Perth Rock Wall Builders

For Professional Rock Wall Builders In Perth Talk To Aus Construction!

Perth Rock Wall Builders

    Perth rock wall builders understand the processes that they have to go through to make a sturdy wall. If you hire a group, it makes sense that you also have an idea of what happens during the construction process. It will allow you to be in sync with what they are currently doing, and you can be in tune with how they execute the plan.

    Today, we at Australian Construction will show you a bird’s eye view of what happens when we build a rock wall. We will also tell you how to hire the right wall builder so you can make an informed decision upon hiring.

    What is the rock wall for?

    The first part of the process is to understand the purpose of the rock wall. Most rock walls are used as garden retaining walls. They use the rocks to prevent the soil from eroding. Some, however, put up rock walls for decorative reasons, especially in resorts.

    When building a rock wall, one must know that it is not just about dumping rocks. The footing and foundation, along with the depth and width of the trench must be done right, and this all boils down to how the rock wall is to be used.

    Along with this part of the process, the engineer or contractor has to determine the best kind of rock for the project. The most common types used are sandstone, bluestone, and bush rock.

    Calculating the perimeter

    Once the purpose and type of rock are identified, the next step is to calculate the perimeter covered by the wall. This is the area that will receive the boulders of rocks. During this process, we mark the area with a string.

    A string is imperative, as it helps us keep on track. The last thing that we want to happen is to stray away from the actual location of where the wall should be.

    Digging the footing

    The next step is to dig the footing. This is where our expertise as excavators come in. What we do is to dig at least 20 centimetres deep. We also ensure that this trench is wide enough to accommodate the rocks.

    Compacting the soil

    Once the digging is over, we do not pile the rocks right away. We have to compact the soil to ensure that it has no air pockets. Air pockets make the soil weak, and susceptible to erosion. It is in this part of the construction that we spread coarse gravel evenly on top of the soil.

    Placing the rocks

    Once the soil is compacted, we will place the first row of rocks and boulders along the trench. This first row is the foundation, and we rotate them, making sure that the top is as flat as possible.

    This is one of the most challenging things in building a rock wall. No two rocks are alike, and you have to be patient in finding the right placement for each of them. Unlike concrete slabs, the top surface of the rocks is not always flat.  

    Placing the second layer

    Once we are satisfied with the first layer, it is time to put the next layer and the next. This is another difficult aspect of the job, as we have to keep on building the layers according to the slope of the wall.

    To make sure that the rocks stay in place, we can either use mud or concrete. The easiest method is concrete, but some projects we did in the past required mud—the same kind used in brick walls in ancient times.  

    Backfilling the soil

    Once the rocks are in place, the last step is to backfill the soil. Here, we will use the same soil we dug, and we will also add some coarse stones. Once the area has been backfilled, the next critical step is to compact it again.

    While the process seems straightforward, it requires a lot of work. This is where the specialty of the contractor comes in. You have to hire a contractor who has done this in the past—someone who also have the right equipment to get the job done.

    How to Hire the right Perth rock wall builders

    Now that you know what happens behind the rock wall building process, we would like to share some tips on how you can hire the best rock wall builders.

    The first thing you have to look for is a license. A licensed contractor is one that has passed the stringent requirements of the government. They understand the building code and are expected to abide by it. If they don’t, they will be held liable.

    Some other things you need to look for are bond and insurance. The bond protects you financially in case the contractor does not finish the work. The insurance keeps you safe from financial liabilities.

    Once all of these are checked, you have to investigate what kind of experience the contractor has had in the past. Do not work with contractors who have never built a wall like this, or your project is going to e an experiment.

    Ask your friends and family members if they know a contractor who does this line of work, and whether or not the contractors did a good job of it or not. You can also check online and investigate what kind of reputation a particular contractor has.

    Summary: Perth Rock Wall Builders

    Now that you know the processes involved, you are armed with what questions to ask a contractor if ever you plan to build a rock wall. We have also shown you several important things to look for when hiring a contractor. Use these qualifications as a checklist when selecting who to work with.

      Or, you can give us a call now at Australian Construction. One of our engineers will speak with you about your project. We will schedule an ocular visit to your site, and this is going to give an idea of how we should go about the project. 

      Sydney Rock Wall Builders

      Top Quality Rock Wall Builders In Sydney | Australian Construction

      Sydney Rock Wall Builders

        When you hire Sydney rock wall builders, know that there are processes involved in the completion of the project. The process is not exactly the same if you would build a normal concrete wall.

        The processes involved are:

        • Excavation and earthmoving
        • Getting the rock supplies
        • Building the wall

        Today, we at Australian Construction will explain what goes on behind the scenes.

