
Adelaide Home Renovations Experts- Quality You Can Trust!

How To Hire An Adelaide Home Renovations Contractor

    As a home owner, there may come a time when you need a home renovations contractor . As early as now, you should have an idea of how to hire one. Home renovations are similar to typical construction—you must not go wrong with hiring the right person or team. Our home renovations service in Adelaide can provide expert renovations to you.  

    Here at Australian Construction, we will show you several tips on how you should hire a contractor to renovate your home. By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to make an informed decision as far as hiring contractors are concerned.

    1. Make phone calls

    The first tip that we have is to do your research. Make phone calls so you can find contractors in your area. Do not just concentrate on your local listings, but also try to find contractors from nearby cities. This phone call should make or break your decision.

    At this stage, you are not yet hiring. You are merely inquiring. Your goal here is to find several potential contractors that you will be talking to in person later on. The kind of conversation you have should allow you to decide if the contractor you talked to is a professional or not.

    Use the internet for your research. You can go to Facebook groups and then look for contractors. You can also use a search engine and simply type Adelaide home renovations contractor. If you do this, you will see a lot of contractor websites where you can get phone numbers from.  

    As you speak with the contractors, take note of how their demeanour. Find out how long they have been in the business. If they do not treat you with respect and if they do not seem excited about the job, look for another contractor.

    2. Look for a license

    Once you have a shortlist of the contractors you want to talk to in person, you have to go there and speak to the contractors in person. Ask them if they have a license.

    Yes, this may sound like you are intimidating, but this is necessary. You should only work with licensed contractors like us. Why? Because a license is an indication that the contractor is a real engineer—and that he has passed the expectations of the law.

    Australia has a building code, and all people who put up structures are expected to comply with this code. If you work with a licensed contractor, you are guaranteed that your house is going to be compliant with what the government expects.

    The same goes for all components of the house, such as the foundation, plaster, cement render, and so much more. In addition to this, a licensed contractor is also bonded and insured. A bond is a protection against financial loss in case the contractor does not complete the project.

    The insurance is for the people who are working on your property—you will have no liability in case an accident happens during the construction.

    3. Experience and reputation

    Another thing you should look for when hiring a contractor is experience. Home renovation is not like cooking a hamburger. A badly grilled burger is easy to repair or throw away. But for a house? A mistake can be costly.

    Do not work with contractors who have less than five years of experience. We are not saying that they are not qualified. We are only saying that the contractor is not yet exposed to many problems that can occur if something goes wrong.

    We at Australian Construction have been in this industry for over 20 years. We have renovated so many houses, and we have seen all sorts of problems. Because of our experience, we can forecast potential problems, and we can prevent them from happening. For unforeseen events, we know what to do.  

    You must also work with a contractor that has a positive reputation in your community. How will you know this? Ask friends and family. You can also go online, find the Facebook account of the contractor, and then see what people have to say.

    4. Check for negotiations

    Make sure you only work with contractors who are willing to negotiate. This includes paper works and documentation.

    Many contractors charge for the cost of the project plus 20% of it. You should look for contractors who are professionals—those who will draw up contracts and document what you should expect. The contract must also say that the contractor will issue receipts for you every time you pay.

    You can also ask the contractor to give you a quote on a bid-basis. In this type of contract, the contractor will tell you how much the home renovation is going to cost in total. From there, you will pay the contractor on a regular basis. The cost is already inclusive of their profit.

    Earlier, we mentioned that you should speak to several contractors. Ask them for a quote for the project cost. Then, take the average. The average cost of what they are asking for is the price that will be your guide.

    If possible, do not pay in cash. Contractors that want cash are probably scammers. The best way to protect your money is to pay in cheque or credit card. Be careful, and make sure that you only deal with legitimate contractors.

    Look for a contractor who will take the time to write a contract—one that stipulates all the details of the project.

    Summary: Adelaide Home Renovations Contractor

    Now that you know what to look for from an Adelaide home renovations contractor, it is time for you to pick one. It is fine to shop for several contractors. Take your time and then make a shortlist. Only choose from the ones that meet the conditions we specified here.

    Give us a call at Australian Construction. One of our home renovations experts in Adelaide will will get on the phone with you to discuss your needs. We will also schedule an ocular inspection to see your property. The home renovations team in Adelaide will provide you with a plan, and a quote, and then proceed from there if you are happy!


      Specialised Team For Home Renovation Projects In Melbourne

      Melbourne Home Renovations Contractor: Tips To Keep You Costs Down

        If you are planning to hire a home renovations contractor in Melbourne, hold your horses first! Home renovation can really cut deep in your pockets, and it is always a wise decision to carefully consider what you need before forging on.

