
Looking For a COVID Cleaning Service In Melbourne? Talk To Our Team!

Feel Safe With Our Expert COVID Cleaning Services In Melbourne

    The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has altered what cleaning means. Opening businesses is the first step to moving forward. Staff may fear going back to work, and clients might wonder whether the businesses they visit are safe.

    Australian Construction provides a defensive cleaning program to commercial locations to deal with the present COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. It is a cleaning level that surpasses carpet or janitorial cleaning. It involves proactive viral pathogen cleaning.

    When you choose our COVID cleaning team in Melbourne, it guarantees that the customers, community and employees have chosen a higher cleaning standard.

    We are the top choice in restoration and clean-up and our years of expertise enables us to help community areas and businesses to remain clean and safe. 


    Facilities and spaces are different, and it is why we hire a cleaning protocol consultant who works to comprehend the business. Our skilled COVID cleaning team in Melbourne will create a custom COVID-19 cleaning program to suit your particular needs.

    Australian Construction has worked in many sectors with businesses like start-ups to multinational and global organisations.  It is the reason our staff knows they should begin such a serious cleaning procedure with a consultation.

    We develop every specific program depending on various factors like space size, business type, foot traffic, congestion points and high-frequency touchpoints.  Due to this, clients acknowledge that we are not only an industry leading standard in cleaning; our cleaning is tailored to every facility’s requirement. 


    Melbourne’s COVID cleaning team undertakes a detailed, professional deep clean in all locations in the people, process, and product aspects. Our team gives customers, employees and businesses peace of mind knowing they are safe. Our professionals are exceptionally prepared during this extraordinary time to disinfect and clean according to the CDC protocols.  

    We are experienced in dealing with biological contaminants like COVID-19 cleaning, and we take extra steps beyond the scope of the work that standard janitorial employees perform.


    The COVID cleaning professionals in Melbourne have the training to perform emergency or proactive COVID-19 cleaning that entails structure or facility disinfection and cleaning. Our clean-up procedures mainly include cleaning non-porous and porous surfaces, disinfecting and cleaning tools, equipment or supplies utilised for clean-up procedures, and disposing of harmful materials.

    In case of a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 event, our team will be there to clean within 24 hours, ensuring that the facility goes back to business quickly.


    We have various unique cleaning products to meet any requirement, such as ServprOXIDE, a hospital-grade disinfectant. It has a low toxicity category and is safe to use on direct food contact surfaces. All our products meet the CDC standards for use to assist in preventing the COVID-19 spread.


    We extend our integrity as a superior biohazard cleaning firm in the state to every participating business, assuring customers and employees. After we have certified the location, the participants gain access to digital emblems, propriety signage and other collateral that shows they have chosen a higher cleaning standard to help customers and employees.

    We are trusted in the restoration sector, and our professionals have been on the front lines of reactive and proactive COVID-19 as businesses open again. At Australian Construction, it is our role to inspire confidence by ensuring we COVID clean your premises. We are available to clean 24/7 and ensure that life goes back to normal in all the facilities.

    Many facilities in the country are shutting down to control the potential prevalence of COVID-19 or a community spread outbreak.  Some might be considering the deep cleaning procedure or have started it. Below are best practices and disinfecting an area during a closure.

    • Ensure that the disinfectant you are utilising has approval for use against SARS-CoV-2, which is the coronavirus that triggers the coronavirus that leads to COVID-19. 
    • Disinfect every touch-point, not only the regularly touched surfaces. To simplify the procedure, consider utilising equipment like foggers, misters and electrostatic sprayers to ensure difficult to reach surfaces are not overlooked.
    • Ensure the custodial staff have proper training and wear suitable PPE (personal protective equipment).
    • Remove any noticeable soil using a detergent-based cleaner before applying a disinfectant and follow the directions on the product label for efficient disinfecting.
    • Some disinfectants are cleaners, and we use them for the two steps.
    • Ensure that the surfaces remain noticeably wet for the contact period the product label specifies.

