Fully Licenced Timber Floor Installation Expert In Gladstone

Gladstone TImber Floor Installation

Gladstone Timber Floor Installation

    If you’re looking into timber floor installation in Gladstone, then you have a lot of options. You can choose depending on the quality and design that you want. Your budget will also play a part. 

    Before this, however, you should first know what options are available. This is what we’re going to help you within this article. In the next sections, we will focus on the most common types of flooring. 

    Laminate Flooring

    Laminate flooring is popular for being able to give off the same feel as wooden flooring. This is in terms of its aesthetic quality. At first glance, you won’t notice that it is just a mere picture on a fibreboard. 

    Here are the pros of the said flooring:

    • You can install this yourself.
    • Laminate flooring is lightweight.
    • This is more affordable than a real hardwood floor.

    The cons that you should know, on the flip side, are:

    • Even with moisture barriers, this can’t withstand damp and wet areas like the laundry.
    • This isn’t subject to repairs once it deteriorates. 

    If you’re looking into short-term flooring at a low cost, then this may be your best choice.


    Next up, we have vinyl flooring. Like the former, this also comes in various designs. It can also copy different structures like wood. 

    Below are the benefits of installing vinyl flooring:

    • The structure of vinyl flooring is fully moisture-resistant.
    • This is compatible with most sub-floor types.
    • This is budget-friendly.

    For the drawbacks, refer to the following:

    • This is prone to dents, cracks, and tears.
    • This is not ideal for places exposed to sunlight.

    Most of the time, homeowners who need timber floor installation in Gladstone choose this over laminate flooring. This has a low price even with its moisture-proofing traits.

    If this is what you’re looking for on a floor, then vinyl will benefit you the most.

    Wooden-design Tiles

    Tile flooring is probably the most common type used in both homes and buildings. Usually, this is because it is the most accessible. Its designs focus more on stone-based looks like marble. 

    Here are the advantages of tile flooring:

    • This is water-resistant. This is ideal for any room.
    • This can hold extreme weights.
    • Even if tiles are pricier than laminate and vinyl, this is still on the budget-friendly side.

    The cons, on the other hand, are:

    • This does not absorb heat that well. This can be difficult during the winter season.
    • Its surface is slippery.

    If you want classic flooring that can match any purpose, then tiles are the best way to go.


    Lastly, we have timber flooring. This is currently one of the biggest trends in home improvement. This is a type of hardwood floor that can give your home numerous benefits.

    Speaking of benefits, below are the things that timber can provide you with:

    For the cons:

    • This is a little expensive especially if you want high-quality results.
    • This can shrink if it absorbs steam.

    If your goal is to have long-lasting flooring for your home, you should install timber.

    Professional maintenance only involves refinishing every 3 to 5 years. This is also the most durable and most aesthetic out of the options.

    Summary: Timber Floor Installation in Gladstone

    In conclusion, here are the five most common types of flooring that you can avail:

    • Laminate Flooring
    • Vinyl
    • Tiles
    • Timber

    Each of these has its benefits and installation process. If you want your home or building to have timber flooring, you can work with our team. We offer timber floor installation in Gladstone and maintenance services. Our lines are open for phone calls, texts, and emails.