
Retaining And Gabion Wall Builder In Townsville – Australian Construction

The Best Gabion Fence Installations In Townsville

    At Australian Construction, we do not compromise our superior standards. We listen to all our customers gabion building requirements and provide the ideal solutions in an affordable and friendly way. So, check out the services that our gabion wall builder in Townsville offers on the newest gabion building trends and styles.

    Gabion benches

    If you want an exceptional outdoor seating arrangement, our gabion benches can add glamour and style to any area. Gabion benches are similar to other gabion structures, and we create them from strong mesh bases full of concrete, rocks or other materials.

    We place them together and arrange the gabion benches in different ways, adding a breathtaking natural appeal to exterior arrangements.

    Using gabion cages as seating

    Gabion cages are essential before we build a bench; the wire boxes that firmly hold rocks. The boxes consist of wire mesh with sufficient tensile power to contain huge stones.

    The Australian Construction skilled team welds galvanised steel mesh for more strength and a lovely appearance. Sometimes we also coat the galvanised mesh in PVC.

    After filling the mesh and lining up two or three ballast cubes, we place a strong, weather-resistant top above them. Our team places two square gabions at the bench’s opposite ends or one long gabion set at the centre.

    Gabion benches look lovely around a fire pit when encircling a deck or lining a walkway. You can place them in any area you require seating but wish to have a natural flair.

    Using gabion cages as seating

    Before building a bench, gabion cages are essential. These describe the wire boxes that hold the rocks firmly. The boxes feature wire mesh with sufficient tensile power to sustain big stones.

    Our gabion wall builder in Townsville welds galvanised steel mesh for more strength and a lovely look. At times we coat the galvanised mesh in PVC too.

    We place two square gabions at the bench’s opposite ends or place one lengthy gabion in the centre. Gabion benches look great when encircling a deck, lining a walkway or around a fire pit. You can place them in any area you require seating but wish it to look natural.

    Making a gabion bench

    We build gabion benches in different ways; stand-alone benches with two or one gabions with one extensive or numerous narrow boards linked to them. Whatever your imagination is, we can deliver the shape and style you want!

    Different gabion benches shapes

    If you want your outdoor area to have a different design, we can arrange the gabion benches into various shapes. We can construct L-shaped gabion benches using three gabion baskets or cages and two wooden seats.

    If you want to form a build that is not entirely straight, we create a solid seat and fix it securely to the gabion cage.

    Benefits of gabion benches

    Using gabion benches in your lawn presents notable advantages. The Australian Construction gabions present an aesthetically pleasing appearance and are environmentally friendly.

    We can coat the gabions with filler and rocks available on site. Using local materials is environmentally friendly as we use minimal fuel for transportation.

    Mainly we use natural materials for gabion benches. The gabions feature galvanised steel; however, we take the filler material straight from the surface. Our team uses raw materials for the benches tops and can be manufactured from local or recycled wood when possible. Garden areas need highly sustainable materials like these.

    Gabion benches remain cool even in hot weather. The stones we place inside the gabions facilitate room for air circulation. They are free-draining, making them stable since water moves easily through them.

    The gabions add a naturally appealing factor to any garden. The gabions toughness displays the suppleness of the plants in the garden.

    Gabions are robust, easy to install and permanent. To make the rock stable, a masonry or foundation filling is unnecessary as the gabions mesh walls do that. Because mortar does not hold the gabions ballast, they can shift with the ground, making them more stable.

    Gabion walls

    Gabion walls are a combination of wire and rock. They are simple in construction and nature and essentially involve creating a giant wall from rocks that we pile on top of each other.

    Our gabion wall builder in Townsville mainly uses pebbles, broken bricks and tiles to construct gabion retaining walls.  We assess all the materials we use depending on strength and size to ensure maximum integrity.

    Gabion retaining walls have been in use for thousands of years, making them a tried and proven structure, which provides practical and aesthetic additions to redevelopment projects and urban areas.

    Are foundations necessary for gabion walls?

    Gabion walls are affordable, durable and straightforward to install. In some cases, a gabion wall may require a foundation; however, most gabion walls do not require any foundation.

    All we need to do is build the basket, then fill them with stones or different filler materials, then place the wall where you want, and that’s it!

    Traditional foundations are unnecessary for gabion walls; however, we level out the space we will install your wall, facilitating a level wall. If we do not do this, it can cause a crooked wall that will move with time.

    Despite the material we use for your gabion wall, we make sure that we remove any unstable topsoil to avoid a shaky structure. 

    If we are constructing a smaller gabion wall, we possibly will not need comprehensive soil testing because of the subsoil’s decreased load. However, when building a more prominent wall, our expertise comes in handy because we check whether the soil is suitable before investing in materials.

    What is the use of gabion walls?

    We mainly use gabion walls for erosion protection and slope stability. A factor that makes these walls popular is that we can build them to look appealing and provide flexible reinforcement.

    At times, we install them to absorb the force of moving water and we mainly use them to boost riverbanks in danger of experiencing erosion and to avoid landscape damage.


    If you want to change your garden, yard, or home appearance, our gabion wall builder in Townsville may be your ideal solution! Gabion walls are incredibly affordable than other retaining walls and provide an exceptional customisation level, enabling them to match your décor and style effortlessly.

    They are long-lasting and relatively maintenance-free. Whether you want a temporary fix or a modern method of enhancing your garden or home appearance, gabion walls are the best choice.

    We are available any time to provide you with the best gabion services in Townsville, so call us now!


      Gabion Wall Builder In Sydney | Retaining Wall Building Experts In Sydney

      Professional Gabion Wall Building Services In Sydney

        If you want to stabilise your property’s slope or contain erosion, then our gabion retaining wall is your solution. Our gabion wall builder in Sydney will build you retaining walls that will effectively decrease a slopes pitch and enhance an area’s appearance.

        Our expert team even uses them in creating a planter bed, casual seating, a water feature or a wall feature. We have various colour stones, and we can customise them to match other design features in your backyard.

        Advantages of our gabion retaining wall

        Numerous features make our gabion wall the ideal option. Some advantages are:

        • Our gabion wall builder in Sydney can design it for all sized projects.
        • They effectively control erosion.
        • Their drainage is effective, avoiding the challenge of water accumulation behind the wall that other kinds of retaining walls present.
        • They are long-lasting and durable.
        • We use them for various applications like seating, feature walls and garden beds.

        Building your gabion retaining wall

        It would be best if you left the gabion retaining wall job to an expert like Australian Construction. The reason is that most cities in Australia require a licensed retaining wall builder like us. It includes the stonemason, bricklayer, landscaper and builder. You might need to consult our structural engineer also if need be.

        Gabion baskets

        Do you want something exceptional like a new feature or retaining wall, pier or garden seat? If so, try out our famous new trend, the gabion baskets! Essentially, our gabion baskets are galvanised steel mesh panels that we secure together, forming a basket or ‘box.’

        Our experienced team places the basket in the position you want then we fill it with heavy material, mainly loose stone. We then shut the basket lid securely. A filled basket’s weight can work as a retaining wall or look excellent when viewed from all angles, as a garden seat or feature wall. We use all types of heavy material like recycled builder’s rubble, bricks, scrap steel or timber logs. 

        Australian Construction has completed many gabion wall building projects in Sydney. Today, we have various sized baskets available at affordable prices if you prefer to build them yourself. Our competent team would be please to guide you on how to develop and fill the baskets. It is simple and would be a fulfilling and appealing DIY project!

        Sydney has many beautiful illustrations of our gabion work. We have various suitable stones to fill your gabions like Limestone Spalls, Moss Rock, Ord River Stone and South-West River Stone. If you need our advice, you are welcome to contact us any time.

        The gabion building procedure

        Ground preparation:  If you have a completely flat block, it makes our work simpler; however, we still have to clear the vegetation from the fenced area, such as tree roots, stones and grass.

        If you have a low fence, we have to level the ground before aligning and filling the baskets. The levelling procedure is straightforward, and we do it using a lengthy piece of timber and a level.

        Concrete strip footings (reinforced): We follow the current Australian Standard for strip footing building. The concrete footings give the gabion fence a strong foundation for absorbing lateral and vertical loads.

        The gabion wall builder then installs the steel reinforcement horizontally inside the footing cuts. During this period, we also need to insert the steel columns deep inside the footing cut and secure it firmly to the wire basket’s structure.

        Lateral support: When working with a sheet form fence and the fence’s height is more than the fence width, lateral support is essential. The lateral support prevents the fence from distending outwards and also gives the fence bracing.

        Filling the fence:  We use all types of stone to fill the basket. The larger stones take more time when filling the baskets if you want a classic and orderly appearance. It is easy to work with small river stones, although they are more prone to ballooning, and extra lateral support may be necessary. 

        We use this filling method for mesh gabions: stone fill height of 400x400mm, install lateral support, stone fill once to 400mm height, and another lateral support installation.

        We do not carry out the lateral supports installation in one procedure because it can damage the mesh cage and lateral support.

        Engineering: For this kind of stone filled fence, our structural engineer needs to design and inspect it. Also, it is wise to hire a professional architect or building designer from Australian Construction to ensure that they cover all the aesthetic details.

        Gabion fencing

        Gabion fencing works almost precisely as gabion walls, but they have different objectives. In many cases, we use gabion walls as a retaining wall. It means that if you have a garden or landscape that is divided into levels, gabion walls help in soil and pebbles retention to avoid it spilling out to the lower level. But, we do not use gabion fencing to maintain a higher level but to separate spaces. 

        Gabion fencing is more challenging than constructing a wall because the material’s weight alone makes it dangerous and prone to toppling over. So, ensure that you engage our expert gabion wall builder in Sydney or a structural engineer with vast experience in this specific material.

        Are foundations necessary for gabion walls?

        Gabion structures, either fences or walls, do not require a concrete foundation. But, they work beneath the surface. Otherwise, because of their significant weight, they would topple over easily.

        Many factors determine how we build your foundation, for instance, the wall material, whether you are utilising it to fence or retain, the site subsoil’s condition, etc.  In case there is soft, peaty topsoil, we remove it and replace it with a more robust base course.

        For bedrock building, we use 25mm of the base course. Gabion is different because it does not need a concrete foundation.


        We design our Australian Construction gabion walls to last because they are flexible and can move with the surface. They are different from stiff materials like concrete that cracks with time, and gabions move and settle with the earth’s natural movement.

        You are welcome to explore all the options you have with our various custom and standard Australian Construction gabion products. 

        We can meet all your gabion wall building requirements, so talk to our experts now!


          Reliable Retaining And Gabion Wall Builder In Perth By Aus Construction

          Breathtaking Gabion Walls From A Professional Gabion Wall Builder

            According to history, about 7,000 years ago, early gabion type structures were constructed to protect the Nile banks. In the middle age era, gabions were employed as military fortifications. In the world today, our gabion wall builder in Perth specialises in gabion wall construction extensively to enhance the stability of shorelines, riverbanks, highways and give a touch of beauty to the interiors and exteriors of your homes.

            We highlight several types of gabion walls depending on your desire and the space under consideration. 

            Gabion sack

            These gabions are also known as twisted wire mesh. The construction is advisable when works are going on in rivers, and underwater installation is needed. We fill the jagged wire mesh with rocks or concrete debris to form a flexible structure.

            Reno mattress

            Our second type of gabion wall is known as the reno mattress. Our qualified team mainly designs reno mattresses using steel wires that we highly galvanise to protect the wall against any form of corrosion, giving it guaranteed durability even in highly corrosive environments.

            The reno mattress wall is usually ideal for the protection of riverbanks and in areas where erosion control is necessary.

            Gabion retaining wall

            Thirdly, we present to you the gabion retaining wall. We usually construct them by incorporating a reinforced layer of steel mesh. The gabion wall builder normally places the steel mesh in the soil connected to a facing skin of gabion.

            In our experience, this is one type of wall that costs less for walls 3 to 4m or more in height. We find gabion retaining walls ideal for sloppy areas next to homes, farms, riverbanks, pathways and roads.

            Green Terramesh

            The fourth type of gabion wall is Green Terramesh. We rank this as one of the environmental friendly walls. It’s ideal when it comes to erosion control for highways, stream banks and shorelines.

            Australian Construction has proven green terra mesh walls to provide immediate and long-term erosion control and cultivate a conducive environment for flora and fauna.

            PVC coated wall

            The fifth gabion wall is PVC Coated wall. It is mainly established for erosion control since it’s the most suitable for stabilising slopes. It is ideal for filtering silt, deterring floods and retaining walls.

            We have successfully employed it on sloppy roads, rivers, homes, and farming projects on slopping regions. For easy construction, we divide the layers into compartments every three feet.

            Advantages of gabion walls

            Our architectural landscapers and civil engineers have noted several advantages that gabion walls present. 

            • These merits include but are not limited to aesthetic value: Gabions walls appear naturally beautiful and can complement a house and the landscape using filler materials that we dig from the site or nearby land.
            • Gabion walls are also very friendly to the environment. Most of the gabions are constructed using the debris of stones or concrete; hence, recycling comes into play. Also, gabion provides a conducive environment for plants to grow naturally, if not planted. When we use on-site material like filler, we eliminate transportation expenses and the connected fuel consumption.
            • We have noticed that gabion walls are very sustainable. They are often used as shades on sunny days and they provide indirect natural cooling. In addition, they facilitate the movement of air, providing ventilation. We have also observed that gabions are porous and have a free-draining feature; therefore, they can’t be washed away by moving water.
            • Our gabion wall builder in Perth easily installs gabion walls. These walls have in-built strength: The stone fill relaxes on the base of the surface beneath it, and the force of gravity provides significant frictional strength, making the foundation unnecessary. Actually, with time the wall’s strength and efficacy may increase as the voids become full of vegetation and slit, improving the reinforcement.
            • These walls are also solid but long-lasting due to the nature of the materials we use in the construction of gabion walls, most of which are durables such as steel wires, wire mesh, stones, and cement debris. Once you have invested in this technology, we can guarantee you that the established wall will last for a good number of years.
            • Notably, the walls are suitable for all types of terrain, be it hilly, sloppy, and flat or meandering grounds. Gabions do not require any special maintenance. Once our gabion wall builder in Perth installs them, they maintain the state under which they have been fixed for a long time. Our expert team ensures that the walls offer you an excellent acoustic performance, mainly when used as a soundproofing wall.
            • The walls we build are flexible. During bad weather days or situations where earthquake invades, they can shift without breaking or cracking. From our experience, we can guarantee quick fixing and installation. The process is faster as it does not require masonry. We can fill the spaces between the materials in the cage with soil to encourage plant growth and act as a solution for flood protection.

            While it’s hard to predict the future, modern architect designed homes often have been noted to be introducing an industrial outlook to the interior and exterior decorations of homes, hotels, schools, entertainment complexes and other buildings. Many people are already using gabion walls for structures and even aesthetic accents now. 

            Gabion baskets

            Our gabion baskets are versatile and we can create any size and shape to suit your needs. We build the mesh baskets with heavy duty wire and galvanised mesh. We provide endless shapes by piling the baskets on top of each other or shape them into curves.


            Gabion Wall construction is increasingly becoming a popular building trend. It’s certainly easier than trying to build a dry stone wall for most people in and around Perth and all over Australia. Therefore, for all your gabion wall needs, do not hesitate to get in touch with the experts at Australian Construction today. 

            We promise to deliver to your expectations and leave you with lovely exterior surroundings!


              Newcastle Gabion Wall Builder And Retaining Wall Building Professionals

              Enjoy The Best Gabion Wall Building Services In Newcastle

                Gabion walls have existed for a long time, and Australian Construction uses them to build sealed solid structures. Our gabion wall builder in Newcastle utilises them for structural and aesthetic reasons in many gardens.

                If you have a passion for landscaping or gardening, you have probably seen gabion fences, baskets and walls.  However, you may not have detailed information about them. Below we describe their nature and help you to know the best option for your garden requirements.

                Details of gabion walls

                Gabion structures are mainly regarded as complete gabion walls. The term gabion originates from the Italian word for ‘big cage’, which is a befitting term for them. They can be regarded as a combination of wire and rocks. They are naturally simple; we erect a wire cage and fill them with a pile of stones.

                At times, our gabion wall builder in Newcastle replaces the rocks with different materials like broken bricks, tiles, pebbles and pine cones. The material we use may need varied wire thickness. We use a thinner mesh to prevent small materials such as pebbles from trickling through.

                They have remarkable integrity, can withstand immense pressure and have a rustic, natural appearance. It makes many gardens an eye-catching feature and is a practical option.

                Why gabion is the newest landscaping trend

                Gabion is a wire form or wire basket full of stones and designed into a retaining wall or fence type structure. Its name originates from its civil background, and at Australian Construction, we still often use it in civil projects today for erosion and drainage control and soil retention.

                For soil retention solutions and residential fencing, gabion fencing is the latest trend. Most building architects and designers like us use it for new houses and refurbishments

                Constructing your retaining wall or gabion fence

                Our gabion fences are bulky structures, and depending on the fence height and site conditions, our structural engineer may need to give specifications.

                Research:  First, our team conducts some research to ensure we deliver your new retaining wall or fence to meet your needs. We consider the following:

                • Your requirements: What is the purpose of your stone fence? Privacy, security, shading or safety? Remember that it is easy to climb gabion fencing, so it is unsuitable for use to contain children or near pool areas.
                • Structure type: We use the term gabion basket fencing for the traditional basket form and the sheet mesh form utilised for retaining walls and fencing.
                • Stone choice: What kind of stone is the most suitable for your general development? Our gabion wall builder in Newcastle can use all types of stone. However, it takes more time to fill the baskets. Our expert team arranges the larger stones separately, giving your fence a classic appearance. We use a bucket to pour the smaller rocks inside the baskets, and minimal stone arrangement is needed.
                • Fence height: Council restrictions and your requirements will determine your fence height. In many instances, the council does not permit street fences that are higher than 900mm from the ground. If you have a back boundary or side fence, you may be allowed to construct a structure of a maximum of 1800mm. Our structural engineer is consulted for a wall between 600-1800mm, and vertical support is essential.
                • Services: Fences with more than 900mm height accommodates plumbing and lightning conduits effectively. Our gabion wall builder in Newcastle carries out service installation easily. However, we need to rough them in, secure them inside the surface and baskets before we backfill your stones inside the baskets. We then fit off your services. Where gabion is concerned, lighting can present a remarkable image, making a stone fence brighter. We ensure that we arrange the lighting in place as we fill the baskets. When in-ground spike lights wash over a Gabion wall, it looks breath-taking!
                • The final part: After our experienced team finalises the filling, they wash your fence.

                Our gabion fences describe wire mesh baskets full of stones. We use our gabions for different purposes in the garden, for instance, the fireplace, external fireplace, benches, ponds surroundings, plants and the tap pillars. 

                Gabion fence benefits are:

                • Aesthetics and environment compatibility; gabions have a natural appearance and match the home with the landscape. For this, we use the material we excavate in the building area. When utilising materials from the building area, you save on transportation costs.
                • It is utilised as a cooling system in hot climates; gabion fences offer passive cooling, facilitating air movement for ventilation.
                • Gabions are permeable, and water does not damage them.
                • Gabion fences are easy to install and are durable. With time the fence becomes more robust as vegetation and slit fill the gaps, strengthening the structure. 
                • Another benefit that lacks in more rigid structures is that the soil movement does not affect the gabion fence adversely.
                • The stones we mainly use in gabion fences are ideal because they are long-lasting, stable, and durable.