    To reduce cross-contamination, below are more considerations for surfaces disinfection:

    • Disinfect surfaces from dirty to clean areas; for instance, restrooms are one of the highly contaminated spaces and should be the last area to be cleaned.
    • Disinfect the surface from high spaces to low spaces so that any dust or dirt that has germs removed from above are extracted after you clean the lower areas.
    • Disinfect last after the other activities (for instance, removing noticeable soil and vacuum and emptying trash) so that any likely contaminated dust and dirt do not contaminate already disinfected surfaces again.

    Lastly, the CDC (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has particular recommendations if a COVID-19 case has been verified in your facility. The recommendations include:

    • Close off the areas that suspected or confirmed COVID-19 people have visited, and, if possible, wait for 24 hours before starting to clean and disinfect to minimise possible exposure to respiratory droplets.
    • Open exterior windows and doors to raise the area’s air circulation.

    More considerations for employers

    • As an employer, work with the state and local health departments to facilitate suitable guidelines and protocols like additional or updated guidance for recognising new likely COVID-19 cases.
    • Employers should educate workers and staff performing trash pick-up, laundry and cleaning activities to identify COVID-19 symptoms and provide guidelines on what action to take if they develop signs within fourteen days following their last likely exposure to the virus. Staff should notify their supervisor and local health department if they develop COVID-19 symptoms.


    Australian Construction appreciates the importance of disinfecting and cleaning to prevent COVID-19 contamination from spreading in the business premises. That is the reason our team of COVID cleaning experts in Melbourne provide the best professional COVID cleaning services to your business premises. 

    Call our expert team today to ensure a clean and safe environment for your employees and visitors!


      Gold Coast Commercial COVID Cleaning Service- Call Our Team Today!

      The Best COVID Cleaning Team On The Gold Coast For A Safer Environment

        If you own a building or a facility or manage a property, you have the responsibility of making crucial decisions about your building or facility. You may be considering carrying out a combination of sanitising, or deep cleaning and sanitising because of the present Coronavirus pandemic.

        You might be wondering whether to clean your facility now or wait to do it afterwards. Since it is not clear when this crisis will end, and our lives restore to normal, Australian Construction is happy to give you our expert advice for scheduling your professional COVID cleaning service on the Gold Coast.

        If your building is presently unoccupied because of the COVID crisis and you want to reopen soon, we suggest you allow our professional cleaners to provide you with their COVID cleaning expertise.

        Why you need COVID cleaning

        • You will be prepared: When we clean your premises now, it will be ready for occupants immediately you wish to reopen, and you will start operating immediately.  Rushing to find experts to disinfect when you are ready to reopen is not advisable. Delaying resuming business due to inadequate cleaning of your facility is worse.
        • You will beat the rush: If schools, offices and different facilities all begin to reopen at around the same time, our firm will be overwhelmed with disinfecting and cleaning requests. You may not find a company with the available personnel. 
        • It is safer: The ideal time to disinfect, sanitise or clean a building is when it is unoccupied. Our crews can access the whole building without having to work when occupants are around. It is safer for your employees and occupants and ensures that we will disinfect your building areas.

        If you have an essential facility that is functional at this period, clean now

        Disinfecting and sanitising now and continuously all through the pandemic keeps your occupants safe and eases their worries. According to the CDC reports, even if social distancing practices are adhered to, the coronavirus can survive on surfaces for days.

        Additionally, we appreciate that occupants are not comfortable reporting to work because of the risk of falling ill. So, when our COVID cleaning team on the Gold Coast sanitises and disinfects regularly, it goes a long way in preventing the virus spread, decreasing anxiety, and keeping people healthy and working.

        If you want to clean, disinfect and sanitise your facility while it’s still open and running, we suggest the following:

        • Plan the cleaning at a period when the occupants are away: It ensures everyone is safe and also ensures we disinfect the building thoroughly. If it is impossible, for instance, where facilities operate 24 hours each day, we can give you a solution.
        • Plan for regular cleaning: A sanitised building becomes reinfected immediately a sick person enters the building. So, it is best to provide the ideal health and safety results when our skilled team disinfects regularly.
        • Inform your occupants of the steps you are taking: if you adhere to the above recommendations, occupants will not interact or see our technicians. Therefore, inform them that you are taking these measures to protect them. It will give them peace of mind and keep them involved in important activities.

        If your premises has been reported to have a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case, do not clean yet.

