
Licensed Floor Preparation Contractor Cairns | Residential & Commercial

    Business is booming in this area. You may need a floor preparation contractor in Cairns if you have a business here. Cairns offers great attractions, and it is a gateway to the Great Barrier Reef. As such, you can expect a lot of tourists flocking here all the time.

    But what services can you expect from a floor preparation contractor? Today, we will share with you some of the basic services that we offer. In the end, we hope that we have helped you decide whether you need a floor contractor or not.


    One of the first things that we will do is to remove your current flooring, this applies to many structures, but most especially so if the floor has carpeting or wooden planks. We also remove old paint, epoxy, and other types of finishes.

    Paint removal, or coat removal, is an essential process in floor preparation. Old paint can have an adverse effect on the new layer. If you will put a carpet, we still have to clean the floor to ensure that the carpet does not get stained.


    Sometimes, the people who built the floor may not have done a good job out of it. The result is an uneven floor. If you hire us, one service we can do for you is to level the floor.

    The benefit of this is that the new layer will sit on a flat surface. There are many things that we do to level a floor. We also use different machines like shot blasters and diamond grinders.   


    The next thing that we offer is cleaning. The floor preparation process is messy. After removing the old floor, expect that there will be dirt and debris all over. Do not worry about this as we will clean it up.

    Why hire us?

    So, why should you hire us if you need floor preparation contractor in Cairns?

    We at Australian Construction have been in this business for over 20 years. As such, we are renowned company in the industry.

    Because of our positive reputation, we were able to expand our business in many other cities in Australia.

    Here are some examples:

    • Darwin
    • Townsville
    • Sydney
    • Melbourne

    We are experts in all facets of the construction industry. Below are some of the services that we do:

    As you can see, we are adept at all things related to the construction industry. The biggest benefit that you get here is that you will have a coherent project. You no longer have to speak to different contracts—you only have to work with us.

    As such, you will save a lot of time. We will meet just a few times and then we can get started on a project. Also, working with us means you will save on cost. As a contractor for different projects, we will surely give you discounts if you avail multiple services from us.

    Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Cairns

    These services that we have here are just basic ones. There are more things that we do, but we cannot put all of them here.

    If there is a service that you are looking for, give us a call. Our expert residents will speak with you to help you out. If what you need is a quote for our service, you can use the “request quote” form on our website. We will respond to you as soon as we can.

    One thing we prefer is that you invite us for a site visit. Our engineers will take a look at your building. With this, they can better assess the job requirement.


      Expert Floor Preparation Contractor In Bunbury For Hire On All Projects

        Before looking for a floor preparation contractor in Bunbury, you should make sure that you know the process well. This will provide you with clarity about the services that you get.

        On top of that, it will also give you an idea of how the project will work out. You can do this with research, or you can allow us to give you a brief introduction to it.


        Floor preparation is exactly what its name states. This process is an important aspect of construction to prepare a surface for future fittings. This can be for old flooring or a raw one depending on the project.

        Usually, this involves a great amount of time. The workers’ role is to clean, even out, polish, and apply a coat on the surface.

        Although this is not required, we recommend this before installing your flooring. It does not matter if you will be putting tiles, linoleum, or wood. Floor preparation will help reduce safety hazards. This will also ensure that it will last for a long time.


        The length of the floor preparation process will vary from one project to another. This will depend on how big the floor is, and what method will be used. Nevertheless, this involves a set of tasks.

        Below is a chronological list:

        1. Planning and Preparation
        2. Cleaning and Debris Removal
        3. Surface Evening
        4. Polishing
        5. Application of Final Coating

        This applies no matter if you’re doing the process with or without a team. In most cases, our contractors review the progress every after task to avoid missed spots.

        They will also manage the whole process to ensure success. Note that other projects may require fewer or more tasks. It will depend on the surface’s current condition.


        Like any other construction activity, floor preparation has requirements. You will need to prepare most of them before starting the process. Not doing so can result in issues. In the worst cases, it may not even get to start.

        Here are some of the things that you will need to have:

        • Process Overview
        • Plan
        • Budget
        • Time
        • Materials and Equipment
        • Contractors/Workers

        Again, contractors are not necessary. Having them, however, will lift a huge amount of tasks from you. With them, you won’t need to find workers on your own. The tasks will also be their responsibility. This will save you a lot of time and effort.


        Floor preparation is not done just because. This will provide both your flooring and building with a lot of benefits. Below are some:

        • Few to no safety risks and hazards
        • Longer flooring life
        • Eliminates possibilities of accidents
        • Stronger building foundation
        • Prevents formation of mould
        • Allows a more seamless flooring installation

        There are numerous other advantages aside from the ones above. You have to make sure that the process is properly done to experience them all, though. This means that you need to find workers with the right skills.

        Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Bunbury

        Now that you know the basics of the process, you can start finding a team. From there, you can start your project. If your project is located around Bunbury, we recommend our service. We are a team of experts specialising in floor preparation. We also have branches around Australia.

        If you have any concerns about the process or team, feel free to contact us. We accept emails, text messages, and phone calls. Not only that, but we offer consultation services. You can also contact us to conduct site visits. This will guarantee smoother meetings.

        If you need a price quote for your project, you can either call us or use our “request quote” form here on our website.


          Floor Preparation Contractor In Coffs Harbour For Hire On All Projects

            If you need a floor preparation contractor in Coffs Harbour, it only makes sense that you also know what they do. Floor preparation may seem simple, but it’s not a one-step process. It requires a lot of tasks to achieve completion.

            Although you will not be the one doing these, you should still know about them. Doing so will help you keep track of the project’s progress. This leads us to our topic. In the next sections, we’ll talk about the tasks needed to get floor preparation done.


            The first task on our list involves creating a plan. This will serve as the project’s blueprint. Without this, the whole process will go awry.

            As a client, you can make your own. Include necessary details like your preferred method, goals, expected turnaround time, and likes. During the planning session with the team, show the draft that you came up with. Alternatively, you can make the plan together with them.

            The contractors may add suggestions to the plan. If you agree, there will be revisions. Some details may also be changes. This will depend on which is more possible and efficient. The most important thing is that both parties agree to every detail.

            Surface Cleaning

            Once a plan is ready, our skilled contractor can now start the process. To initially prep the site, a thorough cleaning is what we need. This may require vacuum sweeping, and even sanitising of the surfaces.

            If a surface is bare, they will need to remove debris, dust, and dirt. Basically, we will clean everything. This is so that the process will have a clean slate to work with.

            It can also better the output’s quality. Old floorings, on the flip side, may require additional tasks. We need to remove any old existing flooring.

            This process can take a while depending on the dimensions of the surface. Even so, we should not skip this. Doing so can affect the next tasks.

            Surface Removal and Evening

            The next step at hand is surface removal and evening. This involves removing the remains of the old flooring. We can remove concrete or wood. Simply put, the former floor structure should go. We need to remove it. This task is done to allow the fitting of the new foundation.

            After removal, the contractors will then head to evening the surface out. This will need a variety of equipment depending on the method. These include shot blasters, scarifier, grinders, and others. This task will make the surface flat and on the same level.


            For the polishing process, the contractors will further smoothen out the surface. This may require more use of the grinder machines. Here, we will review the previous tasks. The team will make sure that every surface is alright. If some surface areas need a retouch, we will do it.

            Other spots may need additional enhancement. Doing this will guarantee the process’ quality. This will also serve as its checkpoint for errors and issues.

            Coat Application

            The last step is the application of the floor coating. The specific variant will be decided by the client. It can be epoxy, acrylic, and likes. This is also dependent on the type of flooring that will be installed. Its application is very much similar to paint.

            What made the coat essential are its protective qualities. This prevents corrosion, cracks, and misplacements. This will also protect the foundation from external threats such as water and wind. The quality degradation will be delayed. Ultimately, this will lengthen the life of the flooring.

            Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Coffs Harbour

            Floor preparation is not something that you should do alone. This is unless you want to spend a huge amount of time and effort on a single task. If not, then you will need a contractor’s assistance. Our team at Australian Construction offers this service. Feel free to contact us for more information.


              The Most Experienced Floor Preparation Contractor In Canberra

                A floor preparation contractor in Canberra is an essential part of a construction team. As the capital of Australia, Canberra is teeming with businesses and opportunities. The last thing that you want is to have flooring that is not conducive to business.

                But why is it important? Today, we will provide you with some of the reasons why floor preparation has become standard practice. In the end, we hope that you can see the value of this process in your building.

                Joints are not level

                If your floor is concrete, it is possible that it is not level. There are several reasons why this happened, but our floor preparation service can fix this. What we can do is to use various techniques to level your floor.

                It is possible that the people who made the floor did not install the material properly. There is also a likelihood that the slab below the final pour is not adequately prepared.

                Poor and extreme weather conditions are also a culprit. In such cases, the concrete may also get weak. There is a right water ratio for concrete, and it has to cure well before you install the flooring. If this did not happen, you will have an uneven floor later on.


                This is a situation where water enters the pores of the concrete. As you know, concrete is a porous material even when it is already dry. What happens next is that the floor is going to flake.

                The bad thing that can happen is that the concrete can crumble. Salt and water can destroy the entire structure, and we need to fix it through proper floor preparation.

                If you are seeing these signs, you need to give us a call now. We can either visit your place or you can send us photos. From there, we can assess the situation further and see how we can help you.

                Divots, Cracks, and Pits

                These things are usual for floors. They happen when you drop things on the concrete surface. The repeated impact can cause divots.

                At first, you may not find them annoying. But over time, they will grow in size. Over the years, cracks from concrete may also develop naturally. As your floor ages, it will become more and more difficult to fix this problem.

                Apart from that, debris can accumulate after a long period of time. Various materials can adhere to the floor’s surface, and you have to remove all these before you apply a new stain.

                The same thing goes if you want to install a new kind of flooring, such as tiles and wooden planks. Before you do this, you need to prepare the floor substrate.

                This is how we can help you. There are several techniques that we can use to prepare your floor’s substrate. Examples of these are diamond grinding and shot blasting.

                Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Canberra

                Floor preparation is what makes a good floor. Even if you have the budget for tiles, epoxy resin, or even wood, you will not get the best output if the substrate is not ready for installation.

                If you have questions, do not hesitate to give us a call at Australian Construction Services. We will be more than happy to help. Our website also has a “request quote” form that you can use now.

                An alternative that we recommend is that we visit your site. We need to see the condition of your floor so we can make a proper assessment. With a site visit, we can also better understand your goals and then work out a plan from there.


                  Central Coast Floor Preparation Contractor For Hire By Aus Construction

                    The Central Coast comprises many suburbs, but it does serve as a gateway to lots of recreational activities. You need a floor preparation contractor on the Central Coast if you want your business to be in tip-top shape.

                    But what do these contractors do? Today, we at Australian Construction will provide you with some examples of these services. In the end, we are hoping that we have helped you decide whether or not you need this service.

                    Concrete polishing

                    As a floor preparation expert, part of our service is to offer concrete floors a better quality. We restore old concrete floors to their former glory. In this activity, we are primarily concerned with the surface.