                Fixing mesh gabions on an inclining garden 

                Sloping gardens result from the land terrain. The soils should be retained so that the benches can be level for walking. We use mesh gabions and other methods of landscaping to help in holding the earth.

                This soil retention is essential to reduce and avoid erosion. Any greenery or flowers you plant should also help in holding soil.  When we fix mesh gabions on sloppy gardens, we use stone or hardcore rubble as the interior composite material.  We create the mesh into a box that runs along the slope’s length. We use hexagonal or chain link mesh.

                When creating the stepped garden, we take a distance of around 20ft wide per level. After this, we first place the gabion at 20ft position and then level the soil. If the land is too steep, we use mechanical plants to move the large volumes of soil.

                To build the gabion, we first make the position, then lay the mesh on the ground and form it into a box. We fix the height at 3ft and a width of 3ft. The length is determined by how far we will do the benching.

                After this, we lay the hardcore inside the basket we formed, and we do this by hand packing to make it complete. We secure the top with a binding wire after filling the hardcore. We do hardcore hard packing to facilitate the formation of the void. It ensures that the gabion does not retain water.


                When you use our gabion baskets, it has aesthetic benefits and is a type of erosion control. Using the Australian Construction gabion baskets for eroding streams presents an affordable solution for keeping your surroundings looking great.

                Get your compound looking fabulous with our gabion services today!

                  Melton Swimming Pool Builder

                  Your Expert Swimming Pool Builder In Melton

                  Melton Swimming Pool Builder

                    The Australian Construction team of technicians and designers enhance your unattractive, old backyard pool. Moreover, we transform it entirely depending on your needs. Our swimming pool builder in Melton works with you from start to finish. Consequently, we deliver your ideal pool.

                    We construct custom pools for you. Furthermore, we have a skilled team and the latest technology. Because of this, you can expect superior artistry. In addition, we deliver a stunning pool that lasts for years. We offer timely and affordable installations and repairs. As a result, your pools operate in their top condition. Our professionals are licensed and certified. Therefore you have peace of mind.

                    Pool installation

                    The Australian Construction team of pool installers is experienced. Due to this, we have built pools throughout Melton. Besides, we help by advising you about our landscaping options. For example, we provide water features, fencing, sun ledges and more. We have various fibreglass pools. So you can pick the ideal pool for your home.

                    One benefit of fibreglass pools is installing them is much simpler than concrete pools. For this reason, stress and expenses are reduced. Our friendly team helps you through the entire procedure. Eventually, you enjoy swimming in your new pool in no time. Installing your pool can be a wonderful experience. 

                    The Australian Construction office staff and pool managers are capable. Therefore they make your project run painlessly and smoothly. We plan each particular job thoroughly before starting any work. Our swimming pool contractor in Melton discusses all contingencies and details with you. We appreciate you want to remain informed.  Given this, we always communicate with you all through the project.

                    Pool building

                    Do you want a backyard swimming pool? In that case, our swimming pool contractor in Melton can help. Now is the ideal time to give your family a swimming pool. We have fibreglass and inground concrete pools for our Melton clients.

                    In light of this, we offer the following range of pools:

                    The swimming pool builder in Melton designs a lovely and functional pool. Also, these pools are affordable and give you a ‘wow factor.  Consequently, the value of your home increases.

                    Fibreglass swimming pools

                    Nowadays, most of the in-ground pools we build in Australia are fibreglass pools. We carry out most of the building work offsite in the factory. For this reason, we complete fibreglass pools fast. Installing a standard fibreglass pool mainly takes one or two weeks. 

                    However, installing concrete pools mainly takes several weeks or months to complete. Our fibreglass pools need minimal monthly care. These pools rarely need resurfacing. 

                    In addition, fibreglass pools look lovely. The reason for this is their sparkling and dazzling finishes, which glimmer in the sun. For a cheaper option, you can choose a ready-made design. It hastens the construction time. On the other hand, you may prefer a tailored solution.

                    Concrete swimming pools

                    We build concrete pools according to any design of your choice. Our competent team undertakes the complete design & build of your concrete pool onsite. More importantly, we follow your precise specifications and provide designs that match your area. It takes longer to build concrete pools, two to six months.

                    Pool landscaping and backyard swimming pool design

                    The Australian Construction landscaping team can change your outdoor area. Call us today if you want us to design and manufacture the following:


                    At Australian Construction, we offer our clients the ideal timeless pool. These pools not only make your property more valuable but also promote sustainable practices. We are a pool builder and pool shop. Also, we have mobile service technicians, and we go the extra mile for you. We have full in-house facilities as well. 

                    Therefore, do not look beyond our swimming our builder in Melton.

                      Bundaberg Swimming Pool Builder

                      Ideal Swimming Pool Builder In Bundaberg | Aus Construction

                      Bundaberg Swimming Pool Builder

                        For years Australian Construction has been installing stunning swimming pools. More importantly, our products are affordable. We prioritise customer satisfaction. Our swimming pool builder in Bundaberg provides a wide range of pools.

                        For example, we offer Roman pool and classic rectangular pools. In addition, we provide bright, eye-catching fibreglass figure eight. Our professionals are well equipped and handle different tasks. We deliver complete concrete resurfacing. Besides, we provide fresh fibreglass installation. Our skilled team sources the ideal materials for your swimming pool. Are you unsure of the best pool for your yard? In that case, our pool design experts assist you in getting the perfect fit. 

                        We have many textures and colours. Moreover, we have various combinations and customisations. Because of this, your pool will stand out in the neighbourhood. Additionally, it will be your sanctuary from the daily life stresses for many years.

                        Fibreglass pools

                        Australian Construction fibreglass pools are affordable and versatile. Therefore, these pools are an excellent selection for any home. Do you want a long lap pool or a small courtyard pool? Or do you wish for a practical option for the entire street? Notwithstanding, our swimming pool contractor in Bundaberg has a shell that suits your requirements. In light of this, we offer fast installation and simple maintenance.

                        Benefits of fibreglass

                        We install fibreglass shells remarkably fast. Because of this, they are a fantastic option for people who wish to swim in their new pool immediately. The construction time is shorter. Also, the general cost is much less. As a result, it is a cost-effective solution! You save money on materials and labour. So you can spend the money on landscaping. It gives the area near your new pool a new breathtaking look.

                        Choosing the right pool

                        Australian Construction has various styles and shapes for your selection. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the right pool for you. We offer below ground and above ground options. Also, we provide free forms, rectangular or square. Our swimming pool builder in Bundaberg presents a wide range to pick from. Your decision depends on:

                        • Your taste
                        • Budget
                        • Backyard shape
                        • Architectural style

                        Our professional team guides you on the best option for you.

                        Booking the dig day

                        Before the swimming pool builder in Bundaberg starts installation, they visit your property. We carry out an official site inspection. Our team establishes the precise location for installing your pool. We write the site report depending on the information we get today.


                        Our team first marks the precise area we will install your pool. We then bring the ‘heavy lifting’ machines on site. After this, the installer supervises the excavation procedure. We lay the drainage material on the entire site floor.

                        Shell installation

                        First, we dig the hole. Then, we undertake the installation of your new fibreglass shell on your property. Additionally, we fit pool plumbing. We use a small quantity of water (maximum of 30 cm). Consequently, it prevents the pool from floating in case of rain

                        Electrical and plumbing

                        After installing the shell, we include extra features to make it unique. We start by backfilling the pool. It involves filling in the spaces between the earth and shell. We use a cement mixture and fill the pool with water. At this stage, we also install the sanitiser. In addition, we fix the water pump and filtration systems. If you want, we also fix a gas heating or solar heating system. It enables you to utilise your pool throughout the year, despite the weather.


                        Australian Construction offers superior customer service. Also, we provide a wide variety of beautifully designed pools. We supply various top quality concrete and fibreglass pools. Our range includes designs and sizes that will suit your taste. We handle plans, permits and construction. Moreover, we handle all the steps to change your backyard into a luxurious area.

                        Call us today for the ideal swimming pools in Bundaberg!

                          Ballarat Swimming Pool Builder

                          Highly Recommended Swimming Pool Builder In Ballarat

                          Ballarat Swimming Pool Builder

                            Australian Construction is a top swimming pool constructor. Additionally, we specialise in swimming pool renovation. Besides, our swimming pool builder in Ballarat is experienced in resurfacing existing pool constructions using fibreglass. In other words, we turn your old pool into a new fibreglass pool.

                            We are experts in various services. Given this, we use a comprehensive method. Moreover, our swimming pool contractor in Ballarat has delivered to our client’s requirements and satisfaction. More importantly, we source the ideal material.  Because of this, we offer a top-quality finish.

                            Superior services            

                            At Australian Construction, we create concrete swimming pools.  Our expert team focuses on creating elegance and functionality. As a result, they ensure the swimming pool matches the property.  We use methods that optimise the space for your latest swimming pool. Do you have limited space? In that case, we can look for ways of maximising the area for your new swimming pool. Therefore we give you the best swimming pool. 

                            The swimming pool contractor in Ballarat also works with architects sometimes. We aim to synchronise the pool and property to give you a superior swimming pool. As a result, you can enjoy it for years. Australian Construction not only builds lovely swimming pools but also match your lifestyle.  Furthermore, a factory swimming pool cannot replicate our custom design.

                            The swimming pool builder in Ballarat provides pools that blend your Ballarat routine with the surroundings. We focus on service and quality. Because of this, we ensure you enjoy your latest pool and get a rewarding experience. Our range of famous pool designs includes:

                            • Contemporary pools
                            • Lap pools
                            • Water features
                            • Freeform pools
                            • Formal pools
                            • Full tiled Noosa pools
                            • Rock pools
                            • Wet edge or vanishing edge pools

                            More importantly, we custom design each of our swimming pools to match your property and your particular needs.

                            Fibreglass swimming pools

                            Today many of the in-ground pools we install in Australia are fibreglass pools. Our skilled team carries out most of the building work offsite at the factory. Due to this, fibreglass pools are quick to install. Mainly a simple installation of our fibreglass pools takes one week or two to complete. 

                            Minimal maintenance is required. Also, fibreglass pools look lovely. They feature bright and speckled finishes that glitter in the sunshine. We have ready-made designs you can choose from. In consequence, it decreases construction time. It also lowers costs. However, at times you may wish to have a tailored solution.

                            Concrete swimming pools

                            Our swimming pool builder in Ballarat constructs concrete pools according to the design you want. We build your concrete pool from scratch at your premises. Because of this, our builder adjusts your design specifically to suit your property. Generally, concrete pools cost more. In addition, building them takes longer, 2 to 5 months.

                            Pool landscaping 

                            Transform your outdoor area completely with our competent landscaping team. We design and manufacture decks and pavers, pool fencing, and steps. Besides, we provide fantastic water features, garden areas and retaining walls. Call us today for more landscaping Swimming information.

                            Pool restoration

                            We are specialists in implementing our fibreglass system to work on:

                            • Concrete
                            • Tiled
                            • Marble
                            • Pebble Crete
                            • Quartz
                            • Marble 
                            • Fibreglass
                            • Customisation

                            We are able to customise your pool in a variety of ways, including:

                            • ​Building new ledges, seats and steps.
                            • Extending existing seats, ledges and steps
                            • Installing new return valves
                            • Removing existing pool gutters (unused)


                            Australian Construction has years of experience constructing inground fibreglass swimming pools. Because of this, we give you a simple process as our experts handle it from beginning to end. We have invested years in research. In light of this, we develop our products to provide various designer pools suitable for each backyard.

                            We have various fibreglass swimming pools to pick from. Whether your space is large or small, we offer compact designs. For example, we have family size pools and plunge pools.

                            Please book a consultation with us today for an ideal swimming pool experience!

                              Launceston Rendering Contractor

                              Superb Rendering Contractor In Launceston | Aus Construction

                              Launceston Rendering Contractor

                                Australian Construction enhances many buildings in Launceston. In other words, we improve their energy efficiency, appearance and value. Our rendering contractor in Launceston uses acrylic renders, paints and textures. In addition, we have a comprehensive rendering service. As a result, the residents in Launceston rely on us to enhance their properties’ appearance and quality.

                                We are also specialists in cement and acrylic render. Also, we offer polished finish and decorative renders. Furthermore, we offer texture paint coatings. We apply these renders to cement sheet boards, Hebel and brick. In addition, we apply renders to blue board, brick and foam cladding. Our services also include solid plastering and internal cement rendering.

                                Acrylic rendering

                                The rendering contractor in Launceston provides acrylic rendering. This type of rendering is the most unique and stylish method of rendering your property. For years acrylic rendering has been proven. Hence it has various benefits. Acrylic renders are high impact and flexible. Moreover, they are weather resistant. Because of this, they do not detach from the surface or crumble.

                                Our premixed acrylic renders have more enhanced strength and water resistance. Therefore we can use them on various surfaces. For example, we use them on cement blocks and concrete. Moreover, we use them on AAC concrete panelling. Drying and curing acrylic renders takes only two days. Comparatively, it is much quicker than the customary render. Some of our premixed acrylics render present a smoother complexion than customary renders. Additionally, we have various acrylic bound pigmented finishing coats (designer). We apply them on acrylic render.

                                Depending on the product, we can roll, trowel or sponge on. Furthermore, we can spray on a few of them. Australian Construction provides various patterns, textures and finishes. For instance, we offer sandstone, sand and lime wash. We also provide stone chips, stone or finishes that are similar to clay. In addition, we provide stipple, shining finishes. Others have high water resistance as well as antifungal properties.

                                Cement rending service

                                Cement rendering describes a blend of cement, lime or sand. We apply cement render to stone, cement, brick and painted walls. We apply an undercoat first. Therefore it prevents the render from falling off when we apply on to the painted walls. We use acrylic render instead of conventional cement render when we need to apply the render to painted walls.

                                The Australian Construction render offers an attractive choice for rendering your home. However, the use of acrylic render materials is increasing. We have used cement for a long time, and it is an affordable option for rendering your home. Cement render is a beautiful and durable product. It conceals the faults of ageing brickwork. 

                                Moreover, it forms an additional protection layer to fight erosion. The rendering contractor in Launceston uses cement render for various reasons. We use render to prolong the lifespan of your retaining walls. In addition, we utilise it to make your wall look lovely. The thickness of cement render varies. It depends on elements like the brickwork. Also, it is determined by the quantity of render we need to apply to make the wall smooth and straight. 

                                Coloured rendering

                                The coloured rendering refers to a render that has colour. The Coloured render is also a durable acrylic render. It provides a more natural and attractive look compared to painted finishes. You can choose the coloured acrylic render or paint as a finishing coat. We use this finishing coat on your acrylic or render project. The Australian Construction coloured acrylic renders have become popular as a painting alternative.


                                The Australian Construction team has years of experience. We have worked on various rendering projects. For example, we have undertaken residential work and commercial projects. Because of this experience, we offer you top quality artistry. We also give you expert suggestions. 

                                Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today for the ideal rendering services in Launceston!

                                  Coffs Harbour Rock Wall Builders

                                  Professional Rock Wall Builders In Coffs Harbour

                                  Coffs Harbour Rock Wall Builders

                                    At Australian Construction, we are skilled rock wall builders in Coffs Harbour. Therefore, our team has excellent experience in building rock retaining walls.  In other words, rock retaining walls are the basis of our landscaping business.  Additionally, we have experience in the block, concrete and timber retaining walls.  However, our specialist material is solid stone.  Our stone comes from the local quarries, which offer various remarkable rocks.  The rock is split and cut to the specifications we want.

                                    Our local quarries supply granite, basalt, sandstone, bluestone and slate.  There are several reasons why landscape retaining walls are famous all over Coffs Harbour.  Firstly they are remarkably durable and lovely in appearance.  Secondly, the area has various sloping blocks.  Thirdly a retaining wall improves the appeal and value of your retaining wall significantly.

                                    Advantages of rock retaining walls

                                    Stone landscape walls offer durable and visually attractive structures to your property.  Mainly we use rock or stone walls to:

                                    • Create storm water drainage
                                    • Include functional terracing to sloped areas
                                    • Add privacy and visual interest
                                    • Stabilise embankments
                                    • Stop erosion on steep blocks

                                    The rock wall builders at Coffs Harbour offer various stone landscaping wall solutions.  More importantly, our solutions suit different budgets, sizes and shapes, and we work with property developers, builders and local councils.  Our services include complete landscape wall services.  For example, we plan, design and construct retaining walls using different stones.

                                    Quality services from Australian Construction

                                    We are the leading landscapers in Coffs Harbour.  Our competent team offers various landscaping services, but mainly with structural landscaping.  For instance, we handle planning, drainage, block, stone and timber retaining walls.  In addition, we provide paths and driveways, concrete and excavations works, and we have years of experience in the landscaping sector. 

                                    Because of this, we offer unsurpassed value, skills and know-how.  Landscaping work that you believe to be difficult, such as sites that are hard to access or steep slopes is our main business!  After all, we have the equipment and expertise to handle commercial projects.  Also, our workforce has essential skills.

                                    Main reasons to work with us

                                    1.  Experience

                                    Because our rock wall builders have vast landscaping experience, our skills and knowledge are unrivalled.  We are professional landscapers, and because of this, we apply enthusiasm and passion to each project.  We update you on all stages of the project.  Therefore you can relax and watch us transform your property!

                                    2.  Specialist knowledge

                                    Landscaping involves a blend of horticulture, building, construction and design.  The rock wall builders in Coffs Harbour combine these skills perfectly.  Due to this, we give you brilliant landscaping services throughout this area.

                                    3.  Adding value

                                    Australian Construction is flexible, and we work with large and small budgets.  We are happy to offer superior outcomes on a budget all the time.

                                    4.  Rock retaining wall specialists

                                    We have become famous for offering exceptional structural rock retaining walls.  This skill combines architectural planning, concrete works and stone masonry.

                                    5.  Insured, licensed and safe

                                    We appreciate that our workers, clients, and public’s safety is paramount.  Due to this, at all times, we work to WH&S regulations.  Also, we follow the newest guidelines.  Furthermore, our entire staff is fully licensed. In addition, they have all the essential tickets to safely finish their work.  We also have extensive insurances.  If you want, we can provide copies of our certificates at any time.

                                    Description of a rock retaining wall

                                    For this retaining wall, we use rocks or boulders.  We place them strategically to form a barrier that holds a soil bank in place.  Australian Construction uses the following materials for rock retaining walls:

                                    Do you have a timber or concrete block retaining wall and want something different?  A rock or boulder retaining wall is ideal if you wish to have a natural, rustic aesthetic.  Rock walls are incredibly durable.  Furthermore, they are resistant to erosion or weathering. 

                                    Additionally, the weight of the boulders or rocks enables them to retain significant quantities of soil in place.  However, we appreciate that it is essential to construct a stone retaining wall properly.  As a result, it prevents it from collapsing or getting washed away by erosion.  Huge boulders create a functional and attractive retaining wall.

                                    Advantages of retaining wall rocks

                                    Why is a boulder or rock retaining wall a great option?

                                    • Boulder walls need little or no specific footings.
                                    • These walls control erosion successfully.
                                    • They drain effectively; hence do not have the issue of water accumulating behind the wall.  It is a prevalent problem with other kinds of retaining walls.
                                    • Rock retaining walls are durable.

                                    We use rock retaining walls for many purposes, for example, creating a feature wall or garden bed.

                                    • The rock wall builders in Coffs Harbour offer competitive prices. It depends on the boulders you choose.
                                    • Big retaining walls are more efficient in holding the soil bank steady and preventing erosion.

                                    Building a rock retaining wall

                                    The boulders are heavy. Due to this, we advise you to allow a builder like Australian Construction to build it for you skillfully.

