
Looking For a COVID Cleaning Service In Melbourne? Talk To Our Team!

Feel Safe With Our Expert COVID Cleaning Services In Melbourne

    The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has altered what cleaning means. Opening businesses is the first step to moving forward. Staff may fear going back to work, and clients might wonder whether the businesses they visit are safe.

    Australian Construction provides a defensive cleaning program to commercial locations to deal with the present COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. It is a cleaning level that surpasses carpet or janitorial cleaning. It involves proactive viral pathogen cleaning.

    When you choose our COVID cleaning team in Melbourne, it guarantees that the customers, community and employees have chosen a higher cleaning standard.

    We are the top choice in restoration and clean-up and our years of expertise enables us to help community areas and businesses to remain clean and safe. 


    Facilities and spaces are different, and it is why we hire a cleaning protocol consultant who works to comprehend the business. Our skilled COVID cleaning team in Melbourne will create a custom COVID-19 cleaning program to suit your particular needs.

    Australian Construction has worked in many sectors with businesses like start-ups to multinational and global organisations.  It is the reason our staff knows they should begin such a serious cleaning procedure with a consultation.

    We develop every specific program depending on various factors like space size, business type, foot traffic, congestion points and high-frequency touchpoints.  Due to this, clients acknowledge that we are not only an industry leading standard in cleaning; our cleaning is tailored to every facility’s requirement. 


    Melbourne’s COVID cleaning team undertakes a detailed, professional deep clean in all locations in the people, process, and product aspects. Our team gives customers, employees and businesses peace of mind knowing they are safe. Our professionals are exceptionally prepared during this extraordinary time to disinfect and clean according to the CDC protocols.  

    We are experienced in dealing with biological contaminants like COVID-19 cleaning, and we take extra steps beyond the scope of the work that standard janitorial employees perform.


    The COVID cleaning professionals in Melbourne have the training to perform emergency or proactive COVID-19 cleaning that entails structure or facility disinfection and cleaning. Our clean-up procedures mainly include cleaning non-porous and porous surfaces, disinfecting and cleaning tools, equipment or supplies utilised for clean-up procedures, and disposing of harmful materials.

    In case of a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 event, our team will be there to clean within 24 hours, ensuring that the facility goes back to business quickly.


    We have various unique cleaning products to meet any requirement, such as ServprOXIDE, a hospital-grade disinfectant. It has a low toxicity category and is safe to use on direct food contact surfaces. All our products meet the CDC standards for use to assist in preventing the COVID-19 spread.


    We extend our integrity as a superior biohazard cleaning firm in the state to every participating business, assuring customers and employees. After we have certified the location, the participants gain access to digital emblems, propriety signage and other collateral that shows they have chosen a higher cleaning standard to help customers and employees.

    We are trusted in the restoration sector, and our professionals have been on the front lines of reactive and proactive COVID-19 as businesses open again. At Australian Construction, it is our role to inspire confidence by ensuring we COVID clean your premises. We are available to clean 24/7 and ensure that life goes back to normal in all the facilities.

    Many facilities in the country are shutting down to control the potential prevalence of COVID-19 or a community spread outbreak.  Some might be considering the deep cleaning procedure or have started it. Below are best practices and disinfecting an area during a closure.

    • Ensure that the disinfectant you are utilising has approval for use against SARS-CoV-2, which is the coronavirus that triggers the coronavirus that leads to COVID-19. 
    • Disinfect every touch-point, not only the regularly touched surfaces. To simplify the procedure, consider utilising equipment like foggers, misters and electrostatic sprayers to ensure difficult to reach surfaces are not overlooked.
    • Ensure the custodial staff have proper training and wear suitable PPE (personal protective equipment).
    • Remove any noticeable soil using a detergent-based cleaner before applying a disinfectant and follow the directions on the product label for efficient disinfecting.
    • Some disinfectants are cleaners, and we use them for the two steps.
    • Ensure that the surfaces remain noticeably wet for the contact period the product label specifies.

