
Commercial COVID Cleaning In Adelaide That Protects Your Business

The Most Effective Protection With Professional COVID Cleaning In Adelaide

    For businesses, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to many challenges, especially for people with commercial property. Every day brings new obstacles for business owners, and it has made hygiene standards paramount.

    Australian Construction has many years’ experience in handling major incidents and the severe outcomes they trigger. It makes our COVID cleaning service in Adelaide the ideal option to help your business keep running amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and afterwards, using our commercial cleaning services.

    Expert commercial cleaning services

    Our work is to help organisations and individuals when they need it most. Our experts have assisted in recovery efforts following floods, earthquakes and a lot more. We comprehend that the essential element during or after incidents like this is managing to continue operating and working. It is the reason industrial cleaning and the help of an expert COVID cleaning team is vital.

    Because of COVID-19, most businesses and people no longer view hygiene the same way. Our COVID cleaning team In Adelaide is committed to protecting employees and customers, using our skills in commercial cleaning to facilitate business continuity.

    Commercial deep clean

    Our experienced team formulates a commercial deep clean to help in sanitising all aspects of your business premises. For this, we use specialist cleaning agents and equipment to extract any viruses, pathogens and bacteria from all surfaces like walls and floors. We have provided commercial deep clean services in Adelaide for many years after various disasters and events.

    About commercial cleaning works

    Australian Construction commercial cleaning services are the product of many years’ experience in disaster recovery and commercial cleaning. We use our 3-Step Clean System to ensure that after a possible outbreak, your business operations can go on securely and safely during this public health catastrophe. Our qualified team uses a professional-level botanical disinfectant mixed with an innovative antimicrobial surface protectant.

    It helps in protecting your premises for a maximum of 90 days after cleaning. At Australian Construction, we comprehend that commercial cleaning involves a lot more than effectively cleaning common touchpoints like light switches and door handles. 

    Why we stand out from other commercial cleaning firms

    Australian Construction is different from many commercial cleaning firms because we have vast experience assisting businesses to resume operations with little effect on their everyday business.

    We are proud to be a commercial restoration firm you can rely on, ensuring you know your business plan from the beginning of the cleaning and restoration procedure to the end. 

    Whether you experienced damage triggered by storms, fire, mould, water or a different disaster, when you have a proven COVID cleaning team to help you, it makes a big difference where resources and equipment recovery is concerned. Our team’s commitment is to work at the forefront of a crisis and help organisations reduce the resulting disruption. 

    Our COVID cleaning service in Adelaide continuously works to keep you protected during and afterwards. We avail our services and experience in different settings like air duct cleaning and contents restoration, etc.

    Commercial disinfection services 

    Since the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, all of us have experienced new difficulties that have altered our lifestyles and how we interact with others. Utilising sanitising hand gel to wash hands and cleaning surfaces have become deeply entrenched in our minds as we attempt to prevent infection and lower the coronavirus spread.

    Our COVID cleaning team has provided disinfection and sanitising cleaning services for years. Apart from this, they have expertise in disaster recovery, helping businesses and individuals to recover from occurrences that can potentially interrupt our lives. Call us any time for emergency COVID-19 disinfection services or any other services we provide. 

    The importance of disinfectant cleaning services

    Our disinfectant cleaning services present an essential method of ensuring the safety of businesses and homes. Our COVID cleaning team’s disinfectant deep clean involves cleaning all the surfaces, whether touched or untouched, removing any potentially hazardous germs from the building.

    Disinfection services are different from standard cleaning because we design them to eliminate up to 99.9% of harmful microbes like viruses and bacteria that lives on surfaces, creating a possible health risk. Expert disinfecting services form a vital element of the recovery services applicable following a storm, flood, fire or any occurrence that leads to a possible health threat.

    After the onset of COVID-19, our disinfectant services are now more critical than before.

    Professional disinfecting services

    Significant experience in emergency response and disaster recovery gives the Australian Construction team the skills and knowledge to disinfect your buildings effectively and efficiently.

    Our COVID cleaning team in Adelaide provides disinfection services for facilities and buildings prone to the contamination that hazmat accidents, mould, storms, fire and water trigger, and infectious materials cause. 