                                    Step 1

                                    We calculate the rock retaining wall’s perimeter and use a string to mark it.  It ensures we remain on target.

                                    Step 2

                                    Our team digs the footing where the retaining wall rocks will go to a minimum of 20cm.  As we proceed, we ensure that it is level.

                                    Step 3

                                    The rock wall builder compacts the soil and evenly spreads coarse gravel over the footing, and smoothens the surface.

                                    Step 4

                                    We place the initial row of retaining boulders or rocks. We then rotate them to get your desired look.  Also, we ensure the top remains flat.

                                    Step 5

                                    Our team places the second layer, leaning back towards the bank.  They keep building the layers and continue this slope.

                                    Step 6

                                    Finally, we use course soil and stone to backfill the rock retaining wall.


                                    Australian Construction builds stone features all over Coffs Habour.  Do you want to learn more about our rock retaining wall services?  In that case, please call us today.

                                    It will be our pleasure to give you suggestions and ideas on starting!

                                      Ballarat Rock Wall Builders

                                      Expert Rock Wall Builders In Ballarat

                                      Ballarat Rock Wall Builders

                                        Australian Construction presents specialist rock wall builders in Ballarat. We build awesome rock walls that suit all requirements. For this reason, we are famous. Additionally, we are skilled landscapers. Because of this, we implement a unique touch when building rock walls.

                                        We have vast experience in big earthmoving equipment and landscaping. Consequently, we apply this extensive knowledge to each project and each location. In other words, we are professionals in getting an effective rock wall solution for you!

                                        Ideal rock walls in Ballarat

                                        Do you need skilled rock wall builders in Ballarat? In that case, please get in touch with Australian Construction for:

                                        • Driveway shaping and preparation
                                        • Garage or shed leveling
                                        • Commercial property foundations
                                        • Landscaping

                                        More importantly, our staff has the experience and skills. Hence they effortlessly design suitable rock walls for your environment. Additionally, they design rock walls that match the natural backdrop. It is vital to pick suitable material for rock wall building to give you the most attractive and natural rock wall. We have experience with local Ballarat council rules on retaining and rock walls. Because of this, you are guaranteed top quality. In addition, we deliver compliant products.

                                        Durable rock walls

                                        We ensure that all our rock walls follow a Ballarat Council outlook. Our competent team also appreciates that the rock walls should be durable. For this reason, we do it correctly from the word go. The ideal rock walls are functional and lovely. Additionally, when an expert firm like Australian Construction builds these walls, they become a form of art! Is your block complicated or do you have limited access? Or perhaps you have an awkward location. Whatever the case, our staff has the expertise to customise the ideal solution that meets your budget and needs.

                                        Lovely rock walls

                                        When you use a local professional like us to build your rock walls, you are assured of a beautiful outcome. We provide safe, affordable, durable, and attractive rock walls. Furthermore, we are famous for using our local awareness to look for the ideal and most appropriate rock for the project.

                                        You may choose cut stone, natural stone, or bush rock. Nevertheless, our staff uses top-quality rock wall materials. We source these materials from Ballarat quarries. We have worked with various rock wall materials. For example, we have used bluestone, granite, rock wall boulders, and bush stone. We handcraft these rocks to create structural and aesthetic rock retaining walls.

                                        Improve your aging retaining walls

                                        Are your timber retaining walls rotting? Is your property’s appearance affected by old concrete or timber walls? Worse still, maybe they are dangerous. It would be best to contact Australian Construction to demolish and remove old retaining walls and earthworks in such a situation. Our team is pleased to handle the entire project from approval, removal, and renewal.

                                        Allow us to fix the timber sleepers that are rotting. We excavate a suitable foundation. In the end, we replace using lovely new and durable rock retaining walls. In the end, you not only enjoy strong, safe, and structural rock walls but also, the final product looks as if it existed before! That is why we work hard to build outstanding rock walls in Ballarat. The retaining wall blends naturally with the nearby surrounding.

                                        Splendid rock walls in Ballarat

                                        Undoubtedly the most natural and elegant landscaping solution to your property in Ballarat is rock walls or natural stone. You may want landscaping for your pool surround, garden bed, or outdoor area. Australian Construction handles major and minor civil constructions and we have various earthmoving equipment.

                                        Hence we work and deliver with minimal fuss. We consider all aspects like council approval. Due to this, we give you a wholly designed proposal, and we remove waste material. The rock wall builders in Ballarat give you a free quote (no obligation) for your approval. Therefore you are aware of what services you will get before we begin working.

                                        Customised services

                                        Australian Construction operates on the concept that each need is unique. For example, you may want a sawn block stone wall. Or perhaps you want a natural stone retaining wall. Whatever the case, we give you illustrations of various rock walls we have competed in Ballarat. Moreover, we will be happy to show you some rock wall styles. It will enable you to pick the one you like. Our competent staff is happy to tailor a suitable solution for your personal needs. The reason is we believe that each project is unique.

                                        Affordable rock retaining walls

                                        Do you like the look of boulders, stone, or rock for your rock retaining walls or landscaping? If so, bush rock presents an affordable choice. We build durable rock retaining walls. Moreover, we can integrate them into your landscape, giving the framework for your entire property.

                                        Landscaping solutions that complement the environment

                                        We have different materials which we have sourced locally. In addition, we have the equipment and skills to undertake any project. In other words, we have the passion for getting unique solutions for building exceptional rock walls in Ballarat. Our team has the experience to work with cut stone, block stone, and rough stone arrangement. For this reason, we are proud of each rock wall we build. Also, we manage the placement of every stone if you wish.

                                        Apart from this, the rock wall builders in Ballarat appreciate the importance of integrating rock walls in the general landscaping style. Therefore it entails using natural stone all through the landscaping design. We can also include extra features if you like. For instance, we can add features like:


                                        At Australian Construction, we believe in perfection, and it is evident in our rock walls! In other words, our vision is to build breathtaking rock walls that match your property, tastes, and gardens. We aim to attain complete customer satisfaction. Because of this, we do not leave any stone unturned!

                                        We look forward to hearing from you today about your next rock wall building project in Ballarat!

                                          Wollongong Rock Wall Builders

                                          Outstanding Rock Wall Builders In Wollongong

                                          Wollongong Rock Wall Builders

                                            Australian Construction specialises in creating sleek outdoor living areas. As a result, your home’s beauty and value are enhanced. More importantly, our rock wall builders in Wollongong build lovely yard designs. We blend our rock features and rock retaining walls with our unique landscaping designs. 

                                            Our main aim is to give our clients optimum satisfaction with the end product. For this reason, we pay special attention to each project. We not only make your property beautiful but also enhance its value. Consequently, your property makes your entire neighbourhood appealing!

                                            Natural rock retaining walls

                                            Their remarkable appeal

                                            Natural rock walls have existed for years. Furthermore, these walls are still popular as an option for private gardens. Moreover, rock walls are famous in Australia for commercial installations. These rocks are not only durable but maintenance-free. More importantly, they are unique. The rock wall builders in Wollongong provide handy rock retaining walls. In addition, these walls are friendly to the environment.

                                            Do you want a rock retaining wall to define your terraced lawn? Or do you long for a rock wall that provides a retaining wall by carefully placing big boulders or rocks? Under these circumstances, we provide a lovely well-built rock wall. As a result, it enhances the rock wall’s natural surroundings.

                                            Rock retaining walls for commercial properties

                                            Australian Construction mainly uses rocks for industrial or commercial installations. Given this, we use them efficiently in subdivisions on a large piece of land. It is an area that needs an engineered rock retaining wall. We also use rock walls near lakes or waterways. As a result, it holds banks.

                                            Residential rock retaining walls

                                            When a qualified expert like Australian Construction installs your stone retaining wall, the result is outstanding. In light of this, our structural engineers skillfully handle big rocks and boulders. Additionally, we provide excavating equipment to place the rocks. 

                                            The rock wall builders we have in Wollongong are experienced. Because of this, we meet all your visual and structural needs. So please talk to one of our skilled tradesmen. They will be glad to offer you a free no-obligation quote.

                                            In Australia, we mainly use the following types of rock for rock retaining walls:

                                            • Porphyry rock
                                            • Granite
                                            • Limestone
                                            • Basalt/bluestone
                                            • Bush rock
                                            • Sandstone

                                            We design rock retaining walls depending on their purpose. Additionally, we consider the type of soil where we will build it. For example, we can build it on dirt, clay, gravel or sand. Rock walls are heavy walls that rely on gravity to keep them steady. For this reason, we use large rocks to place the first layer. 

                                            Bluestone rock retaining walls

                                            Do you wish to have a more formal option for retaining the front area of your garden? In that case, the rock wall builders in Wollongong include some contrasting pebbles. Consequently, you have a breathtaking retaining solution. Also, the retaining wall looks lovely for years and is durable.

                                            Moss rock retaining walls

                                            You might want to have a retaining wall in a large area. For this purpose, we use moss rock retaining walls. These rocks are not only wide and high but also affordable. Our moss rocks are available in various sizes. Therefore they are best for an informal landscape design. Usually, we use it across a property’s rear. To this end, we retain a big ‘cut’ to a slanting block.


                                            Australian Construction expertly designs rock walls to enhance your garden. Our team has built various rock walls on flat ground. As a result, it creates raised beds and garden features for planting. Our competent team ensures they give you a special product for your garden—also, we advise on any ideas you have for rock walls.

                                            Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today for the best rock wall solutions in Wollongong!

                                              Toowoomba Rock Wall Builders

                                              The Best Rock Wall Builders In Toowoomba

                                              Toowoomba Rock Wall Builders

                                                At Australian Construction, we are experienced and skilled in designing rock walls. Moreover, our rock walls are environmentally friendly. We provide products that compliment your natural landscape. Our rock wall builders in Toowoomba choose the best rock wall building material for you. Because of this, you get a lovely and natural rock wall.  

                                                Additionally, we are aware of local Toowoomba council rules on rock walls. Therefore you are guaranteed a top-quality and compliant product. So work with a local professional like us for building rock walls. It assures you of a beautiful outcome. We offer lovely rock walls. They are also affordable and safe. Hence they last for years. 

                                                Our quality services

                                                Australian Construction implements significant knowledge in rock wall projects. Because of this, we are famous. Moreover, we source the ideal and most appropriate rock for the task. Do you want natural stone or cut stone? In that case, the rock wall builders in Toowoomba uses top quality rock all materials. 

                                                Additionally, our team sources these materials responsibly from the local quarries. We have vast experience with various rock wall materials. For example, we provide bluestone and sandstone. Additionally, we offer granite, rock wall boulders and bush stone. Furthermore, we handcraft these stones. As a result, we create a structural and aesthetic rock retaining wall.

                                                Durable rock walls

                                                Not only do we guarantee that all our rocks adhere to the Toowoomba council perspective, but we also provide long-lasting rock walls. More importantly, we deliver the correct work the first time. Our rock walls are aesthetic and functional. Australian Construction is a professional firm. For this reason, our rock walls are a form of art! 

                                                The rock wall builders in Toowoomba are skilled in building rock walls. Given this, we handle challenging blocks and steep blocks. Also, we work in unusual areas. We can customise your experience. As a result, we offer you the ideal solution that suits your budget!

                                                Enhancing your aged retaining walls

                                                Maybe you are having problems with rotting timber retaining walls. Or perhaps your old timber or concrete wall spoils your property’s appearance. Worse still, they could be dangerous. Under these circumstances, we are the best option for you. Our skilled team expertly demolishes and removes old retaining walls and earthworks. 

                                                In other words, we are glad to handle the entire project. We undertake removal, approval and renewal. Therefore please let our competent team handle your rotting timber sleepers. First, we excavate a suitable foundation. Then, we replace it with a lovely, new and durable rock retaining wall. 

                                                In the end, the finished product will appear as if it has always existed! That is our key aim of constructing rock walls. We give your retaining wall a natural look. Hence it blends with the environment. Additionally, it gives your property an Australian natural rock.

                                                Outstanding rock walls in Toowoomba

                                                Most people wish for a natural and elegant landscaping solution for their property. Do you want to landscape a pool surround or outdoor area? Or do you need a garden bed or driveway landscaping? In such circumstances, we provide minor and significant landscaping.  

                                                We have numerous earthmoving equipment. Hence we deliver the work effortlessly. We also handle various jobs. For example, we undertake standard house blocks. In addition, we offer acreage landscaping services. Our company handles council approval. We then present you with a comprehensively designed proposal. Then we remove the waste material. You get an obligation free quote. Hence you have an idea of what to expect. 


                                                At Australian Construction we are perfectionists. So we build great rock walls in Toowoomba. Our objective is to construct the ideal rock walls for you. We provide products that suit your property and budget. Most of all, our rock walls suit your preferences. As a result, we offer complete customer satisfaction.

                                                Please get in touch with us today for the rock walls you have always longed for in Toowoomba!

                                                  Central Coast Rock Wall Builders

                                                  Top-Rated Rock Wall Builders On The Central Coast

                                                  Central Coast Rock Wall Builders

                                                    Australian Construction has years of experience as a rock retaining wall company. We provide high-quality rock walls. Moreover, our rock wall builders on the Central Coast are skilled and highly qualified. Our experience spans many years in the excavation and rock wall sector. Because of this, we give you guidance and quality advice throughout the whole procedure. In other words, we work with you from the design stage to the completion of the project.

                                                    Our artistry is guaranteed! Because of this, most of our clients are referrals from previous satisfied clients.  We use the top level of expertise. Due to this, the Australian Construction rock walls surpass your expectations.  Furthermore, we only use top-quality sandstone for our retaining walls. So, you gain complete satisfaction with our end products. More importantly, you acquire a durable retaining wall.

                                                    Rock retaining walls and rock walls

                                                    Do you wish to make your landscape more elegant and colourful? In that case, our rock wall builders on the Central Coast design and construct your rock walls! Additionally, we offer various rocks you can pick from. 

                                                    For example, we provide granite rock, mudstone rock and cold stream rock. Moreover, we offer basalt rock and more. Our team of professional rock wall builders produces a precision-built and lovely looking rock. In addition, this rock wall is sturdy and durable. The location, size or difficulty is not a problem for us. We design each of our retaining rock walls to retain water and soil. Because of this, the wall supports the land. Hence it prevents erosion.

                                                    The rock wall builders on the Central Coast specialises in retaining rock walls, stone rock walls and rock steps. We are also skilled in other rock features. In other words, we deliver quality services at affordable rates.

                                                    Not only do we design and build new rock walls, but we also offer professional excavation and earthworks. It includes removing existing walls and clearing the site. We also undertake levelling. Our team also prepares your garden for the finishing touches. Our rock walls have a lovely natural feel and look. Moreover, they make your garden and home more classy and stylish.

                                                    Rock boulder walls

                                                    We build durable rock boulder retaining walls. These walls have natural drainage, and are suitable for:

                                                    • Residential retaining walls
                                                    • Commercial retaining walls
                                                    • Retaining walls for rivers, ponds and lakes
                                                    • Garden landscaping structural walls
                                                    • Pool landscaping wall
                                                    • Water feature wall

                                                    Australian Construction supplies and installs retaining walls featuring a height of between 2-7meters.

                                                    Bush rock walls

                                                    Our bush rocks provide a natural-looking material. The skilled team at Australian Construction expertly builds them. As a result, we offer lovely looking retaining walls. Due to this, we attain natural-looking bush rocks. Therefore most homeowners prefer this product.

                                                    Tropical gardens

                                                    The rock wall builders on the Central Coast also install tropical gardens together with your rock wall. We begin with organic garden soil. After this, we pick the plants you prefer. Finally, we install the gardens as well as mulch and an automated irrigation system. We have an experienced horticulturist who works with you from start to finish. As a result, you obtain an expertly laid out attractive tropical garden. Moreover, it matches your rock wall.

                                                    Rock steps & staircases

                                                    We provide rock steps and staircases that complement your rock wall. They naturally integrate staircase functionality. At the same time, the wall’s look is maintained.


                                                    Australian Construction has years of experience in rock wall building. Given this, we specialise in random boulder and saw cut construction. We provide quality services at cost-effective prices. In addition, we source top quality materials in the industry. 

                                                    Please call us today for quality rock wall building on the Central Coast!

                                                      Sunshine Coast Rock Wall Builders

                                                      Highly Experienced Rock Wall Builders On The Sunshine Coast

                                                      Sunshine Coast Rock Wall Builders

                                                        At Australian Construction, we specialise in excavation and landscaping. In addition, we are skilled in installing rock walls and retaining walls. Moreover, our rock wall builders on the Sunshine Coast provide acreage rock walls. We also replace sleeper walls for commercial, industrial and residential needs. Our services are available on the Sunshine Coast and the surrounding areas.

                                                        Our rock walls are not only functional, but we design them for aesthetic appeal. Because of this, we rank top on the Sunshine Coast as a leader in rock wall building. Moreover, we use superior materials like bush rock, sandstone, boulders, porphyry rock and bluestone. We provide striking designs. Additionally, we customise them to meet our clients’ budgets, personal tastes and lifestyles.

                                                        Commercial rock walls solutions

                                                        The rock wall builders on the Sunshine Coast expertly install rock retaining walls (engineered) for various industrial and commercial clients. We handle primary perimeter walls for residential estates. In addition, we provide retaining walls for business complexes or industrial sites. 

                                                        Furthermore, our skilled team builds retaining walls for large and small areas. More importantly, our retaining walls adhere to Australian Safety Standards. Our qualified staff caters to all your industrial and commercial retaining wall requirements. For example, they handle earthmoving and excavation from the design to the installation stage. Talk to us today and find out how our skilled team can help you.

                                                        Residential rock wall building

                                                        The rock wall builders on the Sunshine Coast designs our rock retaining walls to Australian standards. We incorporate unique design and construction techniques. Because of this, you enjoy years of maintenance-free landscaping services. Our retaining walls are not only decorative but also highly functional. We create these walls using various materials. For instance, we use porphyry rock, boulders, bluestone and sandstone. A retaining wall can prevent environmental problems like soil erosion.

                                                        In our landscape styles, Australian Construction has used all types of retaining walls. Our range includes decorative boulder walls and functional retaining walls. Additionally, we have worked on significant acreage retaining walls. 

                                                        Therefore whatever your wall needs, we work jointly with you. Consequently, we give you a functional wall that makes your landscape lovelier. To this end, we use top-grade rock in our designs. We use materials like bluestone, sandstone and porphyry. 

                                                        Boulder retaining walls

                                                        Our most famous retaining wall application is the natural boulder retaining wall. This type of wall is trendy among gardening fans. It is an enjoyable and lovely way of expressing your character and love for nature. This wall portrays numerous hardy, brightly coloured annuals, perennials and trees throughout.

                                                        Australian Construction designs boulder retaining walls that recreate a natural bluff feature. We consider your professional and personal planting needs. Therefore it offers various planting pockets for the long term. At the same time, we maintain the beauty of a natural hillside. 

                                                        Do you have rotting or ageing timbers in your sleeper walls? Or perhaps you have cracking concrete or railroad ties. Under these circumstances, use our boulder retaining wall that is environmentally friendly. If you have a falling timber wall, it is best to replace it! Therefore upgrade to healthier, safer and durable natural stone. 

                                                        Most timbers consist of arsenic that can permeate the soil and surpass quantities deemed safe by the state. Get in touch with us today. We will take care of the whole procedure from demolition. Our team safely disposes of your failing or ageing railroad ties and timbers. 