        Excavation and earthmoving 

        Excavation is not as simple as digging. There are many things involved in it. For one, the contractor has to check the soil quality, and also determine where the bedrock is. Building a wall requires a foundation, and the same principle applies to building a rock wall.

        As such, there are several types of equipment that a contractor must have. Here are some examples:

        • Grabber – this is a big piece of machinery that has a claw, and it is mainly used to uproot trees in an area. If your land requires clearing, expect to see this machine. Even if you do not have large trees. The grabber is still required for as long as there is vegetation that has to be removed.
        • Hammers and hydraulic drills – these are not hand-held drills, but the big ones that you typically see if there are public works in your area. We use this to drill in the soil, especially so if it is rocky. We need to break down the rocks into smaller pieces before we proceed with digging. After that, we can start working on the foundation of the rock wall.
        • Trenchers – depending on the type of rock wall, we may need a trencher. This is a large machine that digs a lane. It is a lot more efficient than having several people dig at the same time.

        There are more types of equipment involved in building a rock wall—they are all imperative to make the excavation and soil exploration efficient and effective.

        Getting the rock supplies

        Where do you get the rocks?

        In ancient times, people built rock walls because they had an adequate supply of rocks after clearing a parcel of land. Today, rocks are quarried. The contractor must have contacts as far as rocks are concerned. This way, you no longer have to worry about where to get your rock supplies.  

        Rocks are also difficult to transport. They are heavy, and you need heavy machinery to get them from the quarry site to yours. We at Australian Construction have the expertise to get this done. We know multiple rock suppliers. We can find a supplier near you, and this is going to bring down the cost of rock transport.

        If you have a rock wall project, make sure you look for a contractor that can supply and transport the rocks, not just someone who will build the wall for you.

        Also, transporting rocks require a special permit from the government; you cannot just put a 10-ton payload in a dump truck and start moving it around. As contractors, we will take care of this problem. We are licensed and we will deal with what the government requires.

        Building the wall

        The last process involved in building a rock wall is the rock wall itself. It all starts with digging the soil and then building the foundation.

        The most common approach is to dig a trench that is at least a foot deep. The width of the trench is about half the height of the wall. This process is just a general one; the actual depth and width of the trench and foundation depend on your project.

        Next, the builders have to organize the stones by size. The engineer or lead builder has to determine which stones and rocks go to which part of the wall. This is crucial, as big rocks must stay at the bottom to give the rocks on top better support.

        The wall base must have gravel. This has to be flat and level. From there, the first course of rocks is laid. As rocks are added, concrete may be used. Some projects use concrete, and some use mud.

        After laying the rocks, the builders have to backfill the excavation. This has to be done to make sure that the underlying foundation has support on the sides. Backfilling must also be one right. The soil has to be compacted, and a compacting machine is needed to do this.

        Finally, the builders can start with landscaping. If you need grass around the area of the wall, the builders have to add a new layer of soil around it. The soil has to be six inches deep to ensure that the grass’ roots have something to hold on to.

        How should you choose Sydney rock wall builders? 

        The first thing you have to look for when choosing a contractor is a license. A licensed contractor has received permission from the government to operate. They have a liability, and they will not compromise their work.

        A licensed contractor is also likely to be bonded and insured. A bond is a contract where the contractor will not get his money if he did not finish the job. Insurance protects you and the contractor against liabilities if something happened.

        Choose a contractor that has a positive reputation. You can speak with your family and friends and ask if they know someone who can do this. You can also check online and go to forums and groups to get recommendations.  

        Summary: Sydney Rock Wall Builders

        Give us a call at Australian Construction if your project involves a rock wall. We have over 15 years of experience in the industry. We do not just specialize in rock walls, but all facets of the construction industry.

        Here are some examples of what we do:

        • Wall rendering
        • Trenching
        • Earthworks
        • Demolition
        • Plumbing

          If you give us a call now, one of our engineers will speak with you. We may also schedule an ocular inspection so we can see your project site. From there, we can discuss what you need and we will give you a price quote. 

          Townsville Rock Wall Builders

          #1 Rock Wall Builders In Townsville By Australian Construction

          Townsville Rock Wall Builders

            A construction process is not a one-way scheme. You’ll be presented with limitless options as to how it will be executed. The only task that is left for you to do as the project master is to know all the possible ones, and figure out your preference.

            Today, we’re going to talk about rock walls. This is one of your choices when it comes to your infrastructure’s walls. In particular, we’re going to discuss what you should expect from the process, the roles of contractors, and why our team at Australian Construction will be the best choice.

