
Our Adelaide Highrise Maintenance Team Will Rise To The Challenge!

How To Properly Hire An Adelaide Highrise Building Maintenance Team

    How should you hire your local highrise maintenance contractor in Adelaide? Are there some things you need to know before making a decision?

    Yes, there are. Here at Australian Construction, we are going to give you some tips about how to hire a contractor. In the end, you should be equipped with a checklist and use it to make an informed business decision.

    Why hire a contractor? 

    At first, you may think it is better to have an in-house facilities department. This sounds good, but their capabilities are limited. In this section, let us talk about the different benefits of hiring a contractor.

    1. Expertise

    Contractors have the expertise that your typical employees do not have. While it is easy to find someone who will clean your toilets and do basic plumbing and electrical work, it is not easy to fix serious problems.

    Like what? Here are a few examples:

    • Window cleaning – you need special rigging to ensure that the person cleaning the highrise windows is safe from harm.
    • Plumbing and electrical – there has to be a regular maintenance schedule and check-up for your entire system. Engineers and specialists are the best ones to do this to ensure that you are still compliant with government expectations.
    • Fire alarm systems – contractors like us who specialise in fire prevention systems are the only ones qualified to fix and maintain your fire sprinklers and defence systems. We also know what to expect, and you can rest assured that once we are done, your building will be compliant with building codes.  

    2. Cost-savings

    Hiring a contractor to do the maintenance is far less expensive than having to spend money on replacement and repairs.

    If your HVAC systems, rooftop, walls, and concrete floors are maintained, you will be able to reach their maximum longevity. As such, you will be able to prevent an untimely restoration.  

    3. Government compliance 

    Earlier, we touched on government compliance. The government has a building code, and you have to comply with all of the expectations outlined therein.

    Your employees may or may not have knowledge of what these codes are. They may know some, but not all. Specialist contractors like us know all the expectations, and we keep ourselves abreast of any changes with the law.

    These are the three main reasons why you need to hire a contractor. Surely, there are more benefits to be had than to entrust your entire building maintenance operations to your employees.

    Tips for hiring an Adelaide highrise building maintenance contractor

    Now, let us talk about the qualifications you have to look for from a contractor. There are many contractors out there, but not everyone provides the same level and quality of service.

    1. License

    The first thing you have to look for from a contractor is a license. There are many contractors out there, but you must only deal with a group that has a license to operate.


    Because a license is an indication that the business is legitimate. A license comes from the government. Before the government issues this to an entity, the organisation must have met what the government requires.

    A licensed contractor is a registered contractor. You have the assurance that they took the right educational path to do this job. A license also tells you that the contractor knows the standards that the government expects.

    If the contractor is licensed, it is also highly likely that the contractor is bonded and insured. The bond guarantees that the contractor cannot get paid unless they deliver what is expected of them. Insurance, on the other hand, is protection against liabilities.

    2. Experience

    You must only work with contractors who have been doing this for years—at least five years. This gives you the guarantee that the contractor knows what to do and that they have been exposed to all sorts of problems in the building maintenance industry.

    Australian Construction has been around for many years—20 years. Our highrise maintenance contractor in Adelaide has had exposure to all sorts of problems that can arise from building maintenance activities. As such, we can take the appropriate action to prevent and even fix these problems.

    3. Reputation 

    The last thing you have to check its reputation. You must only work with a contractor who keeps his commitment. Since we are talking about building maintenance, you have to do some digging to find out if the contractor does a good job in all facets of this task.

    What we recommend that you do is to ask some people you know for contractors that they have already worked with. Check if the contractor has fulfilled their obligations.

    You can also go online to review sites like Trust Pilot, and then investigate if the company you are eyeing has a positive or negative reputation. Another option you can take is to go to social media groups.

    We at Australian Construction possess all these qualifications. We are experts in all areas of the construction business. The good thing about doing business with us is that we not only maintain your building, but we also have the capability to restore and repair any system that has an issue. 

    Summary: Adelaide highrise building maintenance

    Hiring a contractor is a critical step in making sure that your building is functional and fully compliant with the Building Code of Australia. We strongly suggest that when you hire, choose an organisation that can fulfil the requirements we have outlined.

    Give us a call at Australian Construction. We have been in the construction business for over 20 years. We do not only build, but we also maintain structures. We are adept at all facets of the construction industry, and building maintenance is just one of our specialities.

    Contact us, and we will give your site an ocular inspection. From there, we will be able to assess what needs to be done, and we will present a plan that will show you the frequency of the maintenance, and which systems of your building will be covered. Our highrise maintenance contractor in Adelaide is waiting to hear from you!


      Highrise Maintenance In Darwin – Your Maintenance Needs Covered!