                                                        Australian Construction builds lovely and affordable retaining walls. Moreover, we create durable walls. Our team has vast experience and is creative. Additionally, they have training in traditional stone masonry. Because of this, they can handle commercial and domestic projects of all sizes. We have forged a strong link with our suppliers and use various products. For this reason, we offer different rock retaining walls. Not only do our walls suit your property but also your budget.

                                                        We will be delighted to handle your rock wall building works today!

                                                          Launceston Rock Wall Builders

                                                          Trusting And Reliable Rock Wall Builders In Launceston

                                                          Launceston Rock Wall Builders

                                                            Australian Construction has built retaining walls for years. As a result, we have vast experience. Because of this, our rock wall builders in Launceston are a leader in the industry. Our team consists of industry experts. Additionally, we have top-notch equipment. 

                                                            Therefore we provide superior quality wall projects of any complexity and size. We use the best materials on the market. Our vast experience gives you peace of mind. Moreover, we provide affordable solutions. We have a fleet of top industry equipment. More importantly, we maintain and service this equipment regularly. Therefore we are always prepared and ready for your project!

                                                            Rock retaining walls

                                                            We mainly use rock retaining walls in yards and gardens. Usually, these rock retaining walls have aesthetic benefits. However, Australian Construction provides various retaining solid walls. We use them for heavier duty purposes. 

                                                            Mostly natural rock retaining walls use rocks near or on the property where we will build the wall. But we can use stones from different locations. Alternatively, the rock wall builders in Launceston create artificial rock walls from prefabricated stones.

                                                            In this case, we cut them to similar sizes. Consequently, we create a structure that looks uniform. But we can use other materials cast to resemble rock. We provide natural rock retaining walls. Therefore you attain an appealing addition to your garden or yard.

                                                            Our team uses pre-cut stones that are in the exact sizes. Given this, the wall we build is not only uniform but also sturdy and attractive. Different wall designs serve various purposes. Due to this, we make them according to a particular procedure. Hence it prevents the wall from giving way beneath the earth weight it supports. Additionally, drainage presents an issue.

                                                            For this reason, our team follows specific steps. It ensures water does not accumulate behind the wall leading to wall failure. Our rock walls support the weight. So we mainly build them at an angle. Hence it facilitates some soil creep and enhances strength.

                                                            We also provide concrete-filled natural rock walls. It presents a more robust option to our natural rock retaining walls. The rock wall builders in Launceston usually build concrete walls to provide rigidity and strength. However, we can include natural stones in the cast. Because of this, the finished wall becomes lovelier. The rocks in the concrete also enhance the structural integrity.

                                                            Importance of retaining walls

                                                            Do you have a sloping site? In that case, a retaining wall is essential. Retaining walls are a crucial structural factor as they keep your yard in place. Moreover, they create a visually attractive area in your garden. Australian Construction is a retaining wall specialist. Therefore we can assist you in the design stage. So we ensure your retaining wall easily complements your garden.

                                                            Some homeowners try to build their retaining walls. However, this process can be challenging if you lack the proper equipment. It may also prove difficult if you have not analysed the site carefully. So they end up engaging an expert like Australian Construction. The reason is we have the proper equipment. There are important considerations before installing a retaining wall like:

                                                            • Is a structural engineer necessary?
                                                            • Do you want concrete footings?
                                                            • What kind of stone or paver do you prefer?
                                                            • We also check the drainage and soil requirements


                                                            Australian Construction provides affordable retaining walls. Despite what building materials you want for your project, we endeavour to save you more expenses. In this regard, we offer a superior finished product all the time. We can work on a small set of borders for the garden. Also, we can build a perimeter wall around your property. Notwithstanding, we offer durable and affordable systems. 

                                                            Talk to us today for the best retaining rock wall structures in Launceston!

                                                              Cairns Rock Wall Builders

                                                              Professional Rock Wall Builders In Cairns

                                                              Cairns Rock Wall Builders

                                                                Do you want a quality retaining wall in Cairns? In that case, you need a company that works fast like Australian Construction! We have all the necessary experience and equipment. As a result, we deliver quality services. Moreover, our rock wall builders in Cairns do not take shortcuts. In other words, we follow the correct procedure for constructing a retaining wall.

                                                                Our team ensures they implement the correct backfills and drainage. Because of this, the retaining wall is durable. Our competent team gives you honest advice. At the same time, they listen to your concepts and needs. More importantly, we use the best material. 

                                                                Different quality services

                                                                The Australian Construction team gives you friendly and expert advice throughout the process.  We work jointly with you from the initial consultation to the completion of your retaining wall. We have the machinery and team. 

                                                                So, we build all kinds of retaining walls to meet your needs. Do you have a small landscaped garden wall? Or do you have a significant structural retaining wall for securing your property? Notwithstanding, we can deliver! We build different retaining walls.

                                                                Rock retaining walls

                                                                The Australian Construction rock retaining wall offers the best alternative to concrete or timber retaining walls. Like concrete, it is durable. Meanwhile, it provides the natural look of timber. But please note it is essential to install this retaining wall properly. Otherwise, it is likely to erode or collapse. We have built numerous rock retaining walls and prioritise safety and quality. So, we use great care when constructing all rock retaining walls. We carefully design, plan and execute each task.

                                                                Features of our rock retaining wall

                                                                Natural aesthetics: Each boulder or rock is unique. So the rocks have different colours, shapes and sizes. Consequently, it matches perfectly with the natural surrounding.

                                                                Wide variety: Australian Construction provides different shapes and sizes of boulders. Therefore you have something that suits your design. 

                                                                Sturdy and exceptionally durable: The rock wall builders in Cairns carry out suitable installation and maintenance of your wall. As a result, your rock retaining wall lasts for years. 

                                                                High-quality materials & construction

                                                                For us, the quality of services or materials is paramount. Hence they implement this concept when constructing your rock retaining wall. Because of this, we are Cairn’s most reliable rock wall builders! So, please get in touch with us today.

                                                                Bluestone walls

                                                                We provide bluestone, which is a natural volcanic rock. This rock has deep and rich colours. For example, we offer blacks, blues and greys. Bluestone is also known as basalt. This material is readily available. Because of this, it has been a popular building material for years. 

                                                                Not only does this material look attractive, but also presents a unique character. Bluestone has a natural look and is durable. Therefore it is a favourite choice of construction material. The Australian Construction bluestone has a lovely fine-grained texture. 

                                                                Moreover, we provide different colours. Hence they are suitable for all kinds of architectural décor and design. All our bluestone walls are unique. They all have personal warmth and character. Due to this, bluestone walls are an appealing choice for landscapers. Builders and renovators like this material as well.


                                                                Australian Construction has specialised in rock wall building for years in Cairns. In light of this, we are famous for building great rock walls. As a result, they suit all the needs. We are qualified landscapers. Hence we have a unique touch regarding constructing rock walls. 

                                                                Furthermore, our team is skilled in handling extensive earthmoving equipment. Do you have a challenging project or steep block? In that case, we have you covered. We will give you a rock wall service that suits your needs.

                                                                It will be our pleasure to handle your rock wall project; so do not hesitate to get in touch with us now!

                                                                  Bendigo Rock Wall Builders

                                                                  The Expert Rock Wall Builders in Bendigo

                                                                  Bendigo Rock Wall Builders

                                                                    At Australian Construction, we offer the sloping properties in Bendigo various lifestyle and structural benefits. In light of this, we increase the amount of land you can use. To attain this, we level a certain area. Therefore our rock wall builders in Bendigo provide bush rock walls. They are an appealing feature in your garden landscapes. 

                                                                    As a result, your property’s look improves and increases in value. Our planter beds and low rock retaining make your home backyard more charming. Additionally, your yard has more character. It is especially so when we plant Australian natives and bright colours.

                                                                    Our competent services

                                                                    Australian Construction has vast experience in building bush rock walls. Because of this, we design and build the wall you prefer. We have a skilled structural design team. They assess various elements before starting a project. Some of the factors our team considers are:

                                                                    • Soil type
                                                                    • Foundation requirements
                                                                    • Terrain’s slope
                                                                    • Wall height
                                                                    • Client’s design preferences

                                                                    As a result, the rock wall builders in Bendigo give you a stable rock wall. Not only is this wall durable and functional, but also lovely. 

                                                                    Quality rock retaining walls

                                                                    For our natural rock retaining walls, we use river rocks and larger stones. As a result, we produce a smoother general look. To avoid your home from looking too commercial, we use natural stones, boulders and stones. Rock walls blend well near statues and water features. 

                                                                    Moreover, these walls complement other décor items found outdoors. Do you want durable protection and a natural façade? In that case, our rock retaining walls are your best option! Natural walls increase your home’s personality and value. In addition, these walls serve you for years. Therefore please work with our skilled team and enjoy a beautiful new wall that protects your home. 

                                                                    Retaining wall services

                                                                    Retaining walls are among the simplest home upgrades available. However, you should not take this task lightly. Many times homeowners do not consider engineering. Hence they only focus on the final bill.  If you do not have an efficient wall system the first time, you may experience structural issues in the future. For example, the wall may quickly crumble or crack. Moreover, the pressure may cause the wall to break.

                                                                    It is not only costly to repair but can also damage your property. Areas susceptible to flooding, pooling or erosion destroys retaining walls. Due to this, lumps of runoff litter your yards. Given this, ensure that you engage experienced contractors like Australian Construction. We not only give you quality services but they are also affordable. 

                                                                    Custom rock walls

                                                                    We provide various custom rock walls. For example, we strategically place boulders to give your landscape more definition. Also, we offer a full dry stream feature. The rock wall builders in Bendigo install custom rock accent slabs, boulders, steps and more. In other words, we turn any rock wall project into a reality. We are experienced in the following rock projects:

                                                                    • River rock splash highlights
                                                                    • Tight access walls
                                                                    • Gravel pathways
                                                                    • Mock rock wall
                                                                    • Huge rock slab steps
                                                                    • Hand placed walls
                                                                    • Dry stream landscaping
                                                                    • Landscaping and acreage rock walls
                                                                    • Custom-installed rock boulder accents
                                                                    • Rock stairs/steps

                                                                    Importance of retaining walls

                                                                    Our retaining walls are a crucial part of the landscape construction. These walls prevent soil movement on your property on varied ground levels. Retaining walls look lovely and stop gravity from destroying your landscape design as well. 

                                                                    Consequently, you avoid expensive repairs in the future. Australian Construction gives you durable, effective and wonderful looking retaining walls. We build our landscaping retaining walls using rock and boulders. In addition, we use sandstone or timber. More importantly, we work according to your requirements.


                                                                    Australian Construction provides superior rock wall and landscaping designs. We use top quality materials like porphyry, bush rock and sandstone. Moreover, we utilise bluestone and boulders for retaining walls, rock walls and acreage rock walls. Our team ensures they deliver according to your needs and preferences.

                                                                    We look forward to hearing from you today to discuss your next rock wall project!

                                                                      Hobart Rock Wall Builders

                                                                      Certified Rock Wall Builders In Hobart | Aus Construction

                                                                      Hobart Rock Wall Builders

                                                                        Australian Construction is an expert in installing, repairing and maintaining retaining walls. Furthermore, we are experienced in constructing rock walls. Our rock wall builders in Hobart handle different project specifications. Do you need a rock wall retaining wall? We can deliver, so please talk to us!

                                                                        Our retaining walls make your property attractive and your property increases in value. It is beneficial in case you want to sell your property today or in the future. Our team consists of skilled rock wall builders. In other words, they are specialists in providing ideal retaining wall installations.  We use quality assured wall materials. For this reason, we meet all your needs quickly.

                                                                        Our quality services

                                                                        We discuss your available options. Hence we ensure we use the appropriate materials for your project. Consequently, you are satisfied with the look and functionality of your latest retaining walls. Most of our clients discover that their new retaining wall complements their paving. You can be one of them!

                                                                        Rock walls and boulder walls 

                                                                        Our rock wall builders in Hobart have years of experience in rock retaining wall projects. We specialise in:

                                                                        • Timber and concrete sleepers
                                                                        • Different kinds of dimensional, hand-placed stone pitching and stone.
                                                                        • Masonry such as Vera bloc, block, garden stone and link block.

                                                                        Australian Construction handles all your retaining needs. After all, we are experienced and capable. Moreover, we have the necessary skills. Because of this, we give you top quality products.  Our rock walls retaining walls are lovely solutions for sloping areas.

                                                                        They provide more functional land and manage water runoff. Additionally, these walls stop erosion. Our rock walls enhance your business or home aesthetics. We provide rock wall products that make your backyard and garden more appealing as well. The rock wall builders in Hobart offer stylish pieces of engineering. Additionally, these walls are sophisticated and of good quality. Because of this, the value of your property increases. For our team, no project is too small or big. 

                                                                        Boulder walls

                                                                        The Australian Construction boulder specialists work with commercial clients. We also work with residential clients. In addition, we handle different budgets, deadlines and materials. All the projects differ, and we meet various requests and needs. Our company has significant experience and we expertly work in tight and challenging areas.  We prioritise health and safety. Our team is well trained; hence they work in areas others are unable to handle.

                                                                        Retaining walls present structural features. Therefore, we build them efficiently. Due to this, they last for years and follow building standards. We handle all the certification and legal procedures. So, our clients enjoy a hassle and paper-free experience.

                                                                        Many times walls are self-assessable to council standards and guidelines. Our team acknowledges this point and hence adheres to these directives. Do you need approval or certification? In that case, we have various qualified and reliable consultants available. 

                                                                        In light of this, they ensure we work according to the appropriate standard. We handle the whole procedure and paperwork. Therefore you can have peace of mind and leave the work to us! You may want a retaining wall to add appeal to your structure. Or perhaps you wish to stop soil erosion or prevent your plant pots from spiralling down a hill. Under these circumstances, we give you the service and look you want. 


                                                                        Australian Construction works with different materials and finishes. Given this, we meet your budget and tastes. We provide a natural stone look. Also, we provide unfinished concrete for an industrial feel. In other words, we deliver to your preferences. 

                                                                        So talk to us today for an awesome rock wall retaining wall in Hobart!

                                                                          Geelong Rock Wall Builders

                                                                          Your Local Rock Wall Builders In Geelong | Aus Construction

                                                                          Geelong Rock Wall Builders

                                                                            Australian Construction has years of experience in building retaining walls. Given this, we design and create the rock retaining wall you want. Also, our rock wall builders in Geelong ensure they develop your rock wall properly. Moreover, we use the correct foundation and drainage particulars. More importantly, our team uses the appropriate rock size and colour depending on your choice.

                                                                            Additionally, we offer superior customer service and affordable pricing. Therefore we not only treat you well but also give you outstanding value. Due to our vast experience, we have honed our skills. Because of this, our team builds retaining walls on various layouts. Moreover, we have worked on challenging and difficult to access areas. Consequently, we have become experts in this sector. 

                                                                            Advantages of rock walls

                                                                            The Australian Construction rock walls are not only attractive but also functional. Most homeowners choose rock walls for the following reasons:

                                                                            • To solve erosion problems.
                                                                            • Comparatively, they are more durable than the other materials.
                                                                            • Rock walls offer protection to your property against elements like rain and wind.
                                                                            • These walls provide a clear perimeter to your property.

                                                                            In addition to the above reasons, many homeowners choose rock walls because they look lovely. In other words, the natural stone transforms your dull retaining wall into a remarkable feature. Furthermore, it is easy to maintain rock walls. They need minimal upkeep to maintain their nice appearance for years.

                                                                            Quality rock walls that look wonderful

                                                                            The rock wall builders in Geelong offer the best services. Our team is highly skilled and understands that rock walls are different. The stone quality we use and our expertise is essential. The reason is that it determines the wall’s durability. These qualities also establish how affordable it will be to maintain the rock wall.

                                                                            Therefore do not hire just any rock wall builder. Conduct research and choose a supplier like Australian Construction. After all, we guarantee unique quality at affordable costs. We value your satisfaction. Hence we implement stringent quality control measures. As a result, we ensure we provide top-notch rock wall solutions.

                                                                            Enhancing timber retaining walls to rock walls

                                                                            Your timber retaining wall gets exposed to harsh elements. Because of this, the wall sustains damage. Wind, sun and rain chip away at your timber wall’s integrity. As a result, the wall fades, rots and looks ugly. On the other hand, natural rock walls can enhance your property‘s feel and look. So, they become functional and look wonderful for years. Our rock walls also offer another benefit; they make your property more valuable. Therefore they are not simply an expense but also an investment.

                                                                            Indoors rock walls

                                                                            We do not just provide natural stone walls to exterior areas. Indoors rock walls are trending all over Australia. The rock wall builders in Geelong aim to bring a part of the exterior indoors. So your living area acquires a rustic charm. Homeowners in Geelong choose to have a rock wall feature in their living area.

                                                                            Due to this, the plain walls no longer look monotonous. We provide rock walls with natural colours and textures. Consequently, they blend with your home interior. You can harmonise your furniture to complement the fence. In the end, you enjoy a lovely cosy look. You also have warm earthy hues and natural materials like leather and sandstone.


                                                                            Australian Construction uses the best products. Due to this, we provide durable walls and produce terrific retaining walls in Geelong. Our rock walls have unsurpassed durability and beauty. We offer formal retaining walls using dimensional cut blocks. Also, we utilise random cut blocks if you want a robust and attractive wall that is more affordable. Despite this, we do not compromise on the durability or quality.

                                                                            To enjoy the most appealing and durable rock walls in Geelong, contact us now!

                                                                              Canberra Rock Wall Builders

                                                                              Exceptional Rock Wall Builders In Canberra | Aus Construction

                                                                              Canberra Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                Australian Construction provides retaining wall services. We offer and construct all kinds of wall building as well as repair jobs. Our rock wall builders in Canberra provide visually pleasing rock walls. Moreover, our rock walls are structurally sound. 

                                                                                We use stones like bluestone, sandstone or Wee Jasper stone to construct our rock walls. Our stone walls and rock walls are sturdy and durable.  We provide all types of rock finishes and styles. For example, we offer sandstone and bluestone. We also have dry-stacked walls and engineered walls. In addition, we offer excavation rock for your mortared walls.

                                                                                Quality Retaining walls

                                                                                Our retaining walls are essential because they ensure your buildings and landscaping is stable on sloping land. Retaining walls should be sturdy and functional. However, customised natural stone walls add aesthetic uniqueness and value to your property or home. The rock wall builders in Canberra have vast experience in building retaining walls. Therefore tell us what function and look you prefer and we will deliver!

                                                                                Stone retaining walls

                                                                                Do you want to maintain your property or home’s integrity? In that case, retaining walls are necessary. They not only maintain a specific area’s stability but also prevent soil erosion. We build retaining walls efficiently. 

                                                                                Because of this, they are appropriate for areas susceptible to bushfires. Also, these walls can sustain loads and are not affected by heavy pot plants or foot traffic. Furthermore, these walls help with managing stormwater. More importantly, they need minimal or no maintenance.

                                                                                Australian Construction retaining walls increase your land’s usable area. In other words, these walls enable you to terrace and split a sloping landscape. So it increases the functional and level area. Due to this, you can use it as seating, gardens, outdoor living spaces or accent features. Our natural hand-cut stone enables the creating of curving retaining walls. The walls match the land layout. It also tempers the appearance of a plain square plot. Additionally, the Australian Construction retaining walls decrease water run-off.

                                                                                The essential rainwater soaks into your garden and does not go to waste on stormwater drains. Water retention is vital because it protects shared water systems from dangerous quantities of introduced nutrients. They arise from nearby surroundings from garden pesticides.