                    In concrete polishing, we are breathing a new life into the concrete flooring. We are also making it sturdier than it used to be.

                    Here are the two main benefits of concrete polishing.

                    • Resistance to stain
                    • Makes floor glossy

                    We can discuss the kind of finish that you want. Just let us know the end goal and we will find a solution for you.

                    Floor removal

                    For old floors, we will strip them and then prepare the substrate for the new layer. This process is sometimes called floor demolition. We do this for all types of floors.

                    To give you an idea, here are some examples of the kinds of flooring that we remove:

                    • Carpets
                    • Tiles
                    • Concrete
                    • Wood

                    We also remove floors even if they have epoxy or adhesive coating. After removing the floor, you need to tell us what kind of new layer you want to use. This information will help us know what kind of substrate preparation to do.

                    Shot blasting

                    Shot blasting is a pretty common process in floor preparation. Our goal here is to level the ground. With a ground level, we can apply the new layer and achieve the finish that we are gunning for.

                    Shot blasting is not manual work. We use noisy machines that work efficiently. If we do this, you must know beforehand that you will have to shut down your business.

                    Shot blasting also produces a lot of dirt. However, this should not be a cause of concern since our machines have vacuums.

                    Diamond blasting

                    The last kind of service that we want to share with you is diamond blasting. It is a process where the goal is to make the concrete smooth. The level of smoothness that we will achieve here depends on the kind of finish you will use for the new floor.

                    The ultimate goal of diamond blasting is to achieve a specific kind of profile. As such, we have to use a diamond grinder and another machine called an edge grinder.

                    Like shot blasting, you need to stop operations while the project is going on. The machines that we use produce a lot of dirt debris, and noise. We will take care of the clean up afterwards.

                    Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor on the Central Coast

                    Give us a call if you have any question. We are on standby to provide you with all the information that you need. If you need a price quote now, you can use our “request quote” form. Just fill it out with details and we will respond t you shortly.

                    Another thing that we can offer you is a face-to-face meeting. We suggest that we meet at your site. this way, our engineers can assess the project better, and also give you a better price quote.

                    From here, we will develop a plan after understanding your needs. We will get back to you to finalise the plans, and then we can get started on the project.


                      Floor Preparation Contractor On The Sunshine Coast | Aus Construction

                        You need a floor preparation contractor on the Sunshine Coast if you want your business to flourish. The Sunshine Coast is not just a good place to visit, but it is also a great place to live in. As such, there are many opportunities for you, but you have to make sure your business looks great.

                        But how do you hire a floor preparation contractor? Are there some guidelines that you need to know? Yes, there are, and these are the things that we will discuss with you in this article.

                        Expertise and Experience

                        The first thing you have to ask for is the expertise and experience of the contractor. Expertise refers to their different capabilities. Experience has something to do with how long they have been doing this.

                        We at Australian Construction have been doing floor work for over 20 years. The advantage of having experience is that we have exposure to different sorts of problems. Also, not all floors are the same. In this regard, we can say that we know everything there is about floors, substrates, and layers.

                        For expertise, it would be wise if you hire a contractor who knows the different areas of construction. For example, we not only know how to prepare floor substrates, but we also know how to install the final layer.

                        Hiring multi-skilled contractors like us will not just help you save time, but also money. It will also spare you the headache of having to deal with different groups.

                        License to Operate

                        Look for a contractor who has a license to operate. As you know by now, the construction industry is a regulated industry. The license comes from the government, and it is proof that the business you are dealing with is legitimate.

                        Professionals have a license that they have to protect. The government duly recognises them. If they make serious mistakes, they are liable, and the government will revoke their licenses.

                        A contractor that has a license is also likely to have insurance. An insurance policy keeps you from being liable. It is also possible that they have a bond. What this means is that your money is protected. You will only release it once you are satisfied with their job.

                        Reputation and Credibility

                        Reputation is of utmost importance. You should ask your friends and family if they know someone who can do floor substrate preparation. If you are an engineer, you surely know other engineers who can recommend a group to you.

                        If not, you can start investigating by going to websites that offer reviews. You can also visit a company’s Facebook page. From there, you can see what people are saying about their service.

                        Credibility refers to the company’s ability to keep its word. As a client, you expect that the contractor will do his job right. Sadly, there are contractors out there who promise a lot, but they do not keep their end of the bargain.

                        Only work with contractors that the government recognises. Work with contractors like us who have been in the industry for over two decades.

                        Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor on the Sunshine Coast

                        These three things are just the basics. If you need clarity or more information, we strongly encourage you to give us a call. You can find our phone number here on our website.

                        If you need a quote now, there is a way you can contact us. Just fill out the information required in our form, and we will respond to you shortly. Better yet, call us so we can schedule a visit to your site. This way, we can better assess your floor and provide better service.


                          The Absolute Best Floor Preparation Contractor In Bundaberg

                            You need a floor preparation contractor in Bundaberg if you want to renovate or have a construction project. There are countless floor preparation contractors. They can be found online or around your local area.

                            We recommend that you look locally. This will provide you with better options. It is also a lot more convenient.

                            If you need a floor contractor, we may just be the team for you. We have extensive skills in the process. Today, we’ll walk you through who we are. We will discuss our background, location, pricing, services, and offers. After reading, you can expect to decide on whether we fit your standards.

                            Who are we?

                            We are a group of floor preparation experts. As such, we have a huge team of contractors and workers. We offer the service for any type of building. This means that we can work on residential and commercial flooring, no matter the size.

                            If you’re not yet familiar with what the process is, let us discuss it with you. In a nutshell, floor preparation is necessary to make a surface ready for fittings.

                            This involves removal of the old flooring, evening it out, and polishing it. This can take a while considering that it still has to be cleaned before and after. Our team’s goal is to help clients achieve their goals when it comes to their floor.

                            Where are we located?

                            We have an office in Bundaberg. You can look into our service if your project is within the city. Even so, we have branches all around Australia. We are available in cities like Melton, Coffs Harbour, Bunbury, and more. This is to provide services to building owners around the region. It is one of our goals to be flexible.

                            What are our pricing rates?

                            We can’t really give you a fixed price instantly. We have to consider a lot of factors before doing so. Prior to this, we also need to conduct meetings with you. This will help us and our clients to make the most out of the budget.

                            For reference, here are some of the things that we take into account:

                            • Flooring Dimensions
                            • Labour Fees
                            • Goals
                            • Client Requirements
                            • Deadline
                            • Flooring Type

                            We suggest giving us a call or meeting with us if you want a specific calculation. Note that we can only give an estimate as it is still subject to change once the project starts.

                            What additional services do we offer?

                            We do offer a lot of services. As a tenured company in the industry, we are adept at all kinds of construction services. We offer demolition, plumbing, electrical services, fire inspection, construction, and so much more.

                            Why should you choose us?

                            We have quite a number of great credentials. Our aim is to stand out from the competition whilst still providing the highest service quality possible.

                            Below are the pros that you can expect from us:

                            • Skilled Contractors
                            • Innovative Methods
                            • Quick Turnaround Time
                            • Reasonable Prices
                            • Licensed
                            • Vast Field Experience

                            We have a lot more to offer, as we take the most pride in our contractors’ abilities. Rest assured that your satisfaction and safety are at the top of our priorities.

                            Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Bundaberg

                            If you’re interested in our team, you can contact us by giving us a call. Another thing you can do is to email us if that’s what you prefer. We offer discussions and consultation, and we can also do site visits.

                            If you want, you can use our contact form to get a price quote. Give us the details of your project and someone from our team will respond to you shortly.


                              Floor Preparation Contractor In Melton | Residential And Commercial

                                If you need a floor preparation contractor in Melton, you need to understand how the pricing works.

                                We know that we have to set the right budget for floor preparation. This, however, requires additional research. Before looking for prices, we should first know the factors to consider.

                                Even if these vary from team to team, there are five main things that you need to know. These will also be our topic for today.

                                Floor Dimensions

                                To come up with an accurate price, the contractors will need the flooring’s dimensions. You can provide it to them.

                                Either way, they will still measure it. Prices are on a per square meter basis. It will differ from team to team. You can, however, expect it to range from around $3 to $22. This is still subject to change when you consider other factors.

                                This means that if your project covers a wider surface, you will need to pay more. For this factor, it’s best if you look for the cheapest offer. This is because this will contribute the most to the total price.

                                Contractual Fees

                                Working alone for this process is unlikely. With or without contractors, you will need to have workers. They will be in charge of doing tasks like polishing, grinding, cleaning, and likes. In turn, you will pay them for their skills, effort, and time. This is where contractual fees will come in.

                                There are two ways as to how you can pay the contractors and/or workers. The first one is through wage. This is either per day or hour of them working.

                                The second one is similar to salary. You will pay a down payment, usually half, at the start of the project. The remaining balance will be due after the project. The choice, of course, will depend on your agreement with our team.


                                Of course, you will pay for the resources that you’ll use. These include the flooring materials, coating, cleaning tools, and others. Without these, the process won’t be possible at all. These will vary from the number of items that you will buy.

                                You don’t have to worry about who will purchase it because the contractors will also be in charge of it. Even so, finding and suggesting the right store is what we recommend. This is so you can be assured of their price and quality. You may just need to spend more time and effort in doing so.

                                Floor Preparation Method

                                There are many methods to do floor preparation.Each method requires a different set of equipment. During the project discussion, you and the contractors will come up with the right one. This will vary on your goals and the current flooring site.

                                You have the choice to use a shot blaster, grinder, polisher, and a lot more. One method may be more expensive than the other. This is also what most teams prefer. The issue, however, is that this is limited to concrete floorings.

                                Note that if you’re on a budget, you can discuss your preferred method with your contractors. You can look into each method to see which will fit your budget the most.

                                Turnaround Time

                                Some contractors require additional fees for rush projects. On average, the floor preparation process can last up to a week. If you need it to be done in 5 days or less, expect that you will have to pay more.

                                To save money on this factor, it is best if you find a team in advance. This way, you can start and finish early. You can also set an appointment if you prefer to start on a specific date.

                                Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Melton

                                Now that you know the things considered in price rates, you can now start to canvass. You can look into different contractors, shops, and likes. Of course, you should decide according to both the price and quality.

                                If you’re looking for a reasonable team, we recommend our team. We offer our services to projects located around Melton. We’ll be glad to walk you through the calculations.


                                  Wagga Wagga Floor Preparation Contractor Services For Hire

                                    Do you need a floor preparation contractor in Wagga Wagga or you have a construction project? Most probably, you have questions about floor preparation in mind. This can be about the process, the team, or other topics.

                                    Having to wait for hours, however, for a response can be bothersome. In this case, this article can be of help. We have provided some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers. You can use this as a reference for your project.

                                    What is floor preparation for?

                                    Floor preparation is done to a surface to prepare it for floor fittings. This is needed no matter if you plan on having tiles, linoleum, or wood. This will serve as the base of your new flooring.

                                    To be specific, the surface is cleaned, removed, and polished. This is completed through certain sets of equipment. Some surfaces may need more tasks depending on the material used. The most common one is concrete.

