
Foundation Contractor In Newcastle With Uncompromising Quality Service

Newcastle Foundation Contractor: Advantages Of A Foundation Contractor

    The construction business is a complicated one. There are so many things that go on when building infrastructure. But why do you need a local foundation contractor in Newcastle when you are already working with a construction firm?

    Here at Australian Construction, we will demystify this issue. We will explain why hiring a foundation contractor is better and safer than doing it on your own. In the end, we hope you realize that a foundation contractor is an imperative component of your construction team.

    Advantage 1: you will get professional expertise

    Not all construction workers know how to build or dig a foundation. Expert foundation contractors like our foundation contractor in Newcastle are comprised of engineers who specialise in this kind of job.

    Foundation contractors are experts. They will not just dig—they calculate the depth of the foundation in relation to the size of the structure. This is crucial as the foundation is what holds the building in place.

    If you saw a building that collapsed despite its neighbouring buildings still standing, chances are that the contractor did a bad job.

    At Australian Construction, we do not just build for the sake of it. We understand that a foundation is required so that the walls do not separate from the floors! We know what kind of foothold is necessary to support the weight of the structure.

    Advantage 2: you will have access to tools

    Working on a building’s foundation is not merely about getting a shovel and digging. Large and heavy machinery is needed to get this job done.

    At Australian Construction, we have a wide array of equipment that we use to facilitate the job safely and efficiently. We value the time of our clients, and the only way we can complete the foundation project is through the use of large machinery.  

    Here are some examples of the equipment we use for digging:

    • Excavators excavators are used for large-scale digging. They are huge machines that have an attachment that digs through the soil. These machines can also be used for demolition projects
    • Backhoe – these machines look like excavators, but they dig backwards. They are great for digging trenches, and they are also used to load debris and soil to the dump trucks. Backhoes are also called loaders. The ones that we use have stabilizers to make sure that they are safe—they will not tip over.
    • Bulldozers – these are machines that push the debris and soil to a specific spot. From there, the backhoe will load them to dump trucks. Bulldozers are also used to even out the soil.

    We have much more equipment, such as the trencher and the compactor. The compactor is one that is always a part of the foundation-building process, as it is the machine that compacts the soil to make it sturdy.

    Advantage 3: you get value for money

    You cannot do trial and error with the foundation-building process. The last thing you want is to have repeat work. We at Australian Construction are experts who can guarantee that we can do this right on the first attempt.

    We know the value of your time. As mentioned earlier, we use heavy equipment to do the heavy-lifting of the project. With heavy machinery, we can guarantee that we can keep track and maintain the project as scheduled.

    As such, you get value for your money. If you ask other contractors who do not specialize in foundation building, do not be surprised if they don’t do it right. And if this happens, you pay their salaries only to have an expert company repair the damage they have done.

    How should you choose a Newcastle foundation contractor? 

    There are some important things that you should consider before you hire a foundation contractor.

    These are:

    Expertise – only hire an expert who has been in the business for a long while. The more projects a contractor has completed, the more they are exposed to different problems that may arise. There are many things that can go wrong in a project, and only experts are prepared to tackle this problem.  

    Cost – how much does the work cost? We are not saying that you should always pick the cheapest price or contract. You have to consider what kind of value you are getting from the service.

    Reputation – ask around; talk to your friends, family members, and fellow engineers who the best foundation contractors are. Ask those who have already built a large-scale project, and you will have an idea who you should be dealing with.

    License – one last but equally important thing you should look for is a license. Australia has a government code, and only licensed companies must take on foundation jobs. We at Australian Construction are not just licensed—we adequately trained our employees and our engineers are also professionally licensed.

    The team at Australian Construction possess all of the above qualities. Even if you shop around for contractors, we have a belief in the service that we can do, and we are confident that you will consider us for your project.

    Summary: Newcastle foundation contractor 

    As you can see, a foundation contractor is an expert. You cannot go wrong with your foundation—you must not. The wrong-footing or foundation of any infrastructure will make it collapse. The last thing that you want is to have a facility sitting on an unsecured foundation. Needless to say, this results in serious liability problems.

    Give us a call at Australian Construction. We will schedule a meeting with you, and we will walk you through all our processes. Should you decide to work with us, we will have to review the blueprint and see how we can best do the job.

    We will work out a quote with you, inclusive of warranties and liabilities, and then our foundation contractor in Newcastle will get started with your project really soon!

    As professionals, we are licensed and we offer a warranty for our work. We have been in the business for over 20 years, and the dozens upon dozens of clients that we have served will tell you that our work lives up to our reputation. Why not contact our team today! 


      Looking For A Trusted & Licensed Foundation Contractor In Perth?

      Perth Foundation Contractor: Is Australian Construction The Best? 

