly investment. To make sure that it will last for a long time, it is just right that you take care of it by taking certain protective tasks, this includes waterproofing. 

    In this way, if you want to make a profit off of your infrastructure in the near future, you can expect a high value from it, probably even higher when you first availed it.

    3. Regulates Humidity

    Humidity is both a friend and foe of infrastructures. This is necessary, but too little or too much of it can reflect negatively on your building. With waterproofing, you can expect that regulating humidity within your infrastructure can be much more efficient.

    Of course, you can only experience the said benefits if the process of waterproofing is done right. This will be most possible if you have a good contractor by your side.

    What can our service offer you?

    Gold Coast Waterproofing Contractor majors in the waterproofing field of construction. We are confident that we can cater to your needs and requirements. Here are some of the things that we can offer you if you choose to work with us:

    1. Hassle-Free Process

    We assure a worry-free project process. You can expect to not run into problems and issues throughout the whole duration of waterproofing.

    2. Professional Contractors

    We take pride in our team members’ capabilities. All of the contractors in our team are equipped with all the necessary knowledge and skills to make the project a total success. 

    3. Exceptional Results

    Our first priority is exceeding our clients’ satisfaction. This means that you can curate a high standard and expect us to go over the limits to provide high-quality deliverables.

    These are just some of the things that you can get through us. We can provide much more once the actual project starts.

    Summary: Gold Coast waterproofing contractor

    Waterproofing is the process of making the surfaces of your building immune to the damages caused by water and other similar threats. This may include protection against rust, mould, decay, and dampness, to state a few.

    The process, however, comes with a lot of requirements, and thus, it can be hard to do alone. This is where Australian Construction comes in. We offer waterproofing services to projects of all sizes and types. 

    You can contact us, and we’ll be more than glad to assist you with everything that you need to know. We also give consultations and conduct site visits.