
Looking For A Highrise Maintenance Contractor In Brisbane?

How To Find A Brisbane Highrise Building Maintenance Contractor

    Due to the size and commercial purpose of highrise buildings, they are a place where numerous people gather every day. This means that if you own this type of building, one of your responsibilities includes ensuring that it is kept at its best state—and you need the help of your local highrise maintenance team in Brisbane. 

    Building maintenance can be a complex and lengthy process. To be undertaken correctly, it will also require the skills of professionals. Here, we will focus on helping you find a contractor, as well as helping you decide as to whether or not you should actually use the service.

    What are the things that you should look for in a contractor?

    Contractors, or the people that are professionals in the field, will be the head of the implementation of the maintenance activities. This means that they will take on general roles such as in terms of project management, execution of physical tasks, and ensuring that the output is of high-quality.

    This being stated, it is evident that you need to have a reliable contractor that is equipped with all the necessary knowledge and skills so that you can experience a seamless maintenance process. To do this, you need to know the right qualities to look for. Below is an overview that you can use as a reference:

    1. Good reputation

    Firstly, you should find someone that has earned a good reputation in the field. This will provide you with the assurance that they are who they say are, and that they can substantiate their claims. You can determine this by conducting in-depth research about their team and finding out about their past transactions. Scrolling through client reviews can also be very helpful.

    2. Legitimate

    Checking for a team’s legitimacy is also important. This can be done by asking for their license and proof of their past outputs. This will prevent any misinformation and in the worst case scenario, fraud.

    3. Experienced

    Another thing that you should look into involves the capability of the contractors in a team. you should opt for professionals who have garnered great experiences in the field. Doing so will ensure that they have all the necessary knowledge and skills that will aid in bringing you closer to your goals.

    4. Has reasonable rates

    In terms of the pricing plans, you should not look for which is affordable and which is expensive. You need to take into account the factors like the inclusions of the process, and then see if it is reasonable for its price. You can look for free inclusions, additional services, touch-ups, warranties, and the like.

    You must have your standard to follow in terms of choosing a contractor so you can be sure of what you will be provided with. A checklist can also be used for a more accurate reference. Moreover, you have to be willing to exert both time and effort to achieve your goals in terms of contractors.

    Where can you find contractors?

    Now that you are aware of the types of contractors to look for, the only question left points to where you can find them. There are numerous platforms that you can choose from. Here are some:

    • Local city

    The first platform on our list will involve the area that either you or the project is currently residing in. This will make negotiations easier and more efficient as you don’t have to go through hoops in travelling between cities. Expenses can also be reduced if your contractor is locally based.

    To find contractors that are local, you can take a tour around your city, or head on to Google Maps if you don’t prefer manually searching around for them.

    • Social media sites

    Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others, are also good sources of contractors. You can simply input keywords like “contractors”, “contractors in (your location)”, and similar ones. Also, don’t forget to enter the type of contractor that you are looking for, for example, ‘maintenance contractors’ or ‘highrise building maintenance contractors’.

    Once searched, you should be able to access profiles, pages, and posts from and about contractors.

    • Search engines

    Search engines are very similar to the previous platform type. They however, have a wider scope because you are searching all over the online world. Apart from accounts, you will also be able to find the websites of contractors. You can enter the same keywords from before.

    • Customer referrals

    If you know someone who has previously engaged a highrise building maintenance team, then asking them for suggestions is also a good method. With this, you can be knowledgeable about contractor profiles and authentic comments about them. You will also know what to expect based on the client’s experiences.

    It is best to start with looking for contractors in your local city to eliminate issues regarding proximity and location. If you are from Brisbane, we recommend our highrise maintenance team in Brisbane. We also have branches in Townsville, Newcastle, and more.

    If for any reason, contractors are unavailable in your area, you can research online sources as some teams nowadays don’t have physical offices. 

    Is it worth it to engage a maintenance service?

    There is no need to hate the thought of having to engage maintenance services for your highrise building. Yes, this will require you to spend more money on the activities and contractor fees, but this will save you from having to incur subsequent larger costs for damages and other various construction issues. This process is more of a necessity that will keep your building in a good condition.

    If you’re looking for a short answer as to whether you should engage maintenance works for your highrise building, then the answer is yes, this is a must, if we consider factors such as the buildings structure and requirements, as well as your responsibilities as the owner.

    Summary: Brisbane highrise building maintenance

    Maintenance is important as this is the key to providing your building with the longest life possible. It is a time consuming process that needs to be done with the assistance of professional contractors, in order to be undertaken thoroughly. It is also an ongoing process that will last as long as the building is in existence.