        Ensuring that your construction has a strong foundation is a crucial aspect of your project. You need your local foundation contractor in Perth to make sure that this happens. The foundation is what determines your establishments durability, estimated lifetime, and its building quality.

        Taking this into account, it’s just right that you seek professional assistance instead of settling with already existing resources. This will ensure better results and more benefits. 

        If you’re looking for a team that can do this, Australian Construction is the answer that you’re looking for. We will explain here what the foundation process requires, and why we’re suitable as your contractors. 

        What does foundation mean?

        First, let us talk about what the foundation process refers to. To give you an overview, a foundation is made to provide a base for the infrastructure that is yet to be built. This is an initial task that is not negotiable, and it is needed to fully enhance the construction activities in the future. 

        More often than not, this involves digging up earth soil and replacing it with a stronger base, like concrete for example.

        If you are wondering on why it is not recommended to build on bare grounds, it can’t hold as much weight compared to the capabilities of steel and cement bases. This is especially true for big facilities like high-rise buildings

        Although the main purpose of the foundation is to provide greater support, the benefits that this gives is not limited to it. 

        Below are some more advantages that you can get from a sturdy foundation:

        1. Better moisture quality

        Having soil as your foundation can affect the moisture within your building. Over time, there is a high possibility of accumulation of moss, damp, and other moist-related issues. With foundation, no matter what resources you use, this will be lessened. 

        2. Regulates temperature

        Some building owners find that their infrastructures lack heat, and are often overflowing with cold temperature. The most common reason for this is the soil and its humidity. Those that have installed foundation are proved to have better atmosphere distribution.

        3. Reduces safety hazards

        Safety hazards such as breaking down of establishments, and experiencing damages due to weather conditions, and disasters are inevitable. 

        The only thing that one can do is to equip their buildings with the necessary protective treatments to reduce the things that it will face. The best treatment in starting out is through providing a foundation base.

        The process at hand needs a lot of time and effort for the execution of its activities. Due to its significance, it is evident that you will face a lot of problems and risks in the long run if you choose not to select a suitable foundation.

        What is the equipment used in the foundation?

        Before contractors can start with the sub-processes of foundation, all the materials and equipment need to be prepared beforehand. Without these, it is impossible to carry out any construction activity. 

        Speaking of, here are some of the common resources that you may need to get a hold of:

        1. Concrete

        Concrete will make up most of the foundation structure. This will be the actual base. How this will be shaped will vary according to what the construction may require. Usually, when this is applied, the process needs to be halted for two to three weeks, as this needs time to actually hug its mould.

        2. Steel

        Steel will provide the support that the concrete needs. This is usually placed at below the concrete, and in some cases, besides it for the purpose of framing it in its place. Its variations may be classified according to its size, length, width, and other dimensions. 

        3. Bricks and blocks

        Bricks and blocks are used for the finishing touches of the foundation. These can come in a lot of types, all of which are serving their own purpose in construction. Although bricks and blocks can be used together, most contractors prefer sticking to one material to efficiently budget the project’s financial assets.

        4. Wood

        Next up, we have wood. This can be used as an alternative to concrete and is commonly applied to infrastructures that have relatively light weight compared to the tons present in one building. This can also partner up with wooden houses and infrastructures to establish consistency.

        5. Construction treatments

        Foundations also require certain treatments to avoid invading species. This may include anti-termites, insects, and the likes. Without this, all of the efforts poured into constructing the foundation may only go to waste over time.

        6. Weatherproofing tools

        In addition to treatments, tools for constant maintenance are also needed to be installed. This is to assure that the quality of the foundation will not deteriorate even if a long time has passed. This will prevent the surfaces of the foundation from being damp, and from being affected by constant flooding.

        7. Machinery

        The last on our list is machinery. These are the machines and equipment that will be needed for construction activities like excavations, digging, concrete application, footing construction, and more.

        As a client, you don’t have to worry about personally prepping all of the things stated above. If you choose to work with our foundation contractor in Perth, you can rest assured that our team will be the ones responsible for all the activities, and the only thing left for you to do is to look forward to the final result.

        What to look for in your foundation contractor?

        Now, what should you look for in your foundation contractor? Below are some qualities that you can refer to:

        • Skilled
        • Goal-oriented
        • Problem solver
        • Can work under pressure
        • Legitimate
        • Affordable pricing
        • Credible reputation

        Australian Construction meets all of the criteria above, and is really the answer to your concerns. Our foundation contractor in Perth can offer all the benefits stated, and even more, if negotiations go well.

        Summary: Perth foundation contractor

        Foundation is definitely a vital part of the construction. This will serve as your building’s supporting factor and will make its lifespan longer than those without proper foundations.

