
Professional Highrise Maintenance Team On The Gold Coast

How To Hire The Right Gold Coast Highrise Building Maintenance Contractor

    Maintaining a highrise building is not easy. While there are some aspects that you can entrust to the usual facilities management team, there are some things that only contractors can do. This is why you need your local professional highrise maintenance contractor on the Gold Coast.

    Examples of various maintenance needs that your highrise will require include electrical issues, plumbing, wall cleaning, clogged gutters and pipes, and many more. So how will you hire the right contractor? Here at Australian Construction, we will share some tips with you on how you can do this.

    Choose a contractor with adequate experience

    Maintaining a building is not as simple as sweeping and mopping. It requires a lot of experience from someone, and this is why you need a group of experts like us.

    Earlier, we mentioned a few aspects of building maintenance. The truth is that no single person can undertake the full spectrum of maintenance activities. You are better off working with a group that has been doing this for years.

    At Australian Construction have been in this industry for over 20 years. Building maintenance is something we offer because we have expertise in all facets of the construction business.

    Here are some examples:

    We not only maintain the building, but we are qualified to do repairs and even build where required. Our advice is that you should only work with a highrise building maintenance contractor who has been in the business for at least five years.  

    Choose a contractor who has a license

    Yes, contractors are required by law to register and get a license. While there are many people who operate without one, you are better off siding with the law. We at Australian Construction are fully licensed in all areas of engineering and construction work that we do.

    A license is granted to someone who has passed the requirements of the government. The contractor must be able to prove that he has the right education and that he understands the Australian Building Code. The same principle applies to engineers—different types of engineers have to secure different types of licenses.

    A license is a proof that the contractor is compliant with the law, and is not a fly-by-night contractor. A licensed contractor is also likely to be bonded and insured. A bond is like our security ticket. The contractor will not get paid unless he or the group deliver what is written on the service agreement contract.

    Insurance serves protection against liability. Despite all efforts to keep employees and buildings safe, some accidents can happen, and insurance will protect both yourself and the contractor from liabilities.

    Choose a contractor who has proven credibility

    Credibility refers to the capability of the contractor. A license is one proof of credibility, and reputation is another.

    When choosing a highrise maintenance team on the Gold Coast, you have to check if that team has a positive reputation. You can do this by asking some of your colleagues in the industry, or by checking for their reputation online. There are websites out there like Trustpilot where you can ask for reviews. You can also check on Facebook and other social media channels.

    Another thing that can help you decide is the professionalism of the contractor. Do they know what they are talking about? When you visited their premises, is it cleanand well maintained? Surely, you do not want to hire them for building maintenance if their own building is dilapidated, right?

    You must also ask yourself how they treated you. Did they give importance to your business? Were they eager to answer your inquiries? Professionalism goes a long way, and if the contractor is not professional at the get-go, do you really think they will deliver a good job?

    Even if they do, the last thing you want is to deal with a contractor with behavioural issues, such as showing up late, or delaying your maintenance activities, as these things can disrupt your operations.

    Choose a contractor that has the right equipment 

    A contractor for highrise building maintenance will never be able to fulfil his job without the right equipment. No, we are not talking about bathroom brushes, but big rigs such as cradles that the people will use to clean windows.

    If a contractor asks you to fund the equipment, you need to start thinking twice. This is an added cost to you. Ideally, the contractor must already have all the equipment they need before signing a contract with you.

    For example, you cannot expect to buy motorized ladders just so you can clean high areas in your lobby. The contractor must be able to provide this equipment.

    Depending on the maintenance services you are paying for, big rigs are not the only issue. Contractors must have their own devices to check your plumbing, electrical, sewage, and many other systems.  

    Here at Australian Construction, we have a complete set of equipment, and we are constantly replenishing and updating this as new technology arrives. For example, we have remotely-operated vehicles that we use, to investigate inside tanks. With this, we no longer have to risk the lives of divers.

    Summary: Gold Coast highrise building maintenance

    If you have questions, give us a call at Australian Construction. We will help you any way we can. An engineer or highrise building specialist will speak with you to understand your needs. We will also schedule a visit to your site, and start discussing some plans once we get there.

    We have been in the construction and building maintenance business for over 20 years. You can rely on our expertise in many facets of the construction industry. Once our ocular inspection is done, our highrise maintenance team on the Gold Coast will provide you with a package of our services.

    This package includes the planned activities, the expected results, the frequency of the services, and the costs. From there, we can further discuss how we will go about the services you want us to provide. 


      Local Professional Highrise Maintenance Team In Melbourne

      Melbourne Highrise Building Maintenance

        Your responsibility as an infrastructure owner does not revolve around the building process only. You also have to take into account the need for post-care activities in terms of both the building and its inhabitants, and you can do this if you hire an appropriate local highrise maintenance contractor in Melbourne. 