        Today, we at Australian Construction will provide you with some tips on how you can keep your home renovation costs down. We have seen many families bury themselves in debt, so we do not want this to happen to you!

        1. Renovate for efficiency, not the size

        Many homeowners contact us to make their houses bigger. They have spare land on their property, so they decide to put up extension rooms.

        This, of course, entails a new construction—from the foundations up. If space is your primary issue, you may want to consider renovating without adding a new structure. Instead, you have to take a long hard look at your stuff and the architectural design of your house interior.

        It is highly possible that you can maximize your space. Our home renovations contractor in Melbourne can do this by adding cabinets, removing unused portions of the house, or remove cabinets that are built too big. While cabinets may cost you thousands of dollars, the amount of money is still low compared to putting up an additional building to your house.

        On average, you may spend about $90,000 for adding a new room. But if you only renovate your current kitchen, bathroom, or other spaces, you may not even spend more than $30,000. As you can see, this is a huge saving. Your house will look better and more organized, but you do not have to borrow a lot of money to get it done.

        2. Recycle if you can

        Let us say that you are willing to give away many storage facilities in your house. If these things are made of wood, you can recycle them and turn them into shelves.

        If you cannot recycle some of the parts, you can go to recycling centres in your area. You can buy a lot of things for a really low price—most of which are salvaged from other homes that were renovated.

        The one thing you should be worried about is that some contractors do not want to work with recycled items. These items are not easy to process. The construction will not be the same with brand new materials, and the construction time will also take some time.

        Another reason is a liability. If the recycled item is old, especially if it will bear a load, it can cause accidents later. Naturally, the contractor does not want to assume liability for it. What you can do is to recycle things that do not pose any danger to you or your family. For example, you can recycle the doors. But you cannot recycle beams that support your home’s structure.  

        3. Set a budget and stick to it

        The one thing that drives the cost of construction is emotion. Once the homeowner and contractor have agreed on the price, the homeowner is going to begin to think of many other things to make the house look better.

        Like what? Like expensive doorknobs, wooden doors, additional windows, and so much more. If you want to keep your costs down, you have to make a final decision and stick to it.

        Always remember that even if you stick to the original plan, you have to add about 20% to the original cost. There are unforeseen events like price increases, so you have to take this into consideration, too.

         4. Tap your contactor’s knowledge and sources

        Contractors know where to buy materials at a lower cost. As such, they also know what brands are more affordable but can deliver the same quality.

        You have to ask your contractor how they can help you with this. If you want a door, do not shop for it yourself. Instead, ask your contractor if they know someone who can build the same door you want at a lesser cost.

        How should you choose a home renovations contractor in Melbourne?

        Now that you know how to save on the cost of home renovation, you have to choose the right contractor so you do not get burned. Read below for our tips.

        • License – only work with a contractor who has a license. The license is proof that you are dealing with someone that is duly recognized by the government. It also tells you that the contractor knows the building code of Australia.
        • Experience – work with contractors who have been doing this for years. This is important as it guarantees that the contractor has been exposed to all sorts of problems in the past and that they know how to solve these problems.
        • Reputation – this is one of the most important things you should look into. Only work with a contractor that has a positive reputation. Ask your friends or check online for the contractor’s reputation.

        Earlier, we mentioned that we are experts on all facets of construction. To elaborate, we know how to do the following:

        As you can see, you can save money with us because you no longer have to hire a different group of contractors for each individual job. With Australian Construction, we can provide everything that you need to renovate your home.

        Summary: Melbourne home renovations contractor

        Give us a call so we can discuss your project in detail. We have engineers, architects, and interior designers who will help you out. We can schedule an ocular visit so our team can see your property. From there, we can then proceed with drawing out plans and preparing the quote. Once the design and contract are final, our home renovations team in Melbourne can get started.

        Australian Construction has been in this business for 20 years. We do not just remodel homes. We are experts in all facets of construction. As a construction firm, we are fully licensed, and we are also bonded and insured. We have a positive reputation not just in Melbourne, but it many key cities in Australia. 


          Home Renovations Perth- Your Local Trusted Experts

          Why Is It A Good Idea To Hire A Perth Home Renovations Contractor?

            Home renovation is definitely a very entertaining process. This is especially so when we take into account the enthusiasm that comes with waiting for the new design from your trusted home renovations contractor in Perth. This type of work is becoming a trend more recently because of the sprouting before-and-after photos in social media.

            The issue, however, is that most homeowners proceed to the process, and expect the end product to come out exactly like what they saw. This isn’t the case for many, though.

            To avoid disappointments, Australian Construction offers renovation services to Perth residents and nearby cities. Today, we’ll discuss what the process is all about, and why you should choose our home renovations team in Perth.