      Top Darwin Highrise Building Maintenance Services That You Need

        Building maintenance is a crucial aspect of your operations. You have to clean the windows, make sure your fire systems are working, and a whole lot more. To do this right, you need your local highrise maintenance contractor in Darwin.

        But what exactly should the contractor be doing? Here, at Australian Construction, we will provide you with some of the most important building maintenance services that you need for your highrise.

        1. Window washing

        Window washing and cleaning must be done regularly. Having an employee do this is only effective on the inside, but not on the outside. If you are going to clean the window outside, you have to ensure that the person doing it is qualified.

        There are several methods to do this, but it is best that you hire a professional. One common method is to use water jets. These are pressure washers, but they can only reach certain heights. Another method that is commonly used is ropes, but this is dangerous and not as effective as the cradle.

        The cradle is the most effective one, but it requires a complicated rigging structure. It is also dangerous, and if the rig is not installed correctly, it can fall and cause a casualty.

        At Australian Construction, we can provide the most effective means of washing your windows on a regular basis. We will also take care of providing the necessary equipment to facilitate the cleaning process.

        2. Weatherproofing and waterproofing

        These two things are done on schedule before harsh weather comes. For one, you need to make sure that your windows are insulated.

        Every so often, joints on windows and doors will crack. You need experts who can tell whether they will need to be replaced or not. At Australian Construction, we are proud to say that we have experts in joint sealing. We will take a look at the joints of your windows, doors, and even your concrete to find out if there are cracks.

        Waterproofing is also necessary for your baths and toilets. If they are not waterproofed, they will cause leaks. The basement will also need some checking. Leaks are the number one enemy of structures, even if they are not made of wood.

        Water can seep through concrete. And if this happens, the concrete will get weak. Water is also the number one enemy of metal, as it causes oxidation, turning the metal into rust.

        Waterproofing is a process that is complex. Not all waterproofing materials are suitable for all types of purposes. To get this done right, the contractor must understand the weather conditions in your area all-year-round.

        From this analysis, we can determine the best waterproofing compound to use. Do not make the mistake of thinking that a commercially available caulk will fix everything—you have to use the right materials for the right purpose.

        3. Electrical maintenance

        Third on our list of the top highrise building maintenance services that you need is electrical maintenance. Highrise buildings typically have back-up power sources—generators that can provide power for the whole building if there is a power outage.

        Systems like these are complicated, and there is a need to regularly check if they are functional, or if there is a need to do repairs.

        From electrical outlets to fuse boxes to wirings, there has to be a maintenance schedule for your entire electrical system. Apart from making sure if they work, we also have to ensure that none of these systems are likely to cause a fire hazard.

        And speaking of fire, we also maintain and replace fire sprinkler systems. Fire prevention maintenance is not an option—the Building Code of Australia requires it. You have to hire a contractor who is licensed to do your fire safety inspection, along with your electrical system safety inspection.

        We at Australian Construction can do both of these. It is at this point that we’d like to mention our license. We operate under the Building Code of Australia. As such, you have a guarantee that the work our highrise maintenance contractor in Darwin does is in compliance with government expectations.

        4. Plumbing maintenance

        The last service that you certainly need is plumbing. Pipes can get clogged, and regular maintenance is the only way to prevent the situation from getting worse.

        If your buildings pipes are clogged, the pressure will build up, and you will experience flooding. Your tenants will complain, and you might end up having to spend a lot of money paying for damages and repairs.

        Apart from checking the pipes for clogs, you must also have someone check for leaks and repair them. While some leaks can be easily managed by a resident plumber, there are some cases where you need contractors.

        At Australian Construction, we can also provide services for your water tanks. We fabricate tanks, repair and refurbish liners, and also repair corrosion.

        Overall, we can offer you a complete plumbing maintenance package. We can include this in our service of work agreement, and your plumbing system will receive regular check-ups and repairs.

        Make sure you hire a licensed plumbing contractor like us. Highrise buildings work differently from homes. Buildings have different pressure systems for the water to come up to the top floors, and only a qualified plumber can spot why there is a problem.

        Lastly, your basement is also a critical area, especially if you have a laundry. At Australian Construction, we will ensure that all areas where water is used heavily, will remain leak-free.

        Summary: Darwin highrise building maintenance

        Give us a call at Australian Construction now, so that we can discuss your needs. One of our specialists will schedule a consultation with you, and we will also schedule a day when we can visit your site. Once we get there, we can discuss in detail what your requirements are, as well as do a site inspection.

        From here, we will give you a plan on how often we will do the maintenance activities, and what specific services you can expect from our highrise maintenance team in Darwin. We will also provide you with a quote for our service, and then we can go from there.