                                                                                Rock retaining wall and stone walls ideas

                                                                                You may be constructing a new home. Or perhaps you already have a landscaped area you wish to finish. In that case, you need to construct a retaining wall. Under these circumstances, Australian Construction is here to assist. We have other options other than a timber retaining wall or concrete sleeper retaining walls. These two types of walls are great. However, if you want a rustic style landscaped space, we can provide a rock retaining wall. Stone walls provide a natural landscaped look. These walls are especially great if you want to landscape the space near the stone wall. In this regard, the rock wall builders in Canberra can give you exceptional outcomes.

                                                                                Advantages of a stone wall

                                                                                All types of stone or rock walls have numerous benefits. These walls are strong and durable. Since they are rocks, they withstand the test of time. Comparatively, they resist the elements than most materials. In addition, they give you a natural look, as mentioned earlier. Larger rocks present a strong base structure. Our gabion wall builders in Canberra build them correctly. As a result, they do not collapse. Our rock retaining walls blend well with your landscaped area. 


                                                                                Do you wish to have a retaining wall? If so, you need a company like Australian Construction that will build the wall correctly.  Our walls stand the test of time because we avoid shortcuts. Moreover, our skilled team gives you the correct suggestions. We also listen to you to find out your preferences. Our company uses only the best materials to build, and we provide expert and friendly services. 

                                                                                Please talk to us today about the best rock wall building solutions in Canberra!

                                                                                  Port Macquarie Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                  Superb Quality Rock Wall Builders In Port Macquarie

                                                                                  Port Macquarie Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                    Australian Construction specialises in retaining walls. Hence we provide structurally sound, functional and aesthetic rock walls. Our rock wall builders in Port Macquarie deliver complete designs and retaining wall services.

                                                                                    Our rock walls look natural, and in addition, they are affordable. As a result, they improve a yard’s look and feel. Consequently, your home becomes more valuable.

                                                                                    Retaining and rock walls

                                                                                    Retaining walls present essential structural factors. We build them to prevent soil from shifting and eroding. Sometimes we do it to make a lawn level, and hence you can build on varying levels. Additionally, you can use it for decoration. There are engineering requirements involved in retaining walls. Therefore it would be best for you to use licensed rock wall builders in Port Macquarie. 

                                                                                    Australian Construction helps in building new retaining walls.  Moreover, we rebuild existing walls. We use various materials to develop our outdoor walls. For example, we use timber sleepers and rocks. 

                                                                                    We build lovely rock walls and use interlocking blocks and a lot more. Rock walls are not only retaining walls but also decorative features. Additionally, they function as separate structures. Hence they meet your needs and serve whatever function you need.

                                                                                    Rock & boulder retaining rocks

                                                                                    We have transformed Port Macquarie homes with appealing and natural rock walls. Our able team changes steep slopes, consequently, giving you a functional entertainment area. For instance, we create natural gardens, family spaces and entertainment spaces. The Australian Construction rock walls are naturally beautiful. 

                                                                                    Our rock walls are not only naturally appealing but also decisive. Because of this, they suit any Port Macquarie home despite the style. These rock walls are strong. Due to this, they are ideal for any project. In other words, our rock walls are the best!

                                                                                    Our team works with you to create your vision. We have vast experience. Given this, we change your landscape dramatically. Perhaps you need a complete redesign, or maybe you want turf installation. Whatever the case, we will deliver. 

                                                                                    Benefits of rock & boulder retaining wall

                                                                                    The rock wall builders in Port Macquarie build retaining walls from rocks and boulders. Hence they are best for the Port Macquarie weather. They are highly weather resistant. Additionally, they provide excellent durability and strength. We create these retaining walls to withstand the stormy weather in Port Macquarie. The walls have natural holes and because of this, the water runs through and drains out. As a result, it prevents flooding and likely damage to your residence. 

                                                                                    Comparatively, rock & boulder retaining walls are classier than concrete and standard timber. Because these walls are strong, they sustain significant weight. At the same time, they retain a natural look. So they are ideal for small and large projects.

                                                                                    Creating boulder retaining walls

                                                                                    We stack different shaped boulders and rocks on top of one another to create a boulder or rock retaining wall. It gives your garden a natural-like wall. These walls are strong because of their weight and height and are durable because of this.

                                                                                    First, we excavate the land in the proposed position of the walls. Consequently, we create a bank to hold the wall in place. After this, we dig a footing and then level hence creating a foundation for the retaining wall. After compacting the soil in the footing, we fill it with coarse gravel

                                                                                    We compact this gravel as well the level the footing to prepare for the boulders. After this, we lay the boulders to ensure that every wall level is slanting a bit towards the bank. We then place soil-blocking fabric behind the rocks and use backfill to fill the space behind the wall. The outcome is a durable natural looking rock face that holds up the bank.


                                                                                    Australian Construction has changed properties in Port Macquarie with lovely and natural rock walls. Our team tames steep slopes, transforming them into functional family spaces, entertainment areas or natural gardens. 

                                                                                    For a lovely and functional rock wall in Port Macquarie, please call us today!

                                                                                      Hervey Bay Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                      Unique Rock Wall Builders In Hervey Bay | Aus Construction

                                                                                      Hervey Bay Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                        Australian Construction builds quality rock retaining walls. Our team is dedicated and delivers superior products. The rock walls are strong; hence we have repeat clients. Our rock wall builders in Hervey Bay pay great attention to detail. 

                                                                                        Additionally, we deliver top quality services. We only use the best rocks and as a result, we provide durable and lovely walls. Our team has vast experience in constructing rock retaining walls. Due to this, our walls portray our dedication to delivering superior rock walls.

                                                                                        Importance of retaining walls

                                                                                        Retaining walls make your property look lovely. Not only does our yard look wonderful, but it also adds function to your property. Retaining walls enable you to partition your property. In light of this, you create essential areas like sports fields, playgrounds and gardens. Additionally, you create parking areas. Do you want an expertly designed retaining wall? Please utilise the services of a professional firm like Australian Construction in that case. 

                                                                                        Designing and installing retaining walls

                                                                                        We install retaining wall features. Our team considers numerous factors to determine what kind of retaining wall we should construct. Our services are available for your residential and commercial landscape projects.

                                                                                        Landscape or garden retaining offers a helpful solution to specific areas for residential or commercial landscape projects. In light of this, we have numerous products to pick from.  Our popular products for retaining walls include:

                                                                                        • Rock 
                                                                                        • Stone
                                                                                        • Sandstone

                                                                                        The rock wall builders in Hervey Bay use natural stone to build residential or commercial landscaping projects. This product provides a natural feel and look. Additionally, it is elegant and subtle. Also, it is available in different textures, shapes and colours. 

                                                                                        Our skilled team uses an interlocking construction technique. As a result, the garden beds and edges complement the backdrop of the finished feature wall. It would be best for you to work with the Australian Construction experts since careful consideration is necessary when planning your retaining wall. 

                                                                                        In this regard, we consider the foundations and applicable council permits. The purpose and size of the retaining wall determine the permits needed. Do you want a boulder retaining wall? In that case, we suggest blue rock and granite. Cut sandstone is also suitable. As a result, your residential or commercial landscaping looks natural. We offer the following types of retaining walls:

                                                                                        • Crib walls
                                                                                        • Block retaining walls
                                                                                        • Boulder walls
                                                                                        • Blue rock retaining walls
                                                                                        • Bush rock retaining walls
                                                                                        • Concrete retaining walls
                                                                                        • Brick retaining walls
                                                                                        • Stone retaining walls
                                                                                        • Timber retaining walls
                                                                                        • Quarry rock walls 

                                                                                        Our retaining walls give a sloped area a levelling, terracing or retaining function. Additionally, it supports specific driveways, patios and garden areas. For a restricted landscape space, a retaining wall is essential for your landscaping project. A retaining wall provides a wonderful visual effect. 

                                                                                        In addition, it enhances numerous landscape factors. For example, it improves paving, plants, lawn space and mulching. Furthermore, we use native stone to give you a fresh and appealing look. At Australian Construction, we are professional landscape designers. 

                                                                                        We skillfully design and build retaining walls for commercial or residential landscaping. In other words, we carefully consider elements like soil content, slope, length and height. Moreover, we ensure the foundations are strong. 


                                                                                        The Australian Construction sandstone is natural, and each rock has a different colour. Do you want the rock colour to match your retaining wall? In that case, let us know, and we will meet your needs. A-grade sandstone is a natural product. Because of this, the incidence of imperfections, fractures and blemishes is reduced.


                                                                                        Australian Construction is pleased to share our vast experience. Our team delivers customised services. Moreover, we work closely with all our clients. As a result, we design and build rock retaining walls that meet your taste. We also deliver according to your budget, taste and goals. In other words, we give you suitable suggestions.

                                                                                        It will be our pleasure to deliver our great services to you, so please contact us today!

                                                                                          Wagga Wagga Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                          Highly Recommended Rock Wall Builders In Wagga Wagga

                                                                                          Wagga Wagga Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                            Do you need a retaining wall for your commercial property or home? In that case, Australian Construction is your go to company! We provide horticultural consultations. Our rock wall builders in Wagga Wagga design retaining walls that meet your needs as a result.

                                                                                            Our services include sleepers and blocks. In addition, we offer rocks, stones and timber. We only use premium materials and for this reason, our walls are durable. Australian Construction uses retaining walls in environmentally friendly landscaping to strengthen our clients’ soil.

                                                                                            Additionally, it prevents pests, corrosion and flooding. Our landscapers use retaining walls to transform your unusable and uneven area giving you a flat, functional area. 

                                                                                            Talk to our friendly team today for a quote!

                                                                                            Our expert services

                                                                                            The rock wall builders in Wagga Wagga specialise in rock retaining walls. Our team has vast experience and provides great split face retaining wall blocks for building corners, straight or curved retaining walls. We use hand-sawn sandstone blocks or bluestone in addition. Consequently, our garden beds or landscaping looks wonderful!

                                                                                            Australian Construction is available in various retaining wall block hues. We install these walls outdoors in living areas with a height of 6 metres. In addition, we provide split face textures. For instance, we have contemporary, rustic and rough textures. Due to this, our designs suit different building styles for your garden or outdoors.

                                                                                            Strong & fashionable

                                                                                            The Australian Construction retaining walls are practical. Moreover, they change your home, making it an isolated retreat. More importantly, our walls enhance privacy. These walls make your property’s curb appeal striking as well. 

                                                                                            We use different materials and aesthetic designs to improve your space. Our products are available for your back or front yard. Hence, we give you the feeling that you are on a luxurious holiday at home! First, our landscapers assess your property; it helps them understand the area they are working with. 

                                                                                            After this, they design your wall to complement the existing architecture. For example, we match your pool surrounds and tiled walkways and the pergolas or decks as well. 

                                                                                            Rock retaining walls

                                                                                            We pile natural rocks together hence creating a natural and industrial look. Additionally, we include plants in and near the rock retainers. In the end, you get a lovely retaining wall that works as a garden as well.

                                                                                            Concrete blocks

                                                                                            Working with concrete blocks is easy also. Our stacked concrete blocks form a mid-century look. After stacking, the colour of the blocks and mortar enhances it. The Australian Construction aggregate blocks are available in ultra-lightweight forms. Moreover, we provide them in dark and light grey finishes.

                                                                                            Stacked stone

                                                                                            Stacked stone looks very expensive. However, it is affordable. For our newer stacked-rock walls, every piece is thin with a veneer of 2.5cm. We mainly stock the veneer in a 15 x 30cm dimension. Installing it as a retaining wall involves building the structure first. In light of this, we either use poured concrete or pressure-treated plywood. The Australian Construction stacked-stone veneer works as a façade.

                                                                                            Benefits of rock walls

                                                                                            • It is not necessary to have concrete footing.
                                                                                            • Rock walls can ‘move.’ Hence cracking is not a problem.
                                                                                            • The walls do not hold water.
                                                                                            • The Australian Construction rock walls last long. So they do not crack, warp, split or rot. Comparatively, they are more durable than other materials.
                                                                                            • Termites do not present a problem.
                                                                                            • Most rock walls are appealing.


                                                                                            Australian Construction is proud to create unique garden retaining walls. Not only are they attractive but also structurally strong. Furthermore, our team meets all your needs. In other words, we build retaining rock walls of any style or shape. For example, we create multi-tiered, curved or flat rock walls. 

                                                                                            We will be pleased to create a unique rock wall for you, so kindly contact our expert team today!

                                                                                              Bundaberg Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                              Your #1 Rock Wall Builders In Bundaberg | Aus Construction

                                                                                              Bundaberg Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                At Australian Construction, we are experts in constructing boulders and rock. Moreover, we custom-design rock walls. The rock wall builders in Bundaberg work with bush, sandstone or porphyry rock. Furthermore, we have delivered various commercial and residential projects.

                                                                                                We handle the entire procedure, from start to finish. First, we provide a free quotation. Second, we create a design and third, we seek Council approval.  With us, you have the guarantee that we will provide hassle-free services. Consequently, we meet all your needs. 

                                                                                                Rock walls

                                                                                                The rock wall builders in Bundaberg are experts. Hence our team is familiar with all kinds of available retaining wall rocks and resources. For example, we are knowledgeable about cemented as well as non-cemented options. Quarry rocks present a limitless resource. Because of this, the stones you choose for your home are unique!

                                                                                                Therefore we work hard to turn your retaining wall into an exclusive feature in your home. Australian Construction has worked with local quarries for years. For this reason, we access the loveliest blocks, stones and rocks. 

                                                                                                Despite the style or design you prefer, we ensure we deliver. In other words, we provide the best colour and rocks size. As a result, the product matches your aesthetic. Best of all our prices are competitive and reasonable. 

                                                                                                Retaining wall sizes

                                                                                                We have various shapes and sizes for your retaining walls. Our experts give you helpful suggestions. Therefore you choose the appropriate rock materials for your exterior landscaping needs. We offer materials in the following sizes:

                                                                                                One-man & half-man retaining walls

                                                                                                Do you want a smaller retaining wall? Under these circumstances, we use one-person and half-man rocks. These rocks are mainly shorter than 4ft. The rock wall builders in Bundaberg primarily utilise one-person rocks for the foundation. Meanwhile, we use smaller rocks for extra layers. One-person and half-man retaining walls need additional labour. Because of this, the price is higher.

                                                                                                Two-person rock & three-person rock retaining walls

                                                                                                For retaining walls, we use the bigger sizes of these materials. During building, heavy machinery is not necessary. However, it reduces labour. Because of the size, this kind of rock wall is cost-effective. Moreover, the bigger size is ideal because it supports established plants like cedar trees.


                                                                                                Australian Construction provides boulders in different sizes and shapes. This material is not typical for retaining walls. Instead, we use boulders for your home or property, depending on the circumstances. We ensure we use boulders properly.  Therefore your outdoor areas acquire a stunning addition.

                                                                                                Installing retaining walls 

                                                                                                If your retaining wall is not installed correctly, they do not last long. Our team consists of qualified and experienced experts. Given this, they comprehend the varied kinds of available rocks. They also understand how the rocks fit together. 

                                                                                                Hence they ensure they give you a strong retaining wall. Australian Construction hires a skilled team. Due to this, we stand out from the competition. We provide retaining walls in Bundaberg that last for years. 

                                                                                                Our team chooses your retaining wall placement using a purposeful plan. Hence it ensures success. We have certified professionals. Therefore they utilise your property’s information to pick the ideal rock retaining wall placement for you.


                                                                                                Australian Company uses top quality grades of materials. For example, we use superior granite and bush rock for constructing all our rock walls and boulders. As a result, you have peace of mind that our walls are durable. After all, we use only top quality materials like sandstone. 

                                                                                                We work directly with reliable suppliers. In light of this, we choose superior quality materials. For this reason, our retaining and boulder walls are functional and appealing. 

                                                                                                For the ideal rock walls in Bundaberg, talk to our skilled team today!

                                                                                                  Melton Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                  Highly Experienced Rock Wall Builders In Melton

                                                                                                  Melton Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                    Australian Construction specialises in rock work and natural stone. In this regard, we produce lovely landscape features by Australia’s splendour. We provide quality work that reflects the best gardens in Melton. Additionally, our rock wall builders in Melton offers top quality, distinct and stylish products.

                                                                                                    Our services are available to commercial and residential clients. Moreover, prices are affordable. We provide attractive landscaping rocks. Not only are our services low maintenance but affordable. As a result, your garden becomes transformed.

                                                                                                    Bluestone rocks

                                                                                                    We use bluestone from Australia which has a great reputation globally. This product is known to be of top quality compared to any other place. The rock wall builders in Melton offer a grey/blue shade that is unique. Additionally, bluestone rocks have a minimal level of pyrite. So the colour remains intact for a lengthy period.

                                                                                                    It is a hard stone and durable as well. Because of this bluestone rocks presents an ideal option for laying pavement. Australian Construction ensures we give our valued clients the ideal finishing touches to their paving. As a result, this lovely rock’s colour stands out. More importantly, the rock is top quality.

                                                                                                    Basalt rock

                                                                                                    Do you want basalt rocks? In that case, talk to our rockwork specialists at Australian Construction. We source and provide various landscaping pebbles, stones and rocks. Moreover, we have different sizes, colours and shapes. In addition, we provide basalt stones for domestic or commercial applications.

                                                                                                    Basalt stones

                                                                                                    Our basalt rocks are a lovely way of transforming your garden naturally. These rocks make a simple but also effective statement. Furthermore, we use our basalt rocks and stones to create striking features all over Melton.

                                                                                                    Mud rocks

                                                                                                    Our mudrocks describe thinly grained rocks. These rocks are made up of sediment and we choose these river rocks exclusively from a pure variety. The mudrocks are earthy brown in regard to material and colour. This sediment is either rough or smooth. Mud rocks are 

                                                                                                    This sediment can vary from extremely smooth to rough ones. Mud rocks are handy, as they can be conveniently managed as per the needs of the landscape. They can be easily cut and designed to give a spectacular finish.


                                                                                                    The granite stone is available in various surfaces and colours. Because of this, it is an amazing river rock. In addition, it is resilient and touches. Hence it is a popular landscaping rock. 

                                                                                                    Volcanic rock

                                                                                                    We refer to volcanic rock as honeycomb rock also. These kinds of river rocks present a grainy surface. Also, Australian Construction provides this rock in amazing colours. Consequently, your landscape acquires an intriguing landscape. We use this option for water structures and pavements borders. Additionally, we use them on walls that require retention.

                                                                                                    River pebbles

                                                                                                    The rock wall builders provide river rocks giving your garden landscape a sleek and furnished look. We add river pebbles to pot plants in midsections of walkways. In addition, we include them around pathways. Moreover, we have different colours, shapes and sizes for river pebbles.

                                                                                                    Salt & pepper granite rocks

                                                                                                    Granite presents a unique and appealing look. If you want to design your property with granite rocks we are your best choice. We provide different varieties of granite. Hence our clients can confidently choose any of our granite products. Our skilled team has vast experience in landscape designing. So talk to our friendly staff for assistance with your landscape design. 


                                                                                                    Australian Construction offers various landscape rock materials. Our natural stones are timeless. So we use it for paving or retaining. We also use it for water features. Therefore your space gains more character! Our friendly staff will be happy to help you in choosing a rock wall.

                                                                                                    We look be glad to hear from you today about your rock wall project in Melton!

                                                                                                      Bunbury Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                      Fully Licensed Rock Wall Builders In Bunbury

                                                                                                      Bunbury Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                        Australian Construction specialises in building rock walls. We serve commercial and residential industries in Bunbury. Furthermore, our rock wall builders in Bunbury work with you on-site throughout the process. In other words, we undertake site preparation. We also install all the necessary elements. Our company specialises in this field. Hence the project runs smoothly.