            What does home renovation mean?

            Home renovation is a construction process that involves reconstruction of the overall parts of a house. Most of the time, this will provide new designs for every room, instead of selecting just a few ones. Basically, the old structure of the home will be partially demolished, and replaced with a new one.

            As stated above, the process of renovation is one of the most sought after processes because it is an efficient way to spice up your home without going through the impracticality and hassle of buying a new one

            Here are the reasons why a home renovation can be beneficial to your home:

            1. Allows opportunities for improvements

            Undergoing changes allows more opportunities to modify aspects of the home which need more fixing, or where certain features within the home are unnecessary. 

            As renovation is also a key towards identifying potential and already existing issues, all the needed repairs can be done almost immediately. In addition to this, furniture, fixtures, and other facilities can also be upgraded throughout the process.

            2. Increases home value

            Making your home a profitable establishment, for example, setting it out for rent, lease, or sale, can also be easier as its current price value will increase once it adheres to the current standard for homes. This is also because of the enhanced structure and functionalities integrated with it.

            3. Provides a healthier living environment

            Renovation is not limited to just the interior parts of the house. This also involves an environment that surrounds the property. These may be the landscaping, plants, garages, and others. This will help bring the full comfort to maximum quality possible.

            Doing this alone, however, brings more risks than advantages because a lot of requirements are looked over. Sure, the target in terms of physical appearance may be achieved, but there is a high possibility that internal factors, like utility wiring, may fail.

            What are the kinds of home renovation?

            Home renovation is not a fixed process. Its requirements, materials, and methods will vary according to the kind of renovation process availed and/or needed. We already know about the general home renovation which involves the whole house structure.

            Speaking of, in this section, we are going to talk about the renovation types that you can consider:

            1. Home additions

            The first kind that we will talk about is home additions. This refers to integrating a whole new room or subsidiary building onto the existing house. This is almost similar to undergoing a home construction except that this covers less area, and is generally more inexpensive than the former.

            This is ideal if your project involves the installation of a separate room that does not yet exist in your current home. This may be a new room, or accessory rooms like theatres, game rooms, and the likes

            2. Selective remodelling

            Moving on to the next one, we have selective remodelling. This is probably one of the most common processes availed by clients. From its name, this includes the renovation of only the certain parts of a house. 

            For example, new designs may only be integrated into the kitchen, the bathroom, living room, bedroom, or basically anything that the client prefers.

            This is recommended if you only want to change specific room/s instead of going all in. This usually takes less time compared to the overall changing process. This is also more affordable as this only focuses on one to two home parts.

            3. Interior redesign

            Interior redesign is a type of renovation wherein the contractors will focus on the internal structure of the house. This can include the wallpapers, flooring, the furniture, fixtures, and other attachments, as long as it is on the inside.

            This can be considered similar to a general home renovation, but this is minus the total demolition process as this can mainly involve rearrangement and reinstallation of the interior design.

            4. Exterior renovation

            The last on our list is exterior renovation. This is the complete opposite of the former type as this involves the modification of the external structures. Mostly, the materials that will be replaced include concrete, bricks, wood, and any other outside structure.

            Of course, our home renovations contractors in Perth will only work on the part that the client requires us to. However we will make suggestions if we find that other rooms are also in need of the process.

            How should you choose the right contractor?

            The importance of working with a contractor is not to be under-estimated. The factors that you should consider in choosing a contractor include:

            In deciding which contractor to work with, you should not just negotiate with who is immediately present for the hopes of rushing into the renovation process. This can bring you more harm than good. 

            Instead, you should take your time in researching and deduce which will give you the most benefits for your budget.

            Summary: Perth home renovations contractor

            Home renovation is an efficient way to improve your current home structure. This is an appealing process, but it also has a lot of requirements that come with it. This means that even if this is subject to solo work, having a team is more than recommended.

            Our home renovations contractor in Perth offers a high-quality renovation process for homeowners. We are confident about our knowledge and abilities, as well as the output that we can provide. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, and we will be glad to send a detailed response!


              Trusted Home Renovations Specialists In Newcastle

              Newcastle Home Renovations Contractor

                There are many cases as to when one may need a home renovations contractor. This can be because a homeowner wants to see a fresher look for their houses, or they want to either install new facilities or improve existing ones. Our home renovations contractor in Newcastle can provide these services to you to improve the look and value of your home.

                No matter how excited you are about your goal, you should not get into the process without adequate research and preparation, because there is a high chance that without this you may likely end up failing.

                This being said, Australian Construction offers renovation services to assure quality throughout execution. Here we are going to discuss the process with you, and explain why working with a contractor is recommended.

                What is a renovation?