    If you are looking for a contractor, we recommend looking into our services here at Australian Construction. We are confident that our highrise maintenance contractor in Brisbane has all the necessary skills to help you achieve your building maintenance goals!


      Our Adelaide Highrise Maintenance Team Will Rise To The Challenge!

      How To Properly Hire An Adelaide Highrise Building Maintenance Team

        How should you hire your local highrise maintenance contractor in Adelaide? Are there some things you need to know before making a decision?

        Yes, there are. Here at Australian Construction, we are going to give you some tips about how to hire a contractor. In the end, you should be equipped with a checklist and use it to make an informed business decision.

        Why hire a contractor? 

        At first, you may think it is better to have an in-house facilities department. This sounds good, but their capabilities are limited. In this section, let us talk about the different benefits of hiring a contractor.

        1. Expertise

        Contractors have the expertise that your typical employees do not have. While it is easy to find someone who will clean your toilets and do basic plumbing and electrical work, it is not easy to fix serious problems.

        Like what? Here are a few examples:

        • Window cleaning – you need special rigging to ensure that the person cleaning the highrise windows is safe from harm.
        • Plumbing and electrical – there has to be a regular maintenance schedule and check-up for your entire system. Engineers and specialists are the best ones to do this to ensure that you are still compliant with government expectations.
        • Fire alarm systems – contractors like us who specialise in fire prevention systems are the only ones qualified to fix and maintain your fire sprinklers and defence systems. We also know what to expect, and you can rest assured that once we are done, your building will be compliant with building codes.  

        2. Cost-savings

        Hiring a contractor to do the maintenance is far less expensive than having to spend money on replacement and repairs.

        If your HVAC systems, rooftop, walls, and concrete floors are maintained, you will be able to reach their maximum longevity. As such, you will be able to prevent an untimely restoration.  

        3. Government compliance 

        Earlier, we touched on government compliance. The government has a building code, and you have to comply with all of the expectations outlined therein.

        Your employees may or may not have knowledge of what these codes are. They may know some, but not all. Specialist contractors like us know all the expectations, and we keep ourselves abreast of any changes with the law.

        These are the three main reasons why you need to hire a contractor. Surely, there are more benefits to be had than to entrust your entire building maintenance operations to your employees.

        Tips for hiring an Adelaide highrise building maintenance contractor

        Now, let us talk about the qualifications you have to look for from a contractor. There are many contractors out there, but not everyone provides the same level and quality of service.

        1. License

        The first thing you have to look for from a contractor is a license. There are many contractors out there, but you must only deal with a group that has a license to operate.


        Because a license is an indication that the business is legitimate. A license comes from the government. Before the government issues this to an entity, the organisation must have met what the government requires.

        A licensed contractor is a registered contractor. You have the assurance that they took the right educational path to do this job. A license also tells you that the contractor knows the standards that the government expects.

        If the contractor is licensed, it is also highly likely that the contractor is bonded and insured. The bond guarantees that the contractor cannot get paid unless they deliver what is expected of them. Insurance, on the other hand, is protection against liabilities.

        2. Experience

        You must only work with contractors who have been doing this for years—at least five years. This gives you the guarantee that the contractor knows what to do and that they have been exposed to all sorts of problems in the building maintenance industry.

        Australian Construction has been around for many years—20 years. Our highrise maintenance contractor in Adelaide has had exposure to all sorts of problems that can arise from building maintenance activities. As such, we can take the appropriate action to prevent and even fix these problems.

        3. Reputation 

        The last thing you have to check its reputation. You must only work with a contractor who keeps his commitment. Since we are talking about building maintenance, you have to do some digging to find out if the contractor does a good job in all facets of this task.

        What we recommend that you do is to ask some people you know for contractors that they have already worked with. Check if the contractor has fulfilled their obligations.

        You can also go online to review sites like Trust Pilot, and then investigate if the company you are eyeing has a positive or negative reputation. Another option you can take is to go to social media groups.

        We at Australian Construction possess all these qualifications. We are experts in all areas of the construction business. The good thing about doing business with us is that we not only maintain your building, but we also have the capability to restore and repair any system that has an issue. 

        Summary: Adelaide highrise building maintenance

        Hiring a contractor is a critical step in making sure that your building is functional and fully compliant with the Building Code of Australia. We strongly suggest that when you hire, choose an organisation that can fulfil the requirements we have outlined.

        Give us a call at Australian Construction. We have been in the construction business for over 20 years. We do not only build, but we also maintain structures. We are adept at all facets of the construction industry, and building maintenance is just one of our specialities.

        Contact us, and we will give your site an ocular inspection. From there, we will be able to assess what needs to be done, and we will present a plan that will show you the frequency of the maintenance, and which systems of your building will be covered. Our highrise maintenance contractor in Adelaide is waiting to hear from you!