                                    Is floor preparation required?

                                    Floor preparation is definitely not a requirement. You can readily install new flooring without this. It is, however, recommended by experts. Below are some reasons why:

                                    • This will lengthen your flooring’s life.
                                    • This will eliminate underlying risks and hazards
                                    • The process will prevent floor-caused accidents.
                                    • It serves as a preventive measure against damp and mould.
                                    • This protects the flooring from both internal and external threats.

                                    If you plan on having the floor for a long time, then this process will help.

                                    What do I need to prepare for the process?

                                    You will need to prepare a set of requirements to start. You can use the following list as a reference:

                                    • Budget
                                    • Time
                                    • Contractors and/or Workers
                                    • Knowledge about the process
                                    • Plan

                                    If you have a contractor, they may ask for additional requirements. These may include physical documents and tasks. Without them, you can’t expect the process to go smoothly.

                                    Is it required to have a contractor?

                                    Again, having a contractor is not required. You can manually find workers for your project.

                                    If you hire common workers, you will have to manage and help out with the tasks. This means that it will consume a lot of your time and effort.

                                    On the flip side, if you work with a team, it will be much more convenient. They will take care of the necessary activities. Progress reports will also be provided.

                                    Where can I find contractors?

                                    There are a lot of places where you can find floor preparation contractors. Here are some examples:

                                    • Local Area
                                    • Social Media Sites
                                    • Search Engines
                                    • Client Referrals
                                    • Physical Advertisements

                                    No matter where you look for a contractor, there will always be risks. You have to make a research about every team that you will find. This way, you can land on the best choice possible.

                                    How much do I need for floor preparation?

                                    For this question, it is best to ask your floor preparation contractor. This is because teams have various price ranges when it comes to the process. There are also several shops which should be considered. In addition, there are many factors during calculation like:

                                    • Flooring Size
                                    • Preparation Method
                                    • Workers’ Fees
                                    • Materials
                                    • Project Duration

                                    Consider looking for materials as a starting step. Find stores that offer cheap yet high-quality ones. You can ask for estimated rates during negotiations.

                                    When should I expect the final output?

                                    Similar to the price, the project’s duration will also vary. This will depend largely on the flooring’s size. It is recommended that you ask for a rough turnaround time from your team.

                                    Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Wagga Wagga

                                    If you have any more questions, you can reach our team through our contact info. We will discuss with you all that you need to know.

                                    Also, we offer consultation services. It is one of our objectives to acquaint project owners with the process. We look forward to working with you on our project once you’re ready.


                                      Specialist Floor Preparation Contractor Hobart | Residential & Commercial

                                        Hobart is a flourishing city that offers Tasmanian Beer, museums, seafood, and so much more. You need the services of a floor preparation contractor in Hobart if you are operating a business here. This way, your floor will not look old and dilapidated.

                                        But what services can you expect from a contractor? Allow us to provide you with some examples of these. In the end, we are hoping that you can identify whether or not you need a floor preparation contractor.

                                        Encapsulated Vacuum Shot blasting

                                        This is a process where we quickly remove paint from your floor. With this type of shot blasting, we can remove latex paint, different types of coatings, and other kinds of contaminants.

                                        We also use this technique to re-profile concrete floor. What we want to achieve here is to create a non-slip finish. For this type of substrate or floor preparation, the ultimate goal is to prepare the floor so it can better accept paint, screeds, or resins.  

                                        Shot blasting is a common practice. The construction industry recognises it as a standard process. It is great for removing coatings, plus it makes your floor free from contaminants.

                                        Diamond grinding

                                        Diamond grinding is a process where we remove glue, light coatings, and even latex paint. Our goal in this service is to make a smooth finish out of concrete. If you do not like it super smooth, we can also achieve a rough finish but ensure that the floor is even.

                                        A diamond grinding machine uses grinders of different sizes. We swap these grinders according to the type of finish that our clients want. We have different applications and heads for different purposes.

                                        It is not unusual to use this type of process to remove screed materials. However, this will leave a coarse finish.


                                        We use a process that we call scabbling to reduce concrete. It also works fine on asphalt. Scabbling is great for removing line markings, paint coatings, and for creating a profile.

                                        The end goal here is to reduce the surface tolerance. The machine we use has a rotating drum. What we use on this drum is a Tungsten star. On some occasions, we can also use beam flails or milling cutters.

                                        Scabbling is really noisy. It also produces a lot of dirt. However, you should not worry about this since we will take care of cleaning up.

                                        Vinyl removal

                                        There are many types of vinyl. For old buildings, we have to remove this coating or finish before we can put on a new layer.

                                        Part of this service is to remove carpet or rubber crumb coating. We use stripping machines to help us facilitate the job efficiently. The good thing about this process is that our machines are great for work indoors. There will only be minimal impact on your business operations.  

                                        After this, we will prepare the floor for your final layer. The substrate preparation will depend on the kind of floor that you will install. Just let us know what it is, and we will take care of the preparation.

                                        Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Hobart

                                        The list we provided here is not exhaustive. There are so many types of floor preparation activities that we offer. For more information, or if you have any questions, just give us a call. You can find our contact information here on our site.

                                        If you want, you can also schedule a meeting with us. We can do an ocular visit. It is what we prefer so our engineers can see the condition of your floor. From there, we can fairly assess the kind of work that we will provide, and therefore give you an accurate job cost estimate.


                                          Floor Preparation Contractor In Wollongong By Australian Construction

                                            If you have a business, then you certainly need a floor preparation contractor in Wollongong. As one of the happiest cities in Australia, Wollongong offers a lot to both tourists and locals alike. You need to keep up with design trends if you want your business to thrive.

                                            Before you hire a contractor, allow us to give you advice. Today, we will show you the steps that a contractor has to take when working on your floor preparation project. Let this be your guide before you hire a contractor.

                                            1. Planning Phase

                                            The first thing that we do is plan the project. In this phase, we will have a meeting with you so we can understand what you want us to do.

                                            Here are some of the things that we will accomplish here:

                                            • Client requirement – you will let us know what flooring you want. From here, we will know how to prepare the floor. 
                                            • Budget – you will also let us know how much you are willing to spend. Depending on your budget, we will decide which course of action to take. 

                                            Once this meeting is over, our experts will now take measurements of your floor area. Then, we will draft a plan of how the entire project will go.

                                            On some occasions, you may need to shut down your business for a little while. This really depends on your preference. If we do the floor preparation by grid or area, then you can still operate your business while we are working.

                                            Once we have a plan, we will meet again with you to finalise it. We will tell you how much it will cost, how many days it will take, and what other things you need to prepare.

                                            2. Preparation Phase

                                            It is during this phase that we will start working. The first thing we will do is to scrape your existing floor.

                                            Here are some more steps that you can expect:

                                            • Old floor removal – whether you have wood or tiles, we will take it off. 
                                            • Grinding – this is the main part of the floor preparation. If your floor substrate is concrete, we will use different machines to make it ready for the final layer of your flooring. 
                                            • Intensive cleaning – we will clean the floor and make sure it is free of debris.

                                            If your construction is new, which means that there is no flooring yet, then we will not do any floor removal activities. We will go straight ahead with grinding and preparing the substrate.

                                            Take note that for floor preparation, we will not install the floor. You need a different group to do this. We can do this if you want, but you need to let us know right from the get-go.

                                            Actually, it is better that you allow us to lay the flooring, too. This way, you will deal only with one contractor. It will help you save money and only one company is accountable for the project output.

                                            Floor Preparation Contractor in Wollongong

                                            Wollongong is a bustling city, and we are at the forefront of its development. If you have a question, feel free to contact us—you will find our phone number on our website.

                                            Now, if you need a quote just so you have an idea how much it costs, you can use our “request quote” form. Give us the details of your project and we will respond to you shortly.

                                            We can also schedule a visit to your business. This is actually better so we can assess it in person. Our engineers will go there and discuss your vision. From there, we can work out a plan with your floor preparation contractor in Wollongong.


                                              Speak To Your Local Floor Preparation Contractor In Geelong Today

                                                You need a floor preparation contractor in Geelong if you are renovating your business, or if it is nearing the end of its construction. Geelong, being a famous spot for sports, has a lot of things to offer.

                                                Certainly, you want your business to thrive and become a go-to hot spot. As such, you need a qualified contractor to do this job. Today, we at Australian Construction will share with you the steps we follow for floor preparation.

                                                1. Floor planning

                                                The first step that we take is to build a plan that fits your needs. We will conduct a meeting with you and try to understand what kind of flooring you want.

                                                This step is integral to the success of the project. We need to know the kind of foot traffic that you are expecting in your area. This way, we can make recommendations as to what materials are the best.

                                                The planning phase also allows us to present a quote for you. If you have a specific budget or a specific design in mind, we will take them into account as we plan.

                                                2. Removal of the old floor

                                                If the building is old, we will remove the old flooring. For example, it is likely that you already have tiles on it. We cannot just put a new flooring material over that. We have to demolish the existing floor that you have.

                                                Take note that this is a process that can disrupt your operations. You may need to stop operations for a little while.

                                                What we can do is expedite the entire process. As professional contractors, we will provide you with a timeline of our activities. This includes the start date, progression, and the target date of completion.

                                                3. Evening of the floor surface

                                                We need to make sure that the floor surface is even. To do this, we will use several machines like shot blasters and diamond grinders.

                                                These machines are great for floor preparation. Instead of doing manual work, we use machines so we can finish the job faster. They are also much more effective than manual labour.

                                                Once this phase is over, we can now start laying the floor. Be it tiles, concrete, or wood—we have expert floor prep contractors who can do the job right.

                                                Why hire us?

                                                For your floor preparation needs, we encourage you to contact us so we can work together. But why us?

                                                As a professional company, we have the appropriate license and expertise to do this. We have been in the construction industry for two decades. Apart from floor preparation, we are also experts in all areas of the construction business.

                                                What this means for you is that we can provide a complete service. Since we understand construction, you can count on us as your allies in getting the job done with utmost efficiency and effectiveness.

                                                Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Geelong

                                                We at Australian Construction have been in business for over 20 years. All our engineers have their respective specialisation and expertise. You can count on us for any construction service that you may need.

                                                If you have a question, do not hesitate to give us a call. We have experts who will be more than happy to give you the support that you need. Let us know how we can help you and we will be happy to oblige.

                                                If possible, we would love to see your site. This is what we call an ocular visit. If we see your site, our engineers will have a better grasp of what you need. As such, we can provide you with a better plan and project quote.


                                                  Expert Port Macquarie Floor Preparation Contractor Services For Hire

                                                    The significance of contractors is important in floor preparation. A floor preparation contractor in Port Macquarie is what you need as a partner throughout the process. 

                                                    The issue is that many project owners are still confused about why they need a team. As such, we’re going to talk about the roles that a contractor will take on. This is to make you more well-informed about the topic.


                                                    The first process of floor preparation involves planning. This is where we gather ideas through meeting sessions. 