                                                                                                        Bluestone rock retaining walls

                                                                                                        Australian Construction provides bluestone rock retaining walls. These walls give you an informal look. Hence they are different from concrete sleepers. We mainly use them to preserve the earth on boundaries. 

                                                                                                        Meanwhile, bluestone rock presents natural colours. Therefore this type of rock is more appealing than moss rocks. Do you need landscaping for your front garden? In that case, talk to the expert rock wall builders in Bunbury. 

                                                                                                        Sandstone retaining

                                                                                                        The rock wall builders in Bunbury are skilled in constructing various rock walls. For example, we provide:

                                                                                                        • Custom rock walls
                                                                                                        • Boulder retaining walls
                                                                                                        • Sandstone retaining walls
                                                                                                        • General landscaping

                                                                                                        Our team appreciates that retaining walls are a crucial aspect of your landscaping work. Therefore we work to top standards and we deliver top quality services.

                                                                                                        Why choose a sandstone retaining wall?

                                                                                                        We use retaining walls for constructing the garden wall. It is an area where the soil should be at varying levels on the wall’s two sides. In other words, the retaining wall controls the soil on a slope. Otherwise, the soil would erode and hence wear away fast.

                                                                                                        Our retaining walls are best for steep vertical land. Additionally, they are ideal for areas close to vertical sloping land. We offer durable retaining walls. Moreover, they are lovely and unique as well as practical and functional. They are water absorbent. Hence they facilitate drainage when necessary.

                                                                                                        Advantages of sandstone

                                                                                                        Australian Construction uses top-quality sandstone. We source sandstone from leading Australian quarries. Our quality bricks and boulders are ideal for creating top stonewalls for the Bunbury home. The various benefits include:

                                                                                                        • An ageless and classic look.
                                                                                                        • They are appropriate for all kinds of gardens. For example, they suit large, small, traditional or modern gardens.
                                                                                                        • We use sandstone bricks or blocks in various areas of the garden. For instance, we use them on paving, feature walls and tiles. Our company also uses this product on sandstone steps. As a result, these feature matches your outdoor area making it look lovely.
                                                                                                        • Sandstone is remarkably porous. Hence it stores huge quantities of water if need be. Hence it is ideal for drainage purposes.
                                                                                                        • Australian Construction offers various shades and colours of sandstone.

                                                                                                        Types of sandstone

                                                                                                        We provide unique and stylish sandstone. Furthermore, it has an elegant feel and looks. For this reason, it suits traditional and modern home landscapes. So we use it in country, suburban and city gardens. The results are stunning! Australian Construction provides it in different sizes and shapes and meets your design preference. We offer it in bricks and boulders.

                                                                                                        A-grade sandstone

                                                                                                        Our quality and unique premium sandstone make your outdoor area lovelier and more valuable. Our team wheel-saws the stones and cuts them on five sides. The A-grade sandstone bricks are of superior quality. They present a sophisticated product. Because of this, your home increases in value.

                                                                                                        B premium sandstone

                                                                                                        Like A-grade sandstone, we cut this sandstone on five sides. However, its quality and length are different. 

                                                                                                        Random sandstone

                                                                                                        Our random sandstone presents a natural finish. Comparatively, it has a more old fashioned look than other types of sandstone. Also, compared to A & B-grade sandstone, it is more informal. We cut the stone into different lengths and sizes. Because of this, we attain an uneven and innovative look.


                                                                                                        Australian Construction provides the best retaining walls in Bunbury. We have different types of rock retaining walls. Our products control and hold the soil. As a result, it stops it from eroding or sliding. As mentioned earlier, our retaining walls are practical. But they also give your property an attractive look!

                                                                                                        We have something for everyone so please call us for more information!

                                                                                                          Mackay Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                          Outstanding Rock Wall Builders In Mackay

                                                                                                          Mackay Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                            Do you want builders in Mackay who have experience in constructing retaining walls? In that case, Australian Construction is your answer! Furthermore, our rock wall builders in Mackay provide cost-effective retaining wall solutions. 

                                                                                                            Additionally, we have a committed team of professionals. Therefore they complete the job on time and within budget. Our team of builders is friendly and experienced. So they offer you the best advice and tips for building and designing your retaining wall.

                                                                                                            Rock retaining wall

                                                                                                            For this retaining wall style, we use strategically arranged boulders or rocks. Hence we form a barrier that holds a bank of soil in place. We use the following materials for stone retaining walls:

                                                                                                            • Porphyry rock
                                                                                                            • Bluestone
                                                                                                            • Bush rock
                                                                                                            • Sandstone 

                                                                                                            Do you wish to use something different other than timber or concrete block retaining wall? Perhaps you want a natural and rustic look. Under these circumstances, you need a rock or boulder retaining wall. A rock wall is durable. Moreover, it resists erosion and weathering. The boulders and rocks are heavy. 

                                                                                                            Because of this, the rock wall supports significant quantities of soil. The rock wall builders in Mackay ensure they construct rock walls efficiently. As a result, it prevents the wall from collapsing. Furthermore, the wall is not carried away by erosion. Giant boulders form a functional and visually appealing retaining wall.

                                                                                                            Advantages of retaining rock walls

                                                                                                            Why is a boulder or rock retaining wall a great option?

                                                                                                            • Generally, boulder walls need minimal or no specific footings.
                                                                                                            • They are effective in controlling erosion.
                                                                                                            • The Australian Construction retaining rock walls drain effectively. Because of this, water pressure does not occur behind the wall. It is an issue found in other kinds of retaining walls.
                                                                                                            • Comparatively, rock retaining walls are more durable than timber retaining walls.

                                                                                                            Our rock retaining walls have many uses. For example, we use them to form a feature wall or garden wall. Depending on the boulders you choose, they are affordable. The Australian Construction large boulder retaining walls are very efficient. As a result, they hold the soil in place. Additionally, they prevent erosion.

                                                                                                            Advantages of rock retaining walls

                                                                                                            • Low maintenance
                                                                                                            • Durable
                                                                                                            • Enhance the home’s value
                                                                                                            • Various options
                                                                                                            • Highly functional

                                                                                                            Rock retaining walls play a vital role in your garden. However, we also install them because of their aesthetic quality. When we use natural stone in your retaining wall, it provides sophistication and strength. Natural stone is excellent for your garden because they are durable and need minimal maintenance. Additionally, we have different options. More importantly, it increases your home’s value.

                                                                                                            We look forward to discussing your retaining wall design with you!

                                                                                                            Bluestone Rockwall

                                                                                                            The Australian Construction bluestone is an appealing landscaping stone. It has a unique structure and colour and is hence the best garden rock. Comparatively, bluestone is more affordable than other stones. Because of this, it is an ideal substitute for more costly stones like sandstone. 

                                                                                                            We use bluestone in many ways, such as dry-stacked walls and spillways. Additionally, we use it to control erosion. We also incorporate bluestone into your water feature. Given this, your garden has a unique feel and look. Mainly we use bluestone for retaining walls. Consequently, your home or garden looks exceptional.


                                                                                                            At Australian Construction, we maintain the highest standards of professionalism and artistry. In light of this all our designers, installers and builders specialise in different fields. They have vast experience. Hence they have developed unique methods and designs. 

                                                                                                            We ensure we use top quality and premium products and materials in all our projects. Also, we comply with the Australian Construction building standards. Moreover, we use top-notch equipment and tools to enhance our workflow.

                                                                                                            Please talk to us today for the best rock wall services in Mackay!

                                                                                                              Rockhampton Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                              Proficient And Fast Rock Wall Builders In Rockhampton

                                                                                                              Rockhampton Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                                At Australian Construction, we proudly create unique garden retaining walls. Not only are they structurally sound but also attractive. Therefore whatever you need, our rock wall builders in Rockhampton can deliver. In other words, our team builds retaining rock walls of any style or shape. 

                                                                                                                We provide curved, multi-tiered and flat rock walls. Additionally, we include stairs. As a result, it gives you easier usability and access. Our team designs all our retaining rock walls professionally. Because of this, they support flattened land to avoid erosion. Furthermore, we engineer it uniquely. Hence it resists landslips.

                                                                                                                Why are retaining walls necessary?

                                                                                                                Retaining walls are stabilising structures. We build them to prevent erosion. These walls also stop the soil from moving downwards on a slope. We make these rocks in a manner that redistributes the pressure arising from the sloping surface. Australian Construction uses different materials to build the walls. For example, we use steel, brick and wood. We utilise glass and composites as well.

                                                                                                                Bush rock walls

                                                                                                                Lovely and natural-looking

                                                                                                                Our bush rock walls have a natural look. We obtain our bush rock from the wilderness in Australia. Hence this stone is highly natural. More importantly, the Australian Construction bush rock is affordable. It makes your garden look and feel natural. For years the rock wall builders in Rockhampton have used bush rock in gardens and landscaping. As a result, we re-create a fabulous natural bush setting. Additionally, we build retaining walls or fences. 

                                                                                                                Moreover, we build line pools and create waterfalls. Australian Construction also uses bush rock to grow mosses, lichens, and orchids. Therefore if you want a natural stone for your garden, our bush rock is the best option.

                                                                                                                Sandstone retaining walls

                                                                                                                Sandstone presents a remarkable stone. For this reason, we mainly use it in retaining walls and rock walls. It has warm caramel tones. Due to this, your home acquires a natural and stunning look. For years we have used sandstone for building. It takes many years for sandstone to form. Furthermore, it also forms in water and on land. 

                                                                                                                So when you have a sandstone wall, it makes your home and gardens classy and stylish. Sandstone is naturally porous. Because of this, it is a highly efficient option for use in constructing a retaining wall or rock wall. Sandstone differs from traditional mortar and blocks. 

                                                                                                                For this reason, it enables soil moisture to penetrate and drain away. It consists of an inbuilt drainage system. Hence even if water pressure happens, the damage is not severe. So it is easy to repair this material.

                                                                                                                Commercial & residential

                                                                                                                Australian Construction is a multifaceted business. Given this, we handle all sized projects. For example, the rock wall builders in Rockhampton handle small suburban gardens. We also work on major commercial and private landscapes. In addition, we handle big commercial landscapes.

                                                                                                                We have talented landscape gardeners. So they offer our clients design services. We prepare for drainage and lay. Also, we excavate and construct complex and straightforward retaining solutions. Our company has the resources in-house. For this reason, we provide lovely gardens of all sizes for our clients. In light of this, we will be happy to have the chance to talk about your landscape work with you.


                                                                                                                Australian Construction considers your ideas. At the same time, we give you our suggestions. We provide walls created from different stones. For example, we offer bluestone boulders and lightweight wall blocks. In addition, we provide sandstone-retaining blocks. These products are suitable for various types of terrain and land. We have handled entire sub-developments. 

                                                                                                                It portrays our flexibility and versatility. Given this, we assure you satisfaction due to our team’s hard work and commitment. Consequently, we provide the ideal rock wall that transforms your features or wall into a spectacular section of your whole garden.

                                                                                                                We look forward to providing our exceptional rock wall solutions to you!

                                                                                                                  Gladstone Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                                  Top Tier Rock Wall Builders In Gladstone | Aus Construction

                                                                                                                  Gladstone Rock Wall Builders

                                                                                                                    Australian Construction specialises in rock retaining walls. In this regard, we offer all kinds of stones. We have the essential skills and experience, and due to this, we are capable. Our rock wall builders in Gladstone provide top quality standards as a result. 

                                                                                                                    Our rock retaining walls provide beautiful solutions for using sloping areas. These also offer more useable land and manage water runoff also. Stone retaining walls enhance backyard, garden, business and home aesthetics. Our retaining walls are elegant, top quality and stylish.


                                                                                                                    Do you want to include a new decorative layout or design in your yard? In that case, we can incorporate new features into your front yard landscape. The Australian Construction rock walls are affordable, and they make your old yard look new. Our team considers some factors when building a stonewall in your yard. For instance, we take into account the materials we use. The reason is that the quality and prices of these materials are different.

                                                                                                                    The rock wall builders in Gladstone ensure they construct stonewalls properly; hence these walls are durable. Our competent team delivers according to your requirements. In addition, our team provides quality work. 

                                                                                                                    Australian Construction sources the best materials, which guarantee complete customer satisfaction. Our company prioritises quality, and for this reason, our staff is highly trained. Consequently, they implement the latest methods and, for this reason, deliver quality artistry that matches your needs.

                                                                                                                    Stonewalls help in shaping the feel and look of your landscaping. Rocks are naturally appealing, and due to this, they are popular with landscaping fans and homeowners. 

                                                                                                                    Dry laid rocks

                                                                                                                    Our dry-laid rocks are usually simpler to maintain. The reason is that we can fix severe damage to the wall by replacing the stones. Alternatively, we rebuild the faulty part. We stack them on top of each other without using adhesive support. Therefore we choose rocks whose surfaces are flat, that is, rectangular or square shapes. We can use flat, circular stones. Comparatively, dry-laid rock walls are mainly cheaper than mortared rock because we use fewer materials.

                                                                                                                    Choosing a rock type

                                                                                                                    Australian Construction provides various popular types of stones. We use them to create mortared, and dry laid walls. Our range includes:

                                                                                                                    • Concrete blocks
                                                                                                                    • Fieldstone
                                                                                                                    • Granite
                                                                                                                    • Sandstone
                                                                                                                    • Limestone 

                                                                                                                    Picking a stone type depends on your present or future landscape design. We also consider your budget and personal preference. Our range includes different sizes and colours, and our custom stone and rockwork makes your home unique.

                                                                                                                    Granite is famous, and we offer granite variations or substitutes in various colours. The shades are different, although the primary colours are grey, pink and white. These rocks are moderately prominent, and when we stack them, they look lovely.

                                                                                                                    Do you want a particular shape? In that case, sandstone is an attractive choice. Cutting it is simple, and because of this, it is ideal for mortar and dry-laid walls. We can shape and cut limestone to suit your needs, and hence it has similarities to sandstone. Usually, the colours range from grey, tan and white. It is ideal for mortar and dry laid walls as well as veneers.

                                                                                                                    Comparatively, fieldstone has a slightly different shape than the other selections we mentioned earlier. Mainly it is more circular. We source this type of rock locally. Therefore it may be scarce. However, the price is lower compared to the imported rock types. 


                                                                                                                    The Australian Construction team gives you suggestions to help you determine the rock size and shape for your property. Our reclaimed stone is ideal for an old-fashioned look. You can also use weathered rocks. For a strong stone, we use more enormous rocks.

                                                                                                                    Please talk to us today for great looking rock walls in Gladstone!

                                                                                                                      Hervey Bay Roofing Contractor

                                                                                                                      Superb Roofing Contractor In Hervey Bay | Aus Construction

                                                                                                                      Hervey Bay Roofing Contractor

                                                                                                                        Do you need repairs for your roof? In that case, do not take chances. Australian Construction offers reliable roofing services. For example, our roofing contractor in Hervey Bay provides quality roof repairs, installations and inspections. We aim to give commercial property owners and homeowners superior roofing they can trust.

                                                                                                                        We offer the following roofing services:


                                                                                                                        The roofing contractor in Hervey Bay installs your new metal roofing. Furthermore, we provide superior and durable products. Moreover, all our products have a manufacturer’s warranty. Additionally, our metal sheeting is durable and stylish. Also, it is weather-resistant.


                                                                                                                        Is your roof experiencing damage? You may require a yearly inspection to check the condition of your roofing. Under these circumstances, we offer comprehensive assessments. Hence we remove any doubts.


                                                                                                                        Our skilled roofers carry out minor re-roofing repairs. Given this, we offer quick and efficient roofing maintenance. If your roof is too damaged for repairs, we provide an affordable replacement.


                                                                                                                        At Australian Construction, we offer gutter repairs, installations and replacements. We provide these services for commercial and residential clients all over Hervey Bay and its surroundings. 

                                                                                                                        Gutter & fascia

                                                                                                                        Australian Construction provides different services. For example, we offer downpipes, gutters and fascia. In light of this, the roofing contractor in Hervey Bay installs top quality, affordable products. Our services include downpipes, gutters and fascia and we offer and install superior and affordable products. The Australian Construction delivers work that meets or surpasses Australian Standards as well as national construction codes. We provide new installations, repairs and replacements of:

                                                                                                                        • Gutter guard
                                                                                                                        • Downpipes
                                                                                                                        • Parapet capping
                                                                                                                        • Rainwater heads
                                                                                                                        • Half-round gutters
                                                                                                                        • Quad gutters
                                                                                                                        • Box sumps and gutters
                                                                                                                        • Fascia 

                                                                                                                        Our company also offers rust painting and treatment services. Due to this, we maintain your gutter-related components in lovely condition all through the year!

                                                                                                                        Gutter installations

                                                                                                                        The roofing contractor in Hervey Bay uses top quality materials. In addition, all our roofing products are made in Australia. For this reason, we can fit it to suit all fascia and gutter systems. Moreover, we provide various colours and options to meet your budget.

                                                                                                                        Gutter maintenance

                                                                                                                        Maintaining gutter is essential to make your roofing system durable. After all, overflowing or leaking downpipes and gutters can lead to different issues that are expensive to repair. In light of this, Australian Construction provides routine preventative maintenance. Therefore it saves you money and protects your residential or home unit. Australian Construction offers affordable services to prolong your guttering system life. We carry out inspections for defects like:

                                                                                                                        • Clogged downpipes
                                                                                                                        • Replacing gutter guard
                                                                                                                        • Rusted downpipes and gutters
                                                                                                                        • Gutters that are retaining water
                                                                                                                        • Overflowing and leaking gutters
                                                                                                                        • Gutters that are blocked with debris
                                                                                                                        • Inappropriately-sealed corners and joints

                                                                                                                        We have an experienced team, and hence they also decide whether your gutter profile is too tiny to handle the rainfall experienced by your roof. Also, our team informs you whether your downpipes are sufficient. It determines whether the downpipes can efficiently displace the water from the gutters.

                                                                                                                        Gutter mesh

                                                                                                                        Many times, debris and leaves block downpipes and gutters. Because of this, the guttering system fails to work efficiently, and with time it leads to costly problems. For example, your sub-roof can experience rotted wood. Furthermore, your basement can become eroded. Under these circumstances, we offer unique mesh gutter guards. As a result, it prevents leaves from accessing the guttering system. Hence these solutions stop birds, pests and insects from inhabiting your gutters.


                                                                                                                        Australian Construction provides affordable and quality roofing services. We offer and install different metal roofing. Also, we offer various styles and colours. Our team consists of skilled professionals in the sector. Moreover, our experience spans many years. We have provided services to gutters, fascia and patios.

                                                                                                                        Please call us today for unique roofing services in Hervey Bay.

                                                                                                                          Gladstone Fencing Contractor

                                                                                                                          Top Rated Fencing Contractor In Gladstone | Aus Construction

                                                                                                                          Gladstone Fencing Contractor

                                                                                                                            Australian Construction ranks top among the fence builders in Gladstone. Our fencing contractor in Gladstone supplies and installs all types of fences. We provide retaining walls such as security fences, dog fences and acoustic barriers. Additionally, we offer feature fences and gates. Moreover, we give you friendly expert services. Because of this, we meet your gate, retaining wall and fencing needs.