          Your Local Trusted Highrise Maintenance Contractor In Newcastle

          Benefits Of Hiring A Newcastle Highrise Building Maintenance Contractor

            Every building needs to undergo post-care activities to keep it in its best state for the longest time possible. Highrise buildings, however, need a greater amount of maintenance because these have greater dimensions in terms of structure. This is why you need your local highrise maintenance contractor in Newcastle.

            It is clear that you cannot manage the maintenance of highrise buildings on your own. This is where your local Newcastle highrise building maintenance team can help. Today, we’ll be walking you through what the process is about, its importance, requirements, as well as the reasons why you should work with a contractor.

            What is maintenance and why is it important?

            Maintenance is a requirement in almost every construction process. The subject of the project does not necessarily matter because the main goal of the activity is to ensure its good condition no matter how much time passes. 

            Although many owners scorn the thought of having to undergo maintenance because this means additional expenses, this will actually provide your building with numerous benefits. Here are some:

            1. Saves more money

            You will be required to spend money on maintenance activities, but this expense should not deter you. You will actually be able to save more through this because there is a low chance of you bearing larger costs for repairs which will consequently lead to more inconvenience.

            2. Maintains and improves building quality

            Committing to maintenance also means committing to a high-quality highrise building. Apart from keeping it in its current condition, this will also lead to greater improvements throughout the execution of the process.

            3. Establishes safety

            The process is done to prevent your building from incurring any damages, both internal and external. This means that your building will remain as safe as possible for occupants and visitors.

            The maintenance required may include a simple cleaning job, interior retouch, adhesive reapplication, or other similar tasks. The length of the process will depend on what is needed by the building. 

            One thing is for sure, though. This process will follow a timeline as to when it will be executed. This can be a once a week occurrence, once a month, even less or more. This will be a continuous process that should last as long as the building exists.

            What are the things that you should do before engaging a building maintenance service?

            Even if the importance of maintenance is greatly emphasised, you cannot just dive into the process without adequately preparing. If you are not prepared, you may not achieve the results that you are aiming for. 

            Taking this into account, below is an overview of the recommended steps to take before engaging your local highrise maintenance contractor in Newcastle:

            1. Conduct research

            Conducting research is important as this will provide you with an opportunity to have full knowledge of maintenance activities. This process is usually simple and won’t require much but because we are talking about highrise buildings, this will involve a many more considerations than with your average building.

            Another aspect that you should research is the possible risks that you will face in case issues and accidents arise. You can also look for its bespoke solutions now that you’re at it.

            2. Set your goals

            Knowing and setting your goals beforehand can also make the future process easier for you. This is because you don’t have to take second guesses when asked about what you want to achieve through the process.

            You can include your target rate in terms of durability, quality, and overall appearance in determining your goals.

            3. Create a plan

            In terms of creating a plan, you don’t have to make it very detailed. You just need to formulate a brief one that you can show the contractors that you will be working with. Here, you can set your desired timeframe, maximum budget, and the like.

            4. Find a contractor

            The last on our list will require you to find a contractor to negotiate and work with. They are probably the most important element in the process because they will be responsible for its execution. The quality of the team that you will find will make a big impact in your overall results.

            Of course, there are other steps that you should take, but the ones above are the most essential as this will allow you to have a clear overview of your goals and capabilities. This will also make negotiations easier.

            Why should you hire a contractor to do the job?

            There is no doubt about contractors being a necessity in terms of a highrise building maintenance process. Nevertheless, here are some reasons as to why you should proceed on working with a professional:

            1. Fewer risks involved

            Every process, especially in construction, comes with its own risks. You should take appropriate measures to prevent or at the worst minimise these risks. Having a reliable contractor by your side is a good way to ensure that the process is as seamless and as risk-free as possible.

            2. Will provide assurance

            Working with a contractor can provide you with assurance and guarantee regarding the results. This will prevent you from ending up with a building that is damaged or with a weaker foundation post process.

            3. Eliminates need for re-execution

            Working with inexperienced contractors, or worse, alone, has a greater chance of failure. This will surely require you to repeat the process which will consequently lead to larger expenses and longer off-time for your building.

            There are numerous platforms as to where you can find the right contractor. Setting a standard can better help you achieve this particular goal.

            Summary: Newcastle highrise building maintenance

            Maintenance activities are necessary to keep your building in shape. This shouldn’t be avoided just because of the thought of having to put out more money. Highrise buildings especially need the best care that they can get considering that a lot of people go in and out of the building daily.