    To reduce cross-contamination, below are more considerations for surfaces disinfection:

    • Disinfect surfaces from dirty to clean areas; for instance, restrooms are one of the highly contaminated spaces and should be the last area to be cleaned.
    • Disinfect the surface from high spaces to low spaces so that any dust or dirt that has germs removed from above are extracted after you clean the lower areas.
    • Disinfect last after the other activities (for instance, removing noticeable soil and vacuum and emptying trash) so that any likely contaminated dust and dirt do not contaminate already disinfected surfaces again.

    Lastly, the CDC (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has particular recommendations if a COVID-19 case has been verified in your facility. The recommendations include:

    • Close off the areas that suspected or confirmed COVID-19 people have visited, and, if possible, wait for 24 hours before starting to clean and disinfect to minimise possible exposure to respiratory droplets.
    • Open exterior windows and doors to raise the area’s air circulation.

    More considerations for employers

    • As an employer, work with the state and local health departments to facilitate suitable guidelines and protocols like additional or updated guidance for recognising new likely COVID-19 cases.
    • Employers should educate workers and staff performing trash pick-up, laundry and cleaning activities to identify COVID-19 symptoms and provide guidelines on what action to take if they develop signs within fourteen days following their last likely exposure to the virus. Staff should notify their supervisor and local health department if they develop COVID-19 symptoms.


    Australian Construction appreciates the importance of disinfecting and cleaning to prevent COVID-19 contamination from spreading in the business premises. That is the reason our team of COVID cleaning experts in Melbourne provide the best professional COVID cleaning services to your business premises. 

    Call our expert team today to ensure a clean and safe environment for your employees and visitors!


      Experienced & Trusted COVID Commercial Cleaning Service In Brisbane

      Safeguard Your Health With Professional COVID Cleaning In Brisbane

        If you provide essential services in Brisbane and are still operational at this period, the main concern is maintaining safety and preventing infection at your workplace. Sanitising your facilities using disinfecting wipes to wipe down areas regularly are important steps.

        But, in a pandemic, you need the professional services of Australian Construction to maintain a safe environment. Our COVID cleaning service in Brisbane strongly recommends professional disinfecting of your premises to keep essential staff working in the middle of this crisis.

        A COVID cleaning service helps in preventing disease in the facility and gives all its occupants peace of mind when they realise you are taking steps to keep them safe.

        Benefits of working with a professional COVID cleaning company

        1.  Australian Construction professional sanitising reaches all the facility’s corners. Our competent team applies disinfectant using different methods like surface wiping spraying and fogging. Ordinary cleaning would not address these sections of the building.

        In the fogging method, we use a fine spray to apply disinfectant to enable it to reach all interior areas. We use this process in interior areas and air duct systems. Surface wiping involves wiping all the surfaces down using industrial grade disinfectant. Our COVID cleaning team in Brisbane applies the solution when wet, allows it to settle, then wipes it for optimal effectiveness.

        During the spraying method, we apply a ‘wet’ spray, coating a surface completely in sanitising solution. After applying the solution, we let it dry, ensuring effectiveness. As you have probably noticed on the news, many cities are wet-spraying public areas. We use these methods to sanitise all the facility’s corners from the air duct system’s interior and high-touch surfaces.

        1.  We use superior sanitising products for professional cleaning. Buying products off the shelf effectively deals with Coronavirus; however, they are not as effective as a stronger disinfectant. There is a difference between our professional-powerful cleaning products and the products you buy from the shop.

        When you use a firm like ours that uses professional powerful cleaning to combat the coronavirus, you are getting superior quality sanitisation and optimising your possibility of eliminating any virus.

        1. Avoiding to use your staff and employees to disinfect and clean the premises keeps them safe. Our professional team has training to wear the appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) and use a cleaning method to minimise endangering themselves.  Your staff might not be experienced in wiping down and cleaning areas. 

        Additionally, our COVID cleaning team in Brisbane can plan after-hours tasks to prevent contact with your occupants, eliminating any close interaction with people. It is a lot safer than when your staff cleans during normal working hours. If you are unable to plan cleaning after hours, for instance, for companies that operate 24/7, our team works with you to get a solution.

        Because of the above reasons, we believe that our regular professional disinfecting, sanitising and cleaning is essential.

        Is deep cleaning important for Coronavirus?