        The process of achieving a supportive, sturdy foundation is quite complex so having a team like Australian Construction by your side will greatly help.

        Australian Construction will welcome you and your project with open arms. You can ask us any questions about the details of the process, and we will be more than happy to exchange discussions. Our foundation contractor in Perth will be able to offer site visits for more accurate information. Contact us today!


          Professional & Skilled Foundation Contractor In Townsville

          Main Types Of Foundation Contractor Services In Townsville

            Have you ever wondered if there are different types of foundations? Yes, indeed there are. If you are going to work with your local foundation contractor in Townsville, you will be surprised that this job is not only just about pouring concrete!

            Today, here at Australian Construction are going to discuss several types of projects that we cover. It is imperative to know that different types of structures and purposes also entail different approaches to laying the foundation.

            What does a foundation contractor do? 

            The main job of the foundation contractor is to excavate the soil, and then lay the metal foundation, and then finally pour the concrete. This is a general thing to say, as there are also foundations that are made of wood.

            The foundation is a structural system. It is the very thing that supports the building. Whether it is a house or a high-rise building, the structural integrity of the facility depends on the quality of the foundation. What the foundation does is to transmit the load of the building into the earth.

            Generally speaking, the bottom of the foundation must be below the frost line. This is important because the earth freezes and thaws, and this can damage the materials used in the foundation.

            The different types of foundation projects

            Now, let us take a look at the different types of foundations that contractors work on. By the end of this section, you will be able to place where your project belongs, and look for a contractor that best fits your needs.

            Housing foundations – a house needs a foundation like any other structure. The foundation serves as a shoulder where the house sits. The house has a considerable weight, and there has to be a flat base underneath to support it. If wood is used as a foundation, it has to be separated from the ground or it will rot.

            For house foundations, the most commonly used materials are brick, concrete, pressure-treated lumber that has preservatives, and stone. Today, the most common foundation is concrete because of its dependability as far as structural integrity is concerned.

            Building foundations – for buildings, it is much more complicated. The building should transfer its weight or load to the foundation, and the foundation spreads that load to the earth. For buildings, there are shallow and deep foundations. Naturally, a tall building needs a deep and strong foundation.  

            For buildings, it is not unusual to see foundations that are between 10 and 20 meters deep. The target here is to search for bedrock. For a building like Burj Khalifa, the foundation is about 85 meters deep!

            Raising foundations – a raised foundation is the kind where the footing is made around the perimeters of the structure. The bottom of this is a plate and the structure sits on top of it. Usually, a raised foundation is made with a concrete slab.

            In a raised foundation the main floor of the structure is raised about the earth. This is the most common type of foundation as it is also the most practical.

            Basements – a basement foundation does not mean that it is a foundation for a basement. What it means is that the footings are running on the sides or the perimeters of the basement. The foundation footings are also deep—they are below the frost line.

            The most commonly used type is called daylight basement type. In here, one or two sides are running along with the basement and are aligned to the ground from floor to ceiling. As the slope changes, the foundations get shallower, giving the opportunity to put windows at the top of the earth’s surface.  

            Repiling and piling repair – the last one is a type used in soils that are always shifting. A pile is similar to a beam that you see in piers. Pilings are made of different materials. They can be made of wood or concrete. Some prefer steel.

            So far, these are the most common types of foundation projects that our foundation contractor in Townsville does. While you have several options, you cannot choose one just because you like it. At the end of the day, the foundation of your structure will depend on how big and how tall your building is going to be.

            How to choose the best contractor

            There are many contractors out there, including our team. The sheer number of choices puts you in a tough spot, so how should you choose a contractor?

            The first thing that you have to look for is a license. If the contractor has no license, walk away. The license is proof that the contractor is duly recognized by the government, and that he or they are qualified to get the job done.

            The second thing you have to consider is reputation. Ask around and find out who the best contractors are. You can ask your friends and family members for feedback if they have had some projects in the past.

            A good contractor is popular because of the quality of work they do. Our foundation contractor in Townsville is proud of its history in completing quality projects for the local community.

            The last thing you have to check is the experience. How long has the contractor been doing this? We are not saying that you should not deal with companies that are new to the industry. If they are licensed, you can consider them. However, you must know that if they do not have adequate experience, then there is a higher risk of the job not getting done right.   

            Summary: foundation contractor Townsville

            Now that you know the processes done for different types of establishments, it is time that you identify yours. If you have any kind of large-scale project, the name to call is Australian Construction.

            So, why us?

            Our foundation contractor in Townsville has been in this business for over 20 years. Our teams many years of experience has exposed us to different possible situations. We are prepared for any challenge that will come along. Here at Australian Construction, we do not only do foundation services.