                                                    Here, you will converse about certain details that will contribute to the project. This may include your goals, requirements, deadline, and budget. If you’re seeking advice, then this will be referred to as consultation.

                                                    What this does is it will require clear remarks between you and our team. Cooperation and teamwork are also essential. The plan’s quality will reflect on the output. A well-made one will result in high-quality flooring. 

                                                    On the other hand, a lacking one will come up to a let-down. Simply speaking, this will serve as the process’ blueprint.


                                                    Your contractors will also serve as project managers. They will assure that everything is going according to plan. Instructions to workers will come from them. It is their responsibility to see that the project is efficiently moving on.

                                                    Of course, you can also manage the project yourself. The contractors will be there to assist you. They will also provide you with real-time updates. This means that you can easily leave the matters in their hands. 

                                                    You won’t have to worry about anything either. The contractors will report issues to you if there are any. This hands-on management will prevent problems in work ethics. Your working system will also be kept running.

                                                    Initial Preparation

                                                    The team will be in charge of the initial preparatory tasks. This involves risk assessment, sketching, and cleaning. Risk assessment is about analysing the possible risks. This is imperative to assure that nobody will get hurt. This will also cover the areas in and out of the site.

                                                    Sketching, on the other hand, is similar to planning. This, however, is more about physical assessments. Lastly, cleaning tasks will allow the team to work on a clean slate. We will remove dust, dirt, and trash from the platform.

                                                    These are several activities off of your list. Contractors will fill in for this responsibility. This will prepare the flooring for future changes.

                                                    Floor Removal and Installation

                                                    The contractors that you are working with will also remove the current floor. It is possible that we will replace it with a new one. The installation will depend on the plan. Removal, on the other hand, is the highlight of the process.

                                                    This will require the longest time. We also need a lot of labourers. Fortunately, your contractors will also be responsible for these. These tasks will mainly involve physical labour. We will also need various equipment. Again, this will vary according to what is agreed on.

                                                    Polishing Activities

                                                    Polishing activities are the last ones at the end of the process. This is the part where contractors will check each of the project’s parts for issues. 

                                                    If there are no problems, they will head on to polishing. This can include cleaning, surface evening, and coating. These will serve as the finishing tasks. If there are issues, on the other hand, remedies will be done. It may also be redone depending on the damage. 

                                                    Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Port Macquarie

                                                    Without contractors, it is safe to say that it’ll be difficult for you. You will spend more time, effort, and money. More risks will also be involved. 

                                                    On top of that, results won’t also be guaranteed. If you are committed to the project, you should find the right team. Take your time during the hunt to assure the process’ success.


                                                      Hire The Most Experienced Floor Preparation Contractor In Mackay

                                                        Mackay is popular for a lot of things. These involve being a suitable farming place, and mining spot. Mostly, this is because of the state of their natural soil. Consequently, this requires heavy preparation for homes, and you will need a floor preparation contractor in Mackay. 

                                                        You don’t have to look at this as a hassle. Our team at Australian Construction Services offers this service. A few people know about floor preparation. If you’re one of those who don’t yet, we’ll give you some ideas on what this is for. 

                                                        Provides Strong Foundation

                                                        A well-prepared floor ensures a strong foundation for your building. As you have already known, your floor will serve as the base. It does not matter if it’s for residential or commercial use. If you plan on having it for a long time, then floor preparation will greatly help.

                                                        In this way, you can expect to not have any breakage or surface cracks. These can cause your building’s quality to deteriorate. It is also easier to prevent them rather than making remedies. Establishing a strong foundation is a good way to do so.

                                                        In addition, this will also enhance the structure’s resistance to threats. These may include water damage, dust, earthquake, and likes.

                                                        Higher Flooring Quality

                                                        A strong foundation equates to a high flooring quality. The goal is to make the surface free from needless elements before changing. Doing so will allow the new flooring to settle in better.

                                                        Of course, you can choose to install tiles, linoleum, and likes instantly. The problem, however, is that it has a lot of risks. These include being peeled off early and being prone to cracks. Either way, this will result in drawback.

                                                        With floor preparation, you can get rid of these possibilities. All in all, you can expect your flooring to be more durable and stronger. Thus, it will maintain its high quality for a long time.

                                                        Eliminates Safety Hazards

                                                        Poor flooring can result in death in the worst cases. This may seem exaggerated, but you need to acknowledge this. 

                                                        Like we previously said, if it doesn’t have a foundation, there are a lot of threats. Flood, bacteria, mould, and insects can all ruin the floor. 

                                                        It will be harder for you to deal with these problems because they’re not visible. The damage can go to a weak surface, and this damage will make the floor prone to breakage.

                                                        If you choose to do it the right way, however, you can prevent it. Floor preparation will ensure that the surface is even. It will also remove underlying issues. Consequently, this means that safety hazards will be eliminated.

                                                        Longer Flooring Life

                                                        The last benefit on our list points to a long flooring life. This is the result of all the advantages above. If you take your time in ensuring a strong, high-quality surface, you can expect to not need to redo it any time soon. It will also be free from safety risks. Constant maintenance, of course, is still something we recommend.

                                                        One resulting advantage is that you can save money from repairs. You don’t have to incur additional expenses due to broken flooring.

                                                        Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Mackay

                                                        If you’re dedicated to providing high-quality flooring for your building, then this process is for you. This will give you numerous benefits. There are more than those listed above. Some are even exclusive to floor preparation

                                                        If you want to know more about this, we’re open to discussions. We’ll be happy to walk you through the process. We offer consultation services for those who aren’t sure yet. 

                                                        Also, we look forward to doing the job for you. We have a lot to offer you and your project. Feel free to contact us. We assure you of a response as soon as possible.


                                                          Floor Preparation Contractor In Launceston By Australian Construction

                                                            If you need a floor preparation contractor in Launceston, you need to set the right budget. Every project owner has repeatedly been told to save up if they plan on availing of this. 

                                                            Even so, this is still difficult to do. The issue rarely lies in budget shortage. It is on how to manage and set the right amount.

                                                            Today, we’ll help you be informed about this topic. Talking about finances shouldn’t be a sensitive one. We’re going to give you some tips on how to set the right budget. This can involve using your resources, contractors, and others. Assessment will also play a big part.

                                                            Set maximum capability

                                                            The first step involves knowing your maximum capability. This means determining the highest amount that you can spend on the project. Doing this will prevent you from going above your capacity. This will help you in dividing your budget later on.

                                                            To do this, you can follow the steps below:

                                                            1. Know your monthly income.
                                                            2. List down your monthly living expenses.
                                                            3. Subtract your living expenses from your monthly income.

                                                            The remainder will represent your available budget for the month. This is, of course, only if you don’t have a separate budget for the project. If you have your savings, that will be your maximum budget.

                                                            Determine goals

                                                            Being acquainted with what you want to achieve is essential. This is because your goals will affect the required expenses for your project. You can list these down where you can easily see them. This is also what you need to show your contractors during meetings.

                                                            Your goals can include details such as:

                                                            • Target preparation method
                                                            • Turnaround time
                                                            • Preferred materials and equipment

                                                            Usually, the pricing rates of construction contractors will vary depending on the factors above. This will lead to better budget management. You can add special requirements for the contractors. The team will provide you with an estimate for the expenses. You can compare this with your maximum budget.

                                                            Ask around for ideas

                                                            There is no better reference than other project owners. It is recommended that you ask them about their experiences during floor preparation. This is a good way to gather authentic reviews. You can ask relatives, friends, or even online figures.

                                                            In most cases, you will have to resort to online figures. You can go on to your preferred search engine or social media site. This will open vast options for you. Along the way, you can inquire about how much they needed to spend in total. You can also ask about who they worked with.

                                                            Canvass for resources

                                                            Just because you are with a contractor doesn’t mean you should let them make all the decisions. You can if you don’t mind the expenses. However, if you are keeping a close look, you should consider canvassing. 

                                                            Canvassing refers to finding the cheapest prices for your resources. This involves the contractors and materials for the floor preparation project. This will take a lot of time and effort. You will have to look into several shops. You may also need to look into a lot of teams. This will allow you to land on the best choice possible.

                                                            Summary: Floor Preparation Contractor in Launceston

                                                            Your financing capability plays a vital role in your project. If your budget is too small, you won’t be able to start the project. If it’s too high, then there are risks of overspending.

                                                            You have to set the right amount so you can achieve success. Putting in allowance for errors can also help. 

                                                            Either way, you should keep close ideas with your team. This will build transparency throughout the process. You will also be able to land on more accurate findings through this.

                                                            The tips above are some good starter ways for budget management. You can create your own methods along the way.


                                                              Floor Preparation Contractor On the Gold Coast With 15 Years Experience

                                                              Gold Coast Floor Preparation Contractor: Five Services You Need

                                                                At Australian Construction, we do not limit ourselves with common construction practices. We are a team of engineers who ensure that our methods are up to date to meet the demands for Gold Coast floor preparation contractor services. 

                                                                We use this principle even for the most mundane of tasks, like floor preparation contractor service in Gold Coast.

                                                                Today, we will introduce you to the five types of floor preparation services that we do. In the end, you will have better choices, and you can work with us to identify what works best for your facility.

                                                                Concrete Polishing 

                                                                Concrete polishing is a process where we restore old and new types of concrete flooring. We are primarily focused on the surface. What happens is that the new polished concrete becomes more durable.

                                                                Here are the other benefits of doing this:

                                                                • Makes concrete resistant to stain
                                                                • Makes the floor shinier because of the glossy finish

                                                                What we do with this service is that we provide your facility with a functional finish. We can discuss the kind of finish that you want, and we have several options that will help fit your budget. We do not just polish the floor, but we also ensure that we use the right tools and machinery to get the job done.

                                                                Overall, what you get is a no-wax flooring material. The concrete itself is the finish, and we can do this with our different grinding techniques. Whether your concrete is new or old, we can give it a new life.

                                                                Floor Demolition and Removal 

                                                                On some occasions, your flooring is already so worn out that the best option is to demolish it. If this is what you want to do, then we can help you with it.

                                                                Here are some of the types of floors that we remove:

                                                                In line with this, we will work with your civil engineers so we can better understand how to prepare the flooring once the finish is removed. This is a great option if your project involves renovation.

                                                                We use different kinds of machines to get this job done quickly. Here are some examples:

                                                                Propane-powered machines

                                                                Electric machines

                                                                Battery-operated machines

                                                                These machines work best in specific conditions, and we use what is appropriate according to the type of project. All our machines are state-of-the-art. By the time we are done with the demolition, we will also grind the floor to prepare it for the specific new finish that you want.

                                                                Shot Blasting

                                                                Shot blasting is a process where the concrete is ground to make it even and level. It is a cost-effective way to prepare the floor. Shot blasting is used to prepare the floor before you apply finish materials like epoxy and polyurethane.  

                                                                We use noisy shot blasting equipment, so we strongly suggest that you stop your operations if we do this project. There is no need to worry about dirt since our shot blasting machines are connected to vacuum machines. The vacuum will automatically suck the debris and dirt from the concrete that we grind.

