Speak To Your Local Rock Wall Builders On The Gold Coast Today!

Gold Coast Rock Wall Builders

Gold Coast Rock Wall Builders

    Rock walls are not like concrete walls. To the untrained eye, it is just a wall. But to an engineer, the foundations are different, and the materials used also vary according to the kind of rock used. To get a rock wall job done right, you also have to hire the right Gold Coast rock wall builders.

    But how?

    Today, we at Australian Construction will give you some tips about how to hire the right contractor for a rock wall. In the end, we suggest that you use our tips as a checklist before making a decision on who to hire.

    Hire contractors with adequate experience

    Not all contractors have been around for a while. We suggest that you hire contractors who have at least five years of experience. This ensures that they have been exposed to many situations and that they have completed dozens of projects.

    Why is this important?

    Contractors who have been in the industry for a while know what kinds of problems will show up during the build. We at Australian Construction have been in this business for over 15 years. We know what materials to use, we know the people to contact, and we also know how to fix problems if they arise.

    As you can see, the last thing you want is for your project to be the contractor’s experiment. If it rains, an experienced contractor knows how to fix or repair the damage that the rain has done. As far as materials are concerned, not all types of cement are ideal for building rock walls. The same thing goes if you want to use mud to make the wall as natural as possible.

    Hire contractors who are licensed

    A license is issued by the government, and only contractors that pass the stringent requirements of the government will be granted one. A license is evidence that the contractor knows the building code, and that they are bound to comply with it.

    We are a licensed contractor, and so are our engineers. We understand the expectations that come with the building code, which means that when we take on any project, safety and high standards are baked into everything that we do.

    Licensed contractors are also bonded. A bond is a contract where you will not be left high and dry if the contractor did not finish the job. The bond is your guarantee that the contractor will not get paid if they did not finish the work.

    Also, a licensed contractor is likely to be insured. Insurance is different from a bond in that it only tackles accidents. It saves you from financial and legal liabilities.

    In any construction site, people do everything they can to prevent accidents, but some mishaps still happen from time to time. You do not want to be in the middle of any financial and legal obligation if this happens, so make sure you hire a licensed and insured contractor.

    Hire contractors who have integrity and credibility

    Some contractors are notorious for producing lousy work. The sad thing is that most of the time, you will only find out about this after you have already hired them and after they turn over the project to you.

    There are certain ways to prevent yourself from getting burned. You can ask your friends and family members for help. Ask them if they know of a rock wall builder that they would recommend.

    If you are an engineer, you surely know of some engineers who may have already worked with rock wall builders. Talk to them and investigate.

    You can also check review websites if the contractor you are eyeing has a bad reputation. You can also join social media groups and look for contractors.

    We at Australian Construction have a positive reputation. We focus on the quality of work, and our clients can attest to this. This is the reason we have expanded our business. Today, we not only serve clients on the Gold Coast, but we also have many projects in Sydney, Melbourne, Townsville, Adelaide, Darwin, and other cities across Australia.  

    Hire contractors who have the right equipment 

    The last thing you want to look for is the capability of the contractor. Building a rock wall entails that the contractor has to dig, transport the rocks, put them in place, backfill the soil, and then compact the soil.

    All of these processes require equipment. Manual labour will only cause delays. What you want is a contractor that has all the big machinery to get the work done effectively and efficiently.

    Here are some of the most common equipment used in rock walls:

    If the contractor does not have these machineries, chances are they will rent. The problem with this is that sometimes, the equipment they need is already being used by another contractor, and they have to wait until the equipment is available.  

    We at Australian Construction have invested in our own machinery over the last 20 years. We do not have to rent and delay your project, as we have them available all the time.

    If you ever hire a contractor that does not have these pieces of equipment, make sure that they will commit to finishing the project upon the deadline you set. You also have to put it in writing that they are the ones who will look for the machinery, not you. The last thing you want is to get a surprise, with them telling you that you have to rent the machine, or that the rental fee is not included in their price quote.  

    Summary: Gold Coast Rock Wall Builders

    Give us a call at Australian Construction now if you have questions. If you have a project, we can discuss it over the phone with one of our engineers. We may also schedule a site visit so we can see where you plan to put up the wall. We have over 20 years of experience in the construction industry. We know what types of materials to use, and we will first assess the soil so we can plan the right approach to building the project.