        It might seem counter-intuitive. However, it would be wise to wait before we disinfect after a suspected or confirmed Coronavirus case inside your premises.  As we shall explain later, if you postpone, the cleaning will be safer and less costly.

        Having said that, it is obvious that you should disinfect, sanitise and clean any facility with an identified COVID-19 case before that facility is reoccupied.

        There are various estimates about the length of time Coronavirus lasts without an infected person present. Data from the CDC shows that the virus can survive for a maximum of 3 days on metal and plastic.

        Therefore, it would be best to wait at least that long before we carry out any work. The fact is that the longer you wait, the lower the chances that there is an active virus in your premises.

        A company like Australian Construction has different disinfecting and sanitation protocols; it is determined by whether a suspected or confirmed virus is present or not. If there is a confirmed case, we carry out a stricter type of cleaning, and our crews wear a higher level of personal protective equipment (PPE)

        It is important to sanitise, disinfect and clean any facility with a suspected or confirmed coronavirus case before people go back to the building, despite the time that has lapsed. 

        Our COVID cleaning team on the Gold Coast will ensure that it confirms how much time has passed since anyone with a suspected or confirmed virus has entered the facility and whether other people have been there since. Please give honest information to ensure that we follow the proper processes, and everyone remains safe.

        Take all precautions

        The COVID-19 pandemic presents an uncertain situation that changes fast. Because the future is uncertain, it may be wise to wait and see the outcomes. But a company like Australian Construction expects to have many demands for sanitation and cleaning as government buildings, schools and public offices begin to reopen.

        So, make use of our professional COVID cleaning services today!

        Cleaning expectations for schools

        People should continue to clean objects and surfaces that are touched regularly. Being responsible for cleaning education centres and businesses, we ensure that our disinfection and cleaning procedures adhere to the standard cleaning products and routine used.  

        It is essential to maintain effective hand hygiene practices and encourage your employees and visitors to your facilities to do the same. Make sure that:

        • Public and staff toilets have adequate soap stock.
        • There are paper towels or functional hand driers.
        • Shared areas, for instance, kitchen and staff rooms, have an efficient cleaning routine to ensure visitors and staff wellbeing.
        • In education facilities, tissue boxes and hand sanitiser should be easily accessible for students and staff. Young children might need monitoring when using a hand sanitiser. Please place it in a safe area to avoid inappropriate usage.


        So depending on your specific situation, decide whether you want us to clean now. We advise you to use the best available information to make the best decision.  Whether you opt to disinfect, clean or sanitise, our COVID cleaning team on the Gold Coast is available for you and will be glad to help!


          Commercial COVID Cleaning Service In Newcastle- Call Us For A Quote!

          Safeguard Yourself With The Best COVID Cleaning Services In Newcastle

            Property managers and business owners are crucial to keeping visitors, patrons and patients safe. It is their responsibility to take all the necessary steps to ensure their communities’ safety and health.

            Whether it’s a small physician office, a medium-sized outpatient clinic or a warehouse, Australian Construction has the disinfection know-how to customise a cleaning plan for your requirements.  Our COVID cleaning team in Newcastle uses our national disinfection skills and specialised experience in healthcare premises.

            We are ready to handle the exceptional needs arising from this pandemic. Our cleaning professionals are necessary because they work in the front line in preventing infection. 

            Keeping your premises safe

            We ensure you can keep your business open and protected. A major COVID-19 infectiousness feature is the fact that individuals are carriers long before they display symptoms. Disinfecting and cleaning are the only ways of maintaining safety in your surrounding from an accidental COVID-19 outbreak. Alleviate the danger of COVID-19 spread with our COVID cleaning team’s routine preventive disinfection.

            We are a leader when it comes to disinfection. Our skilled COVID cleaning team in Newcastle can turn any area into a healthy space using our exclusive, CDC-compliant and disinfection system and tailored service supplies such as:

            • High-touch, germ collection and removal method.
            • 360 hands-on disinfectant use.
            • EPA-registered products, such as SaniMaster7. It features SARS-COV-2 disinfection documented equivalency.
            • Our cleaning technicians are healthcare quality certified.