            What should you know before availing of rock wall service?

            Rock walls will provide your building with numerous advantages, there is no doubt about that. However, it is a given that no matter how much a concept is glorified, you still have to familiarize yourself with all the necessary details so you know exactly what you are going into.

            To help you with this, below is an overview of the information that you will need:

            1. Requires Budget and Time

            Rock wall building will take up your budget and time. You have to save bespoke finance just for this so you can prevent running into overspending and shortage issues. You may also need to set back some schedules and appointments to assure that the process will be done within the deadline’s duration.

            Note that the exact specifications of these factors will depend on your capabilities and needs. The team that you are working with may also modify it with your permission.

            2. Environment-Friendly Process

            One of the good things about the process at hand is its environment-friendly execution. Unlike other resources like concrete and wood, the rock will need fewer construction processes, and will thus consume less carbon energy. Normally, cement fill-up and polishing will be the only things needed here. That is, of course, if the project does not require more.

            3. Involves Numerous Risks

            You also have to be mindful of the risks present in the process. These can be in terms of safety, health, or plain quality risks. No matter which, it is still important that you prepare all the needed measures in order to eliminate the most number of risks, and bring the best quality of output possible.

            4. Needs Professional Expertise

            The process of rock wall building will need the skills and expertise of professionals, that is, in our case, rock wall builders. Without them, you might as well be doing the process for nothing. You have to assure that the team that you will be equipped with a qualified team, and not just any team you see online.

            Of course, there are still other things that you need to know, but the ones stated above are some of the most essential ones. Once you are confident about your knowledge about the process, then that is the only time that you can go on to make negotiations with a rock wall builder.

            What are the roles of a rock wall builder?

            A rock wall builder will be your helping hand throughout the whole duration of the process. You will need their experience and knowledge in the field to achieve your goals for your project. To be more specific, here are the roles that these professionals will take on:

            1. Plan Formulator

            The project’s detailed plan is different from the plan that you created for your goals. Another one will be formulated by the contractors, and this will involve information about the systematic procedures, an estimated timeframe, the materials and the condition of each, and the desired goal of the clients.

            2. Project Manager

            The role of being the project manager will also be taken on by the rock wall builders. They will facilitate all the necessary tasks and activities in the execution. They will also monitor the status of each step, and assure that each will be done with utmost care. Progress is another important factor that will be paid attention to by the builders.

            3. Requirement Preparer

            All of the requirements of the process will also be purchased and prepared by the professionals. In this way, you can save yourself from the hassle of other tasks. You will also have the chance to just sit back and wait for the outputs to be presented.

            4. Output Reviewer

            Once a final output is done, the role of rock wall builders does not immediately stop. Customer satisfaction must first be achieved, at least according to our beliefs at Australian Construction. To achieve this, the professionals will have to conduct an in-depth final output review and make sure that no flaws are left unattended.

            Basically, the builders are an all-around project handler. This means that they will take on a lot of tasks, even more than the ones listed above, and they will need the same level of skills or higher to assure the output quality that they will be able to provide.

            What can Townsville Rock Wall Builders offer you?

            So, out of all the choices regarding contractors, why should you choose Australian Construction? Here are some of the advantages that we can provide you with:

            • Professional and skilled contractors
            • Efficient process
            • Ability to follow the required time and budget
            • Hassle-free execution
            • Complete set of equipment and machinery
            • Reasonable pricing rates
            • A good history of output provision
            • Highly capable rock wall building team
            • Proof of past projects
            • High customer ratings
            • Available consultation services

            If you do choose to believe in us and work with us on the process, then we assure you that we will give you the best effort possible in order to help you reach your goals for your project.

            Summary: Townsville Rock Wall Builders

            Rock walls will provide a unique touch to your project. This is an option that is not known to many, which means that a lot is also missing out on the pros of this. Rock wall builders play a large part in this process’ execution so it’s evident that you have to find the one that possesses the right skills. 

              Our team at Australian Construction is a professional service that you can look into if you’re still in the process of looking for one. Feel free to give us a call or send us a message for discussions.

              Newcastle Rock Wall Builders

              Looking For Rock Wall Builders In Newcastle? Call Us Today!

              Newcastle Rock Wall Builders

                Every part of your infrastructure plays a part in keeping it in its best condition. You have to carefully choose the type of material that you will use as it will be one of the bases of its overall performance.

                Today, our discussion is going to focus on rock walls and the rock wall building process. You will learn why you need Newcastle rock wall builders. 

                To be specific, you can expect a brief overview of what the process is all about, a guide as to how you will be able to land on the right builder, as well as the answer on whether you should avail of it or not. 