        The World Health Organisation and the Center for Disease Control have both recommended having a sanitised, disinfected and clean surrounding to help in controlling the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread. In particular, the CDC recommends cleaning and disinfecting facilities. 

        Taking the above three steps is mainly termed as carrying out a ‘deep clean.’ Our experienced COVID cleaning team in Brisbane is happy to help you to adhere to the guidelines of these health organisations. We do this by explaining what a deep clean is. Yours and your staff’s safety is our top priority and comprehending how to conquer the prevalence of the sickness is crucial.

        The difference between disinfecting, sanitising and cleaning

        It would be best if you understood that cleaning does not kill viruses, bacteria or fungi, mostly known as ‘germs.’ Instead, our team cleans using a combination of water, a cleaning product and scrubbing. Even through cleaning fails to kill germs, it remains an important part of the deep cleaning procedure since removing debris and dirt makes it possible for our germ-killing methods and products to be more effective.

        Our sanitising and disinfecting methods, however, describe products that kill germs. These procedures do not essentially remove germs or clean dirty surface. But, when we kill germs on a surface after we clean, it reduces the danger of spreading infection. Sanitisers decrease the surface bacteria by at least 99.9%. 

        In contrast, disinfectants kill a bigger range of microorganisms like mould, fungi, viruses and bacteria. These techniques are ideal on all surfaces such as natural stone like limestone, granite and marble; drapes, fabrics, upholstery; and area rugs on tough non-porous surfaces like stainless steel and your HVAC system’s components.

        Do you require a professional deep clean?

        You can disinfect, sanitise and clean your facilities using solutions from the store. But, to access all sections requires our deep clean. For your HVAC system, we suggest contacting our professional COVID cleaning team in Brisbane. Our experts use tools like industrial sprayers and foggers to reach all sections of your home.

        How our cleaning technicians protect against COVID-19

        We are living in uncertain times and we are ready to help if you want. Our technicians are fully trained and we run background checks on them. We are ready to give your facility a deep clean. Our improved services include disinfecting carpets, air ducts, hard surfaces and upholstery.

        Australian Construction knows that allowing people into your business can trigger concern. We are committed to you and our staff adheres to all the World Health Organisation and CDC recommendations.  Some of the guidelines our employees and technicians follow are:

        • Our technicians follow the CDC guidelines for using hand sanitizer, handwashing and they adhere to all recommended hygiene steps.
        • To observe social distancing, our technicians maintain a 6 feet distance from our clients and as they clean, sanitise and disinfect you do not have to be in the same area with them.
        • We disinfect and clean all our equipment regularly using professional-grade disinfectant.
        • Our technicians wear gloves, masks and booties; according to the CDC essential workers should wear masks and we follow this guideline.


        Australian Construction’s COVID cleaning team in Brisbane is dedicated to giving you a safe, clean and healthy work environment. We appreciate you as a client and community member and we assure you that we are here to assist you manage this crisis.

        Call us today to schedule one of our professional deep clean procedures!


          Looking for A Specialist Commercial COVID Cleaning Service In Perth?

          Call The Experts Today For Thorough COVID Cleaning Services To Ensure Safety

            Employee health is of paramount concern, especially today. Most businesses want an environmentally-friendly operations. An expert commercial cleaning service like Australian Construction uses safer ‘green’ products to avoid toxins lingering in the air and avoid perfumed cleaning products that may affect many people.

            Fresh air is essential for a safe, healthy surrounding for your employees. COVID-19 is spread via respiratory droplets like saliva from person to person and through touching infected areas like handles, doorknobs, remote controls, etc.

            The best way to safeguard your workplace is to contact our professional COVID cleaning service in Perth to ensure a thorough clean, disinfection and sanitisation of all surfaces.

            We advise you to hire our skilled team to deep clean your commercial area often. Deep cleaning services are presently in high demand. So request our services now to ensure minimal disruption to your normal business operations.

            Our deep clean procedure

            It is important to clean, disinfect and sanitise your office if there is concern that a customer, staff member or occupant is unwell. Sanitising the office following a sickness concern can help prevent other users of the facility from falling sick because of lingering bacteria and germs in the surrounding.