        A more in-depth maintenance process is needed when it comes to the maintenance of highrise buildings. You will need professional contractors to achieve this. To better familiarise you with the process, we will discuss the necessary details that you need to know including the subject of maintenance, preparatory tasks, and the importance of contractors.

        What parts of the highrise building need maintenance?

        Highrise buildings are almost the same as regular buildings except that they are integrated with a greater structural dimension and more functionality, each needing a bespoke maintenance activity. In this section, we are going to give you an overview of the components of your high rise that will be the subject of the maintenance process. Refer to the following list:

        • Roofing
        • Exterior and Interior Structure
        • Openings
        • Utilities
        • Safety Equipment
        • HVAC System
        • Security Systems
        • Connection Equipment

        The components above will undergo processes such as cleaning, polishing, repairing, retouching, and any other specific procedures. These processes will be based upon factors like their current condition, that is, if there are any cracks or breakage or any issue that will need repairs, the surrounding areas, and even reports from occupants.

        The timeframe and frequency of maintenance activities will depend upon a range of factors and guidelines recommended by your contractor. For example, the building’s roof should be checked at least twice a year, while some fixtures, specifically utilities, will require daily check-ups.

        Keep in mind that you will spend a lot more by availing one professional for each building part so it will be better if you opt for a maintenance contractor team instead.

        What can you do to assure a high-quality maintenance service?

        If we talk about a highrise building, there is a big chance that it is used for commercial purposes. This may either be a hotel, a condominium, a corporate office, and the like. 

        This means that a great number of people walk in and out of it daily, and that you have a responsibility to keep them safe while they are inside your premises. Maintenance is a key process in achieving high standards of safety and care.

        This being stated, here are some of the things that you can do to guarantee a high-quality maintenance service experience for your project:

        • Gain knowledge about the process.

        To avoid committing beginner mistakes, you should take your time in educating yourself about what the process will require from you. 

        You can start by looking into the definition of maintenance in construction, the sub-activities integrated with it, how much it will cost you if you plan on making it last, and other related information. In addition to the process, knowing your building can also help you better work out what services you will require.

        The above assessment will allow you to move freely through the execution of the maintenance process. You can therefore prevent misinformation from the contractors that you may encounter.

        • Be hands-on during execution

        The claim that says working with a contractor will make the project more efficient is true. This, however, does not mean that you should not monitor the process once it starts. 

        You have to be hands-on in keeping track of the current progress so that you can immediately be aware if there are any issues or unexpected matters that arise during maintenance. This is an easy thing to do as you only have to spare time in checking the contractors’ current tasks.

        • Find a credible contractor

        As stated above, contractors play an important role in maintenance activities. This means that you have to exert time and effort in finding the right team because they will make a great impact on how the process will turn out.

        To do this, you should set a standard that you can use as a checklist for your contractor hunt. This may include qualities in terms of credibility, reputation, expertise, and forte. You can look for them in your city of residence, on social media, online sites, and the like. Customer referrals are also a good source. Our team of highrise maintenance contractors in Melbourne are some of the best in the business!

        • Commit to the process

        Maintenance will not provide you with exceptional results if you don’t commit to it or if you stop only after a session or two. You have to be ready to execute lifelong check-ups for your building even this means sacrificing other parts of your buildings activities. Doing so will be beneficial in the long run, helping you achieve your maintenance goals.

        The success of the building maintenance process will greatly rely on your contractor’s performance and your dedication to continuing the process. The quality and results of each session are very important because unlike others, maintenance requires constant check-ups which will not end in a simple fixture review.

        Why are contractors important in the process?

        Contractors are often said to be the most significant factor in the maintenance process because they will be responsible for all the necessary activities associated with the task. They will be present from the planning stage up to the final one which is the output review. 

        If you chose the perfect team, they may also be the key to making your building live in its best state as long as possible. This is because you will experience fewer risks due to building issues being addressed before they get out of hand.

        In a nutshell, the contractors that you will work with will be your partner in ensuring the care of your highrise building!

        Summary: Melbourne highrise building maintenance

        Maintenance is a must for every building owner. This is especially true for highrise buildings, which require greater attention and upkeep.

        If you are looking for a contractor, we recommend looking into our service at Australian Construction. We have a team of highrise maintenance contractors in Melbourne, whose goal is to help highrise building owners make the most out of their investments.

        To reach our team, you can call us, send us a text message, or send an email. You can expect our response within minutes. We accept negotiations, discussions, and consultations. We look forward to hearing from you!