                What is rock wall building?

                Rock wall building depicts exactly like what its name states — the process of establishing rocks as the walls of an infrastructure. This is not to be confused with a stone wall as rock walls are more of an abstract-type wall because of the distinct materials used, while the former is comparable to a plain, straight stone wall.

                In a nutshell, a rock wall consists of layered rocks, sometimes uniform in size and appearance but commonly, to make an infrastructure stand out more, site masters choose rocks that are greatly different from each other in terms of size, colour, and rock type.

                The issue, however, is that this wall type is often overshadowed by concrete, as this is the most common one, so only a few site masters actually include this in their choices. 

                Taking this into account, one of our goals in writing this article is to help educate the public about the concept. We believe that this can supply your infrastructure with unique finishing touches, as well as extensive functionalities.

                During execution, here are the construction activities that you can expect:

                • Plan Formulation
                • Course Setting
                • Trench Digging
                • Placing and Levelling of Stones
                • Polishing of Uneven Stones
                • Lining Space Provision
                • Backfilling of Walls
                • Final Output Review

                Some projects may require more or fewer activities depending on a lot of present factors like the current construction status, the goals of the client, what’s possible and what’s not, and the likes. Either way, you will need a professional contractor team by your side in order to attain the results that you are reaching for.

                How can you choose the right rock wall builder?

                Like what is previously stated, contractors, or rock wall builders in our case, is a factor that you should greatly pay attention to because they will be the ones in charge of the process execution. This means that the end product that you will be provided with will also depend on their performance.

                To help you in landing on the right rock wall builder, we have provided some of the things that you can do in the following list:

                1. Research

                Conducting research is probably one of the most bothersome activities because you need to go through several resources, both digital and physical, in order to gather as much necessary information as possible. 

                The results, however, will be worth waiting for because you will be able to land on helpful data about numerous contractors and be able to form concrete conclusions about their capabilities.

                Basically, you can do this by accessing related books, blogs, articles, social media sites, and websites. Considering the generation that we are in, going online will definitely be the most efficient method as long as you conduct constant fact checks.

                2. Canvass

                The first contractor that you see is not always the best one. You shouldn’t immediately settle for whomever, especially if they’re so-so, just for the sake of rushing the rock wall building process. Taking this into account, what you have to do is to canvass. 

                This activity involves comparing the factors of the contractors that passed your standards with the goal of coming up with which is the best one. You have to take into account specific factors like their offered pricing, reputation, contractor experience, past projects, and the likes.

                3. Look Up Client Referrals

                Attaining referrals from clients who have previously availed of the service at hand can also be a big help. The only things that you should avoid are paid promotions, and sugarcoated reviews to assure that you will be getting a hold of authentic reviews.

                To find referrals, you can turn to relatives or users from social media and engage in personal conversations with them. You can also use customer reviews as a reference.

                4. Set a Standard

                Setting your own standard will help you make comparisons easier. You can keep this as a list, physical or mental, and base off of it when you find a desirable builder. This can include your preferred expertise level, major design, average customer ratings, pricing, and others.

                Considering the tasks stated above, there is no doubt that this will require you to spare both time and effort. If you are determined to be with the right team, then you should also be willing to take additional measures in order to get there.

                Should you avail of a rock wall service?

                If you are looking for a quick answer, then yes. Rock walls are very much recommended if you want to establish distinctness in your infrastructure. This can also be used to eradicate awkward slopes and structures. Here are some other qualities that can be provided with this concept:

                Again, it is greatly emphasized that the full qualities and advantages of the process will only be experienced if you are in the hands of a professional.

                Summary: Newcastle Rock Wall Builders

                Rock wall building is the required process in order to integrate rocks into the walls of your building. This is a needy task which means that this is equipped with a lot of requirements from the client, the contractors, and the involved project area.

                  If you are looking for a contractor, then Australian Construction is the way to go. We are equipped with all the necessary factors that a contractor needs to have, and we are also confident about the quality of both the execution and the output. You can refer to our contact information above for connection.

                  Melbourne Rock Wall Builder

                  Talk To The Expert Rock Wall Builders In Melbourne!

                  Melbourne Rock Wall Builders

                    If you are considering a new wall project or construction, there is a high possibility that your first choice for walls is concrete. Another efficient alternative, however, that you can turn to is rock. And this is where you will need Melbourne rock wall builders

                    Rock walls are known for the great number of benefits that it brings to an infrastructure. This is achieved through a process called rock wall building, which is offered by our team at Australian Construction.

                    Today, we will talk about the specific pros of the concept, the requirements that you should prepare, as well as the reasons why you should work with professionals.