    We have proven processes for secure professional disinfecting services, stemming from a wealth of experience and awareness. Because we offer disinfection and non-hazardous contamination services, we have more effective methods than basic cleaning processes, making us stand out from industry leading standards.

    COVID-19 cleaning services

    Our 3-step clean system

    We use a 3-step cleaning procedure to protect your property, providing a safer surrounding for patrons and employees.

    Step 1: disinfect

    • Australian Construction utilises a prevalent botanical disinfectant solution, which kills 99.9% of germs (for instance, the human Coronavirus) mould, fungi and bacterial. This liquid cleans, deodorises and sanitises in a single step.
    • This disinfectant is EPA registered and ozone-friendly. It does not have harsh chemicals and gets rid of most allergens upon contact.
    • It is non-abrasive, non-corrosive and non-flammable.
    • It is safe to use daily and ready to use. It is a patented and NSF Certified method that does not need rinsing even on surfaces that contact food.

    Step 2: protect

    After we clean surfaces thoroughly and disinfect them, we apply the BiorprotectTM RTU Antimicrobial surface protectant. We use this as an alternative treatment created to protect surfaces between frequent cleanings.

    An EPA-registered formula (water-based) creates an antimicrobial shield, providing constant, persistent antimicrobial surface protection. It protects against various odour and stain-causing microbes like algae, mildew, mould and bacteria. It can remain effective for up to 90 days.

    Step 3 – certify 

    Australian Construction certifies that our team has treated the property with the antimicrobial and disinfectant surface protectant. The certification allows others to confirm that we have cleaned the property with the market’s most sophisticated technology.


    When it comes to integrated property restoration and property restoration services, Australian Construction ranks top in Adelaide. Our vast experience enables us to respond to most disasters, large or small.

    Please call us today, and let our COVID cleaning team in Adelaide give you our superior response and unsurpassed resources to solve damage caused by wind, water, fire or other disasters!


      Gold Coast Commercial COVID Cleaning Service- Call Our Team Today!

      The Best COVID Cleaning Team On The Gold Coast For A Safer Environment

        If you own a building or a facility or manage a property, you have the responsibility of making crucial decisions about your building or facility. You may be considering carrying out a combination of sanitising, or deep cleaning and sanitising because of the present Coronavirus pandemic.

        You might be wondering whether to clean your facility now or wait to do it afterwards. Since it is not clear when this crisis will end, and our lives restore to normal, Australian Construction is happy to give you our expert advice for scheduling your professional COVID cleaning service on the Gold Coast.

        If your building is presently unoccupied because of the COVID crisis and you want to reopen soon, we suggest you allow our professional cleaners to provide you with their COVID cleaning expertise.

        Why you need COVID cleaning

        • You will be prepared: When we clean your premises now, it will be ready for occupants immediately you wish to reopen, and you will start operating immediately.  Rushing to find experts to disinfect when you are ready to reopen is not advisable. Delaying resuming business due to inadequate cleaning of your facility is worse.
        • You will beat the rush: If schools, offices and different facilities all begin to reopen at around the same time, our firm will be overwhelmed with disinfecting and cleaning requests. You may not find a company with the available personnel. 
        • It is safer: The ideal time to disinfect, sanitise or clean a building is when it is unoccupied. Our crews can access the whole building without having to work when occupants are around. It is safer for your employees and occupants and ensures that we will disinfect your building areas.

        If you have an essential facility that is functional at this period, clean now

        Disinfecting and sanitising now and continuously all through the pandemic keeps your occupants safe and eases their worries. According to the CDC reports, even if social distancing practices are adhered to, the coronavirus can survive on surfaces for days.

        Additionally, we appreciate that occupants are not comfortable reporting to work because of the risk of falling ill. So, when our COVID cleaning team on the Gold Coast sanitises and disinfects regularly, it goes a long way in preventing the virus spread, decreasing anxiety, and keeping people healthy and working.

        If you want to clean, disinfect and sanitise your facility while it’s still open and running, we suggest the following:

        • Plan the cleaning at a period when the occupants are away: It ensures everyone is safe and also ensures we disinfect the building thoroughly. If it is impossible, for instance, where facilities operate 24 hours each day, we can give you a solution.
        • Plan for regular cleaning: A sanitised building becomes reinfected immediately a sick person enters the building. So, it is best to provide the ideal health and safety results when our skilled team disinfects regularly.
        • Inform your occupants of the steps you are taking: if you adhere to the above recommendations, occupants will not interact or see our technicians. Therefore, inform them that you are taking these measures to protect them. It will give them peace of mind and keep them involved in important activities.