            Our commercial cleaning professionals offer:

            • Skills in regular cleaning techniques with specific awareness in preventing infection.
            • Detailed knowledge of CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines and the compliance requirements.
            • Advanced disinfecting and cleaning methods that cover your premises from floor to ceiling. 
            • Sophisticated proprietary disinfection and chemicals procedures to enhance infection protection.

            Our commercial cleaning entails:

            • Commercial specialty cleaning
            • Disinfection cleaning
            • COVID-19 cleaning
            • Project-based cleaning
            • Comprehensive cleaning services
            • Janitorial services

            Post-outbreak emergency disinfection

            When a staff member or patient tests positive for COVID, it would be best for you to shut your doors temporarily. Australian Construction can help you reopen quickly.

            Our local businesses network ensures quick response times and excellent care from our COVID cleaning team in Newcastle, equipped with the latest tools and technology that adheres to CDC guidelines. We ensure your facility can reopen safely.

            All our protocols and training are based on national skill and deployed locally.

            Our commercial cleaning services

            We provide the following in our emergency services:

            • Many years’ experience in disinfecting and cleaning.
            • Trademarked cleaning services enable us to move fast and remain thorough.
            • Wipe and spray technologies, ensuring total coverage to eliminate any pathogens.

            Choose the best COVID cleaning contractor.

            COVID-19 cases are increasing. In these unpredictable times, turn to our reliable and experienced COVID cleaning team in Newcastle to protect your premises and everyone in it. We are available for your emergency disinfection or preventive measures.

            Custom cleaning plans

            At Australian Construction, we familiarise ourselves with your premises and form a customised disinfecting and cleaning plant that accommodates your needs perfectly. Our team schedules our services at a period and regularity that is ideal for you and your facility.

            Save money & time

            When you outsource your cleaning services, it reduces your expenses and cleaning time by around 25% and ensures a spotless, disinfected surrounding. Our cleaning professionals have comprehensive training and use patented cleaning and disinfecting systems that decrease bacteria and dust dramatically and other compounds.

            Having a clean work area reduces employee sick days and protects your clients from dangerous bacteria and germs.

            Commercial disinfection services

            Our COVID cleaning team cleans and disinfects your facility thoroughly. We are professionals in creating safe, healthy and clean environments. Today it is crucial to ensure that everyone who comes into your facility is safe from bacteria and germs that can spread easily from one individual to another.

            Our commercial COVID cleaning service in Newcastle specialises in disinfection services and will help you decrease the danger of illness on your premises.

            Deep, detailed cleaning for a thorough disinfection

            Pathogens, viruses, bacteria and germs flourish in dirty surroundings. Our expert cleaning professionals have training in eliminating pathogens using ideal practices. We not only use standard cleaning products available on store shelves; we also use improved green cleaning disinfectants and products that are the best in our sector.

            Our COVID cleaning team in Newcastle uses the newest disinfection and cleaning service for today’s disinfection concerns. Our top-edge protocols and technology support schools, manufacturing areas and businesses, etc., to create healthy surroundings.

            As the CDC stipulates, infectious illnesses define illnesses that germs cause, for instance, fungi, viruses and bacteria that enter the body and multiply, leading to an infection.

            Diseases spread in the following ways:

            • Through germs that move via soil, air or water.
            • By ticks, animals and insects.
            • From one person to another.

            Emerging illnesses are the ones that have either increased recently in documented cases like COVID-19 or are likely to increase in the future. 

            These infections may be:

            • Totally new to an area
            • Newly discovered
            • Recurring in an area
            • Triggered by new bacteria that are antibiotics resistant.

            Commercial specialty cleaning

            Our specialty cleaning services from our experts improve your facility’s image and function. To keep your business looking its best, it needs more than standard cleaning.

            With our exceptional speciality cleaning services, your facility is cleaned, disinfected and sanitised with topmost attention to detail. From making windows crystal clear to upholstery care, we offer various speciality cleaning services to improve your image and working environment.

            Since we are already on-site at your facility, we can combine our speciality services with a range of other services making them more affordable and efficient.


            Our years of experience at Australian Construction has enabled us to develop the products and methods to service almost any kind of industry. We are expert cleaners and skilled problem solvers also. Despite the challenge you have, we can handle all complicated cleaning queries and requirements.

            Call us today to find out how our expert COVID cleaning team in Newcastle can create a safe working environment for your commercial premises!