                Renovation is a construction process that involves the modification of a building’s current structure and design. You can consider this as creating a whole new design from the old one to fit the goals of the clients in terms of aesthetic appeal, comfort, and functionality.

                This is relatively more practical and affordable compared to undergoing construction from scratch. This will make use of the existing resources, while still being able to install new ones in the process.

                There are a lot of reasons why a customer wants to undergo renovation. Usually, this is mainly done to achieve a certain appearance, most commonly according to trends. Other times, however, homeowners genuinely want to improve the functions of their facilities, and their house as a whole.

                Of course, like any other process, the renovation also comes with a lot of types. We can squeeze them into two categories. 

                1. Overall home renovation

                This type of renovation involves the general properties of the infrastructure. This means that every area’s present structure will be demolished and replaced with a new one. This is the way to go if you want a whole new look for your home.

                2. Selective renovation

                This is the term to use to describe the renovation where you are only seeking changes for certain parts of your home, for example, your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, your house’s interior, exterior, and the likes. Depending on your requirements, only the chosen areas will be modified.

                This can also involve the installation of a new room, which may or may not affect other parts. This may refer to additional bedrooms, entertainment room, etc.

                The process of renovation also comes with a lot of things that will be of advantage to those residing in the renovated home. This includes a higher quality of living experience, better temperature regulation, aesthetic satisfaction, prevention of wasted space, and a lot other more.

                What are the things that you need to know before availing renovation? 

                Of course, renovation is not a simple process, and you should not purchase it from the get-go just because you want it. You have to be knowledgeable about what this involves, and how it will generally affect you.

                Taking this into account, we have provided the things that you will need to know below:

                1. Requires a budget

                Although the process of renovation is known to be generally more budget-friendly compared to undergoing a whole new construction, this still does not mean that you won’t need to save a budget specifically for it. You still have to spare thousands no matter what your design is.

                To come up with an accurate budget, take into account the factors that the process will include. These can be the furniture, facilities, the specific materials to be used (concrete, wood, stone, metals, etc.), and the likes. You should also spare additional amounts for price allowances.

                You can canvass for their prices by looking in different stores, and coming up with which will give you the most benefits for your money, that is, in terms of quality and budget.

                2. Requires a plan

                There are certain procedures that you need to go through before you can efficiently start the renovation. Without these, the process may fail in the middle of execution, and will only result in wasted time, effort, and money. 

                The said procedures will include conducting research, budget estimation, design drafting, evaluating the necessary processes, and lastly, coming up with a concrete plan. The final plan will serve as a guide for performing the activities.

                3. Accuracy-driven

                Accuracy is one of the most significant factors in a renovation. This is the key to landing on the right process and results.

                You have to be specific about what you want to achieve for your home. This will require you to have clear communications with the team that you are working with. Having a list regarding your goals can also help you come up with the most satisfactory results.

                This is also applicable to both your design and plans. Your design, most specifically, will need to have the exact measurements, colour scheme, and structure that you want so the contractors can adjust the plan according to it.

                4. Works in a timeline

                It is possible that the renovation process can be rushed if you are working on a tight deadline, but still, you have to allow a considerable time allowance if you really want the quality to be at its best. Each activity requires their own timeframe so avoid expecting that this will be done in just a day or two.

                It is important that you are knowledgeable about when you can expect the finished output to avoid misunderstandings on both parts.

                5. Comes with risks

                Renovation is not always rainbows and butterflies. If you work with inexperienced contractors, it is possible that you end up with something that you did not sign up for. This means that dissatisfaction is such case is prevalent.

                Even if you work with an experienced contractor such as our home renovations team in Newcastle, you need to understand that risks are still present. This may be because of surrounding factors in the environment, or fortuitous events.

                Once you are confident that you are well-equipped with all the necessary knowledge regarding the process, that is the time when you are ready to avail renovation. This way, you can be assured throughout its execution.

                Why should you work with a contractor?

                You may be wondering why we are emphasizing that you work with a contractor instead of resorting to DIY ways. This is not just because our team offers the service, but because we are aware of the risks, hazards, and possible failures that you may face if you proceed with such ways. 

                We care about our clients as much as we care about the project itself. In addition to this, you will also save more by working with experts instead of repeatedly spending on things due to process modifications.

                Summary: Newcastle home renovations contractor

                Home renovation is an activity that involves the reconstruction of infrastructure. This can be the redesigning of a specific part of the house, or general, whichever type the client may prefer. This, however, requires a lot of research and requirements before this can be executed.

                This is where our home renovations team in Newcastle comes in. We are confident that we will be a great asset to your project, and the results that you want to gain. Feel free to contact Australian Construction for concerns, inquiries, consultations, site visits, and/or project negotiations.