Hire The Best Licensed Experts In Timber Floor Installation In Townsville!


Townsville Timber Floor Installation

    A structure’s flooring will determine its stability, and this is why you need to choose the right Townsville timber floor installation contractor.

    Unlike other construction processes, this is not something that is done out of luxury. It’s more of a necessity as this affects a lot of factors such as safety hazards, and other risks. 

    Timber floor is one of the most preferred flooring options by home-owners because of its durability. This is a complex process, but its end results are worth the wait.

    Australian Construction is a team of contractors that offer this service. Today, we’re going to talk about what the process is about, and why you should trust us with it.

    What is the timber floor installation?

    Timber floor, also addressed to by many as hardwood flooring or wood flooring refers to floor surfaces made from timber. If you are not yet familiar with timber, this is simply a wood produced by any tree.

    This is known due to its unique “odd number” construction, which means that the installation will be done with flooring parts that have an odd number of quantities. This type of flooring is popular because of a lot of benefits that come with it.

    1. Easy Cleaning Process

    Wood is much less prone to dirt, dust, and other sticky particles compared to those made of paper and plastic. Its surface is also done to keep its shine rather than be fully covered by unnecessary dust.

    This means that wood flooring won’t trouble you too much when it comes to cleaning. You can clean this with water, or by simply wiping it.

    2. Durable Foundation

    The said flooring also lasts a longer time than others. No matter what type of timber floor you use, you can expect to not undergo replacements for the next decade and more years to come. In addition to this, it can endure a lot of weight from your furniture without cracking.

    3. Provides Better Atmosphere

    The installation of the wood floor will not require too much fibre and exposed adhesives. This will affect the ambience of the infrastructure. Its surface is also known to have a positive impact on the sound quality.

    The flooring, just like any other, also has its sub-types. There two main categories that you have to know about: first, the solid wood flooring, and second, the engineered timber flooring.

    The solid wood floor alludes to a regular, and non-manufactured timber plank. The structure of this is mostly natural, although in some cases, it may have undergone minimal modifications. The engineered timber floor, on the other hand, pertains to those that are already built with layers, thus those ready for installation.

    How is the timber floor installation done?

    Now that we have discussed what timber floor is, let us now go on to discuss how it is done. More specifically, the processes that one needs to undergo to achieve completion.

    1. Nailing

    The nailing method refers to the use of nails during the installation. This is probably the most common because of the accessibility of the necessary resources, and the ease of the process.

    Basically, the contractors will attach the timber flooring planks to the subfloor by pinning them down through nails. The needed materials in this method include basic construction tools. The hammer, and the set of nails, however, cannot be eliminated from the equation as they are the main keys.

    2. Stapling

    The second method that we are going to talk about is stapling. This can be considered as the upgraded version of the nailing method.

    Stapling method involves the use of staple guns. In order to install the flooring, contractors will fire staples towards the floor planks. Guns are quite on the expensive side of materials, but this will definitely save you a lot of time compared to manual labour exerted in nailing.

    For the needed resources here, contractors will need staple guns and staplers. Accessories like measuring tape and rulers may be asked in cases of complex flooring structure.

    3. Adhesives

    The adhesive method, from the name itself, equates to the use of adhesives that are use to grip flooring to the base. This is then how the subflooring sticks to each other. 

    This is recommended for those with already existing hardwood floor, and subfloor surfaces that are compatible with adhesives. On the flip side, this is not suggested for wide flooring areas, and bare subfloors to avoid extensive costs, and making the surface unsuitable for future floor redevelopments.

    4. Floating

    Finally, the floating method is an installation method that does not really require actual installation. This is equipped with timber planks that are already integrated with each other, either through adhesives, nails, etc, and the only thing left is to lay it on to the subfloor.

    This is often resorted to if there is already a flooring installed, and the construction owners do not wish to remove it. For the necessary items, only the plank pad needs to be present in the process.

    Note that before the method will be agreed on, an analysis of the current flooring will be the primary step. This is to avoid ineffective methods from being used and messing the subfloor up.

    Why should you choose our service?

    Our team at Australian Construction is confident that our contractors will be the best to work with.

    Below are some of our qualities that can be used to your advantage:

    1. Professional and Experienced

    Our contractors have enough, probably, even more, knowledge and experience to execute the installation process successfully. We know the ins and outs of timber flooring, including the benefits and risks that come with it.

    2. Flexible Workers

    Our projects are not just limited to houses. Our company is also open for large constructions and infrastructures such as multi-storey buildings, halls, establishments, and basically anything that you may require of us.

    3. Prioritises Client Satisfaction

    You can be assured that your satisfaction comes first in our priorities. We will take into account your policies, deadlines, budget cut-offs, and other project related concerns.

    These are just some of the things that we can offer you. We guarantee that you won’t be making any mistake if you choose us. 

    Summary: Townsville Timber Floor Installation

    Timber floor installation is the process of integrating hardwood flooring. This is a popular flooring type due to its durability and long-lasting life.

    The process may sound simple, but this is something that needs to be done by professionals to ensure efficiency.

    If you have any more questions, you can send us an email, or call us on 1800 155 881. We will be glad to walk you through all the things that you need to know.