                                                                We use different materials for the process. These are called steel shots. They have different grits, and we use the ones appropriate to the condition of the floor. These steel shots are abrasive, and they will remove concrete from the floor to make it levelled.  

                                                                Diamond Grinding 

                                                                In diamond grinding, we use roe abrasive materials to make the concrete smooth. It is an industrial process to prepare flooring, especially for malls and large projects. The diamond grinders act like sandpaper, but for concrete.  

                                                                The goal of diamond grinding is to achieve a specific kind of surface profile for your flooring. The most common goal is to achieve CSP 2, or concrete surface profile 2. We use several types of equipment to make this happen, like the diamond grinder and edge grinder.

                                                                For large-scale projects, we also use large machines that people have to push. Like shot blasting, this produces a lot of dust, debris, and dirt. But like shot blasting, we have our vacuums at the ready to collect the dust as the grinder is put to work.

                                                                Diamond grinding is a three-step and slow process. We typically use this service if there are so many irregularities in the concrete.

                                                                Abrasive Blasting

                                                                The last service we offer as floor preparation contractor is abrasive blasting. We do this to remove the following:

                                                                • Mastic
                                                                • Paint
                                                                • Rubber coating
                                                                • Epoxy coating and finishes
                                                                • Glue from carpet
                                                                • Line stripes and adhesives
                                                                • Waterproofing membranes

                                                                Abrasive grinding works like a shot blast. It is a cost-effective process, and all the materials and equipment we use are safe for the environment.

                                                                What happens during this blasting process is that your concrete surface gets cleaned. It is also prepared for the final finish. Once the job is done, what you get is a chemical-free concrete, ready for the finish or pre-finish coating that you desire.

                                                                We also take care of the disposal. When we do abrasive grinding, it leaves a lot of debris. We clean it up in no time. We do have high-technology vacuum-collection machines. No contaminants are left, and this means that you can apply your finish with no problem at all.

                                                                Summary: Gold Coast Floor Preparation Contractor

                                                                If you need any type of floor preparation, always remember our name: Australian Construction. Not only do we offer this kind of service, but we also provide many other services like earthworks, painting, asphalt, demolition, and many more.

                                                                We are experts in the field of large-scale construction. We have our own equipment, and our resident engineers can team up with your civil engineers. We value the timeliness of the project, and we will finish our jobs according to the plan.

                                                                Our services are available not just in Gold Coast, but also in others like Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and many other cities. Give us a call now and let us discuss your project. We are your premier choice for large-scale projects such as malls, government facilities, hospitals, and others.


                                                                  Floor Preparation Contractor In Adelaide – Australian Construction Services

                                                                  Adelaide Floor Preparation: What We Do At Australian Construction?

                                                                    An Adelaide floor preparation contractor service comes hand in hand with general infrastructure constructions. Unlike the common misconception, the process of completing construction doesn’t directly start with renovations. 

                                                                    Like others, its parts should be well-prepared in order to ensure the desired output. Here at Australian Construction, we will be responsible for all the things that will be needed in your project’s floor preparation. May it be malls, roads, office buildings, etc, we assure that our contractors are the best choice.

                                                                    Today, we’re going to walk you through on what our service is all about, along with the tasks included in the process.

                                                                    What is an Adelaide floor preparation contractor?

                                                                    First off, let us talk more in-depth about the process of floor preparation.

                                                                    Floor preparation is not a common element to construction when thinking about demolition or renovations. Often overlooked, flooring is an essential part to the process of any rebuild or fit out and will need to be given adequate consideration within the project time-frame and budget. 

                                                                    Here are some of the benefits that come along with floor preparation:

                                                                    • Eliminates health risks and hazards
                                                                    • Increases the durability of the flooring
                                                                    • Longer flooring life
                                                                    • More seamless floor installation

                                                                    The process is actually necessary in order to provide a strong bond between the existing sub-floor and the new flooring that is yet to be installed. With this, it will be easier and more efficient to integrate the new flooring type without the old one interfering. 

                                                                    What are the tasks of an Adelaide floor preparation contractor?

                                                                    Now, let us move on to the different tasks that a floor preparation contractor needs to go through. See below for its chronological order:

                                                                    Floor Planning

                                                                    At Adelaide Floor Preparation, we take the initiative to build a plan before going to the actual process. This will help us and the clients to have an accurate overview of what is needed, what are the expectations of the clients, and what the contractors may suggest for a better outcome.

                                                                    Having a plan is vital for us to know how we should act towards the project. This will also help us determine the necessary steps towards achieving our clients’ full satisfaction.

                                                                    This is also the step wherein the budget will be planned. Although budgets can be a stressful part of the equation to address, it is crucial to get right from the start so we can plan the type of resources that will fit your requirements. 

                                                                    It is one of our goals to bring the highest quality of service no matter the budget, so there is no need to worry about poor outputs.

                                                                    Old Floor Removal

                                                                    Once the plan is finished and both parties are in agreement, our contractors commence preparation of old floor removal, if required. We do this so that we can start work on a new, blank slate. This will also provide enough space for the new flooring type.

                                                                    We have different types of equipment for different floorings. We assure you that there will be no problem if you have previously placed tiles, linoleum, wooden floors, and the likes.

                                                                    Another reason why this is essential is that if you install a new one directly on top of the old one, it will look poorly-made. This may even be the cause of health hazards and safety risks in the future.

                                                                    If you don’t have existing flooring on the other hand, unlike projects built on existing infrastructure, then this step can be skipped.


                                                                    The third step on our list is to clean the sub-floor surface thoroughly. This includes removing all the dirt, debris, dried adhesives, flooring remains, and other random things that may have been on the sub-floor.

                                                                    The purpose of this is to make the surface capable of holding the adhesives, and clean enough to not bring any flaws to the new flooring.

                                                                    If the sub-floor is full of unnecessary dirt, it can make it hard for the installation of the new flooring. If you are opting for paper-type flooring, it can look bumpy. Cement-types, on the other hand, can have cracks. In some cases, the flooring can simply not stick if the sub-floor is not cleaned.

                                                                    Floor Surface Evening

                                                                    Finally, the last thing that we have to do is to check the sub-floor for gaps, cracks, and mismatched heights. In these cases, we have to fill in and/or excavate, if needed, the floor surface in order to even them out and have them on the same level.

                                                                    This last step is important because this is related to the comfort and safety of our clients. In the worst-case scenario, leaving gaps in their place can cause accidents and injuries, which will definitely reflect badly towards the client and our company, as well.

                                                                    Even after all the necessary steps are taken, we guarantee that we will monitor the result after every step to prevent underlying issues in the long run. We conduct final reviews to achieve this because we know the hassle of running into problems post-construction. Our top priority lies in our clients’ safety and satisfaction.

                                                                    Should you select Australian Construction for your service?

                                                                    Our floor preparation service is for everyone. We greatly stress that this process is necessary for every type of construction. No matter how small or big your project is, you can expect that we have all the right equipment and resources to fulfil your conditions.

                                                                    Here are some infrastructures that will definitely need floor preparation:

                                                                    • Malls
                                                                    • Roads
                                                                    • Office buildings
                                                                    • Factories
                                                                    • Warehouses
                                                                    • Sports Halls
                                                                    • Galleries
                                                                    • Function Halls

                                                                    Of course, we are also very much willing to work on small and medium projects like houses and home renovations.


                                                                    Floor preparation is one of the most important processes in completing infrastructures. This will provide a strong foundation for a building’s base and will definitely affect its overall quality. Although this is a fairly lengthy task, the final output is definitely worth looking forward to.

                                                                    With us, we can assure that each of the tasks stated above will be done with the utmost care and quality in mind.

                                                                    If you have any other concerns, you can contact us via phone call and/or text message. We will be happy to answer your inquiries. We can also conduct visits to the site so we can discuss the requirements more clearly.


                                                                      Floor Preparation Contractor In Townsville By Australian Construction

                                                                      Why Do You Need a Townsville Floor Preparation Contractor?

                                                                        Our team of experienced Townsville floor preparation contractor experts is now extending our services to Australia’s largest urban centre, Townsville. With a population of 180,820 in estimation, there is no doubt about houses having a high demand in the city of Townsville.

                                                                        Taking this into account, it is just right that we offer floor preparations to make sure that each will be built with a stable foundation.

                                                                        Not everyone is familiar with the process, however. This is why today, we are going to talk about what floor preparation is and what our company can provide you with once you negotiate a project with us.

                                                                        What is floor preparation?

                                                                        First of all, let us define the process of floor preparation.

                                                                        Simply speaking, when you need to install new flooring, whatever type it maybe, the primary step that you have to take is to ensure that your canvas is ready. By canvas, we are referring to the floor which is to be modified.

                                                                        This is done with the goal of building a strong bond between the existing flooring and the new one. This will help ensure that there will be no problems with the house or building once the installation is completed.

                                                                        Here are some steps, all to be discussed in-depth in the next section, that are involved in the process of floor preparation:

                                                                        • Old floor removal
                                                                        • Intense surface cleaning
                                                                        • Debris removal
                                                                        • Flooring installation

                                                                        The problem, though, is not everyone understands the significance of floor preparation. This is the reason why this process is always overlooked, and home-owners end up with having to opt for constant floor remodelling. This equates to higher payment costs and wasted time.

                                                                        Fortunately for you, our company is one call away. We offer high-quality floor preparation services. We stand firm by the belief that the extra work done in the pre work phase is what will prepare the final flooring to look like a masterpiece. Not only will it look better but it will also create longer lasting infrastructure, void of the need for future modifications.

                                                                        What does it mean to undergo floor preparation?

                                                                        The steps that a contractor needs to complete are previously provided. Now that you have an idea about those, let us now move on to discussing the tasks one by one:

                                                                        Floor Planning

                                                                        As a team, we can’t just directly move on to the physical labour activities. We have to construct a plan so both parties know the needs of the project. This will also provide transparency between the company and the clients.

                                                                        Planning is important because this will determine the type and quantity of resources that will be needed throughout the project.

                                                                        This can be done through interviews and site visits.

                                                                        Old Floor Removal

                                                                        This involves removing the existing flooring to make room for the new flooring type. The length of this process depends on what will be removed, e.g. tiles, wood, linoleum, etc.

                                                                        In some cases, this task may not be applicable. For instance, there are newly-built houses that have no existing floor and are only equipped with cemented surfaces. This means that there are no old resources that are in need of removal.

                                                                        Intense Cleaning Process

                                                                        Of course, the process does not stop with just the removal of old resources. After this, our team will move on to cleaning every bit of the bare surface to eliminate all the debris, dirt, dust, old adhesives, and possible remains of the previous flooring.

                                                                        This is done to assure a cleaner and smoother slate to work on. It will also eliminate the possibility of having bumpy surfaces.

                                                                        Floor Surface Evening

                                                                        After taking care of the remnants, the next process to be done is to even out the surface. This means getting rid of all the cracks, the holes, and unnecessary different floor heights.

                                                                        We assure you that we will take care of every single issue present, from the smallest to the most evident size. This part will greatly make the installation process more efficient.