                                                                                                                            We believe in giving our clients a unique fencing experience. Therefore we give our customers priority. Our fencing installers are qualified, and we source our products from the most reliable brands. More importantly, our prices are competitive. We give you not only a wide range of solutions but also the best customer service. Our highly qualified and experienced team answers your questions. They then provide a competitive and comprehensive quote to satisfy your needs.

                                                                                                                            Our services

                                                                                                                            Our fencing contractor offers different types of fences like:

                                                                                                                            • Commercial fences
                                                                                                                            • Feature fences
                                                                                                                            • Acoustic barriers
                                                                                                                            • Neighbour friendly fences
                                                                                                                            • Privacy fences
                                                                                                                            • Glass fences
                                                                                                                            • Picket fences
                                                                                                                            • Rail and rural post fences
                                                                                                                            • Dog wire fences
                                                                                                                            • Aluminium fences
                                                                                                                            • Pool fences
                                                                                                                            • Chain wire fences
                                                                                                                            • Colorbond fences
                                                                                                                            • PVC fences

                                                                                                                            Timber fences

                                                                                                                            An acoustic barrier fence is effective in reducing noise. However, acoustic fences or barriers are not wholly soundproof. Nevertheless, we specifically design them to absorb sound vibration. We use acoustic barriers for residential properties. As a result, it prevents you from hearing every small noise from your neighbours! 

                                                                                                                            In addition, we use this type of fencing for commercial purposes. For example, we use the acoustic fence for industrial or blocking road noise. The Australian Construction acoustic barriers significantly reduce noise using different materials like steel and timber.

                                                                                                                            Rural & acreage fences

                                                                                                                            The fencing contractor in Gladstone offers various rural and acreage fencing services. In other words, we have different economical options. Do you want to mark long boundary lines? Or do you wish to have more heavy-duty to control livestock and people movement?  In that case, our rural fence gives your town block a ‘country’ feel and look.

                                                                                                                            Rural & acreage fencing choices

                                                                                                                            Different livestock such as horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and goats need very different fences. For this reason, we advise you on the most suitable designs and styles for your animals and property. The Australian Construction range of rural fences includes: 

                                                                                                                            Rail & post: Our skilled team uses wire strands to combine wooden posts and rails. As a result, we create an efficient fence for stock. Moreover, it is especially suitable for horses.

                                                                                                                            Barbed wire fence: With a barbed wire fence, you can contain livestock such as cattle. To reduce costs, the fencing contractor in Gladstone also uses plain wire. In addition, we customise the number of wire strands and height. For this reason, it matches the animal and fence purpose. We can easily make it electric as well.

                                                                                                                            Barbed wire fence: The Australian Construction barbed wire helps in containing livestock such as cattle. We also use plain wire to reduce the cost. Furthermore, we tailor-make the number of wire strands and height. Consequently, it suits the animal and objective of the fence. We can also make it electric.

                                                                                                                            Hinge joint fence: Barbed wire alone cannot contain smaller animals like dogs and pigs. Therefore we provide hinged joint wire with a kind of woven wire featuring big openings.


                                                                                                                            Australian Construction specialises in fencing for various purposes. In addition, we ensure we build all our fences with significant consideration. Because of this, we create an impact using visual styling elements. Moreover, we build fences that accommodate safety functions, protection and privacy for livestock, pets, business and property. Our skilled team plans a consultation with you onsite. Consequently, they establish the best solution for your premises.

                                                                                                                            Call us today for the best fencing services in Gladstone!

                                                                                                                              Mackay Fencing Contractor

                                                                                                                              Reliable And Trusting Fencing Contractor In Mackay | Aus Construction

                                                                                                                              Mackay Fencing Contractor

                                                                                                                                At Australian Construction, we guarantee all our fences. We manufacture our products to meet Australian building codes. Because of this, you have peace of mind. Your new fence will keep invaders out. In addition, it withstands harsh weather. Our fencing contractor in Mackay offers durable fencing materials. 

                                                                                                                                We customise your fencing’s colour, size and look. In view of this we offer industrial, commercial and residential fences. Additionally, we install them to your precise needs. Our team consists of skilled fencing contractors. Because of this, they offer protection for your property. 

                                                                                                                                More importantly, our fences keep your family safe. Do you want a pool fence? Or do you wish to remove an existing fence? Maybe you want a longer-lasting replacement option. Under these circumstances, we provide to your requirements. 

                                                                                                                                Security fences

                                                                                                                                Mainly our fencing contractor in Mackay creates security fencing using aluminium or steel. Due to this, our fencing attains superior strength. We design these fences to avoid illegal entry to your property. Given this, our security fences have barbed wire. In addition, we have spiked tops for more security. We construct them with different non-climbable materials. 

                                                                                                                                Because of recent advancements, we provide more attractive designs. This fence is robust. Therefore it offers a real presence. Moreover, it has a black powder coating. For this reason, it improves the look by forming an intelligent and clean-cut finish. A security fence’s typical height is 2-5-3m. But if you want, we can make it much higher. Additionally, our skilled team suggests the best fence to suit your needs.

                                                                                                                                Modular fences

                                                                                                                                In Australia, modular fences are a relatively new product. The Australian Construction modular fence has different modules or parts. These features create a stable structure when we slot them together. Because of this, they build beautiful fences. Also, they make great retaining walls and acoustic barriers.

                                                                                                                                House blocks are becoming increasingly smaller. Due to this, it is crucial to manage the noise from neighbours. Conventional timber fences help in reducing noise. Comparatively, however, they cannot match modular wall systems qualities. The fencing contractor in Mackay provides neat and sleek modular fences. In addition, we can render, texture and paint them.

                                                                                                                                We use modular panels for retaining rather than block retaining walls or traditional timber. The end product looks much the same as a block. However, it is a lot more affordable. The reason is that footings and excavation are unnecessary. We can increase post sizes to give the effect of block piers if you want.

                                                                                                                                Chainwire fencing

                                                                                                                                Chainwire fencing is a fencing method that has withstood the test of time. Also, it remains very famous. Chainwire fence has several terms. For example, we refer to it as chainlink fencing or chain mesh fencing. We term it as wire netting and wire-mesh fence also. Furthermore, we call this fencing diamond-mesh fence or clone fence.

                                                                                                                                We create chain wire fencing using galvanised steel wire. It is a kind of woven fence. Usually, we offer chain wire fences with a black or green coloured PVC coating. Our team installs the wire vertically but bend and link them zigzag. As a result, it forms a diamond pattern on this kind of fence.

                                                                                                                                Aluminium slat fences

                                                                                                                                Aluminium slats create wonderful screened spaces. It facilitates sufficient air and light flow via the fence panel. The fencing contractor in Mackay makes aluminium slats from durable aluminium. Moreover, our aluminium slats are superior, and we powder coat it. 

                                                                                                                                For this reason, it resists twisting, buckling and corrosion. We use our aluminium slat fences for stylish privacy screens. Mostly we use the fences to conceal bins and your property’s utility areas. Aluminium slats are appropriate for fixed panels and pedestrian gates. We also use them for double and single driveway gates.


                                                                                                                                In Mackay, Australian Construction is a leader in the fencing sector. All our products have a guaranteed long lifespan. Our team is qualified and provides ideal solutions for our clients. Moreover, racecourse, councils and homeowners trust our name. We also offer commercial, home and rural fencing.

                                                                                                                                Call us today to discuss your fencing services in Mackay!

                                                                                                                                  Cairns Fencing Contractor

                                                                                                                                  Speak To Our Highly Skilled Fencing Contractor In Cairns

                                                                                                                                  Cairns Fencing Contractor

                                                                                                                                    Australian Construction is among the top suppliers of pool fencing in Cairns. Moreover, we have vast experience in the pool-fencing sector. Because of this, our fencing contractor in Cairns efficiently completes the work. Our team is not only friendly but also ensures your pool fence is safe.

                                                                                                                                    More importantly, your pool fence complies with all safety rules. In addition, we advise you on style and colour. We appreciate that it is vital for your pool fence to complement the existing structures. Also, your pool fence should match your outdoor space.

                                                                                                                                    Apart from pool fencing, we are also skilled in security gates and pool gates. Furthermore, our team has experience in timber fencing and security fencing. We also offer Colorbond fencing. Australian Construction provides these fencing services in Cairns and the nearby areas. Our company is fully licensed. Also, we guarantee our work, and our team cleans the worksite after job completion. 

                                                                                                                                    Pool fencing

                                                                                                                                    Sadly many children drown in backyard pools each year. A child can drown in less than two minutes. Therefore pool safety is crucial. Due to this, it is vital to restrict water access. Most people are unaware that DIY stores offer pool-fencing materials that are not compliant with the local council. The materials do not follow health and safety regulations either. Given this, Australian Construction can help. After all, we only utilise fencing products that meet council as well as Australian Standards requirements.

                                                                                                                                    Pool gates

                                                                                                                                    Apart from pool fencing, we supply self-closing gates and install them. The Australian Construction pool fencing also features compliant safety latches. Additionally, we remove the existing fencing. After this, we core-drill into the retaining walls. How does this procedure work? 

                                                                                                                                    The skilled fencing contractor in Cairns visits your site and measures the area near your pool. Following this, we give you a free and no-obligation quote. After that, we tailor-build your pool fencing; hence it suits your outdoor space. We also have resuscitation signs.

                                                                                                                                    Timber fencing

                                                                                                                                    We offer various contemporary timber fencing finishes. The fencing contractor in Cairns supplies and installs timber slats. We install them as an alternative to Colorbond or steel. In addition, we use treated pine materials to provide regular boundary fencing. Our boundary fencing selections range between 100 or 125mm circular posts. Also, they feature three rails and different-sized palings of a maximum of 2100mm high. We have various options. Because of this, you can pick the design suitable for your home. 

                                                                                                                                    Modern timber fencing

                                                                                                                                    Timber fencing does not only provide a natural option but also modernises your property. The fencing contractor in Cairns provides vertical and horizontal slats. As a result, it looks unique. Also, at all times, we install steel gateposts. Therefore we provide a safe fixing point and prevent sagging. Our team can maintain gateposts and frames in ‘Gal style.’ Alternatively, we can powder-coat in the colour you want. 

                                                                                                                                    Security fencing

                                                                                                                                    Today, it is crucial to protect your home because break-ins are common. Given this, Australian Construction understands you wish to protect your family and property. We provide and install all kinds of security fencing. This fencing complements your surroundings. Additionally, you will be safe hence at peace.

                                                                                                                                    Security gates

                                                                                                                                    You can press a button on your remote and enter and leave your home fast. More to this you have more safety. The reason is you don’t have to exit your vehicle to open gates, particularly at night. Because of this, Australian Construction installs your security gate fast. More importantly, we do this safely and affordably. 


                                                                                                                                    Do you need a dependable fencing contractor in Cairns? In that case, Australian Construction supplies and installs a remarkable range of quality fences for businesses and homes. We have a friendly fencing team, and they deliver exceptional services.

                                                                                                                                    So call us today, and we will custom design the ideal fence for your property!

                                                                                                                                      Bunbury Land Clearing Contractor

                                                                                                                                      Outstanding Land Clearing Contractor In Bunbury | Aus Construction

                                                                                                                                      Bunbury Land Clearing Contractor

                                                                                                                                        Australian Construction provides lot and land clearing services. Therefore, we eliminate ugly stumps and dead branches. Moreover, we get rid of entire trees. Because of this, homeowners can concentrate on their latest construction project. To start a new building project, you need an expert land clearing contractor in Bunbury. A clear lot is essential for beautifying or renovating the yard.

                                                                                                                                        Given this, we offer land and lot clearing solutions. Furthermore, we clear your property of trees, stumps and shrubs. Experts like Australian Construction handle your specific property’s requirements. But, more importantly, we work with minimal damage or impact on the land.

                                                                                                                                        First, our arborists grind down stumps; then, they remove any dying or dead trees. After this, they uproot plants with precision. We are thorough and experienced. Because of this, we ensure we do not leave any shallow roots. As a result, construction becomes easy. So call us today and find out about our unique land clearing services.

                                                                                                                                        Brush and land clearing

                                                                                                                                        Our land clearing contractor in Bunbury ensures that environmental impact is minimal during and clearing. Because of this, we use specialised equipment to eliminate using burning or chemicals. In addition, we leave a brush coating on the ground to provide mulch. Consequently, the mulch offers nutritional enrichment and soil aeration.

                                                                                                                                        Commercial construction projects

                                                                                                                                        Land clearing

                                                                                                                                        Clearing land is challenging. It mainly involves big heavy equipment. Often we need to tear out trees and brushes from the ground. As a result, it creates space for a building or home. Moreover, it makes room for a parking lot, driveway or another commercial establishment. Not only does the work need commercial-grade chain saws but also safety equipment.  Working without the appropriate tools and safety equipment is dangerous. Similarly, not using the best techniques is risky.

                                                                                                                                        Clearing trees for site preparation

                                                                                                                                        If your land has big and old trees, it is hard to remove them. On the other hand, it is worth retaining some native trees. It would be best if you had the technology and workforce to clear trees. Moreover, it is vital to make informed decisions about the trees that are worth saving. Likewise, you should know the tree that needs pruning or trimming.

                                                                                                                                        Lot clearing

                                                                                                                                        Australian Construction offers labour intensive lot clearing. We remove trees, unwanted growth and scrub brush. In addition, we eliminate unnecessary items likes appliances, tires and other things.

                                                                                                                                        Debris hauling

                                                                                                                                        The land clearing contractor in Bunbury removes debris from a property. They haul away rubbish remaining from remodelling. The waste may also result from discarded appliances and broken garden equipment. Our competent team systematically removes debris from gardens, garages, attics and shed.

                                                                                                                                        As a result, it creates order and tidiness to your home. Our professional debris hauling facilitates the recycling of some material. We also dispose of waste properly, as well as the organic material that needs composting. There are various steps for preparing your land for a task.

                                                                                                                                        First is tree removal, which is a natural step. However, it would be best if you worked with a tree service firm like Australian Construction. We complete the extra steps and undertake proper land clearing. Consequently, you have an open area for working on your project.

                                                                                                                                        Root removal

                                                                                                                                        Trees’ root systems grow underground. Also, they are complex and can spread widely across the lawn. Given this, we do not only cut down trees but also offer services for roots. These are roots that pop up, protrude and spread across the ground. Root removal is a crucial procedure for creating a flat area for construction.


                                                                                                                                        Australian Construction prepares your land. Because of this, it becomes an ideal site for new construction. We also offer demolition services for existing structures. In addition, we have highly experienced and trained excavating equipment operators. As a result, we clear land efficiently, cost-effectively and on time.

                                                                                                                                        Contact us today for premium land clearing services in Bunbury!

                                                                                                                                          Hobart Land Clearing Contractor

                                                                                                                                          The #1 Land Clearing Contractor In Hobart | Aus Construction

                                                                                                                                          Hobart Land Clearing Contractor

                                                                                                                                            Do you need land clearing in Hobart and nearby areas? In that case, call Australian Construction. Our skilled team will deliver a perfect job on time. Moreover, our land clearing contractor in Hobart clears your new home’s block of land. Also, we carry out land and tree clearing for your backyard’s landscaping.

                                                                                                                                            The land clearing contractor in Hobart specialises in land clearing services. We serve Hobart and the nearby areas. We have the equipment and experience to handle challenging jobs. For example, projects like narrow access and difficult-to-navigate land. Additionally, we work on steep slopes or uneven land levels. Land clearing involves the procedure of removing obstacles that prevent you from using your land. Examples of these obstacles are stumps, scrubs and trees.

                                                                                                                                            When is it necessary to clear land?

                                                                                                                                            • To remove fallen or dead stumps or trees.
                                                                                                                                            • When building a new home, sheds or dwelling on the land
                                                                                                                                            • Fence line clearing
                                                                                                                                            • Landscaping
                                                                                                                                            • New road construction
                                                                                                                                            • To form a fire break environment in your home and remove trees that may put your home at risk in case of a bush fire.

                                                                                                                                            Because of this, you avoid unnecessary delays and more costs. An Arborist report is part of the planning procedure. It ensures that when clearing the property, we consider the trees. Our experienced and qualified land clearing experts deliver land clearing projects of all sizes. Not only do we handle small residential jobs but also major site preparation. We recycle all waste into forest mulch.

                                                                                                                                            The land clearing contractor in Hobart assesses and reduces the negative environmental effects of its scheduled work activities. More importantly, we comply with the relevant environmental statutory requirements. We implement environmentally responsible methods. Similarly, we consider clients, employees and society environmental expectations.

                                                                                                                                            Tree pruning

                                                                                                                                            For tree pruning services, our expert team completes the job efficiently and on time. Our tree pruning services include:

                                                                                                                                            • Removing deadwood: We remove dying, dead or diseased limbs.
                                                                                                                                            • Crown reduction: Our team reduces the overall crown size. They do this by shortening the branches and reducing them to an appropriate growth point. We carry out crown reduction when a tree outgrows the area it is situated.
                                                                                                                                            • Crown thinning: Our expert team carries out selective branch removal. It enhances the structure and increases light entry. Also, it facilitates air movement via the crown. Proper thinning opens a tree’s foliage. It also decreases weight on bulky limbs, therefore retaining the tree’s natural form.
                                                                                                                                            • Crown lifting: We remove a tree’s lower limbs. Hence, we provide clearance for vehicles, buildings and pedestrians. Therefore, it enables clear sightlines.
                                                                                                                                            • Selective pruning: We remove particular branches that lead to issues over power lines, buildings, etc.

                                                                                                                                            Tree pruning

                                                                                                                                            Australian Construction is skilled in tree pruning. In light of this, we have the knowledge to carry out expert tree pruning services. We cut any species or size of trees at a cost-effective price. More importantly, our pruning follows Australian Standards. For this reason, the tree remains sound and healthy.

                                                                                                                                            Advantages of pruning

                                                                                                                                            • It enables suitable power line and building clearance
                                                                                                                                            • Enhances trees shape and appearance
                                                                                                                                            • Improves health and longevity
                                                                                                                                            • Encourages new growth
                                                                                                                                            • Improves the shape and appearance of trees
                                                                                                                                            • Removes dead, weak or diseased branches. They are dangerous to personnel and property.

                                                                                                                                            Site levelling

                                                                                                                                            Australian Construction offers professional site levelling. Also, our expert team services any sized home or construction project. We provide comprehensive services and clear your backyard or site and level it. Given this, we have offered reliable services in Hobart for years. Consequently, we have managed to create a wonderful reputation in this sector.


                                                                                                                                            At Australian Construction, we use proven methods. Therefore, we provide the outcomes you need. At the same time, we retain the tree’s structural integrity. Additionally, we reduce the risk. Are you worried about a specific tree? In that case, our skilled arborist will be delighted to undertake a free onsite analysis. They will then determine the best action you should take.

                                                                                                                                            Call us today for all your land clearing requirements in Hobart.

                                                                                                                                              Bunbury Industrial Coatings

                                                                                                                                              The Commercial And Industrial Coatings In Bunbury You Can Trust!

                                                                                                                                              Bunbury Industrial Coatings

                                                                                                                                                “What type of coating do you need for industrial coatings in Bunbury?”

                                                                                                                                                This is the first thing that contractors will ask you. You can ask them to explain each type. However, you can save a lot more time if you acquaint yourself with the topic beforehand.

                                                                                                                                                To help you with this, we’ve provided five of the most common coats used in the process. You can use this as a reference for your future project.

                                                                                                                                                Polyurethane Coating

                                                                                                                                                First up, we have polyurethane coating. This is probably the most used on the list. With this, you will be able to provide general protection for your surfaces. Although this can stand alone, this is often applied alongside other coatings. For the latter, this will serve as the topcoat.