                    What are the advantages of rock walls?

                    Because we have grown accustomed to concrete and wooden walls, only a few are familiar with rock walls. Taking this into account, in order to better familiarize you with the process, let us start our discussion with the advantages that you will be able to get with rock walls:

                    1. Low Maintenance

                    Rocks, unlike other materials, do not grow weak over time. This means that you will be able to save tons of money from maintenance activities and repairs as you will be encountering fewer, sometimes even zero, structural issues.

                    Processes like paint application, and installing wallpapers won’t also be necessary for the finishing process because it will already give you a nice finishing output without those. To top it off, it is also easy to clean.

                    2. Long-Lasting

                    The resource at hand is also recognized for its extraordinary capabilities and durability. This has few external threats as enemies and is not usually prone to elements like water, fire, weather and seasons, and the likes. Considering all the present rock-based buildings in the present, it is safe to assume that this can last you up to 100 years or even more.

                    3. Non-Depreciating Appearance

                    Apart from the structure of the rocks, you can also expect their appearance to not degrade no matter how much time passes. In fact, this is known to fit the saying, ‘aging like fine wine’, which means that this becomes more aesthetically pleasing instead. This is achieved even without undergoing additional construction processes.

                    Compared to concrete, wood, steel, and other resources commonly used in walls, rocks will definitely give you the best possible value for both your project and your money. Keep in mind, however, that you will only be able to experience the pros at their best state if the primary process of building walls is done right.

                    What are the initial requirements in availing rock wall service?

                    Now that you are probably convinced in availing rock wall building, then it is now time to talk about requirements that you have to prepare before you can get a hold of the output. See below for an overview:

                    1. Plan

                    Your plan is the first thing that will be asked by anyone in particular if you say that you are looking into rock wall building. This does not have to be very detailed. Having a list of goals, expectations, and some inspiration photos will already be enough. This will help the people that you will work with to know exactly what you want, and they will be able to formulate the right plans according to it. 

                    A more in-depth plan will be created once an official negotiation starts. The contractors will be responsible for that.

                    2. Budget

                    Of course, you won’t be able to move through with the process if you don’t have a budget. This will be used for purchasing the materials and equipment, professionals’ service charges, and other miscellaneous fees that will be needed in wall building activities.

                    Setting a fixed budget will prevent you from overspending and/or budget shortage throughout the execution of the process.

                    3. Contractors

                    The last requirement on our list involves the contractors. Usually, this is a team of field professionals that will facilitate the tasks towards reaching the desired output. 

                    This will further require you to perform extensive research in finding the one that will best fit your needs. You will have to consider factors like the offered pricing plans, the team’s credibility and reputation, benefits, client reviews, and overall availability.

                    These three are the most important ones that will be needed before execution. If you are having trouble formulating any of the provided requirements, you can turn to professionals for consulting services. Our team also offers this so we’re just one click away if you’re interested.

                    Why should you work with professional builders? 

                    Rock wall building is not a process that you can settle on doing alone. Contractors are more of a necessity instead of a favourable alternative that can bear the risks of being absent. To help you deduce a clearer view, here are some of the reasons as to why having a professional by your side will be helpful:

                    1. Higher Output Quality

                    Walls are integral parts of the infrastructure. These will need the highest quality of support they can get. If you work alone or with inexperienced workers, it will equate to you fully embracing poor execution, and consequently, low output quality. With professional rock wall builders, you can expect to encounter fewer risks throughout execution. Safety and quality can be assured through this.

                    2. Faster Execution

                    Execution can also be held out quicker because you will be equipped with complete manpower. You can be assured that you’ll be able to reach your deadline, even earlier, if there is one.

                    It is evident that you have to have the best contractor possible in order to fully be assured of the results that you will be provided with. In finding a team, do not settle for superficial qualities, and try to study exactly the limitations of their capabilities.

                    Summary: Melbourne Rock Wall Builders

                    Rock wall building is a necessary process if you want your infrastructure’s walls to be made of rocks. This is a noteworthy material if you value aesthetic and durability for your projects. Contractors play a large role in this process’ execution so it is just right that you spare time and effort to come up with the right one.

                      If you are currently searching for a team, we recommend our service at Australian Construction. We have extensive knowledge and skills that will certainly bring you to your goals. You can contact us via phone call, text, or email.

                      Darwin Rock Wall Builders

                      Efficient And Professional Rock Wall Builders In Darwin

                      Darwin Rock Wall Builders

                        Why should you hire Darwin rock wall builders? Why not just buy the slabs and lay the rocks yourself? Today, we at Australian Construction will tell you the benefits of hiring a professional team of rock wall builders.