          The Trusted Experts In Highrise Building Maintenance In Perth

          Top Services You Need From A Perth Highrise Building Maintenance Team

            As a building owner, maintaining your building is a necessity. If you have a highrise building, you need the services of your local highrise maintenance contractor in Perth to ensure that the job gets done right. But what are the top services that you can expect from your contractor?

            Today, we will discuss several services that are best left to the pros. These services are not only dangerous, but you need a group of people who know how to execute these services correctly. If you do not have access to that expertise, you are risking the lives of your employees, and also some of your systems may not work properly.

            1. Window cleaning       

            One of the most delicate and dangerous tasks in highrise building maintenance is cleaning the windows. And by windows, we also mean those glass panels that act as walls. You need special equipment to get this done, and you also need people who are properly trained to do the cleaning. Our highrise maintenance team in Perth not only has the necessary equipment needed to do the job, but is also qualified.

            The most straightforward system is to use water poles. In this method, you rely on pressure to clean the windows. The pressure is just enough to clean dirt, but not strong enough to damage the surface.

            The other option is to use ropes. In this method, the employee will hang on a rope through a harness, and this rope has to be tied somewhere at the top of the building, or in any iron railing that is not likely to break apart. The person will rappel down as he cleans window after window.

            The last method is the use of cradles. These rare huge cradles hanging on a rope that can fit two or three people. As you can see, all of these require proper equipment, technique, and expertise. You need a specialist like us to do this right.  

            2. Gutter cleaning          

            Highrise building gutters will get clogged at some stage. This is not an issue of whether they will or not, but rather, an issue of when. We recommend a gutter clean at regular intervals per year, as this will prevent your gutters from getting clogged during the rainy season.

            If you do not schedule regular gutter maintenance, you will find yourself in a position of spending too much money repairing the damage afterwards. Blocked gutters cause a lot of problems. The water will not find a way to the sewer, and it will get stuck somewhere.

            What happens then? Your rooftop will get flooded, or the water will start seeping through to other areas. This leak will cause flooding elsewhere as well. Damaged gutters can also cause waterlogged grounds and can weaken the foundation of your building.

            3. Exterior painting

            Exterior painting is something that we recommend every five years. Paint is durable, but keep in mind that exterior paint is always exposed under the sun. Faded paint is unsightly, and your building may not get a positive reputation in your area.

            Exterior paint is not just for aesthetics. It serves the specific function of protecting the substrate. Ensure that you only use quality paint—something that is specifically formulated for your conditions.

            Paint can protect your structure from the weather, insects and dust. It also protects the underlying structure from water, which can cause serious damage to your building over a long period of time.

            It is always better to do paint repairs than to spend money on repairs due to water damage. For this kind of maintenance, you need industrial paint contractors, which we have here at Australian Construction. We offer this service, along with a myriad of other contractor jobs.

            4. General repairs           

            General repairs refer to all kinds of repairs in your building. This includes plastering the wall, repairing the joints and sealing them, and many more.

            The thing with a general repair is that often, you need to get the services of different contractors. If you hire us, this should not be a problem. We specialise in all aspects of the construction business, including repairs.

            Here are a few examples of what we can do for you:

            • Electrical – we will check and fix your electrical wiring
            • Plumbing – we will check the conditions of your plumbing systems and make sure they are working
            • Waterproofing – we can waterproof your bathrooms, floors, and walls
            • Roofing – we will fix roofing issues, include rooftop facilities
            • Fire alarms and systems – we will do regular inspection of your fire alarm and sprinkler systems; we’ll make sure they are compliant with the building code
            • Storage tanks – if you have a water tank, we can refurbish it, install liners, or fabricate a new one for you

            As you can see, we cover a wide array of services. You can depend on us to fix any issue in your building. It is at this point that we want to mention that we are licensed. We also have several engineers who have the appropriate government license to operate within their range of specialisation.

            5. Pest control  

            Believe it or not, even highrise buildings are susceptible to pest infestation. Even if your foundations are made of concrete and metal, you will still have pests—like rats. The last thing you want is to tackle this problem before it gets out of hand.

            At Australian Construction, we will help you solve this problem. We do have pest control mechanisms that will keep pests at bay. We will ensure that your building is free from rodents, insects, and other pests that can cause harm not just to your property, but also to the residents.  

            The same thing goes for cockroaches. As you know, there will always be pests where there are humans. We humans eat, and pests will follow us around because they know that there is food no matter where we go.

            Summary: Perth highrise building maintenance

            Your highrise building requires maintenance services, but not the usual kind. You need the services of a contractor for this job right.

            Give us a call at Australian Construction. We specialise in many facets of the construction industry. For building maintenance, our highrise maintenance team in Perth will schedule a visit to your site, and then we will inspect your building.

            Once our inspection is over, we will provide you with a plan, complete with the frequency of the maintenance, and what you can expect from us during these activities.