            We also offer many other kinds of industrial services like electrical engineering, excavation, industrial painting, and so much more. Give us a call now and let’s discuss your next project!


              Your Local Foundation Contractor In Melbourne – For Solid Foundations

              Melbourne Foundation Contractor: Different Types Of Foundations

                We at Australian Construction have been digging and building foundations for many years. After servicing dozens and dozens of clients, our foundation contractor in Melbourne has access to advanced technology and techniques. Today, we want to share with you several types of foundations that we do.

                These are:

                • Crawlspace and basement
                • Slab-on-grade with stem wall
                • Monolithic slab
                • Piles and Piers

                At the end of this simple article, you should have an idea of what kind of foundation best suits your facility. You can then give us a call so we can discuss your large-scale project further.

                Crawlspace and basement

                This kind of foundation is used with what is called a perimeter foundation. This perimeter foundation has a wall that creates a space under the floor. This space is not habitable. It is not like a basement. The interior of this crawlspace has an elevation. It is up to you if you want this elevation to be below the exterior of the finish grade or nor.

                If it is below the exterior grade, then it may classify as a basement. It could be a storage space, or you can also live in it.   

                Basements are different. The foundations are deeper, and you could use the basement as a place where there are also foundations around it, or you can treat as just another floor. Despite these differences, a basement will definitely have walls that will sit flush against the earth.

                Different elevations will have different types of foundations—the materials will also have variations, and it all depends on the purpose of the building and its height.

                Slab-on-grade with stem wall

                This type of foundation is a stem wall that is independent of the rest of the building. This support system is made of concrete, and it gets the support it needs from the soil. The purpose of the wall is to support the load of the building.

                What happens then is that the load goes to the stem wall, and then this load gets transferred to the soil. on some occasions, there is a footing that supports this load.

                Stem walls are relatively short. They only measure up to a few feet, and some of them are the height of a crawl space. Most houses use stem walls as a foundation, and the owner has the option to choose between ventilated and unventilated stem walls.

                Monolithic slab

                A monolithic slab is often confused with stem walls. A monolithic slab is a type of ground-supported slab. This is put on a grade with footing that has structural integrity. Usually, this kind of foundation is used in warm areas where there is no frost underground. It can also be used in areas where there is little frost under the earth.

                Monolithic foundations are sometimes called mono-slabs. It is called slab because concrete is poured, and there is a strong emphasis on the thickness of some sections, specifically those that will support structural walls.

                Piles and piers 

                The last types of foundation structures that are commonly used are piles and piers. A pile foundation is one that transfers the load to the soil. However, it is not as simple as that. The layer must be strong enough to bear the load, and then it can transfer the weight to the soil.

                There are many factors considered here such as the total load of the large-scale project the water level, and the noise and vibrations of the area, and the overall soil condition.

                A pile foundation is typically cylindrical. They can also be slabs of square “poles” that are made of concrete and steel. They are distributed in strategic places, much like you would if you use footings for a deck.        

                A pier foundation, on the other hand, is like a pile foundation. However, it also uses a cap. A pier foundation is a group of cylindrical columns. On top of the is a load-bearing pile cap or platform. On top of the pile cap is the pier or the single cylindrical foundation, and then another cap where the floor is going to sit.

                Pier foundation is affordable, and it requires less work. They are often used if the budget is limited and if the construction is a type where extensive excavation is not an option. It also does not cause a lot of disruption to the environment of the soil.  

                What kind of foundation should you use? 

                There is no single answer to this. The kind of foundation used always depends on the design of the building. Once an architect makes a building or infrastructure design, it is the engineer who will decide what kind of foundation to use.

                This is why it is imperative to deal with your local licensed and qualified foundation contractor in Melbourne. The engineer must have passed the requirement of the government, as this ensures that he is qualified to tackle large-scale projects like this.

                Only hire licensed contractors like us. We at Australian Construction follow the building codes of Australia. We have been in business for a long while, and the great work that we have accomplished has allowed us to expand.

                Today, we do not just take on projects in Melbourne. We also have projects in other cities like Sydney, Townsville, Adelaide, and many more. Also, we specialize in many other contractor services that can augment or complement the things we do as we build your structure’s foundation.

                Summary: Melbourne foundation contractor

                The foundation of a building is the most critical aspect of a construction project. Give us a call at Australian Construction and let us talk about the most reliable and most practical solution for your business.

                We have over 20 years of experience to back up our credibility. Our reputation precedes us, and we know that the clients we have served in the past will attest to this.

                If you give us a call, our licensed engineers will be more than happy to speak with you. We can take a look at the site and your project blueprint, and then we can discuss the budget and the project time-lines from there. Our foundation contractor in Melbourne is waiting to provide the support your buildings foundation needs!