            Our COVID cleaning team in Perth are certified and background-checked according to top cleaning and sanitation standards. The Australian Construction professionals provide services to sanitise and disinfect against contaminants using specialised training and products to make your facility healthy and clean.

            The COVID cleaning team in Perth carries out a proactive disinfection and facility cleaning so long as our clients verify that there is no active known COVID-19 threat of exposure or contamination on the premises.

            This disinfecting and cleaning will only apply to the facility’s current state. It will be impossible to protect the facility from future COVID-19 contamination if an infected individual enters and occupies the building. It is the reason we recommend cleaning the building early and often.

            Our cleaning recommendations

            Australian Construction advises you to clean high-touch surfaces like:

            • Doorknobs
            • Tabletops and counters
            • Racks and shelves
            • Handrails
            • Rugs and carpeting
            • Light switches
            • Toilets and bathroom fixtures
            • Tablets, keyboards and phones
            • Water fountains

            We recommend cleaning the above surfaces in the environments below:

            • Bathrooms
            • Food areas and kitchens
            • Offices
            • Elevator cars
            • Retail sales spaces
            • Gymnasiums and playgrounds
            • Fitness facilities
            • Arenas and theatres
            • Hotels, bars and restaurants
            • Community centres and libraries

            Our COVID cleaning team in Perth is deeply committed to giving you a healthy, safe, and clean environment. We appreciate you as a customer and community member, and we guarantee you our help.

            Essential businesses’ professional COVID-19 cleaning 

            As an essential business still running at this period, keeping your work premises free and safe from infection may be a key concern. It applies to prevent sickness in the facility and give all the occupants peace of mind, so they are assured that every step is being taken to safeguard them.

            According to the CDC’s guidelines, each essential business should ‘disinfect and clean all the areas regularly.’ Also, it is clear that people and be asymptomatic and still spread COVID-19, leading to necessary steps being taken in each open organisations. 

            Due to this, most organisations are taking action to keep their premises sanitised, for instance, wiping down areas using disinfecting wipes and cleaning more frequently than before. We believe that taking these steps is vital but not enough to maintain a safe working surrounding in the middle of an epidemic.

            We highly recommend expert disinfecting of your facility as a method of keeping your occupants and employees safe and keeping essential workers working during this period of crisis.

            Below are some of the reasons for this:

            • Professional sanitising reaches all the facility’s corners. We apply disinfectant utilising a combination of methods like surface wiping, spraying and fogging the building areas that ordinary cleaning does not cover.
            • Fogging – with this technique, we use a fine spray for delivering disinfectant, so it reaches all the interior areas. Our team carries out this process in air duct systems and interior spaces.
            • Surface wiping – we wipe down all the surfaces using an industrial-grade disinfectant. Our qualified team applies this solution wet, allows it to settle then wipes it for optimal effectiveness.
            • Spraying – We apply a ‘wet’ spray coat to a surface completely in sanitising solution. After applying the solution, we allow it to dry to facilitate effectiveness. We use all these techniques to reach all the premises and sanitise all the high-touch surfaces and air duct system’s interior.

            Expert cleaning involves using a superior quality sanitising product. Products bought from the shelf effectively address Coronavirus; however, they are not as efficient as a more powerful disinfectant.

            When you use a company like Australian Construction that uses powerful cleaning products for combating the coronavirus, you receive top quality sanitation and optimise your chances of getting rid of any virus.

            Hiring a skilled team such as our COVID cleaning service Perth to disinfect and clean your premises, instead of leaving this task to your employees or staff, ensures everyone’s safety.

            Our professional crews have the training to wear suitable PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and clean in a method that reduces risk to themselves. If your employees are wiping down and cleaning the areas, they may not have the necessary experience and awareness of protecting themselves properly.


            A company like Australian Construction can plan after-hours tasks to prevent contact with the people on the premises and avoid any individual to individual interaction.

            This is safer than when your staff is cleaning during normal working hours. If your business operates 24 hours a day, we can work with you to determine a good solution that is suitable for you.

            Here at Australian Construction, we believe that all essential businesses should undertake regular professional disinfecting, sanitising and cleaning to protect their premises. 

            Get in touch with us today, and our COVID cleaning team in Perth will be happy to help you disinfect, sanitise and clean your facilities!