                                                                        Last, and definitely not the least, is the new floor installation. This is the final step to having the flooring type that you and your property needs. Here, we are finally going to integrate the new flooring to the freshly prepared canvas.

                                                                        Based on the processes stated above, it is obvious that floor preparation takes a long time. This is normal, however, so you do not have to worry about the time frame. This factor should also not stop you from opting for floor preparation.

                                                                        What can our company offer you?

                                                                        Our contractor team guarantees that when you choose our service, you are also choosing the following benefits:

                                                                        Experienced Contractors

                                                                        All of our team members are educated and well-trained in the field. We assure you that we know what we are doing, and we are also willing to share it with all of you. Our contractors are also knowledgeable about the ins and outs of floor preparation so you can rest assured that the project is held in good hands.

                                                                        Despite this, we try our best to keep up with the most recent innovations in order to look for more ways to earn our clients’ satisfaction.

                                                                        High-Quality Service

                                                                        We also make sure that each step is taken with precaution to fully avoid running into risks and issues in the long run. It is our life goal to provide the highest quality of service by doing our best in every preparation process.

                                                                        Safety-Focused Output

                                                                        Our primary concern is not the aesthetic that we can bring; we pay more attention to safety as poorly-prepared flooring can lead to accidents. We give utmost importance to this factor because we value the clients as much as we value every part of the project.

                                                                        We are constantly striving to be the top-performing service provider in the industry. We believe that we get better each day and we assure that your needs and satisfaction come first above everything.

                                                                        Summary: Townsville Floor Preparation Contractor

                                                                        We will be more than happy to assist you with your needs and concerns. Feel free to send us a message or call us on the number provided. You can ask us anything, deliver your concerns or ask us for suggestions, and we will welcome you with open arms.

                                                                        We are also available in other locations such as Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and others,  so you can also consider contacting us in such case.


                                                                        Your Local Floor Preparation Contractor In Newcastle By Aus Construction

                                                                        Newcastle Floor Preparation Contractor: Do You Need One?

                                                                          Newcastle floor preparation contractor is often taken for granted because some builders want to cut short in their budget. This is especially so for large-scale projects like malls. This is where most problems arise.

                                                                          This stated, we at Australian Construction are extending our services to Newcastle. We have taken a great interest in this location because we believe that its infrastructures should be maintained and taken care of, especially the flooring.

                                                                          Today, we’re going to discuss what our service is all about, and why you should consider our team. If you are not familiar with floor preparation, you can expect to be knowledgeable about it after reading this article.

                                                                          What is floor preparation and why is it important?

                                                                          First, let us first give you a background about floor preparation.

                                                                          From the name itself, floor preparation is the process of taking all the necessary steps to make your existing floor surface ready for new modifications. This provides a way for a stronger bond between the flooring and the new one that is to be installed.

                                                                          This involves the following processes:


                                                                          If the client’s facility has existing flooring, for instance, tiles, linoleum, wood, and the likes, they have to be removed in order to give space to the future flooring type. This won’t be necessary, however, if the team will work on an empty canvas, that is plain cement from newly-built homes.


                                                                          Once the old floor resources are out of the equation, the next step would be cleaning and eliminating all the dust, dirt, debris, adhesives, and all other remains left from the previous flooring. This will provide a more workable slate and will improve the quality of the process.


                                                                          Apart from the above tasks, floor preparation also involves eliminating all the gaps and cracks that may hinder the installation of the new resources. This will result in an even surface which will make it easier to stick the flooring type you chose and will also make it more comfortable for the home-owners to use.


                                                                          The installation is not necessarily part of the floor preparation, rather a fruit of the process. This is when the new flooring type will be integrated with the current flooring state. This is also the step that most home-owners skip ahead to, thinking that this is a simple task.

                                                                          Floor preparation is important because this pays attention to the base of the facility. This may be time-consuming, but this will strengthen the foundation of the area and will be the key to having a fully-functional facility. Not going over this will bring nothing but risks and hazards over time.

                                                                          What to expect from our service?

                                                                          Now that you know what floor preparation is all about, I am now going to tell you the reasons why you should choose us to provide the service. 

                                                                          Here are the benefits that you will be signing up with once you decide to work with our team:

                                                                          Experienced Contractors

                                                                          One common problem that clients run into is encountering inexperienced workers who are not that dedicated to providing a well-prepared floor.

                                                                          Our team is equipped with knowledgeable contractors who have enough experience in all the processes and sub-processes of floor preparation. This way, you can rest easy knowing that you are working with a qualified team at hand.

                                                                          Quality Service

                                                                          High-quality service is also guaranteed. All the tasks that are discussed in the previous section are offered by our team. We also ensure that we will do much more than what is described.

                                                                          We greatly believe that floor preparation is one of the most significant steps in home modifications because it affects not only the appearance of the infrastructure but also the safety of each person.

                                                                          Goal-Oriented Team

                                                                          Our company performs according to our goals. These goals are based on our client’s wants and needs, as well as what we believe you need. We will stand by this in order to efficiently cater to the client’s needs and give them utmost satisfaction.


                                                                          Assurance is also one of our top priorities. In every step, we guarantee that we will check twice, even thrice, to make sure that nothing is overlooked, and no issues are left unresolved. In this way, we can prevent problems and re-dos after the installation itself.

                                                                          Approachable Contractors

                                                                          You do not have to purchase our service just to talk to us. Our team members are all approachable so you can call us for even the smallest concerns and enquiries about our service. We will be more than glad to tell you all the necessary details that you need to know before opting for floor preparation.

                                                                          As you can see, we are not just a company who offers floor preparation. We also offer satisfaction, our one-of-a-kind workers, and an outstanding finished output above all.

                                                                          How to know if you should avail our service?

                                                                          Not everyone knows that they need floor preparation. Taking this into account, below are some situations as reference:

                                                                          For unfurnished houses

                                                                          Newly built houses do not come automatically with the flooring you have in mind. Sometimes, they don’t even come with flooring at all. If this is your concern, it is most likely that you need to opt for floor preparation.

                                                                          Broken flooring

                                                                          When floor surfaces get broken, you can’t instantly know it. There are fewer issues if you can see which is broken, and which needs to be fixed. However, often, it is barely visible on the outside so you can just feel like there is something wrong.

                                                                          Renovations and remodelling

                                                                          If you have a fully-furnished structure, and you are just seeking for something new, then you can also start with a floor plan, primarily, the floor preparation.

                                                                          There are a lot more situations that can indirectly speak to you through your needs, but the examples above are some of the most common.

                                                                          Summary: Newcastle Floor Preparation Contractor

                                                                          Floor preparation is a significant part of building a stable structure, may it be a house or a workplace. Our company takes pride in floor preparations, so we assure quality service.

                                                                          If you still have questions, feel free to contact us and send us a message, and we will be glad to walk you through on the basics. We can also conduct visitations so we can discuss more about the necessary solutions that the project may require.


                                                                            Floor Preparation Contractor In Darwin By Australian Construction Services

                                                                            Darwin Floor Preparation: Why Choose Australian Construction?

                                                                              Darwin floor preparation is important in every construction. This is a necessary process to make the installation of the new flooring more efficient. This is especially useful to those with vast floor surfaces, and multi-floor buildings.

                                                                              With us, Australian Construction, we give great importance to the process and to the clients’ projects. In this article, we are going to discuss the process of floor preparation, and why you should choose us to take on your construction project.

                                                                              What is floor preparation?

                                                                              Floor preparation is the process that involves making the sub-floor ready for the upcoming installation. This will be the bridge towards a stronger bond between the old and the new flooring. To put it simply, this is the pre-construction process for the base of the infrastructure.

                                                                              However, there is a problem lying around this topic. Most project heads opt to not avail floor preparation because of additional requirements of the process. Aside from the need to invest a little more money, the project will take longer than the usual.

                                                                              At Australian Construction, we can assure you that this is a vital step to the process and a part of the process that if avoided will just end up costing more in the long run. This will result in a lot more expenses and time wastage.

                                                                              The said process is led by contractors like us. Our company consists of a team of experienced contractors to ensure the quality of the subfloor prepping.

                                                                              In the next sections, we will be moving on to the tasks that our contractors will do once a project has started. These are arranged in their respective orders. You can expect to have a clear overview of what to expect from us by the end of the reading.

                                                                              1. Planning

                                                                              First off, we have the project planning. This is the starting point of the process which will help both our contractors and clients to be oriented on the expected output of the floor preparation.

                                                                              Project Needs

                                                                              Here, we can talk about the project needs in general. This may refer to the resources, the necessary types of equipment, the sub-processes, and the likes. This will help build a concrete framework for the flooring prep.

                                                                              Client’s Requirements

                                                                              Along with what the project is in need of, the clients can also give their requirements about the final flooring output. These requirements may involve area coverage, preparation methods, maintenance, etc. Knowing this is important for our contractors to know how to satisfy our clients.

                                                                              Possible Suggestions

                                                                              Suggestions can be given by both the clients and the contractors. These do not necessarily have to fit the requirements, and may simply arise from a flawed plans. 

                                                                              With Darwin Floor Preparation by Australian Construction, it is one of our duties to ensure the quality of our service. To efficiently do this, we analyse all information given and give recommendations if a better solution is possible.


                                                                              Knowing the budget is also one of the most significant factors in the floor planning. This will determine the type of resources that can be used throughout the project.

                                                                              This step can be done in multiple ways. We can conduct a brainstorming, an interview, or through site visits.

                                                                              2. Old Floor Removal

                                                                              After a plan is made, it is now time to start preparing the sub-floor for installation. In particular, this will involve the removal of the old flooring. This is done to provide adequate space for the new flooring.

                                                                              This is necessary no matter what flooring type is placed on the sub-floor. Below are the benefits of this step.

                                                                              Seamless Surface

                                                                              Eliminating the previous flooring from the equation will result in a smooth surface. This will remove the possibility of bumps, uneven surfaces, and bulky layers. In addition, this will also provide a larger space for the new floor.

                                                                              Easier Floor Installation

                                                                              The installation will also be easier this way. We do not have to encounter hindrances coming from the previous flooring type. Removing the old floor means getting to work on an empty slate which provides more flexibility for our contractors.

                                                                              Eliminates Numerous Risks

                                                                              The last benefit on our list is related to health and safety concerns. This step results in a safer surface for the clients and their consumers.

                                                                              Note that this is only applicable to those with already existing flooring like long-standing malls and roads. This won’t be needed if the project involves newly-built infrastructures.

                                                                              Cleaning Process

                                                                              Next up, we have the cleaning process. This is something that is needed to be fulfilled whatever the status of the infrastructure. Here, our team will be responsible for removing the following:

                                                                              • Flooring remains
                                                                              • Dried adhesives
                                                                              • Dirt and dust
                                                                              • Stains
                                                                              • Unnecessary items
                                                                              • Left Garbage

                                                                              Doing this step will lead to a surface that is all set for the integration of the new resources. Exposing the project to a clean sub-floor will also help adhesives stick better, which is the complete opposite if we opt for a dirty surface. Specifically, dirt can get in the way of the adhesives’ ability.