                        Most of the time, some contractors and engineering firms decide to have it even if they do not have experience. We will explain why you should not do this, and we hope that in the end, you realize why opting for professional builders is far better than DIY.

                        Experience and Knowledge

                        A rock wall builder has the right experience to get the job done. Without this, your project will be experimental. Keep in mind that a rock wall is still a wall, and it is not something that only serves an aesthetic purpose.

                        The exception to this rule, of course, is if your wall is made of hollow blocks and the rocks are used merely for façade. In this case, however, it is no longer technically a rock wall.

                        If you let your current group handle this project, they may make mistakes in digging. When building rock walls, there are different expectations to ensure that the trench can support adequate foundational support.

                        Hire experts to prevent mistakes and ensure that your rock wall is secure and reliable. We at Australian Construction have engineers who specialize in this kind of work. Add to that the fact that we are experts in many facets of construction, and then you have a guarantee that we can provide work done by experienced people.

                        Efficiency and Effectiveness

                        A rock wall involves not pebbles and stones, but big boulders. Also, these boulders have to be at the right sizes, and some of them have to be shaped. The rocks also have to be transported. You need loaders and heavy machinery to get this done.

                        If you don’t have the right machinery, you will have to rely on manual labour and the ingenuity of your workers. This is dangerous, to say the least. It is also inefficient and not as effective as what experts do if they use machines.

                        The solution?

                        Hire a group of professionals who specialize in rock walls. At Australian Construction, we have all the tools to get the job done. Over the last 15 years, we have invested heavily in big machines to help us get the job done faster and safer.

                        An example of this is the excavator and trencher. Instead of digging holes and trenches the manual way, we use machines. If there is vegetation, we use a grabber. As you can see, the work done by these machines, along with a qualified operator, is much more effective than manual labour.

                        Because the machines are powerful, we are also significantly reducing the amount of time required to get the job done.

                        License, Costs and Insurance

                        Another reason why you have to hire a rock wall builder instead of doing it yourself is the cost. Add to this the license and the issues about insurance.

                        A licensed rock wall builder passed the requirements of the Australian government. They understand the building code, and they are bound by law to comply with this code. The cost is also cheaper if you hire us. Since we are experts, our personnel can get more job done for less amount of time, therefore saving you the cost of labour compared to if you did it yourself.

                        Lastly, we are insured. What this means is that you do not have to worry about liabilities. Even if a group of contractors do what they can to avoid accidents, it can happen sometimes. If you build a rock wall yourself and someone gets hurt, you are liable for damages.

                        Quality of Work 

                        The last reason why you should hire professionals is the quality of work. This is related to experience and knowledge. For example, we at Australian Construction have been in this business for over 15 years. what this means is that we have completed dozens upon dozens of projects.

                        In addition to this, this is what we really do, and this means that we keep ourselves updated with the latest technologies and materials that we can use to make your retaining wall or rock wall better.

                        We know who to contact, and we know where to get quality stones. The quality of the rock wall also has a dependency on the processes used. We know how to make it, and we only employ the best procedures to make a reliable rock wall.  

                        Tips in Hiring Darwin Rock Wall Builders

                        Before you hire a rock wall builder, we suggest that you check for their merits and qualifications. For example, you should only work with licensed contractors like us. If the contractor is not licensed, it is not likely that they are even aware of the building code.

                        Also, make sure that the contractor is bonded and insured. This should protect you financially if the project was not finished. It will also protect you from liabilities if an accident ever happens.

                        Make sure you do your due diligence in investigating the reputation of the contractor. Ask your friends and family members if they know the contractor. This should give you a clear idea if you really are working with professionals or not.  

                        Summary: Darwin Rock Wall Builders

                        Do not build your rock wall yourself if you do not have the expertise. We hate to say this, but you are risking it. That wall can collapse, and it can hurt people.

                        Give us a call now at Australian Construction. One of our engineers will speak with you, and also schedule an ocular visit to see your construction site. We will try to understand what you need, and then we will draw up a plan from there.

                        Once we are done with the plan, we can give you a price quote. We can re-negotiate and re-do the plan as you wish, and then we can start working on your project.

                          Gold Coast Rock Wall Builders

                          Speak To Your Local Rock Wall Builders On The Gold Coast Today!

                          Gold Coast Rock Wall Builders

                            Rock walls are not like concrete walls. To the untrained eye, it is just a wall. But to an engineer, the foundations are different, and the materials used also vary according to the kind of rock used. To get a rock wall job done right, you also have to hire the right Gold Coast rock wall builders.

                            But how?

