Brisbane Waterproofing

Highly Recommended Brisbane Waterproofing Contractor

Brisbane Waterproofing Contractor

    If you have an undergoing project or even an already built infrastructure, it’s important to know that you need to take preventive measures to protect it. You need a Brisbane waterproofing contractor to prevent your building from rotting from the inside. 

    We recommend Brisbane waterproofing because it provides security against water-related threats, which are one of the most destructive and common in an environment.

    Australian Construction is a team that you can count on when it comes to waterproofing. Today, we will talk about the process, what it requires, and why you’ll need a contractor.

    What is waterproofing?

    Before we delve into the complex process of waterproofing, let us first discuss what it is about. In a nutshell, this is an activity that involves applying waterproof layers to the surfaces of a building to prevent it from being damaged by water-based threats. These threats may include rain, typhoons, flood, and even man-made ones.

    This is a process that helps prevent damages such as rust, mould, decay, dampness, and the likes. All of these are mainly caused by water. By undergoing the process of waterproofing, you are decreasing, or in most cases, even completely eliminating the possibility of the stated issues.

    Here are the benefits of having your building waterproofed:

    1. Prevents Deconstruction of a building 

    It is already given that waterproofing compounds and chemicals prevent the formation of too much moisture. They also prevent damages such as material corrosion and moss. Without this, it is more likely that your building will disintegrate in the long run. 

    2. Increases Value of Infrastructure

    If you would want to sell your building in the future, you can expect a high value from it if it is waterproofed. Because there is no depreciation, nor are there any underlying issues caused by water, you can feel free to ask for a high sale price. 

    3. Lengthens Building Life

    Waterproofing allows your buildings to last longer than those that are not waterproofed. As the process is a preventive measure, the possibility of encountering water-related issues within the surfaces of your building is low. Consequently, this will provide your building with a long life.

    Waterproofing surfaces is different from making them water-resistant. These two terms are often confused with each other. The former provides more flexibility and durability as it can withstand even large volumes of water, while the latter gives subtle protection to surfaces that are prone, but not that exposed.

    What is the common equipment used in waterproofing?

    Waterproofing requires quite a lot of materials, equipment, and machinery to achieve success in completion. 

    Below are some of the things that the contractors may need to prepare:

    1. Waterproof Mixture

    The mixture for the waterproofing layer may be a combination of two or more of cement, sand, water, polyurethane, lime, and others. This follows a specific measurement, that is, depending on the waterproofing method used.

    2. Primer

    A primer is a preparatory coat applied to the surface. This makes the infrastructure ready for the waterproofing mixture that is to be applied. Although some methods may not require this, some still choose to add this to make the application more efficient.

    3. Top Coating

    The top coating, on the other hand, is the finishing touch for the waterproofed layer. This is applied to assure that everything is in place, and will stay in place even after the process is done.

    4. Construction Membrane

    Certain waterproofing methods also require the use of a membrane. This may come in the form of flexible materials and is usually an alternative to cement. This provides wider surface scope and requires less quantity than that of cement.

    5. Mixer and Applicators

    Of course, the tools that you will use for the application should not be skipped. This may include spatulas, containers, palettes, brushes, and the likes.

    Note that materials may differ from method to method. It may also vary according to their quantities, brands, measurements, and sub-types. In general, the things that will be prepared will solely be based on the plan created before the process starts.

    How is waterproofing done? 

    There are 4 general processes done all throughout waterproofing. These will be done wholly by the contractors with occasional help from the clients in terms of data gathering. 

    Below are the activities included:

    1. Planning and Preparation

    The first step that needs to be taken care of involves both the contractors and the clients. Here, all the necessary information about the project will be gathered. 

    These may include the building’s status, that is, if it is still under construction or if it is already built, its dimensions, the surfaces in need for waterproofing, the type of environment it is in, and the likes. This can be done through brainstorming, interviews, and meetings.

    Based on the given data, the team will be able to deduce the type of method and materials that will be used once the application starts. Once a plan is ready, contractors may now go on to preparing the materials. This will help save more time during the process.

    2. Surface Prepping

    Next up is another vital task, the preparation of the building’s surfaces. This may involve cleaning and repairing certain areas to ensure a workable space. This will also make the waterproofing process more efficient as all the other flaws will be eliminated. 

    Here, all the unnecessary items like dirt, dust, debris, minimal gaps, and others will be removed from the equation.

    3. Application Process

    The application process is the actual waterproofing process. This is where the application of the waterproofing layer will happen. The method of application, however, will vary according to the method used. You can expect to apply cement, polyurethane, and other fibre types in this step.

    This will need the most time and effort as this purely involves physical labour. 

    4. Maintenance

    The last step that will be required is the maintenance. This may last up to two weeks, depending on the curing process of the waterproofed layer. Here, reapplication can take place, along with the integration of topcoats.

    Note that these processes may differ from project to project, thus this is not fixed. Some may require more or less, depending on the requirements of both the client and the project.

    When should you avail waterproofing?

    Here are some cases that may be telling you that you need to avail waterproofing:

    • Frequent issues about leakage and seepage
    • Underwhelming amount of humidity
    • Common encounters with mouldy odours and dampness
    • More cracks appearing on walls
    • More cases of rust and wood decay
    • Deterioration of common materials in infrastructure
    • Damp spots within surfaces

    Of course, you should not have to wait for the above issues before you avail of waterproofing because it means that the damage is already present. It is best to undergo the process immediately after the construction is finished, or if you already have a standing building.

    Summary: Brisbane Waterproofing Contractor

    Waterproofing is one of the most significant processes in construction. This allows buildings to be free from issues caused by water and other similar threats. This, however, is not something that you should do alone. It is best if you work with experienced contractors to guarantee success upon completion.

    If you’re looking for a Brisbane Waterproofing contractor, we recommend our service at Australian Construction. We have all the things that you’ll need, and we also take pride in our capabilities. You can contact us via phone or email for concerns or inquiries regarding the process.