                                                                              3. Floor Levelling

                                                                              The last step in the process of floor preparation is the levelling of the floor surface. This is done by making the sub-floor match its actual height and width. This also includes eliminating the following flaws like:

                                                                              • Gaps
                                                                              • Cracks
                                                                              • Misaligned surfaces
                                                                              • Holes
                                                                              • Formed types of cement

                                                                              We believe that these aspects are some of the most essential parts to the process. To simply ignore any stage in this process or leaving underlying issues self-addressed can lead to risky  and hazardous infrastructure that does not meet safety and building compliance. If these are not taken care of immediately, it may be the cause of the deterioration of the infrastructure’s build in the long run, massive Government fines or accidental injury.

                                                                              Furthermore, gaps and holes can also cause accidents especially if we are talking about large projects like roads, and multi-storey buildings.


                                                                              To sum it up, floor preparation is an important process to ensure a stable foundation of the construction. This is the base of the project at hand, and thus, it should be well-prepared for the purpose of moulding its strength rather than the appearance alone.

                                                                              We assure that our contractors are the best in town. We are knowledgeable of the process and our top priority lies in our clients and the project.

                                                                              To know more about the project, you can give us a call and we can take it from there. We can give you an overview of the basics of floor preparation.

                                                                              So get in contact today and have one of our specialised floor construction consultants give you an overview of just what we can do for you, with a Darwin Floor Preparation Contractor.


                                                                                Floor Preparation Contractor In Sydney With Over 15 Years Experience

                                                                                Find Your Local Sydney Floor Preparation Contractor

                                                                                  Today, we will show you the difference between the two most common methods of Sydney floor preparation. These are called Shot Blasting and Diamond Grinding. By the end of this tutorial, you will learn which one is the best option for your facility.

                                                                                  Floor preparation is an important factor to make your floor level and prevent it from developing cracks. We at Australian Construction specialise in several types of floor preparation, especially for large-scale projects like malls and factories.

                                                                                  Shot Blasting

                                                                                  Shot blasting is a process where we prepare the floor for some types of finishes.

                                                                                  These finishes are:

                                                                                  • Epoxy
                                                                                  • Polyurethane
                                                                                  • Polyaspartic resin floor coating

                                                                                  The shot blasting operation is dust-free; we use a piece of equipment that vacuums the dust as we prepare the floor. What this means is that other people can work in your facility while we perform our duties.

                                                                                  We use a shot blasting machine that uses a steel shot with different grits. This machine injects the steel shot onto the floor’s surface. It has abrasive properties and the grit pretty much sands the concrete floor.

                                                                                  The only problem you have to consider is the noise. We do not recommend using the shot blasting method in a facility that is already operational. If you have a mall or a restaurant in Sydney, then maybe you will have to consider postponing your operations and then only resume once the floor finish is completed.

                                                                                  One big benefit of the shot blasting method is that there is little need to clean up in the absence of dust. As such, you can apply the finish once we are done, and this can happen in a short period of time. If your store or business operation relies on the completion of the floor, then this is great as you can be in operation soon.

                                                                                  Shot blasting is a common floor preparation technique, but there are some situations where this is the best option.

                                                                                  Here are some examples:

                                                                                  • Installation of industrial resin; this includes commercial purposes
                                                                                  • Great for areas where you expect heavy foot traffic
                                                                                  • Best for facilities where cleanliness is important
                                                                                  • Used for preparation of flooring that has been coated before

                                                                                  We also use shot blasting if the floor you currently have is causing health issues. If this is a primary concern in your facility, give us a call so we can get started working on your facility now.

                                                                                  Diamond Grinding

                                                                                  Diamond grinding, on the other hand, is the best way to prepare the floor for industrial purposes. What happens here is that a diamond grinder “sands” the concrete to achieve a specific concrete surface profile.

                                                                                  There are many types of surface profiles, also called CSP. The most ideal for epoxy and polyurethane finish is CSP 2. If the surface is rough, you may need to do shot blast first before proceeding to diamond grinding.

                                                                                  The process will correct the irregularities on the concrete. If the floor already has a coating and you want to remove it, a diamond grinder will work faster than a shot blast machine. However, diamond grinding is a three-phase process.

                                                                                  Once the floor CSP has been identified, we at Australian Construction will choose the appropriate equipment. There are many types of equipment that we can use.

                                                                                  Some examples are:

                                                                                  • Diamond grinder – it looks like a floor polisher
                                                                                  • Edge Grinder – this one looks like an edge grinder

                                                                                  For commercial and large-scale projects, the diamond grinder and edge grinder are big machines. What really matters, however, is the outfitted grinder.

                                                                                  Like shot blasting, dust is not an issue when we do the job. We attach a shop vac to the edge grinder or diamond grinder machine, and the vacuum will suck the dust as the grinder does its job.

                                                                                  Diamond grinding is a slow process. On some occasions, we have to do a second pass on the same surface. We also do wet grinding if dust is something that we need to avoid. Once the grinding is over, we will clean the floor, then we will examine the floor to find out if the proper profile was achieved.

                                                                                  What is the right choice?   

                                                                                  Diamond grinding is the most common option. However, shot blasting is best if the concrete preparation includes a decorative component into it.

                                                                                  Here are some examples of why you should choose shot blasting:

                                                                                  Unlevel joints – if the concrete is uneven, shot blasting is a good process. This will even out the concrete and make sure that it is level—so level that a cart on wheels will not move.

                                                                                  Spalling – this is a condition where the concrete starts to flake. This happens when water penetrates the concrete. Moisture and salt are the natural enemies of concrete and can cause this problem, which shot blasting can correct.

                                                                                  Contaminants – if you are operating an industrial facility, chances are there will be spillage in the concrete. Over a long period of time, you may also want to change the floor’s coating. Shot blasting can remove industrial contaminants like excess poly, epoxy, tile mastics, grease, caulks, and so much more.

                                                                                  One last reason to use shot blasting is if your concrete floor already has cracks. The same thing goes with divots. A divot happens when something heavy is dropped on the floor and it leaves a dent. The repeated impact can also cause pits and divots to happen. In this case, the better choice is shot blasting instead of diamond grinding.


                                                                                  Whether you are a homeowner or a property manager, preparing your floor is important to make your facility look really tidy. There are many benefits to preparing the floor, and it will help revitalize your home or commercial space.

                                                                                  For the best service, give us a call now and let us discuss your project. We at Australian Construction offer flexible and top-notch services. Our engineers will visit your site, and also talk about what kind of finish you want. This way, we can provide our best recommendation about what approach to take in preparing your floor.


                                                                                    Your Local Floor Preparation Contractor In Perth – Australian Construction

                                                                                    Find Your Local Perth Floor Preparation Contractor

                                                                                      What equipment is used to prepare the floor? Today, we at Australian Construction will share with you what we use for Perth floor preparation contractor services. By the end of this tutorial, you will know their differences, and also understand why you should choose us as your service provider.

                                                                                      Floor preparation is one of those things that people do not know about. They think that the concrete floor is ready for finishing once it is already dry. Quite the contrary, it does require a lot of preparation. This allows the concrete to be ready and accept the finishing processes.

                                                                                      1. Shot Blaster

                                                                                      The shot blaster is the most common floor preparation equipment used in this industry. It has what is called steel shots, and they come in different grits. A shot blaster looks like a large floor polisher, and it is operated by hand.

                                                                                      In the shot blasting process, we remove the old coatings from your concrete flooring. This leaves no traces, and only gives us a final product which is concrete. This concrete is levelled and roughed only to the right degree to make sure that the new coating is going to stick.

                                                                                      Shot blasting is the most common type of Perth floor preparation contractor services, which we at Australian Construction offer. Once the surface preparation is in process, we can now texture your concrete flooring. We also use the right grit in relation to the kind of finish that you will use.  

                                                                                      2. Concrete Scarifier

                                                                                      This one is rarely seen in the industry, but it is equally important. A concrete scarifier is an equipment that functions as a wood planer, albeit for concrete. It is also known in the industry as a surface planer.

                                                                                      This is a milling machine, which cuts or “scars” the concrete. It uses cutting tools that rotate around the drum. We use the scarifier if the concrete is really uneven or if it is really thick and we need to remove a big chunk.

                                                                                      Concrete scarifier are more aggressive than grinders. They are equipped with cutting wheels that rotate quickly. These mean machines can easily remove ¼ inch of concrete in a single pass.

                                                                                      We at Australian Construction employ this if you want to lower your concrete flooring. Our machines have cutters that will chip through the concrete. Once the “planing” of the concrete is over, we can move on to using less aggressive grinders to smoothen the surface a little bit further.

                                                                                      3. Concrete Grinders

                                                                                      Grinders can be used for grinding concrete and for polishing. It all depends on the attachment that you use. Concrete grinders have rotating discs in a horizontal position.

                                                                                      With concrete grinders, we can do a lot of tasks such as:

                                                                                      • Light texturing
                                                                                      • Opening the pores of the concrete
                                                                                      • Removal of paint
                                                                                      • Removal of other thin coatings

                                                                                      The wonderful thing about concrete grinders is that they are versatile. You can change the attachments, and they come in different grits. Concrete grinders are gentler than other Perth floor preparation contractor equipment. They can scrape a maximum of 1/8th inch, making them ideal for preparing the surface after shot blasting or after using a scarifier.

                                                                                      There are different types of concrete grinders. There are hand-held ones and there are walk-behind ones. We have both, and we use the equipment that is appropriate for the project. On some occasions, we use grinders with floating heads—they follow the contour of the floor.

                                                                                      4. Multi-strippers

                                                                                      Multi-strippers are used for stripping paint and other kinds of finish. These strippers are machines that have a blade at the front. You push the stripper forward according to the depth that you want.

                                                                                      Once you push it forward, it has a cutting action that works in a forward and backward motion. We use multi-strippers to remove paint, epoxy, and even a layer of concrete.

                                                                                      The great thing about a multi-stripper is that it produces an even cut. They are noisy, and they also produce large debris and dirt. This should not be an issue, as we at Australian Construction will take care of the disposal of the debris.

                                                                                      These machines are heavy-duty. They are a popular choice for stripping slabs of concrete from your flooring. We love using these machines because they help us complete stripping jobs in a short period of time. They are also suitable even for tough conditions.

                                                                                      A great example is if you used red cement as your topcoat for your flooring. If you want to remove that, a multi-stripper is one of the best options. Once the top layer is removed, you have to re-apply a new layer of concrete, and then we can do the surface preparation once the concrete is dry.  

                                                                                      5. Burnishers

                                                                                      The last on our list is burnishers. These machines are used to polish the floor, especially so if your final floor is concrete with no other layers. They are made of rugged solid steel.

                                                                                      In concrete burnishing, you will have a durable finish that will last. The surface of your concrete will get a lustre, and it is great if you are building car parks, a warehouse, or a large commercial space.

                                                                                      The primary enemy of flooring is dirt. Over a long period of time, the dirt will get stuck on the concrete. You will notice scratches and you will have a dirty floor—even if you clean it.