                            Today, we at Australian Construction will give you some tips about how to hire the right contractor for a rock wall. In the end, we suggest that you use our tips as a checklist before making a decision on who to hire.

                            Hire contractors with adequate experience

                            Not all contractors have been around for a while. We suggest that you hire contractors who have at least five years of experience. This ensures that they have been exposed to many situations and that they have completed dozens of projects.

                            Why is this important?

                            Contractors who have been in the industry for a while know what kinds of problems will show up during the build. We at Australian Construction have been in this business for over 15 years. We know what materials to use, we know the people to contact, and we also know how to fix problems if they arise.

                            As you can see, the last thing you want is for your project to be the contractor’s experiment. If it rains, an experienced contractor knows how to fix or repair the damage that the rain has done. As far as materials are concerned, not all types of cement are ideal for building rock walls. The same thing goes if you want to use mud to make the wall as natural as possible.

                            Hire contractors who are licensed

                            A license is issued by the government, and only contractors that pass the stringent requirements of the government will be granted one. A license is evidence that the contractor knows the building code, and that they are bound to comply with it.

                            We are a licensed contractor, and so are our engineers. We understand the expectations that come with the building code, which means that when we take on any project, safety and high standards are baked into everything that we do.

                            Licensed contractors are also bonded. A bond is a contract where you will not be left high and dry if the contractor did not finish the job. The bond is your guarantee that the contractor will not get paid if they did not finish the work.

                            Also, a licensed contractor is likely to be insured. Insurance is different from a bond in that it only tackles accidents. It saves you from financial and legal liabilities.

                            In any construction site, people do everything they can to prevent accidents, but some mishaps still happen from time to time. You do not want to be in the middle of any financial and legal obligation if this happens, so make sure you hire a licensed and insured contractor.

                            Hire contractors who have integrity and credibility

                            Some contractors are notorious for producing lousy work. The sad thing is that most of the time, you will only find out about this after you have already hired them and after they turn over the project to you.

                            There are certain ways to prevent yourself from getting burned. You can ask your friends and family members for help. Ask them if they know of a rock wall builder that they would recommend.

                            If you are an engineer, you surely know of some engineers who may have already worked with rock wall builders. Talk to them and investigate.

                            You can also check review websites if the contractor you are eyeing has a bad reputation. You can also join social media groups and look for contractors.

                            We at Australian Construction have a positive reputation. We focus on the quality of work, and our clients can attest to this. This is the reason we have expanded our business. Today, we not only serve clients on the Gold Coast, but we also have many projects in Sydney, Melbourne, Townsville, Adelaide, Darwin, and other cities across Australia.  

                            Hire contractors who have the right equipment 

                            The last thing you want to look for is the capability of the contractor. Building a rock wall entails that the contractor has to dig, transport the rocks, put them in place, backfill the soil, and then compact the soil.

                            All of these processes require equipment. Manual labour will only cause delays. What you want is a contractor that has all the big machinery to get the work done effectively and efficiently.

                            Here are some of the most common equipment used in rock walls:

                            If the contractor does not have these machineries, chances are they will rent. The problem with this is that sometimes, the equipment they need is already being used by another contractor, and they have to wait until the equipment is available.  

                            We at Australian Construction have invested in our own machinery over the last 20 years. We do not have to rent and delay your project, as we have them available all the time.

                            If you ever hire a contractor that does not have these pieces of equipment, make sure that they will commit to finishing the project upon the deadline you set. You also have to put it in writing that they are the ones who will look for the machinery, not you. The last thing you want is to get a surprise, with them telling you that you have to rent the machine, or that the rental fee is not included in their price quote.  

                            Summary: Gold Coast Rock Wall Builders

                            Give us a call at Australian Construction now if you have questions. If you have a project, we can discuss it over the phone with one of our engineers. We may also schedule a site visit so we can see where you plan to put up the wall. We have over 20 years of experience in the construction industry. We know what types of materials to use, and we will first assess the soil so we can plan the right approach to building the project. 

                              Brisbane Rock Wall Builders

                              Brisbane Rock Wall Builders And Designers | Call The Experts Today!

                              Brisbane Rock Wall Builders

                                A rock wall is not your typical wall made of concrete and then finished with rocks on the surface. A rock wall is something that ancient people built using rocks, mud, and straw. In modern times, you need Brisbane rock wall builders if this is the design that you have in mind.

                                Today, rock walls mostly serve an aesthetic purpose, but this does not mean that they are not sturdy. We at Australian Construction will tell you the things you need to know about this wall, and also give you some tips on how to hire the right team to do this for you.