        If your premises has been reported to have a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case, do not clean yet.

        It might seem counter-intuitive. However, it would be wise to wait before we disinfect after a suspected or confirmed Coronavirus case inside your premises.  As we shall explain later, if you postpone, the cleaning will be safer and less costly.

        Having said that, it is obvious that you should disinfect, sanitise and clean any facility with an identified COVID-19 case before that facility is reoccupied.

        There are various estimates about the length of time Coronavirus lasts without an infected person present. Data from the CDC shows that the virus can survive for a maximum of 3 days on metal and plastic.

        Therefore, it would be best to wait at least that long before we carry out any work. The fact is that the longer you wait, the lower the chances that there is an active virus in your premises.

        A company like Australian Construction has different disinfecting and sanitation protocols; it is determined by whether a suspected or confirmed virus is present or not. If there is a confirmed case, we carry out a stricter type of cleaning, and our crews wear a higher level of personal protective equipment (PPE)

        It is important to sanitise, disinfect and clean any facility with a suspected or confirmed coronavirus case before people go back to the building, despite the time that has lapsed. 

        Our COVID cleaning team on the Gold Coast will ensure that it confirms how much time has passed since anyone with a suspected or confirmed virus has entered the facility and whether other people have been there since. Please give honest information to ensure that we follow the proper processes, and everyone remains safe.

        Take all precautions

        The COVID-19 pandemic presents an uncertain situation that changes fast. Because the future is uncertain, it may be wise to wait and see the outcomes. But a company like Australian Construction expects to have many demands for sanitation and cleaning as government buildings, schools and public offices begin to reopen.

        So, make use of our professional COVID cleaning services today!

        Cleaning expectations for schools

        People should continue to clean objects and surfaces that are touched regularly. Being responsible for cleaning education centres and businesses, we ensure that our disinfection and cleaning procedures adhere to the standard cleaning products and routine used.  

        It is essential to maintain effective hand hygiene practices and encourage your employees and visitors to your facilities to do the same. Make sure that:

        • Public and staff toilets have adequate soap stock.
        • There are paper towels or functional hand driers.
        • Shared areas, for instance, kitchen and staff rooms, have an efficient cleaning routine to ensure visitors and staff wellbeing.
        • In education facilities, tissue boxes and hand sanitiser should be easily accessible for students and staff. Young children might need monitoring when using a hand sanitiser. Please place it in a safe area to avoid inappropriate usage.


        So depending on your specific situation, decide whether you want us to clean now. We advise you to use the best available information to make the best decision.  Whether you opt to disinfect, clean or sanitise, our COVID cleaning team on the Gold Coast is available for you and will be glad to help!


          Expert Sydney Commercial COVID Cleaning- Call Our Team Today!

          Protect Your Business Premises From The COVID Spread With Professional Cleaning Services

            If you are an employer, you have an obligation to protect individuals from harm. This includes taking practical steps to protect your employees and others from the Coronavirus or COVID-19. This virus transfers from people to surfaces, and it is passed to others who come into contact with the same surfaces.

            When you keep your workplace clean, it decreases the likelihood of the Coronavirus spreading. It is an essential part of making your business ‘COVID-secure.’ As a business owner, you should consider the areas you and your staff work.

            You can clean using the tips, guidelines and information that the CDC provides; however, working with a team of professionals such as our COVID cleaning team in Sydney, can give you better outcomes and shield you from possible infection.

            When hiring a COVID cleaning service in Sydney for your apartment building, business space or other property cleaning, look for a well-conversant company with that type of space.

            This ensures that the space will be germs-free and that our expert team will consider the specific area’s particulars. For instance, if your office area has more cleaning areas than an apartment, a suitable company like ours will perform the job well.

            Why you need professional COVID cleaning

            The importance of regular disinfecting and cleaning the areas we occupy has become more essential than before. Adhering to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is essential for your safety and your employee’s safety. So, it would help if you took all the precautions to avoid the COVID-19 spread.