                                                                                      Foot traffic is the primary culprit here. The solution is burnishing. At Australian Construction, we can prepare the surface of your floor and make it look brand new. All the scars will go away, and our end product is a concrete floor that has lustre.

                                                                                      Summary: Perth Floor Preparation Contractor

                                                                                      Floor preparation is an important and critical aspect of construction. Do it right so your floor will last a number of years.

                                                                                      Give us a call at Australian Construction on 1800 155 881, and we will discuss your project with you. We have a team of engineers who are highly knowledgeable about large-scale construction projects, especially for floor preparation.


                                                                                        Floor Preparation Contractor In Melbourne By Australian Construction

                                                                                        Melbourne Floor Preparation Contractor: What You Need To Know

                                                                                          Having a beautiful and fully-functioning floor is impossible to achieve instantly. You need a Melbourne floor preparation contractor to get this done. 

                                                                                          This is especially true in Melbourne, Australia where the average floor size of a single facility totals to more or less than 200 square meters.

                                                                                          Because of this, it’s just right that you consider our services as floor preparation contractors to help you achieve your dream floor. 

                                                                                          In this article, we’re going to walk you through on what our service is all about and why it is important. By the end of the reading, you can expect to have a concrete idea about floor preparation and a go-to service provider.

                                                                                          What is floor preparation?

                                                                                          Floor preparation is not known to every house owner. Usually, they just purchase tiles or whichever flooring they prefer and then proceed to directly incorporating them to the plan. This is probably the first and most common mistake that home-owners and/or renovators do.

                                                                                          With floor preparation, a more in-depth construction will be made to ensure a stronger bond between the existing flooring and the new one. No matter what type of house you have may it be commercial, industrial, this is a must before installing a new set of the floor surface. 

                                                                                          Here are the other concepts that are related to floor preparation:

                                                                                          • Floor Installation
                                                                                          • Surface Preparation
                                                                                          • Floor Removal and Replacement

                                                                                          Considering all the needed preparatory processes, this is definitely time-consuming, but it doesn’t erase the fact that this should not be overlooked.

                                                                                          In our company, we strive to make sure that the surface is capable enough to greatly support whatever will be placed next. We stand by with the belief that all the risks and health hazards should be eliminated in order to provide quality service.

                                                                                          Furthermore, our team is composed of experienced contractors who are knowledgeable enough to work according to the given time and budget.

                                                                                          What does a Floor Preparation Contractor do?

                                                                                          Now that you are already familiar with what floor preparation is, let us go deeper about what we, as contractors, will do once you hire us. 

                                                                                          Floor Planning

                                                                                          Before we start with the process, we take initiative in learning and understanding our potential work environment. This is something that we do not skip so we can have the full-frame on what the problems are, what it needs to be solved, and the possible risks and issues.

                                                                                          This initial planning will also allow better negotiations to arrive at a reasonable price and time frame. We do this by visiting the site in person and interviewing the clients to know exactly what they want.

                                                                                          Intensive Cleaning Process

                                                                                          Once we have a blueprint of what to do, we can now set an appointment on when we can start. We prioritise the cleaning process as much as any other process because this will serve as the base of floor preparation.

                                                                                          This doesn’t equate to just soap and water cleaning, though. We will remove the old flooring completely and strip away the old surface. Our main goal is to eliminate all debris, remains, adhesives, tapes, glues, and the likes, that can deteriorate your flooring’s quality if left on.

                                                                                          Evening Floor Levels

                                                                                          Depending on the structural integrity and as soon as the floor’s clean, we will proceed to make the flooring as even as possible. We will fill in the unnecessary gaps and holes so the new flooring will settle in seamlessly. This will also remove the issues when it comes to potholed surfaces.

                                                                                          Progress Checking

                                                                                          Our service avoids the need for any impulsive decisions. We don’t stop and go immediately to the succeeding step in hopes of being finished faster. We value quality as much as we value our client’s feedback and satisfaction.

                                                                                          After every step, we double-check our performance by meticulously going over the job at hand, observing for any inconsistencies. It is our job to only provide satisfaction and it is our duty to live up to that.

                                                                                          Flooring Installation

                                                                                          This is an optional process as this may depend on the business contract. If you choose this for a small additional charge, however, we can also finish the whole job for you by installing the new flooring on the newly-prepared surface.

                                                                                          When to consider floor preparations

                                                                                          If you are looking into flooring removal or installation service look no further than Australian Constructions Floor Preparation Service Melbourne. Check our list below of who this service is can benefit: 

                                                                                          For newly-bought houses

                                                                                          If you just finished constructing a house, may it be for you or your family, it probably has plain cement as its floor. This is not really pleasing especially if you’re going for a specific look or vibe in your home.


                                                                                          On the other hand, if your house is quite old and you are seeking a new look through home renovations, our service can also help you with your floor’s aesthetics. One way or another, you will need to require our services to prepare your old resources for the new ones on the way.

                                                                                          Creaking floors

                                                                                          Finally, if your only issue lies in your flooring, you can ask us for assistance so we can give suggestions on whether you need a whole new flooring, or you can save money by opting for just minor repairs.

                                                                                          If you are one of those people who are in the same boat as the scenarios above, then we can vouch for an efficient floor preparation through our company’s floor preparation contractors. If you are still unsure, however, there is no harm in calling us and asking for further consultations.


                                                                                          Floor preparation is definitely one of the most important processes involving any building. Keep in mind that the flooring is the base of your house, and thus it is important to ensure that they are stable and have no underlying issues.

                                                                                          Feel free to contact us through our phone number, email, or website, and our team will be more than happy to walk you through on our services and other additional information that you should know. You can also send us concerns if any, and we assure you to answer you with all transparency.


                                                                                            Floor Preparation Contractor In Brisbane – Australian Construction Services

                                                                                            Steps That A Brisbane Floor Preparation Contractor Take

                                                                                              Floor preparation is an extremely important step in every infrastructure build at hand. You need a Brisbane floor preparation contractor to do this.

                                                                                              This is most especially applicable to Brisbane, the most populated city of Queensland, Australia. With a total area of 15, 826 kilometre-squared, there is no doubt about the vast space available for buildings and roads.

                                                                                              With Australian Construction, we will assure that each part of the sub-floor will be prepared thoroughly for the future constructions to come.

                                                                                              Today, I’m going to walk you through on what our service is all about, and what it can offer your projects. You can expect to learn more about floor preparation after reading.

                                                                                              What is floor preparation?

                                                                                              First, let us discuss what floor preparation is.

                                                                                              The process of floor preparation involves making the flooring of a building all set for the installation of a new one. This is a significant step to ensure seamless floor construction. The issue, however, is that this is often overlooked because of its lengthy duration.

                                                                                              The main purpose of the said process is to provide a strong bond between the existing and the new flooring. Without this, your infrastructure may require constant flooring changes which will consequently bring higher costs and more damages.

                                                                                              Floor preparation is made possible by floor contractors. In Brisbane Floor Preparation, we are equipped with experienced contractors who are knowledgeable about the process, along with how it can be done more efficiently.

                                                                                              Now, for the next sections, we will talk about the tasks of floor contractors.

                                                                                              1. Planning

                                                                                              The primary step, and probably the most important for the framework, involves floor planning. This will serve as the contractors’ guide in terms of the following concerns.

                                                                                              • Client’s Wants and Needs

                                                                                              With this task, the contractors will be able to have an overview of what the client wants to achieve, as well as what they may need throughout the process. Here, our team may also offer suggestions in case there is a flaw that needs to be resolved.

                                                                                              This can help both parties be oriented on how the construction will turn out.

                                                                                              • Flooring Requirements

                                                                                              Both the contractors and the clients will also have a concrete plan about what the flooring, itself, requires. This refers to the resources, the sub-processes, and the resolution measures that it may need to be completed.

                                                                                              • Budget Management

                                                                                              Finally, making a plan will enable the parties to know the budget, along with how to follow it. This will avoid spending the least possible amount as this can lead to low flooring quality. Overspending will also be prevented because the last thing we want is unhappy clients.

                                                                                              • Planning can be done through brainstorming and/or interviews. We recommend personal visits to the site rather than digital communication, if possible, to make it easier to discuss.

                                                                                              2. Preparing the Sub-floor

                                                                                              Once there is a well-executed plan, it is now time to go on to the actual preparation of the sub-floor or the existing flooring. This will involve the following sub-processes.

                                                                                              • Old Floor Removal

                                                                                              If the building or road to be built is still on the verge of construction, then there will be no need for removing the existing flooring. However, if we are talking about renovations or reconstructions, then this process will be necessary to give space to the future installation.

                                                                                              This will take a long time especially if the area is built on existing material. The final product will totally be worth it though. Without this, your new flooring may look bulky and poorly-made. It can also make it almost impossible to install a new one especially if the flooring types don’t match.

                                                                                              • Intensive Cleaning

                                                                                              The process does not end with just an empty sub-floor. Whether we have removed the old flooring, or we are working on a plain canvas, it is part of our duty as contractors to perform intensive cleaning throughout the area.

                                                                                              Here, our goal is to provide a clean and dirt-free sub-floor to make installation easier. Adhesives will stick better in this state.

                                                                                              This will also involve eliminating all the remaining debris, old adhesives, flooring remains, and the likes.

                                                                                              The sub-floor needs to be prepared first hand because this will be the key to a seamless floor construction. In our team, we strive to work on the cleanest sub-floor possible so you can expect a spotless slate.

                                                                                              3. Floor Levelling

                                                                                              The next thing that our team will do, after the initial clean up is complete, is to even out the flooring surface. Using our own resources and equipment, we will eliminate the following flaws in your sub-floor:

                                                                                              • Gaps
                                                                                              • Cracks
                                                                                              • Holes
                                                                                              • Unnecessary Elevations
                                                                                              • Unnecessary Sinks

                                                                                              We believe that by eliminating these, the final flooring will be safer, and will be free from potential health hazards even after a long time passes from the floor preparation. This will also prove a more efficient process of installation, along with a fuller sense of comfort within the infrastructure.

                                                                                              4. Final Output Review

                                                                                              The last step that we will take is to review the final output. We take pride in making sure that we missed nothing during the whole process of floor preparation. Running into complaints and construction failures are not included in our goals and mission as a contractor company.

                                                                                              We assure that our Brisbane floor preparation crew, mistakes will be avoided as much as possible. We give utmost importance to the health and safety of our clients.

                                                                                              In this task, we will double check each process that we finished to see if we have committed any error or fault which may hinder the installation.

                                                                                              Summary: Brisbane Floor Preparation Contractor

                                                                                              Floor preparation is one of the most vital parts of constructing any infrastructure. This will serve as the basis for its foundation and will greatly affect its quality as a whole. We believe that our team of contractors will be the best choice for this process.

                                                                                              If you have any other questions and/or concerns, feel free to reach out to us through phone or private message. Our team will be more than happy to walk you through everything that you need to know. We assure you that we can guarantee a project that will fit both your time and your budget.