                                Uses of Rock Walls

                                Rock walls have been around for centuries. However, not all rock walls were built for the same purpose. Let us take a look at some of the different purposes to give you an idea of whether a rock all is good for your situation or not.

                                • Rock disposal – once a forest is cleared, the rocks have to go somewhere. Instead of taking the rocks to another place, residents used the rocks to build a wall around the city. They also did this if they cleared forests for farming purposes.  
                                • Control of rock waste – not all rocks are used to build a perimeter wall around a city. As such, they had to control the number of stones and rocks that they have to throw away. They used the rocks to sub-divide properties among citizens. The rock walls served as boundaries of properties.
                                • Art and expression – on some occasions, rock walls were built mainly for aesthetic reasons. They are used as an overlay to a wall.
                                • Used for dikes – when people build irrigation systems, one of the best options to create a barrier between land and water is rocks. Today, rock walls are used in dikes, docks, and dams. Those who operate man-made ponds also use rock walls.

                                So far, these are the main purposes of rock walls. No matter what it is, it is still a wall, so the builder must have to keep this in mind. Rock walls are much more difficult to build than a solid concrete wall. Rock walls are piled one by one, and a slight miscalculation can result in a tilting wall. This is why you need Brisbane rock wall builders.

                                How to hire Brisbane rock wall builders

                                If you are sure that a rock wall is what you need or want, then you have to hire an expert. In this section, we will show you how to choose the right contractor for a project like this.

                                1. Look for a local contractor

                                The first thing you have to do is to look for local contractors or a contractor that serves your locality. This is important because the location of the contractor determines how fast they can start working, and whether or not they have connections as far as quarrying is concerned.

                                We at Australian Construction serve Brisbane. However, we are not 100% local. We have been in the construction industry for over 20 years, and our business has thrived. As such, we serve not just Brisbane but also other cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Newcastle, Townsville, and many more.  

                                If you are unsure, use Google and look for contractors in your area. You can also drive around and talk to construction companies. Another thing you can do is to ask your friends and family or go to Facebook groups and ask them for recommendations.

                                2. Check the contractors’ capabilities

                                Not all contractors specialize in the same thing. Some contractors only build houses, and some only do electrical work. Choose a contractor team that has completed rock walls in the past.

                                We at Australian Construction specialize in all facets of construction. Below are a few examples:

                                Experience is an important aspect of credibility in this business. What we recommend is that you choose a contractor for rock walls who have experience of at least five years. This ensures that the contractor has done several projects in the past similar to what you are looking for.

                                The last thing that you want is to have your project rock wall become experimental. As mentioned earlier, a rock wall is not like a concrete wall. The rocks have to be lined up properly to prevent the wall from tilting and falling apart.

                                3. Determine the cost based on averages

                                After looking for contractors, make sure that you ask them for a price quote for the same project. Then, you need to check for the average cost of the price quotes they all gave you.

                                From this average, you can determine which contractors are giving you a fair price. We are not saying that expensive pricing is not worth it. It all boils down to the quality of the work and materials that they will provide you.

                                Once you have determined the average, you can now move on and make a final shortlist. You can select three contractors, and then decide who among them is going to give you the best value for your money.

                                4. Check the legitimacy of the contractor

                                The last thing, but also equally important, that you have to check is the legitimacy of the contractor you are going to hire. Only work with someone or an organization who is licensed.

                                A license is issued by the government, and it is an indication that the contractor has passed the requirements of the government. This gives you an assurance that the contractor is legitimate, and that it is duly registered and recognized by the government. A license also tells you that the contractor knows the building code and that they are bound by law to comply with it.  

                                Also, a licensed contractor is likely to be bonded and insured. A bond means that you are financially protected in case the contractor did not finish the job. The insurance, on the other hand, makes you free from liabilities in case an accident happens.

                                Only work with a legit contractor. This ensures that they will not run away with your money, and it is proof that they are professionals in the construction industry.  

                                These four steps are all critical to the success of your project. You should never hire a contractor that is not licensed. Only hire those that have a permit from the government to operate. If a contractor or individual is licensed, it only means that they understand the building code of Australia.

                                Summary: Brisbane Rock Wall Builders

                                Do you need a rock wall builders? Yes, you do. A wall-like this is not your typical construction project. Although the technology is old, keep in mind that modern construction workers are not always exposed to this kind of work. As such, you have to get the services of experts to do this for you.

                                Give us a call at Australian Construction, and one of our engineers will speak with you. We can schedule a site visit so we can see the construction area. We will also do a spill analysis to find out if your construction site is a good place to build a rock wall. From there, we can give you a quote and we can get started with the project.