                                                                                                                                                In terms of results, this will provide a glossy finish. You can expect your materials to maintain their smooth surface. This coating will protect it from scratches and abrasion.

                                                                                                                                                There are two types that the project can decide on. The first one is aliphatic coating. The second one is aromatic coating. Both serve different purposes, but they both retain their protective qualities.

                                                                                                                                                Epoxy Coating

                                                                                                                                                The next on our list about industrial coatings in Bunbury is epoxy coating. Here, the process will need two materials. These are the epoxy base and a curing agent. The team will mix these before application.

                                                                                                                                                Its ratio will vary on what the project needs. This also has multiple subtypes because of the vast choices for the base.

                                                                                                                                                This focuses on protecting the surface from moisture. As this is naturally thick, you can expect durability. You can prevent both weathering and abrasions through this.

                                                                                                                                                One disadvantage of this coat is that it’s weak against sunlight. This isn’t preferred for outside use, especially for steel.

                                                                                                                                                Alkyd Coating

                                                                                                                                                An alkyd coating is a combination of alcohol and acid. These two form a resin that allows the forming of protective films. These films prevent external threats from seeping on the surface.

                                                                                                                                                This is not commonly used for projects that require great protection. While this is not as durable as the former coatings, it is ideal for minimal needs. Alkyd can be a good weapon against aging. This is also capable of improving aesthetic qualities.

                                                                                                                                                Even so, the best thing about this is that it is ideal even in a water-based environment.

                                                                                                                                                Zinc-Rich Coating

                                                                                                                                                From the name itself, this coating has zinc in its mixture. This is mainly for steel surfaces to fight corrosion.

                                                                                                                                                Instead of the steel, the coating will absorb rust first. In this way, it can delay or totally prevent quality risks. This will serve as a barrier.

                                                                                                                                                Zinc-rich coating can either be organic or inorganic. The project owner and their team can choose according to their preference.

                                                                                                                                                This can be both a primer and a single coat. If used as the former, this will need additional coatings. Usually, workers use more durable ones like polyurethane.

                                                                                                                                                Acrylic Coating

                                                                                                                                                The last one in this article is acrylic coating. This is for retaining a surface’s colour and appearance. This is most useful for surfaces that are constantly exposed to sunlight and water. With this, surfaces are less prone to fading and aging. Those with vibrant colours can also become more durable.

                                                                                                                                                Another purpose of this is to ensure that the main coating can stick better. Because of this, it can serve both as a primer and a standalone. This will depend on the project’s needs.

                                                                                                                                                Summary: Industrial Coatings in Bunbury

                                                                                                                                                Knowing the various types of coating is essential. This will help you make the right decisions for the process. Even so, don’t be afraid to ask your contractor if you need help.

                                                                                                                                                For contractor services, our team at Bunbury is available. We recommend reaching out to us if you want to know more. We also conduct site visits around the city.

                                                                                                                                                  Port Macquarie Waterproofing Contractor

                                                                                                                                                  Highly Experienced Waterproofing Contractor In Port Macquarie

                                                                                                                                                  Port Macquarie Waterproofing Contractor

                                                                                                                                                    Australian Construction undertakes all aspects of waterproofing services. We waterproof e-suits, spa baths, showers and bathrooms. Moreover, our waterproofing contractor in Port Macquarie waterproofs terraces, balconies and retaining walls. We also waterproof rooftop gardens, rooftops and swimming pools.

                                                                                                                                                    Our experience spans many years. So we are specialists in detecting issues before they come up. Given this, our team is glad to inspect your building site beforehand. Also, we check the current leaks in the areas mentioned above. We then present quotes for leaks and related damage.

                                                                                                                                                    Professional bathroom waterproofing

                                                                                                                                                    Australian Construction is proud to provide expert bathroom waterproofing services. It includes shower and toilet waterproofing to Port Macquarie homes. Each of our works adheres to the applicable Australian Standards. Moreover, we present a certificate and warranty when we complete our projects.

                                                                                                                                                    Benefits of waterproofing

                                                                                                                                                    When constructing a home, you likely concentrate on its appearance. Hence you choose light fixtures, paint colours, furniture, etc. However, the building’s invisible structures are as crucial as its appearance. Because of this, it needs preventative measures such as waterproofing. Due to this, it protects the structure from the elements.

                                                                                                                                                    So it is important to waterproof areas like laundries, bathrooms and wet areas. As a result, it safeguards against water damage. For this reason, we carry out waterproofing and ensure we comply with Australian Standard AS3740 (Waterproofing domestic wet areas).  

                                                                                                                                                    These areas are mainly next to a living area or bedroom. Additionally, they are found on a home’s upper floor. Therefore lack of waterproofing can lead to severe damage. For this reason, you cannot afford to avoid waterproofing.

                                                                                                                                                    Find out the regulations.

                                                                                                                                                    Numerous bathroom surfaces need waterproofing mainly before installing flooring or appliances. Due to this, it presents an obstacle to homebuilders. The Australian building codes specify that a certified expert like Australian Construction should provide bathroom waterproofing to:

                                                                                                                                                    • Steps leading into the shower or bath
                                                                                                                                                    • Any bathroom floors consisting of wood
                                                                                                                                                    • Bathroom floors on 2nd storey or above
                                                                                                                                                    • Bathroom walls
                                                                                                                                                    • Spa floors

                                                                                                                                                    Shower floors and walls

                                                                                                                                                    Australian Construction completes bathroom waterproofing in Port Macquarie for all the above areas. In each case, our team places a waterproof membrane under your flooring to protect the foundation. This slim layer ensures that all the drips and splashes do not undermine your bathroom’s beauty or your structure’s integrity.

                                                                                                                                                    Work with our licensed waterproofers

                                                                                                                                                    The waterproofing contractor in Port Macquarie follows all the Australian Standards regulations. Moreover, we give your new home the essential technology and equipment. Due to this, you prevent water damage. Learn about our skills to determine how we can deliver the ideal bathroom waterproofing service in Port Macquarie.

                                                                                                                                                    Planter box waterproofing

                                                                                                                                                    Do you want a veggie or flower garden but lack the space or time for ground planting? In that case, planter boxes are an ideal option. Raised garden beds are mainly placed on decks, pathways, terraces and balconies. For this reason, water leaks can lead to issues.

                                                                                                                                                    That is where Australian Construction comes in! Our expert planter box waterproofing assists in preventing water from leaking onto decking and paving. Consequently, it safeguards your home from expensive moisture damage. Our waterproofing contractor in Port Macquarie uses reliable methods, quality materials and expertise.

                                                                                                                                                    As a result, we make sure your garden beds and planter boxes are fully impenetrable by water. Our team works expertly and efficiently.  Given this, the team seals and protects the internal walls and base against moisture before plants and soil go in. 


                                                                                                                                                    Australian Construction provides quality waterproofing to clients in Port Macquarie. We have many years experience. Because of this, we are the ideal choice for waterproofing wet areas. We waterproof areas like bathrooms, rooftop gardens and balconies. Because of this, we help in protecting your investment. As a result, you prevent the hassle of repairs.

                                                                                                                                                    We look forward to hearing from you today!

                                                                                                                                                      Gladstone Waterproofing Contractor

                                                                                                                                                      Your Local Waterproofing Contractor In Gladstone | Aus Construction

                                                                                                                                                      Gladstone Waterproofing Contractor

                                                                                                                                                        Waterproofing is essential to all types of buildings. Properly installed waterproofing prevents moisture and water from accessing a building’s structural areas. Moreover, it stops potential damage from happening. Given this, Australian Construction has provided waterproofing services for years. Additionally, our waterproofing contractor in Gladstone provides various quality waterproofing solutions.

                                                                                                                                                        In other words, we offer reliable waterproofing services and products. We have a team of highly skilled and hardworking waterproofers. They apply waterproofing membranes to all external and internal wet areas. Moreover, we help you in waterproofing outdoor and indoor areas like:

                                                                                                                                                        Our quality waterproofing services

                                                                                                                                                        Our comprehensive range of waterproofing solutions includes:

                                                                                                                                                        • Retaining wall waterproofing
                                                                                                                                                        • Lift pits, stormwater, sewer waterproofing
                                                                                                                                                        • Building rooftop waterproofing & repairs
                                                                                                                                                        • Rectification of car park leaks
                                                                                                                                                        • Repairs to expansion joints leaking
                                                                                                                                                        • Industrial and civil facilities waterproofing
                                                                                                                                                        • External façade waterproofing
                                                                                                                                                        • Building landscape waterproofing
                                                                                                                                                        • Shower, strata bathroom waterproofing
                                                                                                                                                        • Basement waterproofing and a lot more

                                                                                                                                                        At Australian Construction, we have vast experience in applying various waterproofing systems. For instance we use PVC membrane, bitumen and bentonite. We also use polyuria, epoxy and polyurethane. Additionally, we supply and apply every kind of torch-applied sheet membrane. For instance, we apply straight or mineral 1-layer. Where torch-applied membranes are concerned, a common fault is edges overlapping and penetrations detailing.

                                                                                                                                                        Because of this, the waterproofing contractor in Gladstone ensures priming of the area is carried out. Additionally, we check all the details before applying the membrane. Torch applied membrane describes a heavy-duty type of waterproofing. It is common in a blinder and retaining applications. The reason is that it is a dense bitumen material. Due to this, it facilitates heavy traffic. More importantly, the membrane does not experience damage due to UV rays.

                                                                                                                                                        PVC Membrane

                                                                                                                                                        Our PVC is the most durable waterproofing option. This product is proven to last for a long time without replacing. PVC is a durable waterproofing choice. We have verified that this product can last for a long time. Hence you do not need to replace it. In addition, Australian Construction PVC membranes provide numerous other advantages like:

                                                                                                                                                        • Great low-temperature flexibility
                                                                                                                                                        • High-temperature tolerance
                                                                                                                                                        • Fire resistant
                                                                                                                                                        • Impact-resistant
                                                                                                                                                        • Puncture resistant
                                                                                                                                                        • Simple to repair
                                                                                                                                                        • Verified durability against rooftop contamination and soiling
                                                                                                                                                        • Simple to install using various attachment methods
                                                                                                                                                        • It offers wonderful visual feedback of artistry during installation and afterwards.

                                                                                                                                                        Polyurethane membrane

                                                                                                                                                        The aforementioned is a popular choice because it has various uses. For this reason, the waterproofing contractor in Gladstone applies it on different substrates. For example:

                                                                                                                                                        Polyurethane presents great flexible qualities. In addition, this material has a seamless element. For this reason, it is an appealing option in areas with maximum traffic. We can roll polyurethane membranes traditionally. Alternatively, we can use a high-pressure spray machine to spray. The drying of the sprayed application depends on the weather. In ambient weather conditions, it dries in about 25 seconds. Meanwhile, in an environment of 20 degrees, we can move the product in 24 hours. A topcoat may be necessary to safeguard against UV rays. It depends on the kind of membrane. 

                                                                                                                                                        Epoxy membrane

                                                                                                                                                        For years we have experienced an increase in demand for our epoxy membrane. Furthermore, this is a popular waterproofing product in the industrial and commercial sectors. The Australian Construction epoxy coating is famous because:

                                                                                                                                                        Our competent team repairs your structure and applies an epoxy coating system. But, more importantly, we apply an epoxy coating that suits your particular needs.


                                                                                                                                                        Australian Construction is a leader in waterproofing services in Gladstone. In light of this, we are the top choice for most construction firms. We are a local expert flooring and waterproofing company. Due to this, we deliver the highest standards quickly and efficiently. As a result, we have delivered quality work to hundreds of happy clients over the years.

                                                                                                                                                        It will be our pleasure to offer you the best waterproofing solutions in Gladstone!

                                                                                                                                                          Ballarat Waterproofing Contractor

                                                                                                                                                          Professional Waterproofing Contractor In Ballarat | Aus Construction

                                                                                                                                                          Ballarat Waterproofing Contractor

                                                                                                                                                            Keep water and moisture out with the Australian Construction skilled home or business waterproofing. We waterproof your basement and bathroom. Additionally, our waterproofing contractor in Ballarat offers quality and durable services. Therefore your home or business has complete protection. More importantly, our services are affordable. We have experience in different kinds of waterproofing. Our team can waterproof your entire home such as:

                                                                                                                                                            • Rooftop
                                                                                                                                                            • Balcony
                                                                                                                                                            • Basement 
                                                                                                                                                            • Laundry room
                                                                                                                                                            • Bathroom 

                                                                                                                                                            Additionally, we offer commercial waterproofing solutions to all shops, offices and businesses. We also undertake new building constructions. Also, we carry out renovations.

                                                                                                                                                            Professional waterproofing

                                                                                                                                                            For years Australian Construction has provided professional waterproofing services in Ballarat. Our clients include businesses and homeowners. We offer the technology and expertise your business or home needs. As a result, you have adequate and long-lasting waterproofing.

                                                                                                                                                            Rooftop waterproofing

                                                                                                                                                            We install and repair rooftop waterproofing. Because of this, we serve Ballarat homes of all sizes and shapes. It includes homes with rooftop gardens. Therefore call us today for an obligation free quote! Rooftops are an essential part of the construction procedure. In addition, it is a vital element where waterproofing is concerned. Your rooftop presents the top of your building. 

                                                                                                                                                            Moreover, it covers all the habitable rooms. For this reason, it is essential to fit your rooftop with the correct kind of waterproofing product.  It is vital to work with an experienced professional like Australian Construction as well. Additionally, the waterproofer and builder should have effective communication. Because of this, no problems arise during installation.

                                                                                                                                                            The waterproofing contractor in Ballarat installs specialised rooftop waterproofing products. We apply these products to compressed cement sheeting. Additionally, we use them for concrete, insulated roof panels and structural plywood. We install durable and trafficable membranes. Due to this, it can be left open to the harsh sun in Australia. Alternatively, we can cover it up with pavers, decking and tiles. It depends on your preference.

                                                                                                                                                            Going green

                                                                                                                                                            Today more and more people are fixing gardens on their roofs. As a result, they beautifully use that extra space. This feature is called a green roof.’ Australian Construction is licensed to provide ‘Green Roof Membranes.’ We install these membranes on green rooftops. We mainly cover it using protection layers. After that, we offer soil, garden beds and drainage services. Call our team today for more data on rooftop waterproofing.

                                                                                                                                                            Swimming pool waterproofing

                                                                                                                                                            When your swimming pool suffers leaks, it mainly results in gradual water loss. Due to this, many times, the leaks are not noticeable. In the end, you incur heavy financial losses due to lost water. This water loss affects the environment as well. 

                                                                                                                                                            We have years of experience in installing and repairing swimming pool waterproofing for pools. Moreover, we handle pools of all sizes and shapes—for example, we waterproof indoor pools and spas. We provide services to clients all over Ballarat. As a result, we help in protecting homes from expensive repairs linked to moisture damage. Our team offers expert installation and leak detection. We offer crack repair services also.

                                                                                                                                                            Our services cover below ground spas and pools. Also, we cover wet spaces all over the home—for instance, waterproof laundries, bathrooms, rooftop gardens and backyard decking. Waterproofing water-retaining structures involves a careful procedure. Therefore work with an experienced company like Australian Construction. Moreover, we use top quality waterproofing materials. 


                                                                                                                                                            At Australian Construction has the essential experience. Given this, we ensure safety, compliance and efficiency. So, we deliver wonderful outcomes on terrace waterproofing. We also carry out efficient leaking balcony repairs in Ballarat. More importantly, all our works adhere to the applicable Australian Standards. For additional information about our waterproofing works, call us today.

                                                                                                                                                            We look forward to giving you the best waterproofing services in Ballarat!

                                                                                                                                                              Hervey Bay Waterproofing Contractor

                                                                                                                                                              Brilliant Waterproofing Contractor In Hervey Bay | Aus Construction

                                                                                                                                                              Hervey Bay Waterproofing Contractor

                                                                                                                                                                At Australian Construction, we undertake exceptional waterproofing services. Moreover, our services are affordable. Because of this, our waterproofing contractor in Hervey Bay is popular among businesses and homeowners. We provide residential and commercial waterproofing. Additionally, our team waterproofs over tiles. 

                                                                                                                                                                We have vast experience in installing waterproofing membrane systems. Additionally, we carry out remedial works to aging homes. Also, we help with your balcony and bathroom renovation. Our team supplies and installs a suitable waterproofing membrane system for your work. 

                                                                                                                                                                Wet areas

                                                                                                                                                                Water ingress is the leading cause of building defects. It happens due to poor artistry. Moreover, it occurs because of improperly installed waterproofing membranes. Due to this, you incur a costly repair rectification bill. Under these circumstances, Australian Construction appreciates the importance of proper waterproofing. Therefore we ensure quality is our top priority. But, more importantly, we follow Australian Standards. As a result, we provide optimal artistry and final products.


                                                                                                                                                                The waterproofing contractor in Hervey Bay uses only high-grade commercial products. Due to this, we ensure the durability of a rooftop membrane. We have many options for rooftop waterproofing. Therefore it will be our pleasure to advise you depending on your next project.

                                                                                                                                                                Water features

                                                                                                                                                                Does the water level in your water feature or pond constantly leak? Many times it occurs due to a malfunctioning waterproofing membrane. Under these circumstances, we use high-grade submersible membranes. Our team handles your water feature from beginning to end.

                                                                                                                                                                Basement leaks and minor concrete repairs

                                                                                                                                                                Australian Construction offers technical services. Given this, we use various top quality resins. We also use quality repair materials. Our team stops leaks through joints and concrete substrates cracks. Each circumstance varies. Due to this, there are various contributing factors. Under these circumstances, call us now for an assessment on site. We will determine how to handle the water entry. 

                                                                                                                                                                Retaining walls

                                                                                                                                                                Where existing and new retaining walls are concerned, you need to consider more than a waterproofing membrane. For this reason, our team also evaluates the form of substrate. In addition, they also consider the landfill grading and drainage.

                                                                                                                                                                Increasing damp

                                                                                                                                                                When dampness increases, it leads to significant expenses. Worse still, it poses a health hazard. Are you experiencing a moisture issue? In that case, the waterproofing contractor in Hervey Bay has the solutions to solve it.

                                                                                                                                                                Negative side waterproofing 

                                                                                                                                                                Is your retaining wall leaking? Or are you unable to reach the wall from the positive side? In this situation, the answer may be negative side waterproofing. So, we use a blend of resin and grout (pressure-resistant). In addition, we include unique hydrostatic membranes. Therefore, we stop the water from seeping into the basement. We also prevent the water from entering through below-grade walls, leading to an unsightly appearance.

                                                                                                                                                                Polyurethane injection

                                                                                                                                                                Maybe your basement is leaking. Or perhaps the water is seeping through joints and cracks. Fortunately, we have the answer! In this situation, we utilise a blend of specialised waterproofing grouts and resins to stop the leaks. Additionally, this is an affordable way of stopping leaks from below side situations. It also prevents leaks from negative side situations. Our competent team undertakes this procedure without removing tiles, pavers, topping slabs, etc. So talk to our waterproofing contractor in Hervey Bay today!


                                                                                                                                                                At Australian Construction, we have a highly trained team of experts. Due to this, they handle your issues cleanly and fast.  They have the skill and experience to repair coating and water coating problems. It ensures that we give you watertight waterproofing installations. Also, we complete your concrete repairs cost-effectively.  We give each job a written guarantee. So whether you have a new building or are renovating, we can eliminate any current water issue.

                                                                                                                                                                We look forward to hearing from you today for the best waterproofing services!