            Regular maintenance is the solution to reducing infection risk, and hiring an expert service like our COVID cleaning team in Sydney can help you create a safe environment. 

            The difference between disinfecting and cleaning

            Cleaning means when we physically remove germs (viruses and bacteria), grime and dirt from surfaces using a water and detergent solution. A detergent describes a surfactant that works to break up grease and oil using water.

            Our skilled team disinfects to kill germs on surfaces using chemicals. Cleaning before disinfecting is vital because grime and dirt reduce the capability of disinfectants to kill germs.  

            Areas to be disinfected and cleaned

            Any frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned regularly, like door handles, light switches, elevator buttons, workplace amenities, toilets, and taps. You should engage our expert cleaners to regularly clean and disinfect surfaces that many people touch. 

            If your business premises have many clients or others entering daily, we recommend more regular cleaning and disinfection of regularly touched surfaces. If the work area is only visited by a limited number of work crew daily and involves minimal interaction with other individuals, routine disinfection and daily cleaning may not be necessary.

            Our COVID cleaning team in Sydney cleans and disinfects if a person is suspected or confirmed to be COVID-19 positive has visited your workplace according to the state’s health authority.

            Routine disinfection

            Our experienced cleaners are available to disinfect and clean the surfaces that many people touch regularly. Before disinfection, we clean all the surfaces with detergent or use a combined disinfectant and detergent method for a 2-in-1 clean.

            A regularly touched surface is one that people touch many times every day, whether by one person or different. Taps and handles are illustrations of frequently touched surfaces. An infrequently touched surface describes any surface that does not come into human contact more than once every day. If you are not sure, treat your surface as a frequently touched one.

            Do all surfaces need cleaning and disinfecting?

            It is not necessary to clean and disinfect each surface. The virus spreads by breathing in droplets that an infected person produces when they sneeze or cough, or touching contaminated surfaces. Therefore, we only clean-contaminated or touched surfaces. 

            It applies to deliberate touching, for instance, a doorknob or accidentally, such as brushing a door as one reaches for the doorknob. Some surfaces that remain untouched, like machinery crevices, cracks and ceilings, do not require disinfection and cleaning.

            Is cleaning and disinfecting necessary for equipment if no one has visited the area or utilised the equipment recently?

            Not necessarily. If the surface has not experienced human contact for some days, this reduces its infection potential. Consider how often a specific surface is touched or is exposed to human contact when deciding how often you want us to clean and disinfect an area or equipment. 

            According to research, the COVID-19 virus can exist on some surfaces for a long time. If unsure about whether a particular surface needs to be cleaned or disinfected, it is better to err on the side of caution. Our COVID cleaning team in Sydney can clean and disinfect the area to prevent the risk of infection.

            Employees’ personal items

            Instruct your employees on cleaning and disinfecting personal items utilised in the workplace like phones and glasses regularly using sprays and disinfectant wipes. When cleaning your workplace, our professional works wear protective clothing, PPE (personal protective equipment). It is essential for the cleaning products we use.

            These are the essential requirements:


            Disposable aprons, gowns or suits are not necessary. Clothes that you can wash later are appropriate.

            Provide your staff with PPE and train them on how to use it safely

            If you have a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in your workplace, we always use surgical masks to clean the affected areas.  Hire a professional company like Australian Construction to clean thoroughly and disinfect before people go back to the workplace. 

            Guidelines to protect your workers

            • Encourage your sick workers to stay home. Set up policies that encourage unwell workers to stay home without fearing reprisals and ensure that the workers are familiar with these policies.
            • Talk to your employees about their worries. Some staff members are at higher risk of a severe sickness, such as elderly ones suffering from chronic medical conditions.
            • Create other flexible policies for telework and scheduling if it is practical. Also, set up leave policies, allowing staff to remain at home to take care of sick family members or take care of children if childcare and schools close.
            • Promote etiquette for hand-washing, sneezing and coughing. Provide no-touch trash cans, water and soap, tissues and hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol.


            During the outbreak of an infectious disease like the present COVID-19, business owners should be ready to disrupt their businesses and implement measures for protecting their employees’ and visitor’s safety and health in the workplace.

            Australian Construction’s expert COVID Cleaning Team in Sydney is ready to give you all the help you need to keep your business premises safe. Do not hesitate to call us today!