            Contractors will play a big part in the execution of this process, so if you are looking for a team, we recommend our highrise maintenance contractor in Newcastle. Feel free to reach us via phone or email, and we will be sure to respond as soon as we can!


              Professional Highrise Maintenance Team On The Gold Coast

              How To Hire The Right Gold Coast Highrise Building Maintenance Contractor

                Maintaining a highrise building is not easy. While there are some aspects that you can entrust to the usual facilities management team, there are some things that only contractors can do. This is why you need your local professional highrise maintenance contractor on the Gold Coast.

                Examples of various maintenance needs that your highrise will require include electrical issues, plumbing, wall cleaning, clogged gutters and pipes, and many more. So how will you hire the right contractor? Here at Australian Construction, we will share some tips with you on how you can do this.

                Choose a contractor with adequate experience

                Maintaining a building is not as simple as sweeping and mopping. It requires a lot of experience from someone, and this is why you need a group of experts like us.

                Earlier, we mentioned a few aspects of building maintenance. The truth is that no single person can undertake the full spectrum of maintenance activities. You are better off working with a group that has been doing this for years.

                At Australian Construction have been in this industry for over 20 years. Building maintenance is something we offer because we have expertise in all facets of the construction business.

                Here are some examples:

                We not only maintain the building, but we are qualified to do repairs and even build where required. Our advice is that you should only work with a highrise building maintenance contractor who has been in the business for at least five years.  

                Choose a contractor who has a license

                Yes, contractors are required by law to register and get a license. While there are many people who operate without one, you are better off siding with the law. We at Australian Construction are fully licensed in all areas of engineering and construction work that we do.

                A license is granted to someone who has passed the requirements of the government. The contractor must be able to prove that he has the right education and that he understands the Australian Building Code. The same principle applies to engineers—different types of engineers have to secure different types of licenses.

                A license is a proof that the contractor is compliant with the law, and is not a fly-by-night contractor. A licensed contractor is also likely to be bonded and insured. A bond is like our security ticket. The contractor will not get paid unless he or the group deliver what is written on the service agreement contract.

                Insurance serves protection against liability. Despite all efforts to keep employees and buildings safe, some accidents can happen, and insurance will protect both yourself and the contractor from liabilities.

                Choose a contractor who has proven credibility

                Credibility refers to the capability of the contractor. A license is one proof of credibility, and reputation is another.

                When choosing a highrise maintenance team on the Gold Coast, you have to check if that team has a positive reputation. You can do this by asking some of your colleagues in the industry, or by checking for their reputation online. There are websites out there like Trustpilot where you can ask for reviews. You can also check on Facebook and other social media channels.

                Another thing that can help you decide is the professionalism of the contractor. Do they know what they are talking about? When you visited their premises, is it cleanand well maintained? Surely, you do not want to hire them for building maintenance if their own building is dilapidated, right?

                You must also ask yourself how they treated you. Did they give importance to your business? Were they eager to answer your inquiries? Professionalism goes a long way, and if the contractor is not professional at the get-go, do you really think they will deliver a good job?

                Even if they do, the last thing you want is to deal with a contractor with behavioural issues, such as showing up late, or delaying your maintenance activities, as these things can disrupt your operations.

                Choose a contractor that has the right equipment 

                A contractor for highrise building maintenance will never be able to fulfil his job without the right equipment. No, we are not talking about bathroom brushes, but big rigs such as cradles that the people will use to clean windows.

                If a contractor asks you to fund the equipment, you need to start thinking twice. This is an added cost to you. Ideally, the contractor must already have all the equipment they need before signing a contract with you.

                For example, you cannot expect to buy motorized ladders just so you can clean high areas in your lobby. The contractor must be able to provide this equipment.

                Depending on the maintenance services you are paying for, big rigs are not the only issue. Contractors must have their own devices to check your plumbing, electrical, sewage, and many other systems.  

                Here at Australian Construction, we have a complete set of equipment, and we are constantly replenishing and updating this as new technology arrives. For example, we have remotely-operated vehicles that we use, to investigate inside tanks. With this, we no longer have to risk the lives of divers.

                Summary: Gold Coast highrise building maintenance

                If you have questions, give us a call at Australian Construction. We will help you any way we can. An engineer or highrise building specialist will speak with you to understand your needs. We will also schedule a visit to your site, and start discussing some plans once we get there.

                We have been in the construction and building maintenance business for over 20 years. You can rely on our expertise in many facets of the construction industry. Once our ocular inspection is done, our highrise maintenance team on the Gold Coast will provide you with a package of our services.

                This package includes the planned activities, the expected results, the frequency of the services, and the costs. From there, we can further discuss how we will go about the services you want us to provide.